When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 184: After losing conscience, you can earn more! (First update!)

These few words enlightened Hanks.

At first, he just couldn't find the direction, but now he has found the direction, and all kinds of messy reasons filled his brain in the blink of an eye.

Is it okay if you just can't leave?

Then send all the troops to Iraq and conduct a large-scale search operation. If you move on your side, there will be no support on the Israeli side, so it is highly likely that you can't move.

If you delay a little, it will probably be June before the operation is completed. Then you can find another reason and delay for another year.


However, I always feel that something is missing. I am obviously the boss of this place, but I have to deliberately avoid others.

After holding the phone and thinking for a moment, he asked the other end of the phone:

"General Dana, according to your opinion, should I do something?"

"Do something?"

Dana, who was on vacation at the beach in Florida, heard this question, rolled his eyes, showed a strange smile on his face, and then whispered:

"It depends on what you want to do. If you just don't want to get involved in these disputes, you can spread this news all over the world."

"If you want to make money, you can take advantage of the conflict between the two sides and do some small things."

After giving his suggestion, Dana put the phone aside, stretched his body, and continued to lie leisurely on the beach chair.

The McCain family, starting from the old McCain, has four generations of a family serving in the navy, and even produced two four-star admirals. Although the old McCain's rank of admiral was conferred after his death, it did not prevent the McCain family from flourishing.

Now, McCain has retreated to the second line and become a member of Congress, but his subordinates and the soldiers he led in those days are still filling every corner of the navy.

Even I, more or less, had received help from McCain.

With his naval background, it would not be wrong to have a good relationship with them, at least it could help his son eliminate an invisible opponent.

He was waiting for Hanks' response, Qatar, Hanks was also thinking about why Dana's attitude had changed.

You know, when he was active in this position, he almost snatched the peach from Dana. Although the rank of lieutenant general was still there, but... the money was lost.

After thinking for a long time, Hanks still didn't understand why. In the end, he could only attribute Dana's change of attitude to his fear of the McCain family.

With a long sigh of relief, he put the phone to his mouth and whispered:

"General Dana, do we want to cooperate and sell equipment to Lebanon together?"

However, he didn't expect that as soon as he finished speaking, there was laughter in his words, a very rampant laugh, a very sarcastic laugh.

This laughter was extremely annoying, and it fell into the ears, making people want to beat the person who laughed to death, and then grind his bones and scatter his ashes.

But unfortunately, the man on the other side is far away in Florida and cannot be killed.

Restraining his irritability, Hanks calmly waited for the man on the other side to finish laughing. After a while, Dana stopped laughing and asked:

"How much does the equipment cost? And if you buy equipment, doesn't that cost money?"

"I'll tell you how to do it. You use the name of the Middle East Command to report to Congress, saying that you need a sum of money to buy some relief supplies and distribute them to Lebanon and Syria."

"Then when you get the money, you don't have to buy supplies. You just need to take a few boxes to the port of Lebanon and take a few photos, and then you can do it."

"Finally, remember to find an accountant to balance the accounts. It's better to find two suppliers and issue a few fake invoices."

"As for selling equipment, it's impossible to sell the equipment we have, and at this time, where can you get a large amount of equipment..."

"I really have a place where I can get a large amount of equipment."

Dana suddenly changed the subject, but he only said half of his words and stopped talking.

The voice on the other end of the phone suddenly disappeared. Hanks knew that it was Dena who was thinking about whether to tell others about the place where he could get a large amount of equipment.

He was not in a hurry.

In life, the most important thing for a person is his ability, and the second most important thing is his connections. Few people will share their connections with others.

Because you can't know a person's face or heart, if you introduce a connection to others, the other party may turn around and take away the connection.

Since Dena said he had a connection, it means that he has already made up his mind to sell equipment to Arab countries.

All he can do is wait, because he is now the local emperor in the Middle East. In this small piece of land, if he coughs, everyone here will have to be careful to deal with it.

