Greer spoke reluctantly, and Lin Yu naturally understood what he meant, but he did not interrupt. Next to him, Sunia nodded in agreement when she heard the suggestion.

The establishment of the Milk Tea Party is itself the result of their external exports. Moreover, if a war does break out this time, and if the Milk Tea Party shows a strong side in the external war and wins, then they will be able to further advance in Lebanon. Strengthen their reputation.

Maybe in the next election, they may become the ruling party in Lebanon.

On their Iranian side, they can naturally control it remotely through the Milk Tea Party.

No matter how you calculate it, it's all earned with blood.

As for the Mr. Greer in front of him, if his party loses the election, then he may have to say goodbye to the position under his butt.

After going through these possibilities in his mind, Sunia raised his eyes to look at the Arab in front of him, and at the same time cast a look of reverence at him.

This is a pure person, a person who is willing to sacrifice for the country. If it were someone else, perhaps the first consideration would be the position under his butt and the money in his pocket.

After weighing the pros and cons, they chose to reject the suggestion, and then walked away without looking back. From then on, everyone was on separate sides and working against each other.

Thinking of this, Sonia stood up, bowed deeply to Greer opposite, and said emotionally: "Mr. Greer, I believe that one day in the future, when there is complete peace in the Middle East, everyone will remember you. , the decision was made today.”

Unfortunately, Greer did not appreciate his good intentions. After all, by agreeing to this suggestion now, he was actually emboldening his political opponents.

He rubbed his face with both hands, stood up, returned the same salute, and then said with a straight face: "This negotiation will be in the dark, and no one will remember it."

"I will remember!" Lin Yu suddenly added with a smile. When the two of them looked at him at the same time, he sat upright, the smile on his face became serious, and replied seriously:

"I will remember that if you can't find the record in the future, you can come to me."

"Just like our ancestors have recorded information about you during these thousands of years!"

If he was serious, both Sonia and Glaer would look at him in unison to confirm that he was not joking. They looked at each other and said thank you at the same time.

After discussing some more details, Sunia and Greer came together and raised their right hands to each other.

Seeing both parties raising their right hands and touching each other with a crisp snap, Lin Yu knew that the contract had been completed!

This hasty negotiation has already produced a result.

When the other party took back his hand, Lin Yu raised his hands and clapped, and said at the same time: "In our custom, when cooperation is achieved, we must have a good meal."

"I have prepared finger food for you two. It may not be to your taste, but I can guarantee that it is absolutely delicious."

He brought a few people to the guest house and asked the canteen to deliver special rice and drinks. After eating and drinking, Sunia said goodbye directly.

He needs to arrange for people to enter Lebanon, which will take a lot of time.

Lin Yu and Greer walked him to the factory gate. As they watched Santana go away, Greer suddenly said to Lin Yu:

"Mr. Lin, thank you. Without your mediation, it's hard for me to imagine what kind of requests Sunya would take the opportunity to make based on his habits."

"On behalf of my countrymen, I would like to thank you."

After dealing with a troublesome matter, Lin Yu returned to his nonchalant demeanor. When Greer bent down to thank him, he stepped aside and then said with a smile:

"If you want to thank me, then buy more weapons. We are too poor to open the door."

When he heard that he was asked to pay, Greer instantly regained his shrewd Arab appearance and began to count on his fingers:

"We purchased 50 million worth of equipment before, and the remaining goods have been delivered, but in the future, we should have a lot of rocket launcher development funds of 100 million yuan left."

"I think Mr. Lin, you can take out all the subsequent trial products this time, and we can have a blast at once."

"What did you say? Development funds? Where are the development funds?" Lin Yu started to pretend to be deaf and dumb, then asked loudly, and soon disappeared in front of Greer.

Watching him leave, Greer had no unnecessary words or actions. He turned around and looked at Hercule and said:

"Staff Heckley, the matter here has been resolved, I will go back first. After you get the weapon, come back as soon as possible to avoid a long night."

"You still have to be careful with the Iranians. They want to control us from the beginning to the end."

