A family of three finished a serving of tiramisu.

The other one was left for Song Jin and Jiang Jianye, and they would eat it when they woke up.

Get ready.

A family of three went out.

In the wet market.

Jiang Feng bought an extra 5 catties of wheat starch, as well as 1 catty of butter, 5 catties of red beans and 1 pack of salted duck egg yolks.

Buy something good and go back to the store with three people.

There was already a queue in front of the store.

Uncle Jiang, they have already set up the table.

Meet Jiang Feng.

The uncles came over: "Come, Boss Xiaojiang, we'll help you carry it." "

Jiang Feng was a little surprised: "Why did you come so early?"

Several uncles had casual expressions, but their tones were very serious: "We live next to us, and we can't be later than others." "

Jiang Feng saw it.

Several uncles are very dissatisfied with being occupied by other guests yesterday!

Eighty-year-old men are also men.

A strange desire to win has appeared.

Jiang Feng and the uncles carried the things to the door of the store before going to park.

In the parking lot, cars were parked one after another.

"Boss Xiaojiang!Good morning! We're not too late today, aren't we?!"

"Boss Jiang, several of my friends don't believe that your food is so delicious, I brought them here!"

"I'm going to park, Boss Jiang, go and line up immediately!"

The guests greeted Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng responded with a smile, parked the car, went back to the store, and began to clean up.

Rongshuang and Yoyo help wash the vegetables.

Jiang Feng quickly disposed of the various ingredients to be used in the morning and cooked them.

The family of three finished eating.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang leaned back in their chairs, both in good moods.

No need to go to the garden tomorrow!

I can stay with Jiang Feng for another day!

7 points.

Jiang Feng opened on time.

The guests rushed in anyway!

"Give us 5 portions of red oil and 5 bowls of mung bean paste. "

Brother Jiang, let's go to school for a few days, and you have too many new delicious foods here! I don't even want to go to school!"

"I also want 1 red oil copy!"

"Boss Jiang, give us 10 portions of red oil and 3 more steamed fish and 2 steamed pork ribs!"

The 30 servings of red oil prepared by Jiang Feng were sold out quickly.

Jiang Feng also cooked the extra few copies and put them in the bowl of Uncle Jiang and the few uncles who helped move things.

Moni and the others came early today, and they couldn't open their sleepy eyes.

Sleepy to sleepy!

Eat and eat!

Jiang Feng quickly cooked all the copyists.

Moni and the others sat down with their hands in their hands.

Smell the aroma of red oil.

They gradually came to their senses.

There's something to eat!

Brain power on!

Moni tasted a copy first.

When she woke up in the morning, her mouth was still a little tasteless.

However, the fragrance of the red oil and the salty flavor of the tone directly made her sober up!

Take a bite.

The minced meat and dough are mixed together, and it is getting more and more fragrant!

"This one is really delicious, too!"

"It's good to get up, it's a shame not to eat this!"

"One bowl per person! Don't pinch me! Shoot you!"

They ate halfway through.

Su Minrui pushed the door and walked in.

He and Sumi looked at each other, and they were a little surprised.


"You're actually awake?!"

Su Minrui was a little shocked.

Usually Sumi gets up after ten o'clock.

I woke up early today!

Came before him!

Su Minrui looked at the bowl in front of Su Mi, and then looked in the direction of the counter.

Seeing the beautiful girl holding Jiang Youyou next to the counter, Su Minrui was even more surprised.


"Hello, Uncle Sue. Rong Shuang said hello coldly.

"Boss Xiao Jiang's girlfriend is you?" Su Minrui was a little sour.


Rong Lijun, an old bastard, earns the most money, and his daughter is the best-looking.

The son-in-law is still Jiang Feng!

The benefits are all taken by this old bastard?!

"Well, this is my daughter, Jiang Youyou. "

"Hello uncle~" Jiang Youyou greeted in a milky voice.

Su Minrui had a kind smile on his face: "You're okay too." "

After saying hello, Su Minrui didn't talk much to Rong Shuang.

He and Rong Lijun only know each other, and the relationship is not close, let alone have nothing to talk about with Rong Shuang.

At this point, he looked at Sumi.

Sumi became vigilant and covered her bowl.

"Today's copyists have been sold out. Su Minrui said.

Sumi nodded: "I know." "

"I deliberately pushed two meetings to queue up, and I had to work overtime to earn money for our family. "

"Thank you. "

Su Minrui's face darkened.

Why doesn't this kid know something?!

He wants to eat two!

Does he have to open his mouth to the child to eat in public?!

Sumi stretched out her hand, grabbed a copying hand, and quickly stuffed it into her mouth.

Before she could chew it, she stuffed another one.