And Dena is now in China, and the county magistrate is not as good as the current one. If he wants to do this business, he can't get around him!

After several minutes, the voice on the other end of the phone rang again, and the content of the words was just as Hanks expected.

"I have a way to get China's scrapped equipment. The price should be relatively low and the quantity should be relatively large. If I sell it to Arab countries, I should be able to make a lot of money."

"Besides, no one will ever link these things to us."

"Do you want to do it? If you do, get ready now. I will arrange someone to contact them. We will split the profits 50-50."


The voice was very gentle, but it sounded like a bolt from the blue to Hanks' ears, because this was simply an outrageous opening to outrageous things. It was outrageous to the extreme.

In his guess, he thought that Dena would be able to accept the Russians and get a lot of equipment from them.

But he never expected that the way Dena mentioned was actually the Chinese!

In addition to being shocked, a young face suddenly flashed through his mind.

He remembered the young Chinese man who was neither humble nor arrogant in front of him. Facing his intimidation, the other party kept smiling and polite, then signed the contract and ran away.

The question that flashed through his mind two days ago appeared again, flashing in his mind, tempting Hanks to come forward, break the question, and then ask the bottom of it.

No wonder Dena called him personally. With such a way, it is almost a gold mountain, an endless gold mountain!

Why didn't he encounter such a good thing?

After taking a few deep breaths, Hanks stared at the floor with red eyes and said to the other end of the phone:

"General Dena, I did this. I am responsible for sales and contacts in the Middle East."

"And you are responsible for delivering those equipment to me."

After receiving a response, a very slight laugh came from the other end of the phone, and then Dena's response came:

"My dear General Hanks, in the near future, you will be glad that you made the right decision today. Let's make money together!"

"I will arrange for someone to contact you, and you will open up the sales channel as soon as possible. Hang up."

Listening to the busy tone, Hanks took the phone and walked to the window. Through the window, he could see the soldiers in this base, who were busy with their work in the setting sun.

The golden light hit them, making these people look like heavenly soldiers.

After calming down his excited heart, he picked up the phone and called his duty officer:

"Come over here, I have something to arrange."

After more than ten minutes, the duty officer left with the order, and Hanks returned to his desk, picked up a pen, and neatly wrote two Chinese characters on the white paper in front of him.

Lin Yu.

And then put a question mark.

It had just fallen in the evening in Qatar, and it was already late at night in China.

In the office of the director of Rheinsteel, Lin Yu kept pacing in the room with his hands behind his back. He was waiting for someone, a guest from afar.

Although this guest had only been back for a few days, as the saying goes, a day without seeing is like a long time. This guest had been back for three or four days, and more importantly, this guest would bring what he wanted.

After turning around for an unknown number of times, someone knocked on the office door from outside. It was a very light voice: "Director, Mr. Heckler is here."

The sudden voice disrupted Lin Yu's steps. He turned around and shouted: "Come in!"

With a creak, the door was pushed open. Luo Ping stood at the door. Next to him was Heckler, who looked tired and carrying a silver metal box.

Seeing Lin Yu, he raised the box in his hand and said with a smile: "Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission and the data has been sent back!"

"While I still remember it, ask me if you have any questions."

Looking at Heckler's greasy face and his sunken and dark eye sockets due to fatigue, Lin Yu felt a little reluctant, but still picked up the phone on the table and called the rocket launcher R\u0026D team. Then, he took Heckler to the R\u0026D team's laboratory.

In the laboratory, Heckler carefully took out the CDs one by one. After taking out one, he explained the information stored in the CD.

After the CDs were taken out, all that was left were various reports. When the last report was sent to the rocket launcher R\u0026D team and passed the inspection, Lin Yu found that Hekle's tense face was obviously relaxed.

Then, the special staff officer from Lebanon leaned back in his chair and began to doze off.

The R\u0026D team also took the various data he provided and began to verify the previous calculations.

"The GPS feedback signal is a bit weak. We need to strengthen the signal reception, and it is best to use a new chip."

