Watching Jiang Feng leave.

The diners in the car began to initiate the message.

"Boss Xiao Jiang has already driven to buy groceries!"

"It's almost time to go to the queue! I'm going to eat the chicken bean curd made by Boss Xiaojiang when the heat is dying!"

"Let's go!"

Moni and the others all got out of the car and walked to the door of Jiang Feng's store.

The secretaries brought parasols and small portable Xiaoice boxes.

Diners who want to eat additional dishes are also moving!

Including some very wealthy owners, as well as seven or eight foreign diners.

came to Jiang Feng's store, and they were all honestly queuing.

When Jiang Feng returned to the door of the store, it was just half past two!

The line is already up!

"Boss Jiang, good afternoon!"

"Brother Jiang, we're here early, aren't we? Now it's getting more and more curly to eat the food you cooked. "

"Hurry up and cook, Brother Jiang, we're going to die of hunger!"

Jiang Feng smiled and chatted with the guests and entered the store.

Yoyo and Rongshuang began to wash the vegetables.

Jiang Feng and the top, cooked the porridge, chopped the filling, and boiled the chicken soup in advance.

By half-past four.

The smell of chicken soup is already very strong.

Set aside the soup.

Jiang Feng shaved out the chicken breast, removed the fascia, and added water and egg white to beat it into minced meat.

There are more and more customers outside the store.


5 points.

Jiang Feng prepared 30 servings of chicken bean curd.

Open for business!

The guests rushed in!

The first to arrive were Mony.

Today, they successfully swept up many neighbors and stood first.

"We want 6 servings of chicken bean curd! 3 steamed fish, 10 beef buns, 10 zucchini egg buns!10 bowls of porridge!"

"Bring us 2 chicken bean curds, 1 steamed fish, and 15 pork and green onion buns!"

Moni and the others sat down with chickpea.

Looking at the chicken bean curd in the bowl, they didn't have time to take pictures, so they quickly ate a bite!


"This is even better than what I ate in Sichuan and Chongqing!"

"Don't rob it! Have you digested so much at noon?!Eaten so much!"

"Are you embarrassed to say? You ate a lot at noon! You even brought back the oil residue!"

"My dad robbed me of the oil residue! I'm angry! No, I have to take a bite to get rid of my anger!"

Six servings of chicken bean curd were quickly eaten by them!

And a few foreign guests next to him also sat down with two servings of chicken bean curd.

"The owner of this shop is more handsome than rumored, and his girlfriend is beautiful, I don't know who to envy. "

"She's really beautiful, and I'm a woman who has a crush on her. "

"Let's not talk about that, let's look at the food first, to be honest, I was shocked. "

"Is this really chicken?"

They looked at the chicken bean curd in the bowl, and no matter how they looked at it, they felt that this was not like meat could be made!

It's completely beyond their understanding of food!

"Just taste it and you'll know. "

Two of them picked up the spoon and took a bite each.

The salty and umami taste in the mouth, as well as the softness of the chicken bean curd, instantly widened their eyes!

Slurp the chicken bean curd and chew it twice, you can taste a hint of meat!

"It's really meat!"

"It's amazing!How did he do it?!"

"My doubts now are the same as when I couldn't figure out how they wrapped the stuffing into the dumplings. "

"It's so much harder than dumplings!

"It's delicious! I love this place! It's just that the queue is too hard. "

"No way, good things always have to pay for them, Leon. "

They chatted and quickly ate the chicken bean curd in the bowl.

In less than 1 minute, they ate all 3 servings of chicken bean curd!

I didn't get enough of it at all!

I should have bought a few more copies!

They regretted it, but they didn't go back to line up again.

They know the rules here, and they're willing to follow them.

6:18 a.m.

Jiang Feng's things were sold out.

Moni and the others have already returned to the car, took out their mobile phones, and posted them on Moments.

"The best chicken bean curd I've ever eaten this year!

They've learned smartly this time.

After the chicken bean curd came up, a complete copy was left for taking pictures.

This time, she posted a circle of friends with a picture.

Someone down there was quickly caught up in the gluttony.

"Is this really made of chicken? It looks exactly like bean curd!"

"It's amazing! My dad has been hooked on this store lately, and I'm kind of wanting to go!"

"You also went to this store, I feel that this store is so popular, my second uncle has bought a house around there, can you take me to try it?"

"How handsome are you male god? Send me a picture of Kangkang!"

"Two days ago, my dad talked about customers, and they designated to eat this store, so he asked the secretary to bring steamed buns, and I also ate one, which was really delicious!

Moni asked the driver to drive, and she chatted excitedly with her friends, trying her best to try it out!

Half past six.

The sun was setting.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye arrived at the store.

The last group of guests is also gone.

Jiang Feng simply cleaned up and made 5 servings of chicken bean curd.

