"Director, how long will it take?" A sudden voice woke Lin Yu from his drowsiness, and he opened his eyes and looked out the window.

The desolate Gobi Desert was already covered with a thin layer of snow, and the cold wind blew in from the window, bringing him back to his childhood.

He was frozen like a grandson.

While wrapping his clothes tightly, he remembered a poem.

The north wind rolled the white grass to the ground, and snow fell in the eighth month of the Hu sky. Suddenly, as if a spring breeze came overnight, thousands of pear trees blossomed.

It's a pity that the Gobi Desert in January is very cold, but because of the lack of moisture, the snow here is not heavy, only a thin layer.

There is no spirit of seeing you off at the east gate of Luntai, and the snow-covered Tianshan Road when you leave.

Four days ago, he and Lu Huaxi set the time for the test launch, and he immediately organized people to load the Blue Bird-1 into the car and set off all the way to the northwest.

Today is the fourth day of the departure, and they finally went west out of Yangguan and saw the vast Gobi Desert.

Perhaps because the weather was cold, there were not many cars on the road, and it looked a little lonely.

Rubbing his face vigorously, he turned around, looked at Shao Xiaofeng, and asked, "Old Shao, where are we?"

Take a look at the map in front of him, Shao Xiaofeng frowned, and handed the map in his hand to Lin Yu:

"Director, can you see where we are?"

"About ten minutes ago, I saw a mutton billboard."

Take the map, Lin Yu only glanced at it, threw it aside, and fumbled for the phone in his pocket.

The atlas rolled on the seat, revealing the name on the cover.

[The latest version of the National Road Traffic Manual in 1997]

The mobile phone screen lit up, and a signal in the upper right corner made Lin Yu feel like he had been pardoned. He quickly dialed Lu Huaxi's number, and after a short busy tone, he was successfully connected.

"Director Lu, we just passed a mutton billboard. I wonder how far it is from the place you mentioned?"

On the other end of the phone, Lu Huaxi was speechless when he heard his words, because the most advertisements on the roadside in the northwest are all kinds of mutton advertisements.

God knows which area he is talking about!

He took a few deep breaths and forced himself to suppress the desire to complain. He said to the phone:

"You keep going along the national highway. There will be a big river on the road. After crossing the river, keep going along the national highway. It will be at the end."

After the explanation, Lu Huaxi hung up the phone. He felt a little unsafe, so he simply arranged for the serviceman to drive to pick people up.

Three hours later, a group of dusty people appeared in front of Lu Huaxi.

Glancing at these people, Lu Huaxi missed his eyes and focused his attention on the container truck behind. If he guessed correctly, the equipment that needed to be launched this time was in this container.

After standing there for a while, he turned his head to look at Lin Yu who was walking over and asked:

"Are you sure you can hit 200 kilometers?"

Hearing the doubt in his words, Lin Yu tilted his head, and the leader of the weapons test team, Shao Xiaofeng, got out of the car, walked to the container, and opened the modified container.

With the help of the hydraulic device, the rocket launcher in the box also appeared in front of everyone.

There are three layers in total, three rounds in a group, a total of 9 rounds, neatly arranged in the launch box like a nine-square grid.

Afterwards, he climbed back into the car, started the engine, and the hydraulic sensor device slowly pushed the launch box from the flat state to a 45-degree angle and fixed it.

Pointing to the rocket sticking out of the launch box, Lin Yu explained: "Bluebird-1 rocket, 5.7 meters long, 400 mm in diameter. According to our theoretical calculations, the minimum range of this rocket launcher is 240 kilometers."

"If you want to increase the range, add more explosives. We have reserved space for adding more explosives."

"The warhead is fully loaded with CL20 high-performance explosives, with a charge of up to 400 kilograms."

"Inside the warhead, there is also reserved space for the installation of satellite guidance components. The satellite guidance components we have are a little bit worse, so we didn't install them."

"This time we came here mainly to test the range and the related flight attitude trajectory."

After explaining, Lin Yu asked the R\u0026D department to bring the relevant parameters and test item list, and handed it to Lu Huaxi.

Holding the list and the parameters on the list, Lu Huaxi realized how crazy these people were, because in their parameter report, there was actually an 850mm rocket launcher, a guided rocket launcher.

