Chapter 179 Blue Bird -1! (Second update!)

This gaze followed Lin Yu and the two as they walked out of the airport, watching them get into the car and disappear at the end of the road. Then he turned his head, glanced at the airport, hailed a taxi, and got in.

"Magic City Japan Chamber of Commerce."

The taxi driver was very talkative. He said no less than 200 words from the time this person got on the bus to the time he got off the car, but this person remained silent from beginning to end.

Looking at the familiar building in front of him, the man threw two bills to the driver. After the driver had changed all the change, he got out of the car and walked towards the Japanese Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai.

When the security guard at the door saw him, he immediately turned into a dog-legger and strode forward to greet him. However, the man just glanced at him casually and scared the security guard away with one look.

After recalling the layout in his memory, the man walked into the elevator, went all the way to the top floor, and finally arrived at the office of the president of the Chamber of Commerce.

Knocked on the door and there was someone inside.

As soon as he walked in, the person inside asked with a smile: "Fujibashi-kun, what brought you here? Shouldn't you be opening up a battlefield in the Middle East?"

It was okay if this person didn't ask. When he asked, Fujihashi Ichiro's face instantly turned livid. He walked to the sofa next to him with a sullen face and sat down. He looked at the table in a daze and explained at the same time:

"Iraq is now implementing a foreign agents bill and a land purchase program for foreigners."

"In fact, it was aimed at us. All the land we purchased before was cut off by them using the land sold by the former president. This was not the will of the Iraqi people."

"To be honest, I have never seen such a shameless person."

As soon as Fujihashi Ichiro finished speaking, a mirror was handed over to him. His face was reflected in the mirror, a little hideous and a little distorted.

He slowly raised his head and met the face of the person next to him. The other person smiled and said, "Have you never seen a shameless person? I'll let you see him now. How about it? I feel better now." Yet?"

The strange words made Fujihashi Ichiro furious. Just as he was about to get angry, the other party raised his hand and slapped Ichiro Fujihashi on the face.

Then, there was a vicious voice: "My dear Mr. Fujihashi, I told you a long time ago that when dealing with these Arabs, you must clearly distinguish them and take care of each one."

"You don't listen. Now that we have lost in Iraq, why do you come to me?"

"If I remember correctly, according to our agreement, you seem to have crossed the line."

The burning pain on his face told Fujihashi Ichiro all the time that he had just received a slap, a very painful slap.

A very humiliating slap.

He closed his eyes, forced down the anger in his heart, and explained to this person: "I met the Chinese man who robbed our business at Riyadh Airport, so I followed his plane all the way to the Magic City. "

"On the way, I asked my secretary to seduce him, but I never expected that this bitch would be having sex with others on the plane and then get off the plane. Within 10 minutes, he called the security bureau. "

"This bitch!"

This explanation made the person next to him instantly interested. He leaned over and asked, "What about your secretary?"

"Taken away by people from the Security Bureau." Ichiro Fujihashi answered calmly, and upon hearing his answer, the man next to him cursed.

"You piece of shit, do you know you're going to kill everyone?"

After scolding the person, the man quickly returned to his desk, picked up the phone on the desk, and dialed the number: "I am Asayama Mamoru. Let the finance department check our funds and accounts immediately!"

After hanging up the phone, Mamoru Asayama looked at the person in front of him and wanted to slap him to death. However, when he thought that this was in another country and he had committed a crime here and would be punished by the law here, he suppressed his heart. With murderous intent, he stared blankly at the person in front of him and asked in a low voice:

"Then what are you going to do now?"

"I'll go back to China first, adjust my condition, and then go to the Middle East again. But I won't be able to leave for these two days."

As soon as he finished speaking, a pleasant phone ringing sound came from Asayama Mamoru's desk. Asayama Mamoru rushed over, picked up the phone, listened to it, looked back at Fujihashi Ichiro, and whispered:

"People from the Security Bureau were at the door and asked for a search. How did you leave?"

"Of course we take the stairs." Fujihashi Ichiro spread his hands, stood up, swayed out of the office, and disappeared into the corridor.


