Rong Shuang came out of the store and took a taxi directly.

"Then I'll go first. "

"Walk slowly. "

Jiang Feng watched her get into the car, and then walked home with Youyou.

"Dad. "


"You've worked hard. You grabbed Jiang Feng's hand, and could feel that the muscles in Jiang Feng's hand were tense.

She felt a little sorry for her father.

Jiang Feng smiled: "It's okay, I make a lot of money." "

"Really, how much do you earn?".

"The net profit is 9,000 yuan. "

"What is net profit?".

"It's just to remove all the money we spend, and the money we earned. "

"Wow!" Jiang Youyou's eyes lit up instantly, "Have you earned so much?!".

"Daddy is amazing!".

"Let's celebrate, can I have an ice cream?"

Jiang Feng was in a good mood: "You can eat two slaps." "

"Woo, then I won't eat. "

"By the way, Dad, don't you think Teacher Rongshuang really treats you differently?"

Jiang Feng shook his head: "I don't think, she's not suitable for me, Yoyo." "

He has already been divorced once.

Also with a child.

Why should people treat him differently?

It's all delusion.

Jiang You rolled his eyes angrily: "Sluggish man!".

Jiang Feng was amused by her: "Let's make money first, we don't even have a house now, how can we have the money to find you a stepmother?"

"Okay, Dad, can't we recruit a few more people, teach them well, and then make more money?"

She's still thinking about recruiting more people.

Jiang Feng said: "This shop, I can do it myself." "

"But when we have the money, we can open another store. "

Jiang Feng plans to use this store as a signboard and sell only the best.

Lowering the taste will only smash your own reputation.

Wait until the funds are enough.

He can prepare some recipes and make them into a fast buffet.

The new store is clean, affordable, convenient, and delicious, even if not top-notch.

These stores can recruit people for training, and they will be able to make money quickly.

Jiang Youyou didn't understand much.

She's still a five-year-old cub, and she has to count on her fingers at 32 plus 27.

But she said firmly, "I agree! Dad must be right." "

Jiang Feng touched her head: "As long as you support Dad, that's fine." "

The father and daughter went home together.

Jiang Feng lay on the sofa tiredly.

Jiang Youyou sensibly poured Jiang Feng a glass of water, sat in front of Jiang Feng's stomach, and rubbed Jiang Feng's arm.

"Dad, do you have to wake up so early tomorrow?"

"No, it's about the same from five o'clock. "

Jiang Feng originally felt that there were not as many people who ate steamed buns at noon and at night as in the morning.

That's why he made breakfast.

Now there is some fame.

It can be less early.

Being able to sleep until 5 o'clock feels much more comfortable than getting up at 3 o'clock in the morning.

Jiang Youyou hugged Jiang Feng's neck: "Dad, it's really hard, wait for me to grow up." "

"When you grow up and earn money to support me?".

"No, when I grow up, you will earn enough money, and I will take you out to play!".

Jiang Feng was amused: "Salted fish." "

"Dad, do you think I'm lazy?".

"No, I don't think so. "

"Hehe, then I'll watch cartoons. "

"Look. "

Jiang Youyou pressed against Jiang Feng's stomach and watched the cartoon.

Jiang Feng closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.

And at this time.

Rongshuang also arrived home.

She rents an old neighborhood.

On the 4th floor, she pushed the door open and entered.

The decoration of the home is very new, and it is a little out of place with the old building.

It was renovated by her and Don Hermen with a small coffer.

"Wow, are you willing to come back?".

"Where's the cutie, didn't you go back to our house?!".

A girl with short coffee-colored hair, obviously unwashed for four or five days, wearing a short-sleeved shorts, ran out of the side bedroom.

Tang Hemei usually doesn't turn on the camera, and he works from home, hardly going out.

That's how she dresses every day.

Rong Shuang sat on the sofa and put the bun down: "Someone's daughter, how can I bring it back, but I brought you some buns." "

Tang Hemei was a little disappointed: "You ask a man, hug the little cutie, just bring me a few buns?".

"Won't you eat?".


Tang Hemei didn't like steamed buns very much, but she had eaten enough takeout, sat down, took a steamed bun, and took a bite.

The buns are a little cold, and they have less aroma, but the texture of the meat filling is firmer.

Especially Jiang Feng's filling, the oil used is just right, and it won't get greasy when it's cold.

Take a bite.

Tang Hemei was shocked: "Damn! Where did you buy this bun!"

"It's better than what Master Wang did!".

"How much does this bun cost?"

Lao Wang refers to Wang Jian'an, a national-level white case master.

The buns he made sold for 188 yuan each.

Rong Shuang said: "He did." "

"Who?" Tang Hemei was stunned for a moment, but did not react.

"Jiang Feng. "

"???" Tang Hemei was shocked, "Damn, this big brother makes steamed buns so delicious?!".

"Frost, I've thought about it. "

"What was considered?".

"I think it's not okay for you to be with him, it's good to be a stepmother, I approve it, as long as you send me 10 buns a day. "

Rong Shuang stretched out her hand and scratched Tang Hemei's itchy flesh: "Okay, you, 10 buns a day, you will rebel


Tang Hemei couldn't help laughing and said, "No way, this bun is really okay!".

"Please, Frost, let me go. "

Rongshuang let go of her hand.

Tang Hemei gasped twice and took a big bite of the bun.



Rong Shuang thought of Jiang Feng, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously hooked up a good-looking arc.

"He's not just making steamed buns. "

Tang Hemei looked at Rong Shuang's expression and said with emotion: "Before we are together, did you start feeding me dog food?"

"What does he look like, can you give me a picture?"

Rong Shuang shook her head: "Let's talk about it when I get it." "

"By the way, from tomorrow onwards, I won't be eating dinner at home. "

Tang Hemei's eyes widened: "No, you want to go to his place for dinner every day?"

Rong Shuang sighed, a little distressed: "He's quite tired, I'll help him watch Yoyo." "

Tang Hemei looked incredulous: "You are just obsessed with this man's beauty and want to go to dinner with him!".

"Just for a man, don't you want a good sister?!".

Rong Shuang giggled: "Yes, you can see it." "

Tang Hemei collapsed on the sofa: "Without you, I wouldn't be bored eating!".

Rong Shuang: "If it's convenient for him, I can often buy you some buns to bring back." "

Tang Hemei sat up straight violently: "Go ahead, I'm not the kind of person who delays you." "


Xu Na wore a long black dress and heavy makeup, and arrived at the Jiangnan Hotel.

She wants to meet a blind date here.

Waited a few minutes.

A man pushed the door and walked in.

"Hello, it's Miss Xu Na, right? "

Xu Na glanced at him, and her face instantly became not very good-looking.

This man is also 28 years old and worth more than 200 million, the same age as Jiang Feng.

But Xu Na couldn't accept his looks.

He's not ugly, but compared to Jiang Feng, it's too much worse!

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