When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 185 Seek common ground while reserving differences! (Second update!)

Lin Yu's suggestion made Heckley a little surprised, but he soon figured out the reason why Lin Yu said that, because those big brothers could not do anything serious except causing trouble.

And he is also very naive, with a kind of innocent innocence.

As a special operations staff officer, Heckley likes to review several Middle East wars for others when he has nothing to do. But every time he reviews, he will scold the people at the time, from beginning to end, starting from his eighteenth generation ancestors. I'm still scolding you now.

If those birdmen had been less naive, if they had been a little crueler, if they had moved a little faster, if they had been a little bolder, if...

Unfortunately there is no if.

Shaking his head, Heckley quickly followed Lin Yu and asked:

"If I don't call our Arab brother, who should we call? The Ottoman brother? Or..."

He didn't ask the last sentence, and after his pause, Lin Yu also stopped, turned around, looked at him and asked:

"You already have an idea in your mind. Do you still need me to explain?"

This question made Heckley stand there and scratch his head. The Iranian people have been dealing with each other since 1979, but they were limited to dealing with each other. As for further cooperation, there was no such thing.

Because those people have brain problems and always want to control others.

Seeing the hesitation on his face, Lin Yu suddenly said: "I can help you contact them, and at the same time, provide you both with a safe place for negotiation. Do you want to help?"


The voice was very soft, but it made Hercule take a breath. He never expected that the friend in front of him actually knew someone from Iran, and hearing this, his level was not low!

After hesitating for a moment, Heckley nodded and replied: "Get in touch. Dealing with these people is better than being bombed to death by the Israelis."

"I'm going to contact the country here and see what they think."

"Okay!" With the reply, Lin Yu turned around and left. He was pressed for time and didn't know if he could contact Hassan. I hope he didn't die in Iraq.

Behind him, Heckley quickly followed, and the two of them quickly walked into the factory director's office. In front of him, Lin Yu picked up the phone, found a notebook from the drawer, opened it, and with a calm smile, Called Hassan.

The first time, no one answered.

After waiting for a few minutes, Lin Yu dialed the number again, but no one answered. He put down the phone, waited for about seventeen or eight minutes, and dialed again.

But still no one answered.

At this moment, the calm smile on his face disappeared, and he was a little embarrassed. His fingers crossed the dial keys, and he said to Heckley with an embarrassed face:

"It's over. This guy may have died in Iraq. Can you contact me over there?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone in front of him rang. It was an unfamiliar number.

After frowning for a while, Lin Yu picked it up casually: "Hello, this is Rheinsteel Group. Who are you looking for?"

"Director Lin?" The somewhat awkward tone was a very familiar voice, it was Hassan!

Hearing this unexpected voice, Lin Yu quickly covered the microphone and nodded to Heckley: "Hassan, don't talk."

After instructing the person on the other side, he said to the other end of the phone: "Mr. Hassan, I have a friend from Lebanon here who wants to talk to you about something. For serious business, it's best to have a friend who can make the decision."

After listening to what I wanted to say, there was only heavy breathing on the phone. After more than ten seconds, a roar came from the phone:

"Are you behind the whole thing in Lebanon? What do you want to talk about?"

"It's not that I want to talk, it's my Lebanese friends who want to talk. Let me correct you again. If you want to talk, buy a ticket now and get on a plane and come over quickly. Your Lebanese friends will probably arrive tomorrow."

"Hang up!" After saying the request, Lin Yu hung up the phone without waiting for a response from the other party. Then, before Heckley could ask the question, he explained: "This is called playing hard to get, learn from it."

"Who are you sending here?"

"I don't know, I have to ask." After saying that, he spread his hands, turned around and walked out of the office towards the guest house.

In the east 3.5 time zone, on the border between Iran and Iraq, in a transit base belonging to the Revolutionary Guards, Hassan put down the phone with a clear face, turned to the person next to him and said:

"Drive back to Tehran."

