Rong Lijun didn't want the money in the first place.

Just about.

Jiang Feng's cooking seems to be of great help to his business!

Hurry up and get less money!

Jiang Feng saw Rong Lijun's news and replied with a smile: "No, a few dishes will be sold for more than a hundred yuan at most." "

Jiang Feng: "If you count the money, just count it as 120 yuan." "

Jiang Feng: "No matter how much money you make, it's also earned by your company, and the food I cook is just a small favor." "

Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng's words, and he appreciated his son-in-law more and more!


Want money, but don't be greedy for money!

Rong Lijun replied: "It's not a small favor, if it weren't for your meal, I would have to delay at least three days, it's all money." "

Rong Lijun: "Don't shirk, we are all a family, don't say that you helped me, if you don't help, I'll give you money, isn't it normal?" "

Jiang Feng's heart warmed slightly: "That 4 million is too much." "

Rong Lijun: "3.99 million?"

Minus 10,000, no less!

Rong Lijun really wants to settle the house payment as soon as possible, and then be able to give Jiang Feng some money to spend, so that his son-in-law can run the shop in a down-to-earth manner.

Jiang Feng couldn't cry or laugh: "Count 100,000?"

Rong Lijun: "It's too little, let me tell you, if you are willing to open the order, 100,000 meals, you can't make more orders every day." "

Jiang Feng: "The 150,000?"

Rong Lijun gave a bottom-line price: "3 million, the least." "

Jiang Feng thought for a moment and replied: "2 million." "

Rong Lijun reluctantly accepted: "It's okay." "

Jiang Feng replied: "The house payment should be calculated as 50 million." "

Rong Lijun frowned: "Why?"

Jiang Feng calculated the accounts: "The house that has been transferred for less than two years, and if the transfer is less than two years old, you have to pay taxes and decoration, and I feel that I have to pay for these money." "

Rong Lijun was a little helpless.

The son-in-law is too self-reliant, which is not a good thing.

Why is it so hard to give some pocket money?

Rong Lijun replied: "Even if it's 40 million, it's not so expensive when I bought it, and the decoration is considered to be given by me." "

Rong Lijun: "You are half of my son, the family business will be yours in the future, send a decoration, don't shirk." "

Jiang Feng thought for a moment and replied, "That's 40 million." "

Rong Lijun: "There are 38 million." "

Jiang Feng: "Okay." "

Finish the message.

Rong Lijun is in a very good mood!

He sent a message to Wang Zhe: "In the future, you can make an appointment with customers, and if the negotiation goes well, you can invite them to eat the food cooked by Boss Xiaojiang." "

Wang Zhe: "Okay. "

Rong Lijun saved the photos taken by Wang Zhe for him and opened the circle of friends.

"My son-in-law didn't open a store, and I can still eat the food cooked by my son-in-law, which is really good. "

It was also accompanied by a photo of Jiang Feng's claypot rice and tie.

Zhao Fuchuan was eating.

casually swiped the circle of friends, and his face turned green.

"His grandmother's! too much! twice a day!"

"This old bastard is also too lucky, why did Jiang Feng become his son-in-law! Doesn't this spoil Boss Xiao Jiang?!"

Zhao Fuchuan was a little anxious with jealousy.

I can't even eat.

His wife knew what kind of virtues her husband had, and asked, "What if Jiang Feng is your son-in-law?"

"Hair, eight. Zhao Fuchuan said confidently.

Zhao Fuchuan's wife shook her head and sighed: "It's a pity that our family is a son." "

As soon as the words fell.

Rong Lijun sent a message: "Lao Zhao, have you eaten?"

Zhao Fuchuan chuckled in his heart, and replied with a smirk: "I ate it." "

Rong Lijun: "Alas, I also just finished eating, and suddenly remembered, how are your two sons?"

Rong Lijun: "Your family's business has been doing well recently, unlike our daughter, who can only get married, and I have to continue to work." "

Depend on!

Zhao Fuchuan's teeth are about to be crushed!

His wife asked, "What's wrong?"

"This old bastard asked how our two sons were, his grandmother's, to show off!"

In the past, Zhao Fuchuan chatted with Rong Lijun, asked Rong Shuang what the situation was, and talked about how many businesses their two sons had taken over recently.

Every time we talk about these.

Zhao Fuchuan is extremely happy!

He never imagined that one day, happiness would disappear!

It's Rong Lijun to show off!

Zhao Fuchuan replied to the message with a dark face: "That's it, barely doing business, anyway, you can share a lot for me." "

Rong Lijun replied in seconds: "Indeed, compared to you, I am much more tired." "

Rong Lijun: "But when Rong Shuang gets married and has a child, I will be able to see the days of retirement." "

Zhao Fuchuan, this is sour!

The heir raised by Jiang Feng must be very smart.

In a sense.

Having a good heir from the next generation is more beneficial to a family's business than having a good heir from the next generation!