What is the difference between that and a missile?

After flipping through the parameter report, he looked at the truck in front of him again.

On the truck, the rocket launcher box pointed at the sky at a 45-degree angle, like an arrow drawn from a bow, waiting to be fired.

After staring at it for a while, he waved to Lin Yu and whispered:

"Let's go, I'll take you to register. With my old face, you can register today and test tomorrow."

"If the test goes well, you can produce a rough sample before the New Year."

The registration work was a bit boring. With Lu Huaxi's greeting, it only took Lin Yu two hours to complete all the procedures. At the same time, the rocket to be launched was sent to the preparation warehouse.

In the preparation warehouse, the staff of the launch site and the people from the R\u0026D department of Rheinsteel worked on the rocket together, carefully installing some tracking equipment on the rocket.

They were busy until the morning of the next day, when the sun rose from the east, and the corresponding work was completed.

Looking at the nine rockets equipped with equipment in front of him, Lin Yu felt a lot of emotions in his heart. After a while, it will be a year since he was reborn.

When a child turns one, they have to draw lots. I have been back for a year, so I have to draw a big one.

After breakfast at the launch base, the relevant staff also arrived one after another. At 9 o'clock in the morning, the test officially began.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Huaxi pressed the red switch in front of him. The switch closed, and the signal was sent out. He moved along the cable and got into the rocket launch box.

The next second, the rocket was fired.

The rocket marked as No. 1 ignited and rushed out of the launch box in an instant, 45 degrees upward, and ran all the way towards the target area.

"The launch was successful, and the signal is being tracked. The signal is normal."

"The flight attitude is normal!"

"It has passed Observation Station No. 1. Please pay attention to tracking at Observation Station No. 2."

"Observation Station No. 2 received it. By the way, which department's equipment is this? The speed is a bit fast!"

"This is not something you should ask about. Record the data well, so that you don't make mistakes and have to make up for it again."

"This is Observation Station No. 3. The target signal has been received and is being tracked."

"This is Observation Station No. 4. According to the data from Station No. 3, the current speed of the flying target is 740 meters per second. Repeat, the current moving speed of the target is 740 meters per second."

"This is Observation Station No. 5. Everything is normal in the target area. Repeat, everything is normal in the target area!"

"Observation Station No. 5 has captured the target and is flying according to the scheduled flight trajectory. It is still 30 kilometers away from hitting the target area."

Hearing the news from Observation Station No. 5, everyone subconsciously cast their eyes on the large screen in the middle, because the picture on the large screen was the monitoring picture from the last observation station in the target area.

In the surveillance footage, a circle with a diameter of 1 km was artificially drawn with lime on the vast desert, and in the center of the circle was a huge red dot. With this red dot as the center of the circle, every 20 meters outward, there was a straw dummy.

In this vast desert, these scarecrows are waiting for the next test.

At this moment, a stream of light fell from the sky, hit the outside of the target circle fiercely, and then there was a shocking explosion.


Even from a long distance, the surveillance camera hanging on the iron tower and the corresponding sound recording equipment captured the horror of this stream of light.

Under the lens, a little golden light flashed at the collision point of the stream of light and the ground, and then, invisible waves gushed out from the explosion point.

There is not much else in the Badain Jaran Desert, but the most is various fine yellow sands. At this moment, under the impact of the explosion, these fine yellow sands were engulfed by the shock wave, forming a visible ripple, spreading in all directions.

Afterwards, the yellow sand at the center of the explosion point was blown up into the sky by the impact of the explosion, forming a small, gray-yellow mushroom cloud.

It took more than ten minutes for the yellow sand formed by the explosion to dissipate without a trace under the action of wind.

Looking at the empty target site, Lu Huaxi picked up the microphone and said again:

"This is the command center. Repeat, this is the command center. Please pay attention to all observation stations. The headquarters is about to launch the second rocket. Please pay attention and observe. Over."

Soon, the five observation stations responded to the information in turn, and after receiving the confirmed answer, Lu Huaxi pressed the launch button again.

Another rocket flew out, with the same process and similar route, and crashed into the target area, but this time, it was closer to the predetermined target.

It also caused an explosion and a mushroom cloud.

However, after watching the first and second explosions, the feeling was not good.

