When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 181: Fellow countryman, there is something good! (First update!)

"Don't worry about this, old man. I have carefully selected my partners. They either have a grudge against the Israelis or the Americans."

"Or, they have a grudge against both."

"Once they get the equipment, they will focus on the Americans and the Israelis."

"What about England?" Lu Huaxi asked.

Lin Yu wrote two words on the table with his hands. Although there was no water, the sweat on his hands still made the two words complete.


His finger paused on these two words, and he continued to explain:

"England is a maritime power. Like Japan, they have a natural commonality, that is, the more chaotic the surrounding land powers are."

"The more capital and technology flee to them."

"This is also the reason why America was able to develop, because they are independent of the world island and are a large maritime power."

"They are now united as one, and are still digesting the legacy of the Soviet Union's demise. But what if some of them want to eat more and take more?"

"If someone eats more and takes more, it will inevitably cause a series of contradictions. People in European land powers will subconsciously go to a safe place!" Following Lin Yu's words, Lu Huaxi's eyes lit up and continued to add:

"But the problem is that these people will take away the original income of this country."

"People are gone, funds are gone, what else can be left?"

"Left a mess!"

At this point, the old man laughed strangely, and his laughter was particularly creepy.

Lin Yu took a half step back, distanced himself from him, and responded softly:

"I am not simply anti-America. If I was simply anti-America, why didn't I go to Russia?"

When Lu Huaxi heard Lin Yu mention Russia, he couldn't help but sigh, shook his head, and said, "I feel relieved with your words."

"You must remember that at any time, think twice before doing anything."

"In the next two days, you will sort out the data of this rocket launcher here and give me a copy. I will take it back and use it."

"Go and get busy!"

After hearing Lu Huaxi's words, Lin Yu turned and walked out of the conference room and walked towards the command center. He came out for the data. If he didn't take the data, wouldn't it be a wasted trip?

After sorting out the data, a group of people returned to Rheinsteel as quickly as possible.

Sitting in the conference room of the R\u0026D department, the people in the rocket launcher team quarreled.

"If the accuracy is not enough, add more explosives. Our satellite system is not mature enough now. Instead of spending a lot of effort on satellite guidance, it is better to add more explosives."

"But foreign countries have GPS. If we want to sell our equipment abroad, we must have this thing, otherwise there will be no highlights."

"The killing radius of one kilometer, is there any highlight?"

"Shut up, satellite guidance, long-range, this is the plan set by the factory director. Now, we need to solve the guidance module as soon as possible, whether it is GPS or our own, we must have it."

"Then come on! Hurry up and make the guidance module!"

"In fact, we have already made a rough version of the module last night, the GPS module."

"Hurry up and test it for me, simulate the test If the test is passed, we will put rockets on the ground. If the test is passed, we can sell it. No, even if the test is not passed, we can still sell it. "

"Fuck, are you still a human? This is dangerous goods!"

"Didn't the Lebanese come the day before yesterday? This thing is just not very mature in guidance, but as long as it flies to the opposite side, it will explode, right?"

"What if it flies in the wrong direction?"

"Wouldn't it be over if a remote detonation system is added?"

"...You are really good."

"I think the factory director will beat you to death."

"The factory director will definitely not, let's go to the factory director and see if he agrees."


In the factory director's office, looking at the young man in front of him, Lin Yu did not speak, but picked up the phone and shook it to Shi Ling's hand.

Soon, Shi Ling appeared in the office in a hurry.

After listening to the crazy ideas of several people, she and Lin Yu couldn't help but twitch their faces.

Sure enough, these guys who looked radical were too conservative in the eyes of these young people.

Lin Yu put his right hand on his forehead and thought carefully for a long time. He raised his head and said seriously:

"I will go to negotiate with someone, and your task is to bring me the best things. Don't ruin the reputation I have accumulated with great difficulty. Do you understand?"

"If you do it well, we will have a lot of rewards. If you do it wrong, we will also have punishments. So, don't put your radical ideas into me. Equipment needs stability."

