Monie doesn't talk nonsense anymore, just grab it!

Two plates of back to the pot meat, all of them were snatched up in less than 10 seconds!

"That's too little. "

"Not enough to eat!"

"Sumi, didn't you say you want to lose weight?!

"I'll eat fat too!"

"Come back in the evening, alas, unpleasantly. "

Moni sighed and sandwiched a piece of steamed fish.

It was meant to be tasted casually.


Fish a mouth.

Moni's eyes widened, "it!"

This fish is so delicious!

So tender!

The heat is over!

The taste is also good!

She brought a plate directly to herself!

Several others reacted.


"Feng Zishan, you say that she is excessive, and at the same time serve the plate?!"

"Leave me some!"


The fish and buns were all eaten by them, and they sat on chairs to rest.

Jiang Feng prepared 1/3 more rice today than yesterday.

It's almost finished at this point!

The meat is also really rice!

Uncle Liu ate three bowls of rice, burped, and looked at the counter, as if he was looking for something.

Jiang Feng smiled and asked, "Do you want a bag?" "

Uncle Liu sighed twice: "Boss Xiaojiang, you can eat, pay attention to it." "

Rong Shuang was a little curious: "Husband, what is this exquisite?"

Jiang Youyou also raised his head, staring at Jiang Feng with wide eyes.

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "Many people in Sichuan and Chongqing will heat the oil soup of the meat back to the pot and mix some noodles, which tastes very good." "

"The meat scraps left in it will be very similar to crispy whistles and lard residues and other things, and they will taste better than today's meat slices. "

Uncle Liu pretended to be meat scraps and oil on the ground, swallowing saliva: "The salty and umami taste of tempeh, as well as the fragrance of watercress, and the fragrance of garlic sprouts, many of them have been soaked in oil." "

"This noodles are better than meat!"

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou were stunned, and when they looked at Jiang Feng, their eyes lit up.

"Husband, you know a lot. "

"Dad is the best! At noon, Yoyo also wants to eat back to the pot meat, can you mix noodles at night?"

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "No problem. "

And at this time.

After listening to Jiang Feng's words.

The guests who were about to finish eating the meat in the pot were silent for two seconds, then stood up and tacitly came to the counter to get the bags.

Gotta take it back!

Jiang Feng said that the practice is fragrant when you think about it!

It's sure to be delicious!

Moni and the others looked at each other a few times, then they all stood up sharply and ran to the counter!

"Don't rob it! It's all oil! It's not good for your health! And you eat it to get fat!"

"Then you grab a hammer?!"

"I'm taking the pain on your behalf!"

"I don't need you! I'll bear this pain!"

Rong Shuang frowned slightly, and her voice was cold: "Be quiet, go to the side and guess the boxing, and take the one who wins." "

Her patience was all for Jiang Feng.

To Moni and them, Rong Shuang was too lazy to say a word.

Moni, they were immediately well-behaved.

"Good ......"

They sat back in their chairs with solemn expressions.

"Come on. "


After several rounds in a row, Su Mi and Liu Shuying finally won.

The two of them quickly got up, took the bag, and filled it with the remaining oil residue on the plate.

Moni, who lost, looked envious.

They rarely envy others, after all, they can usually buy whatever they like.


They're really sour now.


Although my stomach is already propped up, I still can't be hungry when I think of returning to the pot to mix noodles with meat!

"Boss Xiaojiang, when will there be meat back to the pot?" asked Moni.

Jiang Feng said, "Let's go in two days." "

"Not today?!" Feng Zishan wailed.

"No, make chicken bean curd tonight. Jiang Feng said, "My parents are here, let's make some for them." "

"Chicken pea curd?!"

"You're going to do this too?!"

"Male god, are you a god?!Damn!"

Moni, who was still disappointed, became excited again when they heard the chicken bean curd!

The chicken bean curd doesn't go down like this, but if it's done well, it tastes quite delicious!

"I'll go back first. Sumi stood up, "I'll put this in my home and come back to the line." "

"I'll go too. "

Liu Shuying and Su Mi left the store and drove home.

When you get home.

Sumi carried the bag and prepared to put it in the refrigerator.

Her father, Su Minrui, happened to go home and was sitting in the living room.

"Sumi. "

"Dad. "

"What's in your hand?" asked Su Minrui curiously.

Su Mi's tone was a little excited: "Return to the oil residue left over from the meat!"

Su Minrui's face was strange, he was silent for a moment, and said, "Have you bought any big items recently?"

"I'm really going to run out of money, you tell me. "


Since she was a child, her daughter rarely even eats the ugly meat she grows up.

Now it's all about the bottom of the vegetables!

What a lack of money!

Su Mi sighed: "Dad, you don't understand, this is the meat made by the male god!"


"No, I've changed the male god. "

"Oh, who. "

"Boss Xiaojiang. "

Su Minrui frowned slightly: "You also went to that store?"