I'm going to eat it, you're embarrassed to grab it, right?!

Seeing that his daughter was so filial, Su Minrui couldn't help it, and asked the secretary to continue to line up and buy steamed buns.

He walked over to Sumi: "Let your dad eat two bites." "

Moni: They looked like hell.

Su Minrui is relatively enlightened among the fathers of their gang.

But after all, it's the elders!

Or the chairman of a large group!

I was really hungry to grab food from my daughter!


Think about it.

It seems that Su Minrui can't be blamed!

Jiang Feng's handmade is so delicious!

Su Mi guarded the bowl, her flesh ached a little, she had two copyists in her mouth, and said vaguely: "Dad, you can arrange it yourself tomorrow." "

She still has 5 handfuls left in her bowl.

I don't want to give it!

Su Minrui said: "Two." "

"No way!"

"Do you still want pocket money?"

"Yes, you said you were going to give it to me!"

"Okay, didn't you give it to you yet?" Su Minrui showed the face of an old businessman, "2." "

"Okay. Su Mi was forced to be helpless, handed over the two copyists, and muttered in a low voice, "Wait for me to extubate you." "

Father and daughter.

Su Minrui took a copy of his hand, put it in his mouth, and tasted it.


It tastes good definitely!

The cook hired by Su Minrui is a Sichuan cook, and he has eaten many times at breakfast.

But the cooks they hired at home are far from what Jiang Feng did!

This perfect taste, it's a real joy to eat!

Two copyists finished eating.

Su Minrui went directly to the chopsticks and wanted to clip the third!


Sumi was quicker and slapped her father on the hand.

The plagiarist fell on the table.

Feng Zishan's eyes were quick, she picked it up and ate it in one bite!

"Feng Zishan!" Su Mi was anxious.



"It's dropped, and I can't eat it after three seconds, so I'll enjoy it for you." "

"You give me back!"

"No, unless I drop it too. "

Su Mi wanted to cry without tears, and looked at Su Minrui.

Su Minrui also looked angry: "Who asked you to slap my hands, let her eat it and let your father eat it?"

"Phew, I just want to eat and line up by myself!"

Next time I get it, don't eat me. "

"That's not good, you're my dad, isn't it normal for me to eat you?"

"Feed you, pull me out?"

"If you can't pull it out, if you can buy it, give me back two, and I won't pull it out. "

Many of the customers in the store were amused.

Jiang Youyou whispered in Rong Shuang's ear: "Mom, why doesn't that aunt let her father eat it?"

"Because I'm hungry. "

"But if you're hungry, you'll give it to your father. "

Rong Shuang chuckled and asked, "What if there are only a few copyists left, and you haven't eaten yet?"

Jiang Youyou's little face was a little aggrieved, but he still said, "Then dad eat, Youyou...... It's okay to eat an ice cream. "

"What if there is no ice cream?"

"Also to Daddy. Jiang Youyou's mouth pursed, a little uncomfortable, but he still didn't hesitate.

Rong Shuang touched her head: "Because you love your father very much, that's why you will leave him delicious food." "

"Not everyone loves dad as much as you do. "

Jiang Youyou suddenly felt a little happy: "Is that Youyou the daughter who loves her father the most in the world?"

"Sort of. "

"Yes, Yoyo will always love Dad so much, and Mom. "

Rong Shuang smiled very happily: "Mom will love you so much, as well as your father's." "

"Mom can skip it, give it to you and Dad. "

Jiang Feng shook his head and smiled: "Don't worry, when did you not eat enough?"

"Now you two mothers, if you don't eat, you can't eat well. "

"Hey, hey, dad is the best!"

"Husband, I love you. "

There were many customers in the store, and the two of them spoke in a very small voice, and quietly gave Jiang Feng a heart.


Su Minrui's secretary arrived at the counter and asked politely, "Are there only buns and porridge?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, but the number of other dishes is limited. "

"It's okay, 2 bowls of mung bean paste, 2 of each bun. "

The secretary finished ordering and brought it to the table.

Sumi's secretary got up and gave up his place.

Su Minrui took a bite of the beef bun, took a sip of mung bean paste, and breathed a sigh of relief.


"This mung bean paste is also delicious. "

"No wonder you all love coming to this store. "

Sumi reached out to get the buns.

Su Minrui slapped her on the hand.


"Now you're going to say good things, who just slapped me on the hand?"

"I'm not in a hurry. "

"Now I'm hungry too. "

"Just half, let me eat half a bun. "

"Don't give. "

The father and daughter broke up on the spot.

Feng Zishan ate a copy of her hand, looking lively.

The door was pushed open.

Feng Qingshan walked in: "Zishan?"

