Listening to the sudden ringing of the phone, Luo Ping turned the steering wheel, pulled the car over, and said, "Answer it. Maybe there is something wrong with Kang Fei again."

Sighing, Lin Yu pressed the answer button and said to the phone in a bad tone:

"Kang Fei, I think you'd better give me an explanation, otherwise, I think the after-sales department needs to change someone!"

His threat worked. On the phone, Kang Fei quickly said the reason for the call: "Kent! That Englishman Kent just contacted me."

"He said he has arrived at the Magic City Airport and will probably come to Lanling tomorrow. He also said he brought new orders, but these orders need to be shipped urgently."

Listening to the news on the phone, Lin Yu couldn't help frowning. England is far away in Europe, and they haven't launched military operations elsewhere recently.

Generally speaking, so much charge is not needed.

Even if the current system needs to be replaced, it can be done slowly. There is no need to use the word "expedited".

So, England, this dog thing, should make some moves recently!


He kept repeating this word in his mouth, and after a long time, his eyes lit up.

Maybe it wasn't England's fate, but they received an order. Someone ordered a batch of weapons from them, and the person who ordered the weapons was in a hurry, so they needed to expedite the order.

At the moment, there would be no one else except Israel who could make England so anxious.

Connecting these messy threads together, Lin Yu sat up straight, looked ahead and said: "Drive, back to the base!"

In the base, Heckler and Hassan sat face to face, with a map of the border between Lebanon and Israel in the middle. They each held a red pen and pointed at the map.

"I think the Israelis will definitely carry out ultra-low-altitude bombing like last time. We have enough anti-aircraft missiles ready to shoot down these planes."

Hassan sneered at Heckler's guess. He drew a line on the map with a red pen and pointed at the line and said:

"If it were me, I would definitely launch a sneak attack, directly attack your capital with missiles, and then bomb with bombers."

"After the bombing, we will directly use an armored brigade as the core to break through your border line and directly attack the town. We will not fight a security war with you, but only a destruction war."

"Mainly focus on destruction, destroy your infrastructure, and leave after the attack. We will not give you a chance to drag your feet."

Hassan said, the red pen in his hand never stopped for a moment. He said a word and drew a circle on the southern border. In this red circle, there were small towns.

As he drew more and more red circles, the entire southern region was soon filled with red circles, which were particularly dazzling under the incandescent light.

Looking at his strategy, Heckler nodded in agreement, but soon shook his head, then looked up at Hassan and said seriously:

"But you are not an Israeli, they are not as smart as you think..."

This sentence directly broke Hassan's defense.

As a generalist, he was most annoyed by this situation. He worked hard for a long time and put all the possible considerations into it, but he did not consider the IQ of the opponent.

He still remembers that in the textbooks where they studied combat, there was a typical negative case, that is, the Israelis built a sand wall in the war against the Egyptians, trying to block the Egyptians' attack.

But they never expected that the sand wall they worked so hard to build was destroyed by the Egyptians with a fire truck without any suspense.

But it was such a person who provoked wars again and again in this small piece of land in the Middle East and survived intact.

God is really blind.

Thinking of this, he looked at the map in front of him again. The red circles on the map were extremely eye-catching at this moment.

With a sigh, he picked up the tea on the table, poured it on the map, and then picked up the rag next to him and carefully wiped the map.

At this moment, Lin Yu walked in, looked at the side for a while, and then said to Heckle: "Just received news, the Israelis seem to have ordered a batch of weapons in England."

As soon as this was said, the two people next to the map looked sideways instantly, and at the same time, they were more curious about Lin Yu.

Military equipment procurement is generally divided into two situations, secret procurement and public procurement.

Public procurement, political use is greater than military use, which is equivalent to sending a signal to the outside world, that is, I have a hammer in my hand, and I have also found a big brother to help, don't do it.

Secret procurement is mainly for military use, quietly taking the equipment, quietly using it, and then quietly taking out the purchased equipment when a real crisis occurs, surprising everyone!