Zhao Fuchuan's two sons are busy with business, and although they are married, they have not yet had children.

Rong Lijun is about to become a grandfather!


Zhao Fuchuan is very envious now.

He replied to Rong Lijun with a smile: "It's hard to say whether the children are willing to have children or not." "

What if you have a son-in-law?

Whether there is an heir or not is not up to you.

Rong Lijun looked at the message sent by Zhao Fuchuan who was obviously in a hurry, and smiled even more happily: "Have you seen Youyou?"

Zhao Fuchuan chuckled in his heart.


Rong Lijun: "Yoyo, this child is Rong Shuang from three and a half years old to five and a half years old. "

Rong Lijun: "Do you think there is any difference between this and your granddaughter? And Youyou is also smart, sensible, and very obedient." "

Zhao Fuchuan is so angry.

The old guests all think that Yoyo is very cute and very smart, and Zhao Fuchuan is naturally no exception.

Zhao Fuchuan replied a little unpleasantly: "After all, there is no blood. "

Rong Lijun didn't mind at all: "If you have a blood relationship, you must believe it?" And the children taught by my son-in-law, I don't worry." "

Rong Lijun: "You said, if Jiang Feng is your son-in-law, Jiang Youyou is your granddaughter, are you willing to let them inherit it?"


Does this need to be said?!

Jiang Feng's attitude towards Uncle Jiang, Xu Liren, Uncle Liu, who has no money, and the old guests, everyone sees it.

Okay, no words!

Looking at what Jiang Feng did, Jiang Youyou, this kid must be very good!

It is indeed a problem to put blood on others.

But if it is Jiang Feng and Jiang Youyou, Zhao Fuchuan will definitely be able to hand over the family business to Jiang Youyou with confidence!

Jiang Feng is trustworthy!

Zhao Fuchuan said about blood relationship, just because he was not Jiang Youyou's grandfather!

His grandma's!

Zhao Fuchuan's blood pressure continued to rise, and he replied, "Is there anything else?" I have to go to a meeting, let's talk another day?"

He couldn't stand it anymore.

After chatting for a while, he is probably going to the hospital.

Rong Lijun almost laughed: "Don't work too hard, after all, your two sons can let them share a little more." "

No need you to remind you!

Zhao Fuchuan put the mobile phone on the table, picked up the chopsticks, and after two bites, he had no appetite.

I just saw the claypot rice made by Jiang Feng, and then I ate this fried green vegetables, no matter how I ate it, it tasted bad.

He picked up his phone and glanced at it.

Tang Shun posted another circle of friends.

A picture of a dog with eyebrows painted.

There are already hundreds of likes at the bottom!

It's not just likes.

Zhou Linan stole the picture and sent it out.

Zhao Fuchuan glanced at it and saved the picture, but in the end it was not sent.

After all, Rong Lijun also said that he would take him to Jiang Feng's place for dinner.

Eat the meal first, and then scold Rong Lijun!

Rong Lijun naturally saw the news in the circle of friends, and his heart was even more sour!


Rong Lijun got up and ate another claypot rice.

And at this time.

Song Jin had already put away the dishes and chopsticks.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou helped and washed the dishes in the kitchen.

Jiang Feng originally wanted to help, but was ordered by the three of them to go back to the sofa to rest.

Jiang Jianye sat next to Jiang Feng and took a sip of tea, with a happy look on his face.

Jiang Feng asked, "I'll make you some cake later, you can take it and eat it." "

Jiang Jianye hesitated for a moment and said, "Don't do too much." "

He originally felt sorry for Jiang Feng and wanted to refuse.

But the cake made by Jiang Feng is so delicious!

He didn't like sweets before, and he couldn't stand it because he was a little greedy!

It smells so good!

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "You can bake two more chiffon pads, just one tiramisu, you can eat it tomorrow morning and leave, it's inconvenient to take it back." "

"Okay. Jiang Jianye asked, "When are you going to decorate?"

"Uncle will arrange for the renovation staff to come over tomorrow, go to the property to pay the decoration deposit, pay the garbage disposal fee in advance, and then start the installation. "

Jiang Jianye said with emotion: "In the future, our family will have to be kind to your father-in-law, and people will take care of you more." "

Jiang Feng nodded: "I know." "

"What about the transfer, when will it start?"

Jiang Feng thought for a while: "This is not in a hurry, I will ask Brother Xu later to see if I can entrust it to them." "

"Okay. Jiang Jianye sighed, "You are a promising child." "

"If you can handle it, you can do it yourself, if you don't know how to deal with it, just contact me, I'll come and help you get it." "

"Good. "

Jiang Feng chatted with Jiang Jianye and sent a message to Xu Liren: "Brother Xu, if I don't go to the house transfer, can you handle it?"

