However, his desire to go home was just wishful thinking. As soon as the car arrived in Riyadh, he was stopped.

The person who stopped him was none other than Awad.

Walking into his luxurious villa, the cost of the villa and the things in the villa made Lin Yu, a country bumpkin, very eye-opening. At the same time, he also gained a full understanding of the lives of these wealthy people.

Sitting in front of the wooden table made of African walnut, watching Awad awkwardly making tea, Lin Yu finally couldn't hold it back and reached out to take the teapot and get busy.

A few minutes later, two cups of brightly red black tea appeared between the two of them. He raised his hand and motioned for Awad to enjoy it.

However, the prince from Saudi Arabia looked at the tea soup in front of him, and without a second's hesitation, he took out a box from the drawer of the tea table, took out a sugar cube from the box, and threw it into the tea cup.

Stir vigorously with a teaspoon until the sugar cubes melted. He picked up the cup and took a sip. He closed his eyes and said happily:

"That's what it smells like!"

After enjoying the tea, he opened his eyes suddenly, looked at the people in front of him, and asked softly: "Are you guys starting to make moves?"

"What's wrong?" Lin Yu couldn't help but scratch his head. He always felt that the person in front of him was a bit strange, as if he was thinking about some random things.

"Your workers look like soldiers no matter how you look at them."

Hearing the word "worker", Lin Yu felt reassured. He couldn't help but roll his eyes and casually said the lines he had prepared before:

"Do you think we came out to take over construction projects just to make a fortune?"

"If you want to think so, then I can tell His Highness Awad clearly that you are worrying too much."

"We only conducted military training and management for the convenience of management and safety."

"You can't be careful because there are too many jealous monsters!"

"Do you know how much business I got this time when I came to Iraq?"

"Including the business that those Americans forced into me, I got a total of nearly 10 billion US dollars in business."

"Has His Highness Awad calculated how much industry it can bring?"

"You must know that during World War I and World War II, such a large sum of money required people to rob it with real swords and guns, and to rob it with their lives, in order to rob such a large amount of funds!"

Seeing that the person in front of him was indifferent, Awad no longer had any thoughts of testing. He simply put down the teacup and said seriously:

"Actually, I have an unkind invitation to invite you here today."

Seeing that Lin Yu was about to raise his hand to refuse, he quickly said: "Don't refuse in a hurry, listen to what I have to say first."

"My merciless request is actually because we want more missiles, especially anti-aircraft missiles. The Iraq incident, to put it harshly, I still have a psychological shadow to this day."

"I'm really afraid that one day America's plane will suddenly hit us."

Listening to Awad's words, Lin Yu lowered his gaze to his face. Realizing that the fear on his face did not seem to be fake, he asked in a low voice: "Aren't the missiles you bought enough?"

"Not enough!" Awad replied decisively, then counted his fingers and began to calculate how much ammunition America used in the attack on Iraq.

Halfway through the count, Lin Yu raised his hand, interrupted him, and then pressed his temples with both hands and said, "It's impossible to sell the missile to you."

"However, I can give you another good thing, a long-range rocket launcher."

"Bazooka? No, that thing is too weak." Without thinking, Awad rejected Lin Yu's proposal. When he turned his attention to Lin Yu again, the person opposite spoke.

"Do you want a guided rocket launcher with a thickness of 850 mm, a range of 200 kilometers, and an error of 2,000 kilometers?"

A few numbers and a few professional terms were blended together and fell into Awad's ears, completely confusing the Saudi prince.

He raised his left and right hands at the same time, looking at his left hand and right hand, his fingers kept moving, and his mouth kept mumbling, but he still couldn't put these numbers and these professional terms into words. , integrated.

Because TND doesn’t have anyone’s rocket launcher, it will be 850 mm thick!

Moreover, whose rocket launcher knows how to guide?

If it's guided, can it still be called a rocket launcher?

He kept talking nonsense in his mouth, and his body was moving around, as if he was having a cramp, but he soon discovered that the person opposite him was calm from beginning to end, and it seemed that what he said was not a lie!


If this were true, the world might change.