"That's all I have to say, let's go now."

After explaining Heckley, Greer did not stay too long, because on the surface, he was still visiting Russia.

By the window, Lin Yu watched Santana drive away. He waited until Santana's car disappeared around the corner of the road before he looked away, turned around, picked up the phone, and dialed Lu Huaxi.

"Director Lu, we just sent Greer and Sunia away. The two of them have temporarily reached an agreement that is not an agreement."

"The Iranians entered Lebanon to fight in the name of the Milk Tea Party, and Lebanon provided them with equipment."

"With this agreement in place, the situation on their side should be a little clearer."

"For the specific situation, I will write a report and have it sent to you!"

"OK, all right."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yu took out the letter paper from the drawer, spread it out, put the pen on it, and only wrote a title.

The phone on the table rang again.

It was Kang Fei from the after-sales department.

"Director, Nicholas, who traded with us last time, has appeared again. He just contacted me and said he wanted to buy a batch of expired equipment and some humanitarian relief supplies. Look."

Expired equipment?

Hearing this word, Lin Yu's mind was a little confused.

Since the tractor started to be sold, he threw the people in the after-sales department to the automobile manufacturing company and asked the automobile manufacturing company to open a separate warehouse for them to use as an after-sales office.

At the same time, he was also responsible for some specific customer contacts.

He could understand that Nicholas contacted the after-sales department, but he didn't understand why this guy wanted to buy expired equipment?

It was different from the XXX in the movie who left the arsenal and could use it to rule the world as long as he got the arsenal.

All weapons and equipment, due to manufacturing process reasons, will have a "shelf life". After this shelf life, the weapons and equipment can be used.

But there are certain unstable factors.

But people who use equipment need stability. Food that has just expired for one or two days will not kill people, but if unstable weapons are used, once an explosion occurs, people will be injured or even die.

It's very troublesome.

Now, Nicholas, this bastard, wants to purchase this kind of equipment specifically. Who is he going to give it to?

The black uncle in Africa?

But the problem is that the black uncle in Africa has already suffered from the disease of the maid's body and the lady's heart. Now he also wants to get good equipment and no longer looks down on the backward equipment.

What's more, it is expired equipment with no quality assurance!

In addition to equipment, this guy also wants to buy humanitarian relief supplies. What does this bastard want to do?

Who is he going to rescue?

There is a conspiracy, a huge conspiracy, and there is also a lot of fun!

After moving his hands a little, Lin Yu said to the other end of the phone: "Tell him to wait for me in your office. I will be there in two hours!"

After that, he hung up the phone, put the notebook on the table back into the drawer, locked it, took out a new notebook and put it in his pocket, and then walked out of the office happily, called Luo Ping to go to Lanling together.

The road creaked after the snow, and Lin Yu was sitting in the car, swaying from side to side.

After swaying for more than an hour, the car drove into the Rhine Automobile Manufacturing Company. In a warehouse in a corner, he saw the radiant Nicholas.

Compared with the last time they met, this time, the guy's face was flushed and he was smiling all the time, as if he had eaten a large spoonful of bee shit.

As soon as he saw Lin Yu, he rushed over, hugged Lin Yu and complained loudly: "My dear Mr. Lin, you finally showed up. Do you know how hard I've been waiting for you?"

"Come on! Sit down first."

He took over the guest's role and pulled Lin Yu to sit on the chair, then sat down next to him and continued:

"This time, Mr. Dena needs about 20 million US dollars of light weapons and humanitarian relief supplies, which are the 56 submachine guns you sold before."

"Of course, an invoice must be issued, an invoice of 40 million US dollars, and the bullets should preferably be those that are about to expire or have expired."

"Then there are CL20 and high-performance gunpowder, which will be increased to 40 million this time, but an invoice of 80 million must be issued."

"The invoices for these two must be separated, and you must remember them."

As he said this, he took out an unwritten envelope from his arms, put it on the table, and pushed it in front of Lin Yu.

Beside him, when Nicholas began to speak, Lin Yu opened his notebook and carefully recorded the request.