"In the captured footage, the flight trajectory is the same as the footage taken at the northwest launch site at the time. The rocket's tail fins need to be adjusted."

"In the southern border area, Israeli air defense missiles were launched for interception. Two of them almost hit the target. The speed of the rocket was not fast enough. The charge needed to be adjusted. The propellant research and development team should speed up the adjustment of the mix ratio and select a few more mix ratios."

"The final calculation result of the accuracy is satisfactory. Although this is a rocket launcher and only needs to do fire coverage, this thing is cheaper than a missile after all. If it can do what a missile does, the missile can be used elsewhere."

"To improve the accuracy of the strike, satellite positioning and the rocket's own calculations are required. The chips we bought do not have enough computing power."

"Change to a stronger chip, or use several chips to form a matrix to speed up the calculation."

"Come on, Mr. Heckle, do you think our rocket launchers are troublesome to launch? If it were you, which aspects do you think should be optimized?"

"According to the information you provided, nine rockets destroyed a total of five buildings, 5 roads, do you think this power is not enough? "

"Mr. Heckler..."

The questions one after another rang in Heckler's ears, making him tired to deal with them, but he was very happy.

Because this kind of rocket launcher will eventually be sold to them!

The more carefully he answers now, the better this rocket will be!

Amidst the questions, a few snowflakes floated in from the open window and landed on Lin Yu's head.

Feeling the coldness of the snowflakes, Lin Yu turned his head and looked out the window.

It was daybreak.

The dark sky had snowed without anyone noticing, and a layer of cotton had already covered the ground.

After stretching his stiff neck, he stood up, pushed away the people from the R\u0026D team surrounding Heckler, and said:

"Stop for a while, it's dawn, go eat something, then take a nap, and talk about it at noon."

Sitting on the chair, seeing the people from the R\u0026D team stand up, Heckler quickly pulled them, cast his eyes on Lin Yu, knocked his chest with his right hand, and said: "It's okay, I can handle it."

"I'll give you all the data here, I have to go back quickly."

"By the way, how many experimental products can we take back this time?"

Lin Yu scratched his head, carefully recalled the data that Dolby said, and raised four fingers: "About 40, slightly optimized based on the previous ones."

Then, he pointed his right hand to the table on the table and the CDs:

"Of course, without these data, the performance will be slightly worse."

"No problem, no problem!" Heckler waved his hands repeatedly, and was about to continue talking to the people from the research team. The next second, Lin Yu lifted him up with one hand.

Then he dragged him out without saying anything, muttering as he walked:

"People are made of iron and rice is made of steel. If you don't eat, you will be hungry. Israel won't act so quickly, so why are you in such a hurry?"

"If you delay more things because of your body being worn out, you will be the sinner."

Being dragged out, Heckler had no complaints. He waved goodbye to the research team with a smile on his face. When Lin Yu dragged him to the stairs, he stood up straight, patted the dust on his butt, followed Lin Yu, and walked to the guesthouse.

On the way to the guesthouse, children who were wrapped like dumplings by adults rolled in groups of three or five in the snow and made snowmen.

When Lin Yu passed by, these little guys grabbed snowballs and swarmed over.

Of course, he would not show weakness. He rolled a solid snowball on the ground and smashed all these little guys into the snow directly.

Looking at the happy scene, Heckley said with envy:

"I envy you for living in a peaceful country, and the neighbors around you seem to be pretty good."

"Tell me, if Israel really goes to war with us, how can we get through this difficult time?"


Lin Yu took a breath, and even stopped making snowballs, and then several snowballs hit him on the forehead.

Reaching out to wipe the snow off his forehead, he sighed lightly and continued to move forward with Heckley, explaining as he walked:

"Whether the neighbors are friendly or not depends on whether you are tough enough."

"If Israel really goes to war with you, the only way to solve it is to call people."

At this point, Lin Yu stopped, turned his head and said seriously: "You'd better not call your Arab brothers."

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