In the factory director's office, Lin Yu took the two plans in his hands, compared them carefully, discarded the first plan, and studied the second plan carefully.

In this plan, there are two ways to get to Saudi Arabia from here. One is to use airlines to transport this batch of equipment to Saudi Arabia in the name of medical supplies.

The second route is to use a boat to start from the port, finally land at the port of the Gulf of Aden in Yemen, and then proceed along the road.

The idea is good, but the main problem is how to transport this section of road in Saudi Arabia and who will transport it.

As we all know, as long as there are more than three people, a secret is no longer a secret, that is, the news is known to the whole world.

It is certainly impossible for the Saudis to allow the Iranians to appear on their territory with equipment. The same is true for the Milk Tea Party formed with the help of the Iranians.

It's good enough that I didn't beat you up, but you still dare to cross my territory with weapons?

His fingers kept tapping on the plan. After a while, Lin Yu said softly: "I can only help contact Awad, and I think it is best for you to contact the Lebanese officials now and ask them for help. coordination."

"If the Iranians were transporting equipment across Saudi territory, to be honest, I can't believe that such a crazy thing happened!"

After explaining to Hassan, Lin Yu took out his cell phone, walked to the balcony, estimated the current time in Saudi Arabia, and estimated that the uncle had already gotten up, so he recalled the number and then dialed it.

The call didn't come through the first time, and it didn't come through the second time. It wasn't until the third time that the voice from the other side came to answer the call. Then, Awad's slightly surprised voice came from the other side:

"Mr. Lin Yu, have your missiles landed?"


"So is there anything you want to talk about?"

"I want to talk to you about Iranians."

"They asked you to be their lobbyist?"

"No, Israel sent a declaration of war to Lebanon. The Lebanese got some rockets from me and wanted to transport them back, but they were afraid of problems when crossing the Suez Canal, so they wanted to transport the equipment to you by ship first. There, I’ll borrow the road from you to transport the equipment back.”

"How much is one point?"

"About...100 rounds?" Lin Yu answered hesitantly, because he didn't know exactly how many the production department had produced.

I just know there are quite a few.

"100 rounds, little..." The person opposite heard 100 rounds and was about to agree, but halfway through the sentence, he seemed to react and screamed loudly:

"The kind of missiles that Lebanon used to attack Israel two days ago?"

Listening to his screams, Lin Yu didn't dare to answer because it was really difficult. Lin Yu didn't say anything, and Awad also figured out one thing, that is, his guess was not wrong!

The next second, an even more violent scream sounded:

"Are you all crazy? Who has the courage to let you release 100 rounds of these missiles running around the country?"

"No, has your production capacity reached this level now?"

"Some time ago you only took out 9 rounds, and now you can take out 100 rounds. Tell me honestly, are you really ready to make a move?"

Listening to his furious questions, Lin Yu did not answer, but chose to change the topic: "To give you face, next time you come to China, I will treat you to delicious food."

"This is not a face..." He was still half-sentence. The sound of Awad's heavy breathing kept coming over the phone. Amid the gasps, he changed his words:

"It is impossible for Iranians to appear on our soil, we will not even allow pilgrims, let alone armed personnel."

"There is a compromise, which is to let the Lebanese official's own people transport together with our people."

"The people we selected are also elite, and it is absolutely impossible for them to leak secrets."

"Of course, the more important thing is to pass quickly, as fast as possible, so as not to attract the attention of the Americans."

"If you can agree, I will go find my brother right now. If you can't agree, this phone call today is just a daily greeting between our friends."

After saying this, people on both sides could hear the breathing coming from the other side. It was very heavy, indicating that the other person was thinking.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and remained silent. After several minutes, Lin Yu finally said, "Okay!"

As soon as the two words came out, a heavy exhale came from the other side, which was an exhale of relief.

Soon, Awad's response came from the other side: "I am going to the king now. After exchanging opinions with him, I will come over immediately."

"Hang up first!"

Listening to the beeping blind tone, Lin Yu looked back at Heckley and said, "The road on the Saudi side has been solved. You need to contact your country and dispatch elite personnel to prepare for the response."

"And on the road between Syria and Iraq, can any of you help?"

The questioning made the two hesitate. Under the rule of their former president, Iraq had constant minor conflicts with neighboring countries.

There are constant little conflicts, so...

After hesitating for a moment, Heckley raised his head and said: "We have help in Syria, but we can't find anyone with enough strength in Iraq."

As he spoke, he turned his attention to Hassan. If he remembered correctly, Lin Yu had been saying that this guy and his people were active in Iraq and might be able to help.

But facing Heckler's gaze, Hassan shrugged his shoulders helplessly, sighed with his hands, and looked helpless.

Then he explained: "Our people are mainly active in the northern mountainous areas. We can't control the southern area and the western desert area for the time being."

"And I think there are almost no people in this area."

"If we are fast enough and pass through before everyone reacts, then there will be no problem."

This explanation with some gambling connotations made Lin Yu couldn't help shaking his head. He sighed, took out his mobile phone, walked to the balcony, and called Rhodes.

As soon as the call was connected, an impatient voice came from the other side: "My dear friend, what good news do you have for calling me?"

"No good news." Lin Yu responded and told the whole story. The other side was silent for a long time. Just when Lin Yu thought that the other party would not help, the response came:

"I am looking for someone to help me. I will transfer a battalion of troops to the western desert border to make a show. In this way, there will be no other people around."

"When the time comes, I will send you the location of this battalion, and you will pass through them quickly."

"Then I will contact Kava and ask them to make some moves in the southern region, so that the attention of the Americans will be attracted, which can ensure that you can pass better."