Feng Zishan's face stiffened, and she picked up the bowl and ate the remaining four copyists!

Pro-level reaction speed!

"Dad. The four copied hands into the most, and Feng Zishan's face had been propped up.

She chewed and said hello.

Feng Qingshan was stunned for a moment, and then became a little angry: "You are really filial!"

"I was wrong, next time, I will definitely leave it for you next time! This copy is so delicious, I haven't eaten enough yet." Feng Zishan decisively admitted her mistake.

Feng Qingshan sighed: "Fortunately, the buns haven't been sold out yet." "

"Otherwise, I'll sweep you out of the house today!"

Moni wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and looked back at the outside of the store.

I'm afraid that their father will come in next.

The old customers also talked and laughed.

Eight foreign guests shared a table with the neighbors and chatted while eating.

"Chopsticks should be used like this, yes, fingertips. "

"Why is this called a copyist?"

"Because this cooks quickly, it will be cooked when you copy it by hand, so it is called copying hands. "

"Wow, your food is really amazing. "

They are old and young, and their looks are very different, but they have a good chat.

Su Mi and her father, as well as Feng Zishan and her father, although noisy, no one was really angry, but they were in a good mood.

Over here.

They have a lively feeling of really eating at home.

It's very similar to the feeling of a big family talking and laughing during the Chinese New Year earlier, and it was inexplicably relaxed.

The only problem is that the food is so delicious!

Always rush to fight!

8:17 a.m.

All the things prepared by Jiang Feng were sold out.

The guests left one after another.

Come down in the morning.

The new store and Jiang Feng's main store sold a total of 91,055 yuan and 8 cents.

Coupled with yesterday's sales, the money given to Yu Qing to buy raw materials was deducted.

In Jiang Feng's bank card, there are already more than 1.87 million yuan.

It's a lot closer to the shop.

After the last group of guests finished eating, they put away the dishes and chopsticks, and left separately.

And at this time.

There was already a queue outside the store.

Today, on Sunday, many guests came to eat, but it was still late.

In a fit of anger, go straight to the row!

I don't believe it!

As soon as breakfast ended, they lined up for lunch, can they still make it?!

Uncle Jiang, they originally planned to go home for a break.

But it depends on someone who wants to roll.

They sat straight back!

Then roll!

Anyway, a few of them retired old men, can they still roll up these young ones?!

Jiang Feng cleaned up the store and looked at the situation of the new store.

Yu Qing has expanded 4 trainee chefs, as well as 2 cleaners and 2 cashier guides and waiters.

Throughout the store, there are more and more people.

These newcomers are also quite diligent.

Yu Qing recruits people, and they are all picky and hard-working.

When the newcomer joins the company and signs the contract, I feel that this store is different.

Allowed to leave the job?

Write a wage increase into the contract?

After I started working, I ate very well.

There is meat in the ton!

They work very hard, and they all want to work in this store for a few more years.

Jiang Feng was very satisfied.

At noon, Jiang Feng made fish-flavored shredded pork.

The customers are as many as usual, and business is very good.

Liu Shuying's grandfather came to the store at noon.

She was a lot more filial, and gave her grandfather a share of the fish-flavored shredded pork.

It's just that after eating, I'm still hungry, I haven't eaten enough at all, and it took 4 buns to make up for the emptiness in my mouth.

Sold out at noon.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye arrived at the store.

"Grandpa, grandma, have you eaten tiramisu?" Jiang Youyou asked excitedly.

Song Jin naturally knew what her cub was thinking, and she said with a smile: "Eat it, your father's cooking is delicious." "

"Hey, yes! Daddy is really good!

At noon, a family of five also ate fish-flavored shredded pork.

Jiang Feng directly served the rice in a casserole.

Jiang Jianye also said at the time: "No, it's too much." "


A dish is eaten quickly.

The pot of rice in front of him was also eaten cleanly.


Hold up.

He also has the bonus of a perfect physique, Jiang Feng doesn't worry about him having problems, he can eat as much as he wants.

Had lunch.

Song Jin ate the watermelon and cantaloupe he brought.

Chilled cantaloupe and watermelon are very pleasant to eat with the summer sun.

Ate fruit.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye left first.

In the evening, Jiang Feng's additional meal made claypot rice.

Moni and her family don't usually go to work, they just travel around, or they keep them at home.

Now that he comes to Jiang Feng, he is more diligent than clocking in to work.

6:22 p.m.

The store is sold out.

Jiang Feng didn't rush to clean up the kitchenware this time, but started to mix noodles, preparing to make a little phoenix tail cake first.

It's been less than 24 hours since I went to see Rongshuang's father, it's time to prepare!

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