"Huh?" The teammates next to them were completely stunned. You know, they were doing trouble in Iraq some time ago. They just withdrew a week ago and rested in Tehran for a few days. They just arrived here last night, rested all night, and were preparing to enter. Iraq, sending equipment to the opposition forces they support.

Going back now?

How about just playing around with this?

Seeing the unhappiness on his teammate's face, Hassan didn't explain too much, just patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's go."

A few minutes later, a pickup truck drove out of the stronghold and drove towards Tehran at top speed.

Four hours later, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Guards in Tehran.

Hassan rushed into Commander-in-Chief Suniya's office and put his hands on the opponent's desk:

"Stop checking, I know where the missiles in Lebanon's hands come from."

"Ah?" Sunia raised his head and looked at the people in front of him with a blank face. Within the Revolutionary Guards, most of them were old and new, and Hassan was half his student and half subordinate.

He knows who he is as a person, otherwise he wouldn't be entrusted with important tasks.


"Are you serious?" he asked doubtfully.

Now the entire Middle East and the entire Arab world want to know who is the god who has such a big hand and directly gave nine missiles.

Although the range is a little short, the power is really great!

"Yes!" Hassan answered affirmatively, and then said excitedly: "About 4 hours ago, the other party called me and told me that the Lebanese official wanted to talk to us!"

Lebanese officials, do you want to talk to us?

Asking himself a question in his mind, Suniya stood up and asked excitedly: "Are you sure it's official?"

"Yeah!" Heckley's affirmative tone also made Sonia squint his eyes, think for a moment, and ask:

"That Queen of the East?"

"Yes!" Hassan answered affirmatively. As soon as he finished answering, Sunia couldn't wait to ask: "Where is the negotiation place?"

"This is where we bought our equipment!"

"Then I'll go there myself!"

"it's not good!"

"There's nothing wrong with it. The Soviet Union has fallen. I want to see with my own eyes this country that has appeared countless times in our historical records!"

"Then I'll make arrangements!"


"This is our Deputy Minister Greer. He happened to be in Russia these two days. After receiving my news, he rushed over from Russia overnight. What about Iran?"

Listening to Hassan's introduction, Lin Yu shook hands with the old man in front of him, then looked at the time and replied, "It should be here."


As soon as he finished speaking, two horns rang outside the building. Lin Yu stuck his head out of the window, only to find that he was there to pick up someone, and Luo Ping was back.

He got out of the car and opened the back door. A middle-aged man who looked to be in his 40s, with a little white hair and a dignified air walked out of the back door. He raised his head and glanced around, and finally looked directly at Lin Yu. When he saw the person at the window, he nodded slightly to say hello.

The co-pilot of this car, Hassan, opened the door and got out of the car. He came to the middle-aged man and whispered a few words. Then the two of them followed Luo Ping and walked into the administration building.

In the small conference room, Lin Yu took out the remaining Dahongpao and kept brewing it there. A few minutes later, the door to the conference room was pushed open, and Luo Ping looked over: "Director, Mr. Sunia is here."

Lin Yu stood up following the voice, came to Suniya and Hassan, raised his finger and pointed opposite Greer: "You two, please sit down, there is no need to be formal, you can treat this place as your home."

After seating the two of them, he personally served tea to the people on both sides. Then he turned his head and said to Sonia:

"You two can ignore me. If you have any ideas, you can tell Mr. Greer directly. I am just a backdrop."


Reaching out to touch the tea cup on the table, Sunia did not speak to Greer, but looked at Lin Yu curiously and asked:

"I would like to ask, what is Mr. Lin's basis for brokering this negotiation?"

Very standard Arabic.

"I don't have any position. I am a pure businessman. I am a businessman for profit." Lin Yu kept circling his fingers on the table.

When Sunia was about to speak again, he said first:

"Friends in Lebanon can bring benefits to me, and you can also bring benefits to me, so I decided to broker this negotiation."

"That's all."

"However, in order for this negotiation to be successful, I can give you a suggestion. This suggestion is to ask you to give up the long-arm jurisdiction of the Soviet model and provide real help."

This sentence made Sunia feel uneasy, you...