"Contact me when you are ready."

"Hang up."

After hanging up the phone again, Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the two people. The relaxed expression on his face was also captured by Hassan and the others.

He also relaxed his tense face.

In their expectant eyes, Lin Yu told Rhodes's plan, but concealed Rhodes's second step plan.

Knowing that the road problem had been solved, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, especially Hekle, who came directly to Lin Yu, opened his arms, and hugged the person in front of him:

"Mr. Lin, you are our eternal friend of the Lebanese. I have participated in military transactions with other countries several times before."

"But only with you, I feel what a true friend is."

"If one day in the future, our area is truly quiet, I would like to invite you to our Beirut beach to experience the Mediterranean scenery."

"I can guarantee that it is definitely the most beautiful scenery in the world, more beautiful than any other country."

"I will." Patting Hekle's shoulder hard, Lin Yu comforted: "Now that the land road has been opened for you, then hurry up and prepare to ship the equipment out."


When it comes to serious matters, Hekle's old face immediately became serious. He nodded to Lin Yu, turned around, and after a brief exchange with Hassan, they left the office together.

After closing the office door, Lin Yu walked to the window and waited silently for the two figures. Two minutes later, the two figures appeared in front of him. The other party stood at the intersection and looked back. The three of them looked at each other and nodded to each other.

Then they turned around.

On the other side, the Saudi Royal Palace.

After hearing the whole story from his own brother, Sayid felt that this was a good opportunity.

It was not a good opportunity to reconcile with Iran, but an opportunity to show his attitude to the outside world.

He sorted out the whole thing in his mind, then turned around and said to Awad:

"You don't need to go to China, you stay on our territory, follow this matter from beginning to end, don't reveal any information throughout the process, and do it well."

"If there is no fighting in Lebanon, then everything will be fine. If there is a fight, then find a way to leak this news."

"Give the Americans and others an attitude that if we are pushed to the limit, we don't mind cooperating with Iran."

"By doing this, we can divert part of the Americans' attention to Iran, and we can also take the opportunity to do something else."

"Do you understand?"

Awad nodded thoughtfully. In recent years, as America has digested the legacy of the Soviet Union, their attitude towards the outside world has become more and more aggressive.

Especially in the Middle East, if it was only America that was aggressive, it would be fine, but there is also Israel.

One is annoying enough, let alone two.

If he took the opportunity to show his attitude, he could gain enough benefits for Saudi Arabia, but it was a little unkind to the neighboring brother countries.

But after thinking carefully for a while, he carefully hid his shame.

For the sake of this country and his own good life, he would not be a human being. At most, he could compensate them in other places.

He nodded and began to communicate with Sayid about the details.


In eastern Iraq, in East Baghdad, Kavani was busy at the oil pipeline construction site in a worker's uniform.

Originally, they had to find ways to hide their identities in East Baghdad.

Now, as the construction of these oil fields and oil pipeline projects begins, they have become part-time workers. Today they work on this pipeline project, tomorrow they work on that highway project, and they work for a daily wage. They start work at 8 am and work until 6 pm, eat a meal in the middle, and then get paid on the same day.

They worked for two days, rested for one day, and then used another day to attack the Americans. After the attack, they went to the next construction site. With the skills they learned at other construction sites, they easily broke into the construction site.

Their equipment was also transported by a special person, which saved them a lot of trouble.

"Up a little!"

"Down a little!"

"Left a little!"

"Right a little!"

"Good! Perfect!"

With a few simple Mandarin sentences, Cavani and several companions sent the steel pipe on the crane to the base accurately.

First fix it with a buckle, and then start fine-tuning with a crowbar. After more than ten minutes, the steel pipe is connected. One of the companions skillfully picked up the welding equipment, lay on the pipe, and carefully began to weld.

Cavani and others stood by, half-squinting their eyes, carefully watching their companions operate.

The most lacking thing in the construction of oil pipelines is welders, but the least lacking thing is also welders.

There is a lack of advanced welders who can weld the gaps of pipelines perfectly, but there is no shortage of stupid welders who weld themselves in the pipe and can't climb out.

Of course, the purpose of observation and learning, in addition to mastering a technology, is more importantly to be lazy.

At this moment, an Arab came over, looked at the weld with envy, and then chatted with Cavani and others.

After a while, after confirming that no one was looking at this side, the Arab worker whispered to Cavani:

"Mr. Mustafa's instructions asked us to make a big move in the southern region. The movement must be particularly loud, so as to attract the attention of the Americans. The danger is a bit high."

"What's the purpose?" Cavani asked.

During this period, they were also receiving training. During the training, there was a sentence that he remembered very clearly.

That is to let the soldiers under his command understand the mission and why they are doing this mission!

Hearing his question, the Arab worker quickly glanced around and explained again:

"Mr. Mustafa's original words are to help the Lebanese attract attention. They are going to transport some equipment and pass through the western region."

The four words "western region" made Cavani understand it all at once.

He has been in the East Baghdad area and the southern region for so long, but he has not been caught. He mainly relies on first-hand intelligence collection.

He naturally heard about what happened in Lebanon. Even during this period, the number of American patrols has also decreased.

Some of this was the result of their frequent sneak attacks, and the other part was that some of the American soldiers seemed to have been transferred away.

Multi-line operations!

Very good!

Very good!

He nodded and responded quietly: "Reply to Mustafa, I will definitely make a big noise for him, which will definitely attract the attention of the American people."

"But you also have to tell him to be careful and not let our hard work go to waste."

"Okay!" Nodding in response, the worker suddenly jumped up, pulled out the wire of the welder next to him, and ran away cursing.

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