Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang came over.

Anchovy pastry is a well-known dish, but because of the trouble and difficulty in making it, there are few places to sell it now.

Rong Shuang hasn't eaten it either.

Jiang Feng boiled the bean paste first.

The red beans have been boiled and drained in advance, put in a wall breaker, and beaten into a paste.

Some bean paste fillings will leave one-third of the beans and not beat them into a paste to add texture.

However, when Rong Shuang's father eats it, there is a high probability that the anchovy cake has cooled, and the bean paste itself will become harder, just beat it all into a paste.

After the fight.

Jiang Feng heat the oil in a hot pan.

Butter is the best, followed by corn oil, and the taste of these two oils goes well with desserts.

Canola oil is not good, and peanuts are not so good.

After pouring the bean paste, start stir-frying.

After stir-frying, add the sugar and osmanthus sugar.

As the sugar melts in the bean paste.

A sweet smell spreads.

The bean paste has also softened a bit.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang were already hungry, and their eyes were straight, like two hungry cats.

Stir-fry for a while.

The softness of the bean paste after putting sugar gradually disappears.

Jiang Feng put another small spoonful of salt.

Putting salt in desserts can make the taste more layered, but not too much, as more will rob the sweet taste.

After it is done.

Jiang Feng scooped three spoonfuls of bean paste, two of which were cooled, and then handed them to his wife and daughter: "Taste it." "

Both of them stretched out their hands, quickly took the spoon, and took a bite.

The bean paste is soft and soft.

The red beans themselves have a strong aroma and some light oil aromas.

Take a sip.

A sweet smell gradually dissipated.

Jiang Feng's sweetness is still very good.

Sweet just right!

You can taste the sweetness in your mouth, but after swallowing it, you will only have a faint sweetness in your mouth, and you won't get tired of it!

"Husband, it's delicious!"

"Yoyo still wants to eat!"

Jiang Feng smiled and gave them a small point: "You can't eat too much, you will have to eat later." "


Rong Shuang sat down and held Yoyo in her arms.

Yoyo holds the bowl.

The mother and daughter ate and continued to watch Jiang Feng operate curiously.

Jiang Feng also tasted the taste of bean paste.

Just about.

Put out the bean paste and set it aside for later use.

The bean paste can be put aside for a little and refrigerated.

Prepare the filling.

Jiang Feng put water in the basin, boiled it on the stove, and then put in the wheat starch.

Use a rolling pin to mix the wheat starch with water and mix thoroughly.

After scalding, place it on a cutting board and start kneading the oil while it is hot.

It must be kneaded well when the temperature is still relatively high, and the dough will be fine, otherwise it will be easy to have flour.

Knead the butter in.

Jiang Feng crushed the three salted egg yolks into pieces, and after a dense leak, he also kneaded them into the dough in turn.

Salted egg yolks can bring out a very fragrant flavor.

When kneading the dough.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye also arrived at the store.

"Mother-in-law, let's try the bean paste!"

"I haven't moved this little piece with Yoyo!"

Jiang Youyou handed the bowl to Song Jin.

Song Jin smiled and said, "Can I still think you and Youyou are dirty?"


She took a spoon and took a small bite of the bean paste, which was already a little cold.

After cooling, the bean paste has a harder texture and can be chewed.


After Song Jin finished eating, he also scooped a spoonful for Jiang Jianye.

"It's really good. "

Jiang Jianye usually doesn't like to eat sweets.

But after eating the tiramisu made by Jiang Feng and the red bean paste filling, he found that the sweets seemed to be good!

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "Wait for me for a while, and you will be able to eat it soon." "


Jiang Feng had already kneaded the dough, divided it into agents, kneaded it into a cake shape with his hands, and wrapped the red bean paste filling in it.

Once wrapped, a blade-like piece of dough is pinched out on top.

This time, I made a total of 12 of them.

After it is done.

Jiang Feng boiled the oil.

The amount of oil used in this dessert will be more, and all the anchovy cakes with a height of more than ten centimeters must be put into the oil.

The oil is burned to 190 degrees.

Jiang Feng put the phoenix tail cake into the fence and slowly put it into the pot.

In the process of frying, the part that wraps the stuffing underneath is first fried.

Be slow here.

The bottom should not be reticulated.

Fry until it is cooked thoroughly, go up and down the fence, slowly go deeper into the oil pan, fry it to the bottom to set, and the fence should sink quickly!

The dough is mixed with butter, so it will form a net.

If you go down, the net will float up.

If it's too slow, or if the movement of the hand is not clean, and you push it to the side, the mesh will float to other places, and it will fail.