Why are you so anxious to participate in this negotiation? The main reason is to take advantage of the situation and get something from the Lebanese officials. Now it would be better for you to just say a word and kill your ideas in the cradle.

What else are you negotiating for?

What's negotiable about this?

I had to pay for my air ticket, 10 or so people had to travel back and forth with flights and accommodation, and more than 100,000 US dollars were missing!

Do you really think that your money was blown away by the strong wind?

His expression slowly turned gloomy, and then he stared at Lin Yu with his eyes and asked, "Then you mean to make our trip in vain?"

Seeing that the man in front of him had lost interest in negotiating, Lin Yu felt a little bored. He held a teacup in both hands, drank the tea in the cup, and then said calmly:

"It won't be a waste of time. At least I can give you some suggestions."

"First of all, if you Middle Eastern countries want to get rid of the status quo, there is only one way, and that is to unite together."

"However, you don't have the habit of unification like us, so if you want to unite, the necessary prerequisite is that everyone abandons the past, completely dismantles the old concept, jointly proposes a new concept, and then actively integrates it."

"Anyway, you Revolutionary Guards are quite confused now. As the saying goes, beating children on a rainy day means you are idle."

"It's better to try this direction and seek common ground while reserving differences with neighboring countries. At least it won't make you feel more uncomfortable."

"But when implementing this concept, you have to be careful not to repeat the mistakes of the Soviet Union."

"Because you have this tendency now."

The calm words he spoke slowly fell into the ears of others, but they were like a bolt from the blue.

Especially Sonia, as the commander of the Revolutionary Guard, he thought he was a madman, a very radical madman, but he didn't expect that in a distant foreign country, he would meet someone crazier than him.

But the problem is... what the other party said makes sense.

For thousands of years, the Middle East has experienced the Romans, Arabs, Persians, Mongols, and Ottomans.

It has long been a mess. Instead of holding on to old ideas, sticking to the rules there, clashing with others, and wasting the already pitiful resources, it is better to smash it directly and seek common ground while reserving differences.

As soon as this idea emerged in Sonia's mind, it was completely fixed and could never be removed.

He sat on the chair, rubbing his forehead with both hands, and breathing heavily at the same time.

Seeing his commander like this, Hassan stood up suddenly, staring at Lin Yu with his eyes wide open: "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything! He just gained enlightenment in Longchang." Lin Yu continued to answer slowly, and his eyes were also staring at Sonia.

Waiting for the other party's answer.

A few minutes later, Sonia raised her head, closed her eyes, and whispered to Lin Yu:

"I will keep your advice in mind and help Lebanon do what we should do."

"But there is one thing, that is, I want to know, on what basis do you judge that we must unite if we want to live a normal life."

"That's not my judgment." Lin Yu admitted generously, and then he took out a few books with yellowed covers from the drawer of the conference table in front of him and pushed them in front of Sonia.

He tapped with his hands and said with a smile: "A long time ago, the great man of our country made a judgment."

"I am just repeating his words now."

"These books are given to you by me. If you think you can read them, then read them. If you can't read them, let Hassan bring them back to me. They are all unique copies. Don't damage them."

"Since you have decided to help Lebanon, I will help you get some equipment."

"Anyway, they have already given the money, so it would be a waste if you don't do it."

"What do you think?"

On the opposite side, Sonia's attention was all on those books. After a long time, he didn't hear any sound. He raised his head and looked at Lin Yu with a little confusion, then suddenly woke up, nodded to Grayer on the opposite side, and said:

"I agree!"

"Then dear Mr. Grayer, we need to discuss now how our people should enter Lebanon, and how to arrange the relevant personnel after entering."

Beside the conference table, Grayer, who had not spoken the whole time, was a little confused when he heard this.

He really wanted to ask, didn't I come here to negotiate?

How come you two agreed after talking so much and it was so confusing?

Although he had many questions in his mind, he suppressed all these thoughts in the face of the crisis and said:

"In order to show our sincerity, we will purchase enough standard weapons from Mr. Lin for you to use."

"As for the name, I think Arkema should be very willing for you to fight in his name!"

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