Taking a breath of cold air, Awad carefully looked across the way, looked at the young man who was drinking tea, and asked softly:

"Are you sure... your rocket launcher will be 850 mm thick? Also, can it be guided and have a final range of up to 2,200 kilometers?"

Just after he finished speaking, he saw Lin Yu's right index finger raised, and then shook it: "Correction, the range is 200 kilometers, the error is 2,000 kilometers, the operation error is not within our after-sales range, you have to remember!"

"Aren't you kidding?" Awad still couldn't believe it.

"No!" Lin Yu continued to shake his head. Seeing the wealthy man in front of him still couldn't believe it. He put down the tea cup, gently rubbed his temples, and explained:

"We have a cooperation project with Lebanon, which is a rocket launcher with a range of about 300 kilometers. You should be able to see it after the year."

"Why are you on the line with Lebanon again?"

"They want equipment, we are short of money, the two parties hit it off, is there a problem?"

This reason is very strong and good. For a moment, Awad could not find a reason to object.

These are two sovereign countries. One has a reason to have equipment and has a little money. The other has equipment but no money.

Isn't this a match made in heaven?

After pondering for a moment, Awad made a verbal promise: "If you can really make 850mm rocket launchers, then we will purchase a large number of them."

"Then wait! You can see it in a few years." Lin Yu agreed immediately. Anyway, bragging is not against the law, and he is not bragging.

Looking at his confident look, Awad did not continue to investigate. He put the teacup on the table, stood up, and raised his hand to signal Lin Yu to go out.

In the yard outside the villa, the servants have prepared today's lunch, which looks very rich.

After dinner, Awad did not stay for long. He called the bodyguards and sent Lin Yu and Kang Shikai to the airport. He walked slowly to his brother Sayid's palace.

When he found Sayid in the hot spring pool, he shook his head as soon as they met: "The young man did not agree, but he said he could sell us another rocket launcher with a diameter of 850mm, a range of 200km, an error of 2000km, and guided."

Listening to his brother's narration, Sayid in the hot spring pool could not help rolling his eyes. They were all born of the same mother, so why did this brother feel a little stupid?

Shaking his head, he got up from the hot spring pool, put on his clothes, and then sat in front of Awad, admonishing him: "Don't be so curious about this world, and don't keep asking questions all day long."

"This world is all about stopping at the right time."

"If they say it's a rocket launcher, then it's a rocket launcher. When the king of heaven comes, they are all rocket launchers. As long as they take them out when the time comes, we will buy them."

"Don't worry about it, understand?"

"Also, send a message to our people in Iraq and ask them to help keep an eye on our friend's business. People are far away. Come to help, don't let people down."

"Also, I've seen news recently that Lebanon and Gaza are both fighting the Israelis fiercely, and their record is pretty good. Find some channels to get something for them."

Listening to Sayid's words, Awad sighed and said, "If I tell you that the Lebanese asked Lin Yu to help develop a rocket launcher with a range of about 300 kilometers, what would you think?"

Sayid was a little dumbfounded when he heard this unexpected news, because local tyrants are the characteristics of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Kuwait.

How did Lebanon get ahead of them?

That's enough!

After sighing, he did not invest too much thought, but turned his head, looked at the sky above his head, and said softly:

"Let's see how they perform in Iraq. If they really do what they said, then we can increase the investment."

"If not, then leave it alone."

"We need to find partners, but we must not let the wolf into the house."

After that, Sayid took off his clothes again and dived into the hot spring pool.

When he emerged from the hot spring pool, he suddenly found that Awad had put his stinky feet into the pool again!

This pool feels smelly.

On the other side, after several hours of waiting, the plane that Lin Yu was riding on raised its head after a short taxiing and went straight into the sky.

The plane entered the stratosphere, and the overall flight trajectory became stable. Lin Yu took out the eye mask and put it on his eyes.

It's better to sleep than to see the scenery.

When he woke up from his dream, he found that the plane had arrived in Dubai and was transferring at Dubai Airport. The empty seat next to him had an extra person, an East Asian woman.