But what Lin Yu said is obviously referring to secret procurement!

This friend's source of intelligence is very wide!

After a while, without waiting for the two to ask questions, Lin Yu raised his shoulders and said:

"But don't worry, they can't compete with you in terms of production capacity. What you need to do now is to find transportation equipment and ship the equipment back as soon as possible."

Hearing the urging words, Heckler and Hassan looked at each other, and also understood the urgency of the matter. They nodded to each other and turned around and left together.

After sending the two away, Lin Yu turned around and handed the list given by Nicholas to Dolby.

There were not many items on the material list, but the quantity was quite large.

Looking at these numbers, Dolby regretted why he was obsessed with listening to Lin Yu's nonsense.

Now I work overtime every day!

With a long sigh, he grabbed the list, plunged into the workshop, and started busy.

Lin Yu chased after him and handed over some other information. Then he returned to his office and went into the foreign Yahoo military forum to search for relevant information.

After searching for a while, he couldn't find any news about technological breakthroughs related to America, but he found a rather peculiar post. The name of the post was Israel's war on all Arab countries.

It was sent out less than 20 minutes ago and is still very fresh!

Out of curiosity, Lin Yu clicked on this post. On the first floor of the post was a screenshot.

[According to the Bible, this land stretches from the Indian Ocean to the east, the Mediterranean Sea to the west, the Red Sea to the south, and the Black Sea to the north. This land is the promised land given to the Jews by God!

Thousands of years ago, the Arabs stole this land. Now, we are going to launch a jihad to drive out all the Arabs on this land and take this land back!

Therefore, we announce that we will launch a comprehensive military attack on Lebanon at 12 noon on February 14th to achieve this goal!

At the same time, any ship transporting supplies from the Mediterranean to Lebanon will be our target!

The code name for this operation is Operation Saint Valentine! 】

[Published by: Israeli Ministry of Defense]

Seeing this screenshot, Lin Yu suddenly remembered a classic scene. The Israeli held up a Bible at a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly and said that the land was the promised land given to them by God.

But the problem is, Jesus was denounced by them and then hanged.

Then according to the Bible, Jesus, the son of Jehovah, sold someone else’s son, and then asked someone else for land.

This logic is a bit unsound!

With the mentality of having fun, he continued scrolling down this post, trying to find the source of this screenshot.

But the post was full of curse words.

The ones who criticized the most fiercely were Vietnamese netizens.

It's all about fuck, without any other words, it's all about feelings.

Continuing to scroll down, he finally found the source website he wanted, copied the link, pasted it on the browser's search page, hit Enter, and the URL jumped.

After the circle was completed, the screenshot he had been looking for appeared in front of him and appeared on the screen.

After staring for a while, Lin Yu opened another browser, found the official Israeli website, jumped a little bit, and finally jumped to the corresponding website of the Ministry of National Defense, where he also saw the announcement.

After reading it, he gave an evaluation.


And like him, there was also Roots who made the same evaluation of this behavior.

At this moment, the Mossad director has completely transformed into a C language master and a desktop cleaning master, constantly outputting C language in his office.

"Is there something wrong with those people in the Ministry of National Defense? They haven't fought enough wars all day long, right?"

“Listen, hear this, God’s Promised Land extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the west, the Indian Ocean to the east, the Red Sea to the south, and the Black Sea to the north?”

"Does it mean that the trouble you have caused is not big enough? Does it mean that you don't have enough opponents?"

"You still issued a challenge, and you also agreed on a time to issue a challenge? Do you think you are very smart?"

Listening to the C language that their director kept outputting, a group of Mossad people sat on stools and did not dare to express their anger.

They also want to scold, but the problem is that the people who make these decisions are high-level people.

They are just little miscellaneous fish. To deal with them, the top management only needs a word.

But if the top executives are quarreling with each other, then there is no problem. They call it an exchange of interests.