Xu Liren replied in seconds: "If you are a buyer, you can entrust it to us, but you need to make a notarization." "

"If you want to apply for a loan, you can entrust it to us, which can save you trouble. If you don't get a loan, it's better to come by yourself, which is actually quite simple. "

Jiang Feng: "I didn't have a loan, it was given by my girlfriend's father." "

Xu Liren: "I'm envious." "

Xu Liren: "But it's normal, I just don't have that much money, if I have money, you will be my son-in-law, and I will give you a house!"

That's a lot of money!

Send a house, you can eat Jiang Feng's cooking for a lifetime!

Xu Liren envied Jiang Feng at first, but after reacting, he began to envy Rong Lijun

Xu Liren continued to send messages: "Do you have any other properties under your name?"

Jiang Feng: "Not now." "

Xu Liren: "That's easy to do, this is a gift." Sign the gift letter, complete the notarization, pay the tax and wait for the house book. "

Jiang Feng: "Okay, I'll make an appointment with my uncle and set a time to contact you, thank you, Brother Xu." "

Xu Liren: "Thank you for a hammer, what is our relationship?"

Jiang Feng smiled and sent another message: "By the way, I still want to open a few more stores, is there a suitable place?"

Xu Liren: "I'll send you the resources in the law firm later." "

Jiang Feng: "By the way, can you move your household registration?"

Xu Liren: "This is easy to do, on the day of the transfer, you write me a power of attorney, make a copy of the certificate, and we will handle it." Your hukou is in the imperial capital, right?"

Jiang Feng: "Yes, it is under the name of one of my uncles. "

Xu Liren: "Then there is no problem, it is easy to do." "

Jiang Feng: "Okay." "

Put down your phone.

Jiang Feng told Jiang Jianye about the transfer and relocation of the household registration.

Jiang Jianye looked at Jiang Feng with relief and a little distressed: "That's good, after that, you will have your own house again." "

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "Our house." "

Jiang Jianye was stunned for a moment, and smiled gently: "Yes, our house." "

The family didn't mention Xu Na, or even compare her.

I live a good life, better than anything else, there is no need to compare with her, I will only be unlucky.

Finish brushing the dishes and chopsticks.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang wiped their hands, came out of the kitchen, hugged Jiang Feng, sat down on the left and right, and each hugged Jiang Feng's arm.



The two of them tilted their heads and looked at Jiang Feng selling cuteness.

Jiang Feng smiled: "Let's take a bath first, let's go back to the house after washing." "


Rong Shuang got up, took the things she brought for Tang Hemei, and went back to her house a little reluctantly.

As soon as I entered the door.

Tang Hemei rushed out!

"What's going to eat tonight?!"

"Dry fried cow river. "

"Hooray!" Tang Hemei took the meal, sat down at the table, and went straight to work.

Took a bite.

She was relieved.

"How's the conversation with Uncle Rong?" asked Tang Hemei.

Rong Shuang smiled at the corner of her mouth, and her beautiful eyes were full of pride: "I'm about to get a certificate with my husband." "

"Your dad didn't make it difficult for him?"

Rong Shuang shook his head: "It's not difficult, I feel that Jiang Feng is the same as his own." "


"When we met, I found out that my dad was a regular customer in his shop. Rong Shuang said, "The two of them hate to see each other late, and the relationship is a mess." "

Tang Hemei was shocked: "There is still such a thing?!"

Rong Shuang nodded: "It's rare for my dad to be a person and gave my husband a house." "


"Runjin Guanlan over there. "

"Damn, you're moving?!" Tang Hemei took out his phone, "No, I have to buy it quickly." "

Don Heme couldn't afford to buy a house.

But it doesn't matter.

She sent a message to Tang Shun: "Old Tang, I want to buy a house!"

Tang Shun: "......"

Tang Shun: "You haven't spoken to me for more than a year, and you asked me to buy you a house when you open your mouth?"

Tang Hemei: "I'll go downstairs to live in Rongshuang, she can often bring me her husband's cooking." "

Tang Shun: "Where does she live?!Send me the address!"

After Don Heme sent the address.

Tang Shun replied to the message in seconds: "Good daughter, you can't enjoy this delicious food exclusively, right?"

Tang Hemei: "I'm full and I'll share half of you." "

Tang Shun: "Then can I move in with me?"

Tang Hemei: "If you want to leave me alone." "

Tang Shun: "Deal!"

The contradiction between their father and daughter was resolved in an instant!

I can eat the food cooked by Boss Xiaojiang all the time, and my daughter's house doesn't seem to be a problem at all!

Tang Shun changed hands and posted a circle of friends: "I just received news from my daughter that I want to buy a house and move to live near Boss Xiaojiang, and occasionally I can have a meal." "

When Rong Lijun saw this news, he nodded his thumbs up with his backhand.

The two didn't talk, but laughed at the same time.


Zhou Linan saw Tang Shun's news and closed himself on the spot!

You two bastards!

The people who were still praising Tang Shun before disappeared in an instant!

Zhou Linan quickly posted a circle of friends.

The same is that there is no speech, just a picture of two dogs hooking shoulders.

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