Song Jin was very interested: "Can it really be made like bean curd? I thought it was a photo that wasn't clear." "

Jiang Jianye's tone was a little proud: "It's very powerful." "

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang sat at the table, staring at the chicken bean curd on the table, like two little gluttonous cats.

Jiang Feng also made a few servings of dry fried beef river.

I haven't eaten it for a long time, and today Jiang Feng is a little greedy.

After frying and putting it on the table, Jiang Feng also sat down.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye each tasted a mouthful of chicken bean curd and were a little surprised.

"It's very tasty, not as bland as I imagined, this salty umami is just right!"


After Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou fed Jiang Feng, they also took a bite each, showing a satisfied expression.

It's so delicious!

That's the taste!

Dinner is finished.

Jiang Feng cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks.

Song Jin was beside him and asked, "Good baby, have you made an appointment to meet somewhere?"

Rong Shuang hurriedly said: "In Xinsui Restaurant, a Cantonese restaurant, I have been to my father several times before. "

"Let Jiang Feng pay when the time comes. Song Jin said, "This money should be paid by us." "

Rong Shuang shook her head: "No, mother-in-law, I'll just come out, I'm rich now." "

She didn't want to talk to Jiang Feng about those customs and rules.

She wants to spoil her husband.

How can you make your husband spend money?

Song Jin smiled gently: "This is a thought, the money for a meal, even if it is expensive, we will pay for it." "

"I know you love him very much, and your money will be spent on him, but we pay for this meal because we value you, understand?"

Song Jin really regards Rong Shuang as his own cub.

If Rong Shuang took Jiang Feng to meet her parents and asked her to pay, it would inevitably seem that she would not be taken seriously.

Rong Shuang's heart was warm: "Mother-in-law, hug." "

Song Jin smiled and hugged Rong Shuang.

Jiang Youyou also joined in the fun, and rubbed into the middle of the two of them: "Youyou also want to hug!"

The whole family laughed.

Jiang Feng brushed his chopsticks, sat back, and said, "I'll pay for the meal." "


Jiang Feng pinched Rong Shuang's rosy lips.

"It's not because of customs, it's not because men should pay, it's because I love you, so I pay, understand?"

Rong Shuang listened to Jiang Feng's words, his eyes were dumbfounded, and he nodded obediently.

She's numb!

Why did my husband tease her in front of her mother-in-law!

Her heart was beating so fast that it was flying out!

"Then let's go for a walk. Jiang Jianye stood up.

Song Jin looked at Jiang Feng: "I'll transfer money to you later, this money should be from your parents." "

Jiang Feng nodded: "Okay." "

Song Jin wants to come out, then let her out.

Anyway, there is no shortage of money at home.

It's the same for whoever comes out.

Song Jin nodded with satisfaction and followed Jiang Jianye out of the store.

"Pack up, let's go home. "

Jiang Feng put the dishes and chopsticks back in place, and the disinfection was disinfected, and he still checked the water, electricity and gas as usual.

Rong Shuang and Yoyo detoxified the table, and the tables and chairs returned to their places.

After packing up, the takeaway guy also arrived.

Jiang Feng bought various ingredients for making tiramisu in the supermarket on the takeaway software.

Now driving to the supermarket, it's too troublesome to find a parking space, and the takeaway is delivered over, saving a long time.

Grab something.

Go home!

Drive to your home.

Rong Shuang went to feed Tang Hemei and took a bath by the way.

Wash it out.

She sent a message to Rong Lijun: "At 12 noon on Monday, Xinsui Pavilion, I have booked a private room." "

Rong Lijun is eating mapo tofu.

This is what he asked the chef to do.

But it doesn't taste right!

Rong Lijun's chef level is also good, and the mapo tofu he makes can at least be regarded as first-class, and there is no problem.

But compared to Jiang Feng's perfect taste, it is much worse!

Barely eat some.

After eating, he saw Rong Shuang's news and replied: "Yes." "

In fact, Rong Lijun wanted to meet at Jiang Feng's store.

I can also eat at Jiang Feng's shop.

But after thinking about it, it was too much of a delay for Boss Xiaojiang to do business.

It's in the Shinhokan.

Barely able to eat.


Rong Shuang's text message came again: "Let him pay when the time comes, don't let the secretary pay." "

Rong Lijun: "Yes." "

He doesn't mind who pays.

However, Rong Shuang's boyfriend is willing to take the initiative to pay for it, at least it is polite.

Rong Lijun's resistance was a little less.

But think about it.

Or boss Xiaojiang is more polite and likable!

In an instant, Rong Lijun resisted again.

When the time comes, you must not let go of Rongshuang and her boyfriend easily!

The father and daughter made an appointment.