On the other side, as soon as Lin Yu returned to Rheinsteel, he received a message from the Security Bureau.

"That woman is indeed a spy, just a temporary business spy."

"His boss is the instigator behind the scenes. His name is Ichiro Fujihashi. The reason why he sent this woman to seduce you is because you stole their order in Iraq."

"Ichiro Fujihashi was also captured and brought to justice, and he confessed to his actions."

"The Security Bureau will handle it in accordance with relevant laws, and then the reward received for reporting the spy will be directly sent to your company after financial verification."

"Next time you encounter something like this, just call us directly. We also have assessment criteria."

After the man from the security bureau finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone, just as he came quietly and then left quietly, waving his sleeves and not taking away any clouds.

Lin Yu did not hide from the others at Rheinsteel during this call. He even turned on the loudspeaker.

When the call was hung up, he kept playing with the phone with his fingers and looking at the person in front of him with a smile on his face.

After watching for a while, he smiled and asked, "Do you know why I asked you to listen to this call?"

"This time, we went to Iraq and made a name for ourselves. What we may encounter next can be figured out with our toes."

"We are not short of money, but I know that it is difficult for a hero to be a beauty. What's more, everyone here, including me, is not a hero."

"So I hope you all have an accurate understanding. It is impossible for a beautiful woman to lick her face and stick to the door. Do you understand?"

"If someone really comes to you, then I would like to ask you to examine yourself three times a day."

"Beautiful woman posted here, what are you looking for! What do you want! What do you have?"

"Okay, that's all. Dolby will report on the results during this period."

When he heard that he was about to report on his work, Dolby slowly opened his notebook. There was nothing on it, just like the results during this period.

Then, he slammed his laptop shut and said softly: "The production lines of all our factories have reached the transformation bottleneck. If we want to improve further, we need stronger control capabilities and stronger chips."

"But we don't have these, so our production capacity has reached its limit."

"Then there is another good news. The 200-kilometer rocket launcher you asked for has been successfully manufactured according to the drawings given by Minister Shi Ling."

"But we don't have a venue to test, so now we can only watch."

Hearing this unexpected news, Lin Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and turned his gaze to Shi Ling: "Is it done?"

Hearing Lin Yu's question, Shi Ling nodded her head proudly and said energetically:

"The drawings you gave us are very complete. After we got them, we dismantled them and distributed them to various groups, and then asked them to manufacture parts in sections for testing."

"The most difficult part is the engine. However, considering that the rocket engine is one-time use, some minor flaws can be overcome. The engine team is improving the materials and processing technology, and the relevant upgrade requirements are also forming process documents."

"About half a month ago, with the help of the production department, we manufactured a total of nine rockets."

"According to our theoretical calculations, the range of these nine rockets is approximately 240 kilometers, with an error of no more than 3 kilometers."

“Once we make it, we want to test it.”

"But we don't have such a big test site. If we want to test it, we can only apply to the country. But you are not here, and other people are busy with Iraq affairs, so this matter has been delayed."

"Now that you're back, it's time to put this matter on the agenda."

"Also, I heard from my researchers that we need to build a wind tunnel, saying that this thing can verify the flight attitude of the projectile, greatly improve the flight stability of the rocket, and then improve the strike accuracy, you know What is that?"

The word wind tunnel made Lin Yu couldn't help scratching his head. The aerodynamic shape is a crucial point for aerospace.

If you want to optimize the best aerodynamic shape, you must have a wind tunnel.

This is a necessary condition.

Sometimes, he envies future generations of fellow Middle Easterners, because everything can grow in the deserts of their fellow Middle Easterners, including supersonic missiles that require the most sophisticated wind tunnels to fly out.

Thinking of the Haikou he had boasted about in front of Hercule and Awad, Lin Yu knew that it was time to start preparing for the wind tunnel.

Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing for someone else to take their own rocket launcher and launch it with the projectile doing the Brahmos motion.

Putting down his hand, he looked at Shi Ling and said, "We'll talk about the wind tunnel later. It takes time to build this thing. It's getting late today. I'll call Director Lu Huaxi tomorrow and ask if they have a test site."

