Everyone's answer was resounding and powerful. After listening to these voices, Lin Yu waved his hands and asked:

"Before coming, did you know your purpose?"

When this was mentioned, a trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of several people. They looked at each other, and then Lu Qingyun stood up and said: "Report, I don't know!"

The voice was a bit loud. Lin Yu felt relieved and helpless when he heard it.

He wiped his face with his hand and said softly: "Your task is to train people."

"Then, you have to pay attention to one thing during training, that is their religion. I have communicated with them. General problems can be skipped directly."

"Tell me the key issues and I will handle them."

"Your work allowance will be issued directly by me."

"To the outside, you are the work foremen of our Rhine Construction. Remember this."

"In addition to teaching, you also need to learn some construction knowledge to deal with some emergencies."

"Finally, let's cheer for America to die!"

As he said, he clenched his right hand into a fist, with the back facing up, and stretched it forward. Ding Shun and others did not hesitate for a second, and clenched their right hands and handed them out. The six fists touched each other, touched, and then dispersed.

After giving the necessary instructions, Lin Yu stopped talking and asked Kang Shikai to take people down to rest.

Turning his head, he picked up the phone and sent a text message to Rhodes:

[The workers are in place. When will the decoration start? ]

Two or three minutes later, Rhodes' reply came.

[Anytime! ]

Looking at the text in the phone, Lin Yu deleted the text message, threw the phone aside, and lay on the bed to rest.

After the groundbreaking ceremony, the layout of Iraq is complete.

It's time to stab Israel.


The groundbreaking ceremony was held at the seaside and started at 10 o'clock in the morning. For safety reasons, the reconstruction committee did not open the scene and only allowed some local prominent people to participate.

So the scene seemed a little deserted.

But the deserted scene could not cover up the cheers of the reporters.

"Dear viewers, welcome to watch the news broadcast by Baghdad TV. I am now in the southern border town of Umm Qasr."

"Behind me is the reconstruction and expansion site of our Basra Port."

"In the war a few months ago, this place was almost devastated."

"Reconstruction requires funds, and as an oil country, the only thing we can offer is oil."

"The completion of this port will greatly increase our oil throughput."

"At the same time, it will also improve our cargo import efficiency."

"Come on, everyone follow my camera!"

The reporter brought the cameraman to the center of the groundbreaking ceremony and aimed the camera at the two people standing in the middle.

"The two young men in the camera are contractors from China, Mr. Lin Yulin of Rhine Engineering Construction."

"He is like the brightest star in the night sky!"

"In the midst of the war, he came to Iraq without hesitation and took over our construction tasks at a much lower price than other contractors."

"It saved us a lot of money. In his plan, this port will become the youngest city in Iraq!"

"The camera is following me. Do you see the neat team standing next to it?"

"Those are the construction workers of Basra Port."

"We completed the bidding on December 12, and the official signed the contract on the 15th."

"But today, January 1, more than 2,000 workers arrived at the site!"

"What a fast and powerful mobilization capability!"

"All this is thanks to our Mr. Lin. He is sincere and willing to help Iraq rebuild."

Under the camera, Lin Yu and Ibrahim, holding shovels in their hands, stood in front of the stone tablet like two door gods, one on the left and one on the right.

On the stone tablet more than one meter high, words were written in vermilion in Arabic and Chinese characters.

Basra Port.

The two of them smiled and looked at the people around them politely.

After taking photos for a while, Lin Yu turned around, holding a shovel in his left hand and reaching his right hand to Ibrahim, who did the same.

The two hands were clasped together, and the reporters captured this moment and quickly pressed the shutter.

After the handshake, Ibrahim picked up the shovel, shoveled a shovel of soil and threw it at the foot of the stone tablet, followed by Lin Yu.

Soon, the small pit under the stone tablet was filled with soil by the two, and then Ibrahim handed the shovel to others.

He pulled Lin Yu and kept greeting people, and soon left the crowd and returned to the temporary office at the port.

Standing in front of the window, looking at the lively scene outside, he whispered: "Mr. Lin, we need more funds to rebuild our country."

"But we have nothing now, we can only export oil in exchange for money. The port of Faw is too small, and we need to pay extra fees for the Turkish port."

"The Basra Port you are responsible for is almost related to the fate of our country!"

"Now, the fate of our country is temporarily in your hands."

"I believe you can help us get through this difficult time."

Listening to Ibrahim's words, Lin Yu felt very comfortable, but his face was still calm, he waved his hand calmly and said:

"Mr. Ibrahim, you are too serious. I am just doing what I should do. After all, you paid me, right?"

"My only request here is to ask your country's officials to let ordinary people distinguish between us, Koreans, and Japanese."

"Don't fall for their counter-espionage plan."

Hearing Lin Yu mention the two annoying guys again, Ibrahim nodded in agreement and said:

"These days, our people are also investigating. I have submitted the suggestions you made at that time."

"There will be results in a while. Although our former president is a scum of the world, we are not."

"We can't let our friends get hurt."

"I feel relieved with your words." Lin Yu nodded repeatedly. South Korea and Japan, these two bastards, have a common feature in terms of economy, that is, they are extremely dependent on overseas markets.

Thanks to the help of the chaebols, they have almost no digestion capacity in their own country.

If their overseas markets are slowly suppressed, they will collapse themselves.

At that time, it will be the lost 40 years.

Now we will first dismantle the Iraqi market, then slowly influence other countries in the Middle East, and then radiate Africa from the Middle East, and finally China.

By then, we will be able to see flying people.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu smiled, and his smile was very sincere, making people feel like they were bathed in spring breeze.

Seeing the smile on his face, Ibrahim also smiled.

Hugging Lin Yu again, he chose to say goodbye.