Rong Shuang put away her phone and said hello to Tang Hemei: "I'll go over first." "

"Go ahead, I'll eat and I'll continue the liver game later. "

Rong Shuang arrived at Jiang Feng's house.



Jiang Feng smiled and said, "Go back to the house?"


"Daddy's back!"

Jiang Feng carried Jiang Youyou on his back, took Rong Shuang's hand, and went back to the house.

It's 29 degrees outside now.

The air conditioner was turned on in the house, the temperature was comfortable, and Song Jin also changed the bed sheets.

A family of three, lie back!


"Husband. "


"I checked the time with my dad, it's 12 noon on Monday, okay?"

"Yes, I still have time to prepare dessert for your dad. "

Hear the word dessert.

Jiang You was greedy, lying on Jiang Feng's stomach, and asked expectantly, "What dessert do you want to make?"

"Anchovy crisp. "

"Huh? What's that?"

Jiang Feng explained: "Use a special method to mix the dough, and then fry it, the dough will spread out and become one by one, which looks a bit like a phoenix tail. "

"It's all kinds of fillings, let's make red bean paste and walnuts tomorrow. "

"Okay!" Jiang Youyou was a little excited, "Youyou likes red bean paste!"

"Well, eat tomorrow. Shall we see Conan?"

"Good. "

Jiang Youyou lay down and picked up the tablet.

Rong Shuang leaned on Jiang Feng's shoulder and looked at it together.

watched two episodes.

Jiang Youyou was already sleepy.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng and asked softly, "Tomorrow morning, you want to make a cake?"

"Well, it's rare that your mother-in-law is here, let them taste it. "

Rong Shuang touched Jiang Feng's head a little distressed: "It's hard work." "


She suddenly exerted force and hugged Jiang Feng into her arms.

"Is it okay for me to sleep with you like this?"

Rongshuang's face was red.

Jiang Feng could hear her heartbeat and feel her body temperature.

She was nervous.

Jiang Feng was originally a little flustered, but suddenly became a little more steady, and said with a smile: "It's okay." "

He held Yoyo in one hand and leaned on Rong Shuang's arms.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng who closed his eyes, and her voice was soft: "I love you the most, husband." "

"I know. "

"I'm really happy to be by your side. "

"Then keep following. "

"Okay, sleep, I'll watch over you. "

Jiang Feng seemed to be covered with feathers, and he didn't look at the sales of the new store, so he fell asleep.

But wake up.

Everything is back to the way it was.

There was a Jiang Youyou on his right hand.

There was a frost on his left arm.

They have a good relationship, and they have to hold hands on Jiang Feng's stomach.

Jiang Feng smiled helplessly and got up as lightly as possible.

"Husband, where are you going. "

"Make a cake. "

"Ah, woo, I don't want you to go. "

"I'm in the kitchen, sleep in peace, I'll be back later." "

The two of them hugged each other.

Jiang Feng arrived in the kitchen and began to make it.

Prepare the biscuits, mascarpone, cream, eggs, sugar and coffee prepared in advance.

Tiramisu is a special way to make it and doesn't need to be baked.

When Jiang Feng beat the egg yolk, he heated it with water, and the temperature was controlled at 65 degrees.

This temperature allows the eggs to be half cooked.

Whipped egg yolks, egg whites, cream and cheese, mix together.

Spread the coffee-dipped biscuits and pour a layer of mixed cheese over them.

Add another layer of biscuits and another layer of mixed cheese.

Finish with a sprinkle of cocoa powder.



You can eat it later.

Jiang Feng didn't do much this time.

This is more delicious to eat refrigerated, in such a hot weather, half of it is in their hands when it is sent to the Yellow Sea.

If you do something else, invite them to eat.

After doing it, Jiang Feng went back and slept a little.

Wake up.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang had already opened their eyes and looked at him expectantly.

The two of them died of hunger.

However, they were reluctant to call Jiang Feng before 5 o'clock.

They all felt sorry for Jiang Feng who was so tired from working day by day, and wanted him to rest for a while.

Jiang Feng slowed down for a few seconds and sat up.

The two of them also sat up, didn't say anything, just looked at Jiang Feng with a greedy face.

Jiang Feng smiled: "Let's go, you should be able to eat it now." "

The three of them went to the kitchen.

Jiang Feng took out the tiramisu and cut a piece for each of the two of them.

They quickly tasted it.

The refrigerated cheese has a texture when you bite into it, but it is very soft and does not need to be chewed, and it will melt after a while.

Jiang Feng's sweetness is still very good.

And because Jiang Feng made the eggs half-cooked, there was no fishy smell of raw eggs.

Plus the special aroma provided by cocoa powder and biscuits dipped in coffee.


"Dad, Yoyo wants another piece!"

"Husband, this is so delicious!"

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