"Recently, that store has been really popular, and even I have heard about it. "

"Dad! It's really delicious! It's amazing! And the boss is super handsome! My daughter is super cute! It's a pity that I have a girlfriend." "

Su Minrui's curiosity was hooked: "No matter how delicious it is, what are you doing with the oil residue?"

"Mix noodles and eat!"


Su Mi opened the oil residue bag and let Su Minrui smell it.

Originally, Su Minrui frowned, a little wanting to refuse.

But the moment I smell the fragrance.

Su Minrui is a little on top!

It smells so good!

It's very similar to when he went to run a business, got lost in the Great Northwest, and found a shop after being hungry, and ate the taste of back to the pot meat!

"How do you eat this?" Su Minrui became interested.

Su Mi hurriedly put the bag back: "I won't give it to you." "

"It's something I won back. "

Su Minrui was a little helpless: "How much does it cost if you buy another copy?" I'll give you ten times." "

"Can't buy it! Moni, these dog women, are fast thieves!"

"Then just wrap up the store!"

"If you can't wrap it up, Boss Xiaojiang will definitely disagree. Sumi said, "The male god doesn't just cook to make money, his shop ...... It's like eating at home. "

"It's more like home than ours. "

Seeing Su Mi like this, Su Minrui was even more greedy: "Divide half of my head office, right?"

"Then you give me an extra month's pocket money. "

"What do you want money for?"

"No, I'm saving, in case Boss Xiaojiang's family is in need, I'll give it to him!"

Su Minrui couldn't cry or laugh: "Doesn't he have a girlfriend?"

"This is better! The two of them have a super good relationship, and the dog food thief is delicious!"

Su Minrui doesn't care, whoever he chases anyway is chasing.

He thought for a while and said, "Then let me eat it first, if I think it's worth it, I'll give it to you, okay?"

"Okay. "

Sumi gave the oil residue to the cook: "Heat half of it, then mix some noodles, can you make it?"

"Yes. "

"Don't add anything else. "

"Okay. "

After 5 minutes.

The chef arrived at the restaurant with a bowl of noodles.

The chef hired by Su Minrui also understands it very well, and uses the alkaline water surface in Sichuan and Chongqing to mix.

After the noodles are dried, there will be no water diluted by the oil broth, and the taste is the best.

There was also a small dish of garlic sprouts and a small plate of chives cut on the side.

Su Minrui smelled the smell and was a little surprised: "It's really fragrant!"

"Xiao Zhang, what level is this back to the pot, can you see it?"

Chef Xiao Zhang said with admiration: "Let's put it this way, my master is not as good as him." "

Su Minrui was even more surprised.

Xiao Zhang's master is 73 years old this year, has been in the industry for 61 years, and many wealthy people in the business world will invite Xiao Zhang's master when they entertain guests.

Whether you can be invited or not, I have to say two!

Even if there is an official banquet, Xiao Zhang's master will be invited over to specialize in Sichuan cuisine.

This time the pot meat is so well done?!

"You taste it. Sumi swallowed beside her.

If she hadn't held on, she would have grabbed half of the noodles and eaten them.

Su Minrui tossed the noodles.

Noodles wrapped in red oil.

Occasionally, there is a bit of garlic sprouts and meat scraps, and a few tempeh.

Su Minrui tasted it and nodded again and again.


"The grasp of this taste is absolutely amazing!"

The flavor in the soup is rich, and each flavor is very harmonious!

The aroma of oil is perfectly blended with the salt, spicy, watercress fragrance, garlic sprouts and slight sweetness!

The heat is also very good!

The fire should be sufficient, the temperature should be high, and the flavor of various ingredients should be brought into play!

But the fire is too big and there will be a burnt smell.

The oil residue of this dish of meat is grasped at a good critical point!

Very high-quality taste!

Occasionally bite into a piece of crunchy meat and serve it with noodles.

It's so fragrant!

Su Minrui hadn't eaten in the morning.

A whole bowl of noodles, Su Minrui ate it in a few bites!

After eating.

He can't get enough of it!

This oil residue is really delicious!

"Sumi, give me the other half of the oil residue as well. "


"I'll give you two months' pocket money!"


Sumi won't give it to death!

Su Minrui cleared his throat: "I'm going to give him the remaining half when your grandfather comes back." "

"You know, your grandfather likes to eat back pot meat, such a delicious thing, don't you let your grandfather taste it?"

Su Mi's face ached: "Grandpa doesn't know." "

"You're going to line up again, right, you don't have anything else to do anyway. "

Su Mi was a little uncomfortable: "I haven't returned to the pot for two days!"

She doesn't want to give!

Su Minrui used his father's majesty: "Sumi!"


"In this way, the next time I go to line up, I will divide half of the meat residue back to the pot in line. "

Sumi hesitated and said, "A whole portion." "

"Half a portion!"


