Only stayed for half an hour.

Xu Na excused herself to be unwell, got up and left.

Arrived at home.

Xu Na looked at the clothes piled up on the sofa, a little irritable.

Why is there such a mess at home?

Although she came home a little late every time before, the house was always clean and fresh.

After a day at work, she was in a bad mood looking at such a messy room.

"Daughter, how's it going?".

Xu Xiuli, who was wearing a mask, trotted out of the room.

Xu Na frowned and said, "It's not good, it's too ugly, people are not interesting, their mouths are full of money, and they don't know how to take care of people." "

Xu Xiuli was a little surprised: "Ugly? "

"You won't be compared to Jiang Feng, right?"

"That's better than looks, how many people can compare to Jiang Feng? We're just running for money, right? People are successful people and have money!"

Xu Na sighed: "That's not too bad, and he doesn't have much money, it's all fixed assets, similar to us." "

Xu Xiuli comforted: "It's okay, if you are not satisfied with this, you will find a few more." "

Xu Na looked at the sofa and said, "Mom, you have nothing to do at home, can you clean up?"

"I worked all day and came back home in a mess like this, and I was in a bad mood. "

Xu Xiuli's eyes widened: "You kid, your mother is here?"

"It's too much trouble to tidy up the room, why don't you find an hourly job?".

Xu Na shook her head: "I don't like others to come into my house." "

"Then you can clean it up. Xu Xiuli said, "I'm also very tired, okay? Help you choose a blind date every day, do you think it's easy?"

Xu Na was a little angry, didn't say a word, put down the bag, and began to pack her clothes.

Xu Xiuli went back to the room.

an hour.

Xu Na put away her clothes a little tired and went back to the room.

She really didn't know before.

Tidying up the house, you can still be so tired.

A man lying in bed.

The wedding photos that were originally hanging at the head of the bed have been taken away and thrown away.

The traces of her daughter and Jiang Feng's life have been cleaned up.

She picked up her phone, found Jiang Feng, and sent a message: "How is Yoyo?"

Put down my phone and wait two minutes.

Jiang Feng didn't reply.

Xu Na was a little angry and typed a few words: "Can you hurry up and reply to the message?".

But the message hasn't been sent yet.

Xu Na suddenly realized.

She has divorced Jiang Feng, even if Jiang Feng doesn't reply to the message, she can't say anything.

"I'm sick of it. "

Xu Na got up to remove her makeup, and at the same time made up her mind to have a few more blind dates.

"I don't believe it, I can't find a suitable one, as long as I have more money and a little more handsome!"


Half past eight in the evening.

Jiang Feng woke up.

Jiang Youyou had already fallen asleep with him in his arms.

"Yoyo. "


"Let's go, go brush your teeth and wash up, I'm sorry, Daddy overslept. "

Jiang Youyou hugged Jiang Feng's neck and said a little confused: "Dad, don't say I'm sorry." "

"Okay, I'll take you and wash up. "

Jiang Feng hugged Jiang Youyou, went to the bathroom, poured water, and handed the toothbrush to her.

The little girl closed one eye and finished brushing her teeth as if sleepwalking.

Jiang Feng took a hot towel and wiped her face, wiped the moisturizing lotion, and carried her back to the room.

"Sleep. "

Jiang Youyou rolled over, and his back was still leaning on Jiang Feng's lap before he fell asleep.

You have to stick it with your dad.

Jiang Feng was a little more energetic, picked up his phone, and took a look.

There is a bit of prestige in the news.

Jiang Feng's mother, Song Jin, sent a message: "The little girl is asleep, right?"

"Don't be stressed, just tell me and your dad how much money you need, aren't all the money we saved yours?"

Jiang Feng's divorce was already known to his parents.

They were very supportive of Jiang Feng's decision.

Jiang Feng replied: "It's okay, Mom, I got a store, and there is no shortage of money." "

Song Jin replied in seconds: "Do you have the funds?"

Jiang Feng: "It's just a small shop, the cost is not high, I earned a few thousand today, don't worry about me." "

Song Jin sighed.

She felt that Jiang Feng was comforting her.

Since he was a child, Jiang Feng has cared about others very much and doesn't like to let others worry about it.

It's heart-wrenching.

Song Jin didn't say much, just replied: "Okay, after a while, when your father and I are not busy with work, I will go and see you." "

Jiang Feng: "Okay." "

After talking to my mother.

Jiang Feng saw the message from Rong Shuang and Xu Na.

He read Xu Na's message, but didn't reply.

Since you are divorced, then it will be broken neatly.

If you really want to care about Youyou, Xu Na can come to see Youyou on the weekend visitation day.

Jiang Feng should not be this middleman.

Rong Shuang: "My roommate said that the buns you made were super delicious, and I hummed half against the sofa." "

Rong Shuang: "Looking at her, I kind of know what I was like with Yoyo at that time." "

Jiang Feng laughed and replied, "If you like to eat, you can bring her some often." "

Rong Shuang replied in seconds: "If you want to collect money, I'll bring it to her." "

Jiang Feng: "It's okay." "

Rong Shuang: "You should rest early, do you have to get up early tomorrow?"

Jiang Feng: "You can be a little late, around 5 o'clock." "

Rong Shuang: "That's about the same, I have to get up early, my morning shift tomorrow, I'll see you tomorrow morning." "

Rong Shuang: "Hurry up and sleep." "

Finish sending the message.

Rongshuang blushed and put down her phone.

When Jiang Youyou came to kindergarten, she added Jiang Feng's prestige friend to facilitate the collection of tuition fees and inform the news in the park.

But this was the first time she had talked so much with Jiang Feng.

After chatting with Rong Shuang.

Jiang Feng finally remembered that he was already able to draw lotteries.

Open the lottery screen.

10,000 points, you can get a chance to win the primary lottery.

If you have 100,000 points, you can buy an intermediate lottery opportunity.

Jiang Feng thought for a moment and directly pumped it.

"Congratulations on winning the Porridge Soup Skill (Max Level)".

"You can now make the best porridge soup in the world. "


Jiang Feng's mind has countless more experiences and knowledge in making porridge!

He let out a sigh of surprise.

There is still so much attention to boiling porridge.

If you want porridge to be sticky and sweet, you need starch gelatinization.

Below 53 degrees Celsius, starch is insoluble in water.

When mixing noodles, water plays a role in bonding.

After the temperature reaches 53 degrees Celsius.

The starch will begin to dissolve in water, and the porridge will become sticky and sweet.

But gelatinization has a temperature ceiling.

If the temperature is too high, it will liquefy.

When the rice is boiled, it is difficult to make the porridge very sticky, unless there is a lot of rice.

Therefore, the porridge should be boiled slowly over low heat to be delicious.

There's a lot of trick in that.

Different starches have different temperature requirements for gelatinization.

Moisture can also affect gelatinization.

It's all up to experience.

Jiang Feng is very satisfied with the skills he has obtained this time!

The yield of porridge is high!

A 200g bowl of porridge requires about 80g of various rice and raw materials.

Ordinary eight-treasure porridge sells for 6 yuan a bowl.

1 pound of raw materials is only 6 to 7 yuan, but it can produce 6 bowls of porridge!

And the porridge is great for teaching others and making it when expanding other stores!

As long as Jiang Feng told them how to control the temperature and how long to boil.

Even if they are of average level, the porridge they boil will be at the upper middle level!

"Tomorrow morning I'll buy an electric bucket and start selling porridge!".

three-day summer promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

to rush immediately(Event Period: August 13 to August 15)

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