I don't know how long it took, but Roz was so thirsty that he stopped the C language output, turned his head, and started arranging tasks.

"Spend all your hands, especially the two countries Saudi Arabia and Iran. You must do one thing, that is, regardless of any trouble they have, this information will appear on my desk in half an hour at most!"

"The remaining people in Syria in the north will be watched by me. If the National Defense Forces launch an attack, the Syrians will most likely take the opportunity to attack the Golan Heights. You must have good intelligence!"

"If the Syrians are going to launch an attack, then I need to know how many people they have, how many guns they have, how many bullets they have, when they will launch the attack, and how they will launch it. All these must be clarified for me!"

"Then Egypt in the south, tell those trash guys directly that no Lebanese ship will be allowed to pass through the Suez Canal!"

"If it passes, they will bear the consequences!"

"Our subordinate special teams are also ready at any time. Once the situation is discovered, they will immediately snipe and kill key targets. There must be no mercy!"

"Go and make arrangements!"

After receiving the order, these people stood up one by one, walked past Roz, and disappeared into the corridor.

After everyone left, the big director jumped on his feet again and began to output C language, but this time, it was more violent and faster.

Just as furious as him, there was Hanks, sitting in his office. Hanks held his head in his hands, his eyes were blurred, and he kept saying ***

He didn't understand. If he wanted to fight, wouldn't it be better to fight quietly?

Isn't it good to quietly send equipment and personnel to the border, and then launch a sudden attack to gain an advantage before the other party can react?


They even made a Bible declaration.

Isn't this just giving people a handle and handing over your tail to others?

If everything the Bible says is useful, then unfortunately, besides Israel, there is another country in the world that can claim sovereignty over this land.

You know, in other countries, there is an authentic, adjusted version of the Bible, and their Bibles are full of brotherly love and harmony.

It's much better than the dark Bible here!

Forget it, I'd better pretend to be dead and do my own business well.

If I had known this, I shouldn't have come here to move, I should have gone to Japan to be the emperor there.

Sighing, he picked up the phone and called Dana.

On the beach in Florida, after listening to Hanks's story, Dana rolled on the beach with laughter. After a while, he told the other party a good news:

"My contacts are preparing the materials, which will be shipped in about a week. You can find a good reason and report to the Ministry of National Defense."

"Get the funds as soon as possible, complete the procedures, and we can share the money regardless of whether the other side fights or not."

The person on the other end of the phone heard that the materials were ready, and threw the curses behind his head and turned to busy himself.

After hanging up the phone, Dana looked at the beach in front of him and suddenly laughed happily.

Just as he laughed loudly, a small head suddenly popped out from the side, it was a child.

The child looked at him and asked seriously: "Uncle, why are you laughing so strangely? Are you going to die?"

The child's innocent question interrupted Dana's laughter. He grabbed the phone and stood up, and walked towards the rented villa.

He wanted to confirm the authenticity of the news and beware of Hanks' fraud.

Soon, he found the news that Hanks said. After confirming that the news was true and valid, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The McCain family is his great benefactor!

At first, he had some complaints about the McCain family for prying his position. Now, he can only say that the McCain family is his benefactor, and this position is well-pried, very well-pried.

After dealing with these stupid dogs for a while, he will definitely become a stupid dog!

The mouse continued to slide down, and he was happier and happier looking at those abusive messages.

But soon, a brand new message appeared in the post, and Dana's good mood collapsed at this moment.

[Russian Ministry of Defense News: In view of the fact that the declaration issued by Israel has seriously threatened the sovereignty of the signatories to the Collective Security Treaty, we will support some Arab countries including Lebanon with some air defense weapons to resist the unreasonable demands of some people. ]

Following the address posted by the poster, Dana searched all the way and found the Russian Ministry of Defense, and also confirmed the authenticity of the news.

After confirming the news, he started to curse again.

The announcement issued by Israel and your collective security treaty...

Before he finished his curse, he thought of a country on the Black Sea.


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