Fry until cooked through.

Jiang Feng lifted the fence.

The exploding net, like a tail, floats on it.

"Wow, Dad, that's amazing!"

"Is this magic......

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou were stunned!

Can the dough still be fried like this?!

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "This is physics. "

"Flour and grease swell at different oil temperatures. "

"So the temperature has to be high, between 180 and 200 degrees. "

"I don't understand. "Jiang Youyou is right.

In Rongshuang's beautiful eyes, there are little stars shining with adoration!

Her husband is really amazing!

Jiang Feng repeated the steps just now, and made a total of 12 phoenix tail cakes.

After it is done.

The family sat down together and each took one.


Jiang Youyou raised the phoenix tail cake in her hand to Jiang Feng's mouth.

Jiang Feng took a bite.

A crispy sound sounded.

I didn't bite into the stuffing in this bite.

However, the starch with salted egg yolk has a flavor and tastes good.

Jiang Feng took a bite of the phoenix tail cake and picked a new one for Youyou.

"Eat. "

The whole family ate.

The crunch sound kept ringing out.

After eating the phoenix tail above, Rong Shuang bit into the bean paste filling at the bottom.

The starch dough is completely gluten-free, and even after frying, it is crispy when you bite it.

The red bean paste that had been warmed by the oil also softened a little at this time.

As soon as you take a sip of it, the sweet fragrance spreads.


This is very rich!

Jiang Feng looked at Rong Shuang with some expectation: "Will your father like this?"

Rong Shuang's heart was sweet, sweeter than the red bean paste in her mouth: "Yes." "

"That's okay, go buy a gift box tomorrow, prepare 12 anchovy cakes, 6 bean paste, and 6 walnut nuts. "


"Then I'll cook. "

Jiang Feng got up and fried a pot of meat, a portion of mapo tofu, a Whampoa egg and a broccoli.

A family of five, watching the sunset on the street, was eating dinner in the store.

And at this time.

Rong Lijun had just finished a meeting.

But in 15 minutes, he had to meet again.

Taking advantage of this time, he and Wang Zhe took the time to have dinner.

"There are still two meetings, right?" Rong Lijun quickly finished eating, wiped his mouth clean, and asked.

"Yes. Wang Zhe said, "A summary meeting of the group's five-year development report. "

"There was also an overseas business expansion conference. "

"Is the ticket booked?"

"It's set. "

Rong Lijun leaned back in his chair, rubbed his eyebrows, rested for a while, and continued the meeting.


The meeting is still ongoing.

Rong Lijun received Rong Shuang's message: "Don't be late. "

He replied, "Hmm." "

Rong Shuang: "My boyfriend made something for you, it's very delicious, you can taste it then." "

Rong Lijun was stunned for a moment.

His daughter's boyfriend also cooks?


Mention cooking.

Rong Lijun thought of Jiang Feng.

He has been in Sichuan and Chongqing for so many days, and he feels hungry and thin!

Without Jiang Feng's cooking, he ate what others cooked, and no matter how he ate it, he felt that it didn't taste right.

"Hmm. "

Rong Lijun replied a little perfunctorily.

No matter how delicious Rong Shuang's boyfriend makes, can it have the taste of Boss Xiaojiang?


When the time comes, just take a bite.

Finish the message.

He continued the meeting.


Jiang Feng's house.

Jiang Youyou had already fallen asleep.

She was a little excited just now.

We'll be able to hang out together tomorrow.

As a result, less than two minutes after the excitement, I fell asleep.

Sleep is really fast.

Rong Shuang hugged Jiang Feng's arm and said softly, "Husband, are you nervous?"

"A little. Jiang Feng said frankly, "People will always be nervous about unknown things. "

"It's fine. Rong Shuang rubbed Jiang Feng's arm, "I will protect you and Youyou." "

"Thank you, wife. "

"Don't be polite to me!"

Jiang Feng flicked her head.

Rong Shuang pursed her lips with a little smile: "Sleep, husband." "

"I have something to do tomorrow. "

"Good. "

Jiang Feng patted her on the back and coaxed her to sleep.

Listening to her even breathing, Jiang Feng thought about how he should greet him tomorrow, and also fell asleep.

Wake up.


Jiang Feng opened his eyes and saw Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou, who were lying on his left and right twice, staring at him.

The two of them had been awake for a while, quietly looking at Jiang Feng who was asleep, guarding him.

A family of three, get up together.

Rong Shuang packed up, came over and hugged Jiang Feng: "Then I'll go out first." "

She had to go home first, drive her car, and change her clothes.