After the other party finished speaking, he did not respond in a hurry, but crossed his legs and asked back with a playful look on his face:

"Mr. Nicholas, I remember that you promised something when we traded last time. Now, can you tell me?"

"Also, where are you going to use so many light weapons?"

"I am a businessman, but I have a bottom line."

After hearing the word bottom line from Lin Yu, Nicholas sat up slightly, and his butt moved a little from the stool, leaving only half of his butt sitting on the bench.

Then he said to Lin Yu carefully and flatteringly: "Mr. Lin, how dare I forget your instructions?"

"I sold the batch of materials you sold to me to several warlords in Africa."

"I can guarantee this!"

"Then they sent General Dena's batch of materials to California, to Avenal Chemical Manufacturing founded by Mr. Greb."

"Two days after the harvest of the materials, the Ministry of National Defense organized personnel to inspect their research and development results, and the inspection opinions were unanimous."

"That is Avenal Company. After day and night research, it finally accidentally The difficulty of mass production of CL20 high-performance explosives has been solved."

"This is a major breakthrough, which can greatly enhance America's military strength."

"Newspapers have been distributed within the military, and the news should appear on the Internet in a few days."

"Subsequently, the Ministry of Defense will purchase this explosive and then use it for production by its own weapons manufacturing companies."

"Which companies are they? I will send them to you as soon as I get the information."

After the flattering voice fell, Lin Yu sat on the stool and kept turning the pen in his hand. He was thinking about how many truths and lies this guy said.

In this world, there are only a few countries that have a complete artillery shell manufacturing system.

African brothers buy CL20 to bomb mines?

This news can be shared with domestic companies that have business in Africa. If it is verified, then we can figure out the business context of this guy.

Then at the critical moment, put a stumbling block.

As for America... let's wait a few days for their own people to leak it. Maybe these bastards will go around and sell these things to make a profit?

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Lin Yu threw these messy thoughts out of his mind, opened his eyes and looked at the person in front of him, nodded, and said with a smile:

"The cooperation on explosives will continue, and I can also find the cheapest rescue supplies for you."

"But for light weapons, I have to ask other brother companies, because we don't produce this stuff."

"Just wait here, I will probably get a reply to you tomorrow morning."

After instructing Nicholas, Lin Yu closed his notebook and stood up, shouting to the door: "Kang Fei, take Mr. Nicholas to Lanling for two days."

"Don't neglect our guests!"

After Kang Fei walked into the room and explained some details, he walked out of the room with a breeze.

On the way back to the base, Lin Yu took out his cell phone and called Lu Huaxi again: "Director Lu, it's me again, yes, something's up."

"The white gloves from America came over again and told me two things."

"The first thing is that the CL20 we sold has become their breakthrough under the operation of the other party, and the new batch of purchases has increased to 40 million US dollars."

"The second thing is that Dana needs a batch of expired light weapons and humanitarian relief supplies, with a total price of about 20 million US dollars."

"I can handle the humanitarian relief supplies, but I don't have light weapons here."

"Where will they be used?"

"I guess it should be the Iraqi side, they should also be ready to go down and support some armed forces."

"Will you go to those foreign trade companies to coordinate customization? Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yu leaned back in the seat and stretched out, looking lazily at the windshield.

After looking at it for a while, he suddenly turned his head and asked Luo Ping: "Lao Luo, if I give each of you working people 20,000 yuan on New Year's Eve, what would you buy?"

The snow on the road was thick, and Luo Ping was driving carefully. Hearing this sentence, he subconsciously turned the steering wheel.

But fortunately, he was skilled and quickly got the car back on the right track. Then, he said indifferently: "The New Year is on January 31 this year. Everyone is busy stocking up during this period."

"If you give money on New Year's Eve, you won't see anyone on the road unless you have informed those merchants in advance!"

"Buy something?"

He asked a question, and then immediately answered: "Buy a hammer!"

The voice was loud and powerful, very firm.

But as he finished speaking, Lin Yu's phone rang again.

It was Kang Fei again.

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