After thinking about it, Lu Huaxi turned his head to look at Lin Yu and whispered: "Can I send all of this stuff out at once?"

Hearing his thoughts, Lin Yu picked up the intercom on his chest and began to call the R\u0026D department:

"R\u0026D department, R\u0026D department, this is Lin Yu, now, adjust the launch module of the launch box to normal launch, repeat, adjust the launch module of the launch box to normal launch."

"Our Director Lu, we need to fire all these rockets at once!"

There was a rustling sound in the intercom channel, followed by the voice of the R\u0026D department: "R\u0026D department received, give us two minutes!"

As soon as the voice fell, the people from the R\u0026D department appeared in the surveillance of the launch site, then climbed into the car, pulled out a box from under the launch box bracket, adjusted it, and then their voices came from the intercom again:

"The adjustment has been completed, evacuating, over!"

After the people from the R\u0026D department left the camera and confirmed again and again that no one was staying at the launch site, Lu Huaxi pressed the launch button without hesitation.

At the launch site, the rockets in the launch box were ignited one by one, with the first and second rockets being the upper left and upper right respectively.

When the red button was pressed, the lower left rocket flew out first, followed by the lower right, then the middle left, and then the middle right.

When all the rockets flew out, the upper middle rocket followed closely, followed by the lower middle, and finally, the middle.

Seven rockets flew into the sky like a rainstorm, dragging their tails, rushing all the way to the northeast target.

Seeing these rockets flying out on the surveillance camera, Lu Huaxi clapped his hands and shouted with a smile:

"Rockets are used to support the front line and attack the enemy. They must be like a storm, giving the enemy a heavy blow!"

"It's interesting and powerful to launch them this way. What's the point of launching them one by one!"

"If you want to do this kind of test in the future, remember to call me and I'll press this launch button."

Seeing him so excited, Lin Yu couldn't help but roll his eyes.

In fact, he also wanted to have a rainstorm launch, but the problem was that it was all money!

In the eyes of ordinary people, they are weapons of mass destruction and a deterrent, but in his eyes, they are all money!

Because they are experimental products, the cost of these nine rockets is far higher than other products.

Moreover, this has not yet installed satellite guidance equipment. If satellite guidance equipment is installed, the rocket body will need some modifications.

The cost will be higher!

It’s a small business, don’t cue.

A few minutes later, a new picture came from the surveillance camera at the target range. Under the clear sky, several white solids visible to the naked eye fell from the sky.

Just like the heavy rain, it hit the target on the ground. This time, it also missed the target, but it didn't matter.

Because there were 7 rockets, very evenly, covering the large circle on the ground, and exploded 7 times in a row. In just ten seconds, the circle with a radius of 1 kilometer was enveloped in yellow sand.

When the strong wind blew away the sand and dust, there were no targets on the ground, only 9 craters dotted in the huge target range.

The operator controlled the camera to rotate and counted the craters on the ground one by one before pressing the microphone: "This is the command center. Please report the number of explosions observed at Observation Station No. 5."

"This is Observation Station No. 5. A total of 9 explosions were detected on site. The camera captures are very clear. It has been confirmed that all nine rockets exploded. There are no unexploded ordnances at the site. Over."

"This is the command center. Please go to the site and collect the corresponding data. Over!"

"Received at Observation Station No. 5, completed!"

In Observation Station No. 5, after receiving the news from the command center, Shi Ling put on gloves and goggles, waved her hand, and the people behind her who were responsible for developing rockets followed one after another, following the staff of Observation Station No. 5, all the way towards Advance to the explosive point.

Twenty minutes later, a group of people arrived at the target range and began to take out various equipment and collect information on the scene.

They were busy collecting information. In the command center, Lu Huaxi also pulled Lin Yu into a small conference room and sat down on a chair. He looked at the young man in front of him and asked:

"Are you going to sell these rockets?"

"I can't just sell it. I took other people's money to help them build a rocket with a range of more than 200 kilometers."

Lin Yu scratched his head while answering. After a while, he continued:

"And this thing, target shooting is still target shooting, everything is programmed, but it always feels boring."

"You have to find two living targets and beat them severely to make them taste good."

After listening to his words, Lu Huaxi also agreed, but soon the old man shook his head again and said, "Be careful!"

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