When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 188 I withdrew a letter of challenge! (Second update!)

North to the Black Sea!

Although Armenia is not close to the sea, its northern border is roughly flush with the Black Sea!


MD is really amazing!

At this moment, Dena didn't know what words to use to describe his feelings. He only knew that he wanted to become a C language expert.

Forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, he took out his mobile phone, found Hanks' number, and dialed it.

After calling several times in a row, the other party finally answered the call.

Without waiting for the person on the other side to speak, Dana spoke directly: "You should immediately report to the Ministry of Defense in the name of the Mediterranean Command and tell them not to stand for Israel."

"Russia's declaration is obviously not for the sake of wine, but for us. If we stand on the side of Israel at this time, they will definitely use Syria as a springboard and then enter Iraq."

"If we confront them in Syria and Iraq, we will spend a lot of money to conquer Iraq, and then the idea of ​​​​operating will be ruined, understand?"

"Of course, I gave you this call to ask you to put the report on aid materials in it."

"The masters of the Ministry of Defense will ignore the content of the small report because of the urgency of this matter, so you can get the money faster at that time."

"This is the only opportunity. If you miss this opportunity, you will miss it!"


After hanging up the phone and looking at the documents on the desk, Hanks felt more and more that it was a mistake to come here. He was hesitating whether to find a way to move himself to Japan.

Go there to enjoy life.

But the only trouble is that Japan is not as profitable as here.

After thinking for a while, he threw the idea of ​​transfer out of his mind. This activity cost a lot of money, and he had to find a way to make it back.

You can't have your cake and eat it too, so you can only choose one.

Sitting back at his desk, he picked up a pen and began to write a report very seriously.

At the same time, Saudi Arabia.

As the base camp of Sunnis and the richest country in the Middle East, except for Egypt in the past, Saudi Arabia has always regarded itself as the big brother of the Middle East.

When Israel's declaration of war fell into Said's hands, the king who had lived for decades could not figure out why these people issued this declaration of war.

Can't they just attack by surprise?

Or is there an ulterior conspiracy in it, and the declaration of war is just to cover up this conspiracy.


He looked up at his brother and asked softly:

"Awad, nothing big has happened around us recently, right?"

Awad scratched his head. As a brother, he could understand Sayyid's thoughts. After thinking carefully for a long time, he shook his head gently:

"No, the only big thing that can be considered a big deal is that Lebanon got nine missiles from somewhere and slapped the Israelis hard."




After getting confirmation from his brother again, Sayyid took the information, his chest rising and falling. After a long time , he slapped his wallet on the table:

"Since the Israelis want to fight, tell them to fight!"

"Send a message to Hanks in Qatar and tell these people that if Israel really starts a war, we will take action."

"Also, let our missile forces start to maneuver!"

"Finally, send a message to several neighboring countries and tell them that they must share the same hatred of the enemy."

"Whether to fight or not, we must show our momentum!"

As the king, Said has absolute control over Saudi Arabia. After he issued the order, the army of the entire country began to maneuver quickly.

As he said, even if we don't fight, we must show our momentum.

Across the sea, Egypt.

Seeing the declaration of war issued by Israel, the Egyptians were very hesitant. After the end of World War II, the then Egyptian president took advantage of the end of World War II to unite the people and launch a counterattack against England and recapture the Suez Canal.

This move made Egypt the big brother of the Arab world, and it was unparalleled for a while.

However, this glory gradually disappeared with the death of the old president. Finally, because of the agreement with the Israelis and the sale of Palestine, Egypt fell from the position of the big brother and never recovered.

Now, after receiving the Israeli declaration of war, the parliament was divided into two factions. One faction believed that the Israelis' claim of only reaching the Red Sea had nothing to do with them.

The other faction was more direct and chose to use a stool to hit these cowardly turtles, and then said excitedly:

"We can take the opportunity to ask for support, you pigs!"

So, after physical negotiations, Egypt reached a consensus that once Israel went to war with the Arab world, they would participate in the war.

At the same time, the Israeli Ministry of Defense and Defense Minister Simon looked at the huge group of people in front of him. He wanted to ask, are your brains just for numbers?

However, he couldn't ask, because he felt that talking to these people was a waste of his mood and saliva, and at the same time, it made him look ignorant.

Because it would be a waste of your brain to say more to these people!

But after watching for a long time, he decided to say a few words.

His eyes fell on Deputy Minister Perez, and he asked in a voice as gentle and calm as possible:

"Excuse me, my dear Mr. Perez, on what grounds, or on what positions or ideas did you issue such a declaration of war?"

"Do you know how many enemies such a declaration of war will make for us?"

"Yes, America is very strong, but the problem is that the Americans cannot be on our land at any time and anywhere. There will always be times when they are not there."

"At this time, as long as the Arabs move faster, have more weapons, and hit us directly, the losses will be ours!"

"Moreover, I don't understand why you said the time of the attack and prepared according to this time."

"Are you sick?"

Faced with his questioning, Perez first slowly adjusted his tie, then sat up straight and began to look Simon in the eye. There was no fear in his eyes.

There was even pity in his eyes, the pity that the superior has for the inferior, and can see the future of the other party at a glance.

It seems that the person in front of him is not his boss, but a street cat and dog.

With a long sigh, Perez turned his head, looked at the others beside him, and said calmly:

"This plan has been supported by most people in our Ministry of Defense, Parliament, and even the President. It is not a brainless plan as you said, Mr. Minister."

"On this point, I hope you will correct it, otherwise, it will be very detrimental to your career."

"As for why this plan should be announced, it is very simple. After entering the new century, the combat effectiveness of our army has been rapidly improved!"