This admonition made several young people put away their smiles, stand at attention in front of Lin Yu, and then shouted in unison :

"Guarantee to complete the task. If you fail to complete the task, Director! Tie us to the rocket and shoot us out!"

A few bold words shocked Lin Yu. He stood up, slapped the table, and shouted excitedly: "It's a deal, Sister Ling, you go to the production department later and ask Dolby to help you produce a large rocket with several places for them to tie on it."

"If there is a problem, tie them to it and launch it!"

Shi Ling knew that Lin Yu's words were mainly to calm these young people and let them know the height of the world.

She was not really going to shoot them into the sky. She agreed without a second of hesitation: "Okay!"

Then, the director of the R\u0026D department forcibly pushed the rocket launcher R\u0026D team out of the factory director's office. In the empty corridor, only her voice of scolding people kept coming.

"Let you be radical! Let you be radical..."

Listening to the voice in the corridor, Lin Yu picked up the phone on the table and called the guesthouse.

A few days ago, when he was still busy at the Northwest Base, Heckler arrived and wanted to see the progress of the rocket launcher's R\u0026D. At the same time, he wanted to take something back.

And his reason was very simple.

In the new year, there must be a new atmosphere. Since it is a new atmosphere, two fireworks must be set off. The bigger the fireworks, the better, because that will create a better atmosphere.

In the courtyard of the guesthouse.

Entering January, the temperature in the north began to drop.

And today is a rare good weather, the sun is warm, very suitable for sunbathing.

On the recliner, Heckler wrapped in a blanket, lying in the sun, leisurely enjoying afternoon tea.

There is no way. Lebanon is not safe, or the entire Middle East is not safe. It is unlikely to enjoy a cup of afternoon tea leisurely and then read the newspaper, because bombs may fall from the sky at any time and send people to see Allah.

Only in this mysterious country in the East, in this place with strict security under your feet, listening to the birds singing and the roar of equipment, holding a newspaper, and a cup of sweet afternoon tea.

This life is very comfortable.

At this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps came from the side. Heckle looked up and found that it was the beautiful front desk girl at the guesthouse.

The other party came to Heckle, nodded politely, and then whispered: "Mr. Heckle, our factory director is looking for you!"

Hearing that it was the young factory director looking for him, Heckle slapped the newspaper in his hand on the table, jumped up from the recliner, grabbed the clothes next to him, and rushed straight to the small administrative building.

When he came to the factory director's office, he tidied his clothes and gently knocked on the light yellow door that had some paint peeling off.

A moment later, a voice came from the room.

"Come in!"

He pushed the door and walked in. In the office, Lin Yu was not busy at the desk, but busy at the tea table next to him.

Before he got close, he could smell a faint scent of tea.

He sat down on the sofa naturally. Hekle raised his head and asked, "Are our goods ready?"

"No!" Pushing the tea in front of Hekle, Lin Yu sat down and continued to explain, "It's the rocket launcher that we cooperated with you. There are a few results at present."

"We need to conduct an important test, but this test is not easy to do in our country."

"Just because you are here, I want to talk to you."

Hearing that the rocket launcher that cooperated had results, Hekle was stunned and frowned.

What kind of test is difficult to do in this vast country?

He tilted his head, staring at Lin Yu with his eyes, and at the same time thinking in his mind, how true and how false this sentence is.

Being stared at, Lin Yu didn't blush or feel nervous. He continued to hold the teacup leisurely and blew the hot tea.

He kept staring at the person in front of him. He noticed that the other party wanted to speak, and explained before the other party opened his mouth:

"Satellite guidance, that is, GPS positioning. The location of our test site is top secret. If GPS is installed, it may be discovered by Americans when it is turned on."

"So this test can only be conducted abroad. I hope you understand."

After listening to the explanation, Heckler retracted his head thoughtfully. He wanted to find some arguments from his limited knowledge to discuss with Lin Yu whether this explanation was correct or not.