Oval face, willow-shaped eyebrows, cherry mouth, snow-white, long black hair, and capable dress, all of which were completely in line with Lin Yu's aesthetics.

Noticing that Lin Yu was looking at her, the woman nodded and smiled politely, and then began to greet him in Japanese, but when she found that Lin Yu looked puzzled, she immediately switched to Korean.

Still seeing the puzzlement on the other person's face, the woman showed an expression of sudden enlightenment, and then asked softly in very standard Mandarin:

"Are you Chinese?"

"Yeah, yeah!" Lin Yu nodded repeatedly, revealing a perverted look.

This time, he actually made a lot of plans in his mind, for example, when his competitors used the beauty trap on him, should he agree or resist righteously.

The idea is good, but the reality is very skinny.

From the beginning to the end, the threat he encountered was the words spoken by Raytheon under Hanks.

Now he is back, and there is a woman who is good at aesthetics sitting next to him. Chatting can also kill time.

After getting his response and looking at the expression on his face, the woman quickly covered her lips with her hands, laughed softly, and then said: "My name is Yamamoto Rumiko, the destination of this plane is Magic City, do you also work in Magic City?"

"I'm traveling!"

"Traveling?" Yamamoto Rumiko's eyes lit up, and then covered her lips with both hands, and asked in surprise: "Are you going to the desert for a trip? I envy you so much."

"I originally studied abroad in China, and then after working in Shanghai, I traveled every day for business. I finally came to this rich country, but I still ended up on a business trip."

"So tired! I envy you. You can travel everywhere. I wonder when I will achieve financial freedom and be able to travel everywhere."

Listening to her envious words, Lin Yu opened his small bag, took out the photos taken in the Iraqi desert, put them in front of her, pointed at the photos cheerfully and said:

"Yes, I just came back from the Sahara Desert. Let me tell you, walking in that desert and feeling the wind and frost made me feel like my whole being was sublimated."

"Coming out this time has fulfilled a long-cherished wish of mine."

Holding these photos in her hands and listening to Lin Yu's words, the little stars in Rumiko Yamamoto's eyes twinkled: "Really? You are so amazing!"

Hearing the praise again, Lin Yu took the photo and continued to brag:

"I was in the desert and lost my way. I only relied on the Toyota pickup truck in my hand to carry enough supplies so that I could survive..."

Listening to his heroic deeds, Yamamoto Rumiko slowly leaned towards Lin Yu. If it weren't for the safety belt pulling her, her whole body might have tilted.

Time flies by with compliments one after another.

The magic city has arrived.

After getting off the plane, Kang Shikai came to Lin Yu quietly and joked:

"Director, did you keep the contact information of that beautiful woman just now? She is pretty and has good luck in giving birth to a boy!"

As soon as he said this, Lin Yu couldn't help but press his temples with both hands, and said with disgust: "Lao Kang, if a beautiful woman takes the initiative to strike up a conversation with you when you go out from now on, ask yourself first if there is anyone who is handsome enough to be flirted with. situation."

"If not, that's a big problem."

While he was talking, he took out his mobile phone, found the phone number of the Security Bureau that he had saved before, and dialed it casually: "Hey, do you want a performance? I met a beautiful spy here. She is very beautiful."

"Yes, go through the formalities at the departure hall of Shanghai Airport."

"One of you is at the Shanghai Airport, right? Okay, I'll wait for him at check-in desk 2."

A few minutes later, two tall middle-aged men quietly appeared next to Lin Yu. After a brief eye contact, Lin Yu pointed at Rumiko Yamamoto, who was queuing up at the No. 1 desk to go through the formalities, and then whispered:

"Remember to give me the bonus when the time comes!"

After leaving a word, he walked to the check-in desk No. 3, waiting for the formalities, and also having fun at the same time.

After confirming the target, the two middle-aged men picked up the walkie-talkies. Soon, several more people appeared and stopped the beautiful Rumiko Yamamoto.

Then taken away from the airport.

After watching the fun, completing the procedures, and getting his documents back, Lin Yu happily walked out of the airport.

However, he hadn't noticed that there was another pair of eyes looking at him in the crowd.

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