"Especially in the previous defensive shield operation, relying on new regulations and relevant policies, our soldiers have been able to fight one against a hundred, and can confront the army of any country in the world head-on!"

"In the near future, our country will be revived at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the prosperous Jewish Empire that led the world's changes thousands of years ago will be re-presented to the world!"

"And everything we do is working towards this goal!"

"So, we think we should make a change at this time, a big change!"

"That is to find out who are our opponents and find all these potential enemies!"

"Now, as we expected, almost all the surrounding Arab countries have responded to the declaration of war we issued."

"So, we should not have any mercy on these people. They all deserve to die. Even if they don't die, they have to be shackled and become our slaves!"

"Besides, we issued a declaration of war, but we didn't say that we should follow tactical actions?"

"In about 20 days, the supplies we purchased from England and France will arrive, and then we will directly launch an attack, so that those people will wait foolishly until February 14th!"

"Let them wait until February 14th in wailing!"

Perez shouted the last sentence loudly. After he finished speaking, other people in the conference room raised their hands and applauded and supported his words with practical actions.

Seeing the actions of these people, Simon knew that his situation was over. Now, he was no longer in charge of the Ministry of Defense.

He wanted to do something to stop these people from leading Israel into a ditch, but the eyes of these people were so sharp that they hurt his eyes.

He knew that in the current situation, no matter what he said, these people in front of him would definitely pretend to obey and do the opposite.

With a long sigh, he patted the table again and said softly:

"Since everyone thinks that this declaration of war is correct, I will assign tasks now."

"Perez, you are responsible for coordinating with America to let them replenish our ammunition. In this war, the logistical ammunition supply must be sufficient."

After the voice fell, Perez did not move. When Simon reached out to pat the table again, the other party finally turned his head, glanced casually, and said: "Mr. Minister, you don't have to worry about these tasks. I have arranged them."

Before he finished his proud words, the door of the conference room was suddenly knocked open from the outside. A staff member of the Ministry of Defense rushed into the conference room and said breathlessly: "Just received news that Russia has dispatched two An-124s and is flying to the Middle East!"

Hearing this news, the eyes of the people in the conference room instantly became clear.

An-124, the world's second largest transport aircraft, was designed by the Soviet Antonov Design Group. It is code-named "Ruslan" in Russia and "Condor" in NATO.

The empty weight is 173 tons, the normal take-off weight is 392 tons, the maximum take-off weight is 405 tons, and the crew is 6-7 people.

It is mainly used to transport large military equipment and facilities such as tanks, missiles and bridges.

Combined with the previous announcement issued by Russia, a group of people's eyes have become clearer!

Even if you use your toes to guess, you can guess what is pulled in it, S300 air defense missiles.

Dog things, actually playing for real!

Russia itself has military bases in Syria, but you can think with your ass that they will never deploy air defense missiles at military bases.

These air defense missiles are likely to appear east of the Golan Heights. Once Israeli fighters take off and appear near the Golan Heights, they have a reason to launch an attack!

And the greater possibility is that these anti-aircraft missiles will be lost on the day they arrive, and then appear in Lebanon!

Simon sneered at the main seat of the conference table, and a trace of contempt appeared in his eyes.


He stood up and said to the staff of the Ministry of Defense who rushed in: "Go and withdraw the letter of challenge, just pretend that nothing happened, and then continue to make the preparations."

After explaining, Simon turned his head and glanced at Perez, snorted coldly, and walked out of the conference room.

The people in the conference room kept watching him leave until his footsteps disappeared in the corridor, and then they cast their eyes on Perez.

Being swept away by others, Perez stood up without emotion, as if the person who was snorted just now was not him.

After getting up, he walked to Simon's seat and sat down, saying: "Our Minister Simon has his own unique insights in tactics."

"But he is not loyal to God!"

"So I think he should be sent to God and confess his mistakes in front of God. What do you think?"

These people did not speak, but slowly raised their hands and supported with actions.

After the Israelis issued the declaration of war, people all over the world were paying attention. Everyone wanted to know whether the Israelis would act according to their declaration of war.

But before the final action was taken, they witnessed the withdrawal of the declaration of war with their own eyes.

What is this?

This is licking back the spit you spit and eating back what you shit!

The relevant analysts quickly analyzed the reasons why Israel withdrew the declaration of war from the clues they obtained.

After learning the reason, a group of people were even happier.

Brother, be normal. You just looked rebellious and recovered. It was not for anything else, but mainly because you wanted to see your plane being hit by anti-aircraft missiles.

Others were watching the fun, but Hassan was looking at the map.

Because he had to find a way to transport the rocket launcher in Lin Yu's hand to Lebanon.

This transaction was not open to the public, and he had to confuse as many people as possible.

Prevent friends from being exposed.

The most important point was not to let the Americans notice and cause trouble!

Staring at the map, calculating with a calculator for a long time, and making countless phone calls, he finally determined two routes.

The first one was to transport the rocket to Pakistan by ship, then go by land, pass through Iran, enter Turkey, then enter Syria from Turkey, and finally enter Lebanon.

The second one was to enter Saudi Arabia first, then pass through Iraq from Saudi Arabia, then pass through Syria, and finally enter Lebanon.

After weighing several times, he chose the second one in his heart, because if a war really broke out, the rocket had a range of 200 kilometers, and it didn't need to enter Lebanon at all. It could be launched directly at the Saudi border or the Iraqi border.

As long as it could hit Israel, it would be a victory.

After deciding on the plan, he took the map and walked to Lin Yu's office with Heckle.

These two plans still need a little help.

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