But he soon found that he could not find any arguments because Lebanon did not have relevant missile technology, so there was no way to talk about it.

After finishing the tea in his hand, he simply stopped hesitating and said directly to the young man in front of him: "Give us the rocket launcher, we will test it!"

"We will give you all the relevant data after the test."

"But, you won't charge for the test weapon this time?"

After asking this question, Heckler sat up straight, and then stared at Lin Yu in front of him with his big eyes.

He was waiting.

He had already given 100 million research funds, and the full amount had been received.

If the guy in front of him dared to say that this thing cost money, he would find a hemp rope and hang himself at the door of his office.

At that time, this would be an international dispute, and he would be skinned alive if he didn't die.

After being told what he was thinking, Lin Yu didn't show any expression on his face, and he still had a stern face and was still pouring tea leisurely.

After filling the teacup of the person in front of him, he spoke again:

"For this test, we will have several people go with us. I know the situation over there is very complicated, and some people have even defected to Israel."

"So, I need a promise from you, that is, to ensure the safety of my researchers."

"If anything goes wrong with them, I will kill you!"

The murderous words made Heckler's face become serious in an instant.

The researchers are going to Lebanon to obtain actual combat data in person, this...

He really wanted to agree to it, because doing so would allow Lebanon to obtain advanced weapons faster and better.

But the problem is that he is not completely sure, and he is not completely sure to guarantee that these people will not be harmed.

Because everyone's appearance is too different.

The army, the Chinese, and the equipment that suddenly appeared on the front line, it's hard not to think of something.

He thought of several plans in his mind, but he rejected them one by one in the end.

After rejecting the last plan, Heckler suddenly raised his head, looked at the person in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Sorry, my friend, I can't take your researchers to Lebanon."

"Because I can't guarantee their safety."

"If you can trust it, make a list of the data you need to collect for me."

"I guarantee with my life that these data are absolutely true and valid, and there will be no mistakes, and they will not fall into the hands of others."

After Heckler finished speaking, Lin Yu's face showed embarrassment very cooperatively.

But after a while, he slapped his thigh again and said carelessly:

"It's not that serious. Anyway, these data will be given to you in the end. I want to send people there, mainly because our people can get more data by seeing it with their own eyes."

"Since it's not safe, it doesn't matter if we fire a few more rounds."

"That's it. I will send someone to accompany you in the next two days to teach you how to collect data."

"Then at the same time, you will prepare the transportation tools, and I will ask the production department to prepare rockets for you."

"For the first time, we will prepare nine rounds and test the performance first."

Hearing that there were nine rockets, Hekle was overjoyed, because this was a rocket that could hit 200 kilometers, which is a small missile when rounded off.

In order to seize neighboring countries, Israel's main military forces are concentrated in the northern region, especially in the Golan Heights.

In order to consolidate their rule, they also built a large number of fortresses and some air defense systems in this area.

For more than ten years, these people have managed this area like an iron barrel.

If you want to attack these areas, you must invest a lot of manpower and material resources, and the attack may even fail.

Now we have rockets with a range of 200 kilometers, and they are guided rockets. Why attack the military camp?

Go straight to Tel Aviv, directly to their presidential palace, and behead them first. It doesn't matter whether we hit them or not. Just shoot first and then talk about it after the shooting!

At least we should vent all the anger we have suffered for so many years, and let these damn Jews know that the Lebanese are also angry!

With this idea, Hekle devoted himself to learning that afternoon, but soon he encountered a roadblock.

He had no problem communicating in Mandarin, but if he was asked to write these words, it would be a big problem.

In addition, the last time he signed the contract, he used English, and Lin Yu didn't notice it.

After figuring out that this guy was semi-illiterate, Lin Yu very considerately turned into a translator and translated a set of learning materials in Arabic for him.

After two days of preparation, he finally learned all the data collection, and then, with nine rockets, he set sail again and flew to Lebanon.

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