"Deal. "

Su Minrui agreed.

Su Mi handed over the other half of the oil residue and said, "In Boss Xiaojiang's shop, except for buns and porridge, other things, by default, one person can only order one." "

"And you go, remember to put away the dishes and chopsticks. "


"This portion of back to the pot meat sells for 30 yuan. Boss Xiao Jiang is taking care of the guests, and other things are just as delicious, and the price has never been raised. "

Xiao Zhang, the chef next to him, was surprised.

If he has this skill, he can buy a piece of back pot meat for 598 yuan!

And even more!

It's a kung fu!

Su Minrui was stunned for a moment, admired Jiang Feng a little more, and nodded: "I know." "

Sumi left first and went to arrange the chicken bean flower in the evening.

Su Minrui looked at Xiao Zhang: "Go, give me half of this oil residue." "


"What are you doing in a daze? Give me another half of this portion, mix some noodles, I haven't eaten at all. "

Su Minrui took the kickback as a matter of course.

Xiao Zhang complained secretly.

You can be so filial.

Be as filial as your daughter.

While waiting for the noodles to be served, Su Minrui called his father: "Dad, have you eaten?"

"Don't eat out, come back soon. "

"Don't ask what it is, I think it's delicious, it's definitely worth your trip!"

Hang up.

After Su Minrui finished eating half of the noodles, his father Su Yonghua also rushed back.

"That's it?" Su Yonghua looked at the oil residue, a little disdainful.

Three minutes later.

Su Yonghua finished a bowl of noodles and asked, "That's all?!"

"You little rabbit, hooked me up with a glutton, just give me that?!"

Su Minrui looked innocent: "What Su Mi brought back, it's just like that, it's delicious, right?"


"Wait for next time, I'll bring you some next time. "

1 p.m.

Jiang Feng's shop.

The last group of guests, after they were full, put away the dishes and chopsticks, and got up to leave.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye had already arrived at the store and helped clean it up.

"Dad! Hurry up! Go back to the pot meat! Youyo is so hungry!"

"Husband, in three minutes, your beautiful little daughter-in-law will be starved to death. "

Jiang Feng laughed: "Do it now." "

He kept most of the second knife meat.

Slice the meat.

Remove from the pan and stir-fry in oil.

In less than two minutes, the store was already filled with fragrance.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye were also greedy.


A large plate of back to the pot meat is stir-fried.

Jiang Feng also fried a garlic oil wheat.

Vegetarian dishes should keep up and be a little healthier.

Each person also has a bowl of mung bean paste.

Rong Shuang and Song Jin brought things to the table together.

Jiang Feng took off his hat, mask and apron, and sat down as well.

Jiang Youyou was already hungry, but he still sandwiched a piece of meat for Jiang Feng first.

"Daddy eats first!"

The best things in the world have to be eaten by Dad first!

Daddy eats enough, she eats again!

Rong Shuang also pursed her lips, with a little cuteness on her pretty face: "Husband eats first." "

Jiang Feng touched their heads and said with a smile, "Be good, hurry up and eat." "

After speaking.

The two of them ate it.

"It's so delicious, too!"

"Dad, I still want to eat it!

Jiang Youyou is already crazy.

I ate it in my mouth, and I was thinking about continuing to eat at night.

Jiang Feng smiled: "Okay, I originally said it's okay, let's eat." "

It's 31 degrees outside today.

The family was in the house, blowing the air conditioner, and had lunch.

Song Jin brought washed strawberries and grapes, as well as a box of cut watermelons.

A few people sat on chairs, looking at the sun-drenched streets in the afternoon, eating the very sweet watermelon sent by Brother Tian.

I have the feeling of resting at the edge of the field when I went back to my hometown 20 years ago to help with the autumn harvest.

Stayed for half an hour.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye got up: "Then let's go back first." "

"Okay, let's eat chicken rice in the evening, and I'll bake you some cake tomorrow morning." Jiang Feng said.

He's going to bake some tiramisu.

Song Jin felt sorry for his son: "What kind of cake to bake, it's not uncommon for me to be old, what you do, I will eat with your father." "

Jiang Jianye agreed: "Don't be too tired, if there is anything we can do, let us do it." "

Jiang Feng's heart warmed: "It's okay, you go back, the two of them can help me a lot in the store, I'm much easier." "

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang glanced at each other, and the corners of their mouths rose slightly.

They are super happy to be able to help Jiang Feng!

And it's been boasted!

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye went back first.

Jiang Feng drove, took Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou, and went to buy the materials to be used at night.

Chicken bean curd is a little time-consuming to make, so you have to prepare it early.

Before leaving, Jiang Feng glanced at the parking lot, which was almost full!

Almost all of them come from afar, waiting for the guests to eat!

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