"Stay safe, call me if you have questions. "

"Call, and then what?"

"Yoyo and I went to find you. Jiang Feng said seriously, "Go anywhere." "

Rong Shuang's heart was soft, and she rubbed Jiang Feng's chest: "I know." "

Hugged for a while.

She let go of her hand and went out first.

Jiang Feng drove and took Yoyo to buy the materials he needed in the morning.

This morning, Jiang Feng didn't buy peanuts.

The store closes at noon, and it can't be brewed in the morning.

Buy good stuff.

I went back to the store.

There are already quite a few customers queuing.

Uncle Jiang, they successfully lined up at the front of the line.

Mony: They were at the back.

Seeing Jiang Feng and Jiang Youyou, Uncle Jiang was a little curious: "What about Rong Shuang, didn't he come with you?"

"I'm going to see Rongshuang's father at noon, and she went to prepare first. "

He Guangyi, who was queuing up next to him, showed a subtle smile.

Moni: They were a little envious.

Sumi's eyes lit up!

I'm going to see my parents, this dog food is delicious!


They reacted quickly.

"Ah?!Boss Jiang, you want to go out at noon?!"

"Isn't the store open at noon?!"

Jiang Feng said a little apologetically: "I have to close the store at noon." "

"And what about that night?!"

"It's hard to say in the evening, I'm going to come back in time, I'll come back early, if I can't make it, I'll open the store tomorrow morning." "

The guests who are queuing up are disappointed!

"It's over, you've been out for most of the day to starve us to death. "

The guests who came so early almost all regarded Jiang Feng as a canteen.

Jiang Feng walked for most of the day!

They can't stand it!

But it's uncomfortable.

Uncle Jiang and the others still helped Jiang Feng move things to the door of the store.

Jiang Feng parked the car, rushed back, and began to prepare.

He and Jiang Youyou washed the dishes together, prepared the fillings and noodles, and wrapped the hand.

There is no cream.

Jiang Feng felt a little empty.

He still prefers Rongshuang to stick to him.

Get ready.

He took out his phone and sent a message to Rong Shuang: "I miss you very much." "


Rong Shuang's phone vibrated slightly.

When she saw Jiang Feng's news, she smiled sweetly and replied, "I miss you more." "

"It's so uncomfortable not to be around you. "

Jiang Feng: "Me too." "

Jiang Feng: "But it's okay, I'll see you at noon." "

Rong Shuang: "I try to survive until noon, don't faint as much as you think." "

Finish the message.

Rong Shuang got out of the car.

The driver looked at Rong Shuang with some envy.

Looking at Rong Shuang's expression when she just replied to the message, she knew that she was chatting with her boyfriend.

What dog man can marry such a beautiful woman.

The driver cursed in his heart and left.

Rong Shuang entered the villa area.

The doorman came out, glanced at her, and hurriedly opened the door: "Miss Rongshuang, you are back." "

The nearby wilderness villa villas are all the property of the Rongshuang family.

"Give me the car and I'll drive back. "

"Okay. "

The villa area is huge, 7 hours walk from the east side to the west side.

She got into the car that the security guards used to patrol and went home.

Rong Lijun didn't come back, and there is no one else at home now.

Rong Shuang took a deep breath, looked at the home that had not been back for more than two years, pushed the door and walked in.

Going up to the second floor, she went into her room.

Her room is still very clean, and the cleaning aunt cleans it three times a week.

Entering the cloakroom, she picked out a suede light blue casual suit, wrought white bow decoration, and a pair of light blue high heels.

A change of clothes.

She loosened her hair.

Wear your eyebrows, apply eyeshadow and apply a plum-colored lipstick.

When Rong Shuang looked at the mirror, she was a little distracted.

She has a stunning sense of cold beauty, exuding a temperament that is not approachable, and she is completely free of the easy-going preschool teacher.


Jiang Feng's message came: "Remember to have breakfast." "

Rong Shuang's beautiful face showed a hint of a smile: "I don't want to eat, without the food you cooked, your little daughter-in-law has no appetite at all." "

Jiang Feng: "Pad a little, and come back after lunch to give you more food." "

Rong Shuang: "Okay then, chirp one." "

It doesn't matter what she becomes.

She will always only identify with the identity of Jiang Feng's little daughter-in-law.

Jiang Feng smiled: "mua!"

After chatting.

Rong Shuang opened the cabinet, took out the car keys, drove her light blue Rolls-Royce Phantom in the underground garage, and drove off.

And at this time.

Rong Lijun also ended the meeting and got on the plane.

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