Lin Yu saw him off all the way, sent him out of the port, and then turned back.

Get ready, it's time to go back home.


In the center of Baghdad, Hassan watched the content on TV, and his face couldn't help twitching. He never expected that Lin Yu, this guy, was not joking.

Instead, he really came to Iraq and snatched a big order from the Americans, and it was the most important port.

At this moment, looking at the glamorous people on TV, and then looking at the environment he was in, Hassan inexplicably felt that he was outdone.

No, Hassan, you have to cheer up, you have to do something big!

Otherwise, you will be looked down upon next time!

Reaching out to turn off the TV, he turned around and looked at the Iraqi brother next to him who had been through thick and thin with him, and asked:

"Have you checked it out? Among the leaders of these rebel forces, is there a Mustafa?"

The brother was sitting in front of the table, which was piled with various small notes, all of which were information collected from various channels, and he was summarizing them.

After a long while, he raised his head and said helplessly: "It doesn't match. All the information we have obtained so far doesn't match."

"In the northern region, many opposition forces are former troops. They have tactical training, but their equipment can't keep up."

"The people who saved us in my valley that day used rockets and anti-aircraft missiles at the first shot, which is completely different from the opposition forces that usually only have AK47 weapons."

"And the only person who can match is an opposition force active in East Baghdad, but their leader is called Kawa, who seems to have been a special instructor of the Presidential Guard."

"But their activity area has always been in East Baghdad or even further south."

Listening to the report from his elder brother, Hassan couldn't help scratching his head. To be fair, he should be grateful that others saved him.

But from the perspective of interests, how can we let others sleep soundly beside our bed!

He scratched his head, turned to the eldest brother and asked, "Have we figured out the target this time?"

The eldest brother nodded: "We have figured it out."

"The target of our attack this time is an American grain merchant on the surface, but secretly, he is a spy."

"When America broke through Baghdad, someone saw this guy appear on the battlefield and then laser-guided the bombers in the air."

"At the same time, before the war, he often appeared near the defense position intentionally or unintentionally."

"And according to the information we have heard, this guy has recently used grain to win over a lot of people, and there are weapons."

After gritting his teeth, the eldest brother took out another map and put it on the table. The pencil-drawn map looked a bit simple, but the dimensions that should be marked were marked on it.

After staring at the map for a while, Hassan silently opened the cabinet on the wall and took out 4 rocket launchers, eight rockets, two AK47s, and a small bag of TNT from the cabinet.

Putting these weapons on the table one by one, he then picked up a pencil and began to mark on the map.

"Jia, you are at this alley entrance, take two rockets and squat here. If there is no support and the gunfire stops, you should evacuate immediately. If there is support, fire two rockets and evacuate immediately after firing."

"Adila, you take two rockets and stay at this position. If you find people escaping from the villa, shoot them directly. Don't be stingy with rockets and leave after firing."

"Sandy, you come with me to lure out all the bodyguards of this guy and then shoot them down."

"Since we can't find Mustafa, our name from now on will be Mustafa."

In the night, Baghdad, a wealthy area, is quiet and peaceful, as if the war at the beginning had no impact.

Santos, an American, stood by the window sill with a glass of red wine, looking out the window with intoxicated eyes. The scenery outside the window was not beautiful, but it was full of the smell of money.

In addition to pain, war also brings a lot of opportunities and money. At this time, as long as you have food, water, and various supplies, you can make money just lying there.

When he thought that he would have thousands of tons of food and hundreds of guns arriving in Baghdad tomorrow, he couldn't help laughing.

He laughed very loudly and very wantonly.

Because these food and weapons can make the anti-government forces in his hands stronger. Similarly, strong anti-government forces can also feed back his business.


I never need competitors. Dead people don't need competition, let alone food!

However, in his laughter, a sudden burst of gunfire sounded in the open space in front of him.

The gunfire was messy and disorderly.

Being disturbed, Santos was extremely angry and cursed directly at the bodyguards in the yard: "You bunch of rubbish, hurry up and catch the people for me, I want to beat them to death!"

Listening to his scolding, the bodyguards held their guns, raised them above their heads, and fired at the place where the shooting was fired.

But their faith shooting soon ushered in a more fierce counterattack from the opposite side. In just a moment, more than half of the bodyguards who received his salary were killed or injured.

Since America entered Iraq, Santos has never suffered such a heavy loss. He stood on the balcony and cursed at the people below.

However, while he was cursing and taking others as scenery, others were also taking it as scenery.

In the villa next door and the alley next door, Hassan and several others raised their rocket launchers at the same time and aimed the lens at the person who was cursing on the balcony.

He estimated the wind speed and pulled the trigger.

The rocket was fired, dragging the tail flame and hitting the person on the balcony.



In just a moment, Santos was blown off the balcony by the explosion and flew to the ground on the first floor. Before he could get up, several more rockets fell beside him.


"At 11 o'clock last night, a terrorist attack occurred in Baghdad. A villa in the western part of the city was attacked."

"It is reported that the owner of the villa is an American. He has been doing business in Baghdad for many years and has accumulated a rich family fortune."

"When the police arrived at the scene, they found that the rich businessman's finances had been looted. At the same time, the police also found traces left by the bandits at the scene."

"It's a name, Mustafa."

"The police said at the scene that this behavior was a provocation to the police. We will investigate it thoroughly and give an explanation to the owner of the villa."

"Here, the host of this station reminds all foreign friends who have come from afar, please do not disclose your property to others, otherwise your life may be in danger."

Listening to the voice on the radio, Lin Yu changed his posture and leaned on the chair to continue sleeping.

The car under his butt has left Kuwait and is running wildly on Saudi Arabia.

It's been so long.

It's time to go back.

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