"If there is, we will just pull it over and test-fire to see if it can fly to the target point."

"If not, tell me again!"

"Everyone is tired these days. Go to bed early and let the meeting end!"

Finally hearing the word "dismissed", everyone present quickly closed their notebooks, yawned and walked out. Just as Lin Yu was walking out, Qian Jianguo stopped him.

The two of them walked at the end, and when no one was around, Qian Jianguo said worriedly: "In the future, you should try to do as little as possible in person."

"This time the other party just wanted to test and did not take action. If the other party wants to take action next time, it will be too late."

Qian Jianguo's worried words were very helpful to Lin Yu. With a smile on his face and his hands in his pockets, he looked at the stars in the sky and said:

"Don't worry, Uncle Qian. Just these businesses in Iraq are enough for us to digest for two to three years."

"In two or three years, we may have our own plane. By then, we can go wherever we want!"

Have your own plane? With this question flashing through his mind, Qian Jianguo raised his head and began to imagine the plane docking at Rheinsteel Plaza.

But soon, he shook his head again.

He has never flown on a commercial airliner, but he has flown on a helicopter twice, but... that thing is not suitable for long-distance transportation.

However, with two planes of their own, the Rheinsteel guys would definitely be a cut above the rest when out and about.

When he thought of that scene, he grinned and laughed loudly. Before Lin Yu asked, he said first, "I hope that one day!"

"There will be a day! Get some rest early." Lin Yu answered with certainty, then put his hands in his pockets, hummed a song, and walked slowly towards the stairs.

"Today is a good day..."

Early the next morning, Lin Yu appeared in the warehouse of the R\u0026D department.

The warehouse of the R\u0026D department is not large and is mainly used to stack some test supplies. On the ground in the center of the warehouse are 9 shelves. On the shelves are 9 rockets 5.7 meters long and 400 mm thick.

The rocket was all white, with no name on it. After circling around the rocket for a while, Lin Yu asked someone to bring red paint, squatted down, and started writing on the rocket body.

Two or three minutes later, three characters in regular script appeared on the projectile.

【Blue Bird-1】

The paint that has not yet solidified slowly slides down the projectile body, giving the impression that the wound is bleeding.

After tilting his head and looking at it, Shi Ling asked curiously: "How do you choose this name? I think it can be called Thunder, Thunder, or Guangfeng."

With the brush in his hand covered in paint, Lin Yu continued to write on several rockets next to him. While writing, he explained:

"Have you heard of that poem? There is not much way to get to Penglai. The Blue Bird is attentive to visit. The rocket launcher is used to wash the ground. Let the rocket launcher go ahead and see the road first. This name is very suitable."

After hearing his explanation, everyone frowned and thought for a moment, then nodded.

"The name has a good meaning! Let the rocket launcher look at the road first. If the road ahead is clear, our people can pass by. If it is not clear, we will keep sending blue birds until the road is clear."

"The factory director is awesome!"

"The director of the factory is very literary, and he is so literary that he named the rocket!"

"The factory director's calligraphy is the best. When the time comes, the characters on the rockets will have this appearance."

"That's it, this kind of rocket will be sold by then. Write some nice words on it for others. It will not only let people see our firepower, but also let them see the literary talent of our factory director!"

Listening to the compliments one after another, Lin Yu finished writing the last word, then took out the phone and called Lu Huaxi:

"Director Lu, we have a small thing in our hands that we want to test. Can you provide a weapons testing site over there?"

"What weapon? A rocket launcher with a range of 200 kilometers!"

"Guidance module? It's not installed. It can be installed, but we don't have satellites. Why install it?"

"There are 9 rounds in total. You want to see it then, right? Okay, as long as you show it to the test site, I will get as many as you want to see!"

"That's it. I'll load this thing into the car later and send it to the test site."

"The testing site is in the northwest, right? Okay, okay, I'll wait for you there first."

"Want to fill it with medicine? This time we... OK, OK, I will do whatever your old man says. I will fill up the medicine for you, and then you can light the fire yourself."

"Okay, I'll hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, he turned to look at everyone and said with a proud face:

"nailed it!"

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