Zhou Linan's circle of friends was quickly liked.

"Two old bastards. "

"It's really not a matter of doing anything. "

"It's a picture. "

Tang Shun and Rong Lijun also praised this Zhou Linan one after another!

Zhou Li Nan didn't want to even go to the meeting!

It's too much, these two dog things!

Also like!

Tang Shun and Rong Lijun are both very dark!

It feels good to be sour!


Rong Shuang finished taking a bath and went back to Jiang Feng's side.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye have already returned to the house.

Jiang Feng was blowing Jiang Youyou's hair, rubbing her head left and right.

Jiang Youyou shook his feet, enjoying it very much.

Seeing Rong Shuang, Jiang Youyou shouted happily: "Mom!"

"Little baby!"

Rong Shuang was also very happy and sat next to Jiang Youyou.

Wait for the certificate to be obtained.

Rong Shuang is Jiang Youyou's legal mother!

Jiang Feng looked at the hands of the two of them holding each other, smiled and rubbed Jiang Youyou's hair twice, and then put her in Rong Shuang's arms.

"Come here. Jiang Feng looked at Rong Shuang.

Rong Shuang sat down obediently, and was shaken twice by the cushion of the sofa, and the hair of the two of them shook at the same time, inexplicably synchronized.

Jiang Feng tested the temperature and began to blow her hair as well.

Two beauties, one big and one small, sat on the sofa and were very well-behaved.

Wait for Jiang Feng to finish blowing.

Rong Shuang shook her head like a cat, her hair rubbing against Jiang Feng's fingers.


She turned her head with a smile on her face.

Without makeup, she has no kind of coldness that no one can approach, and she is very cute.

Jiang Feng wrapped the thread of the hair dryer and said, "Okay, let's go back to the house." "

"Good. "

The two of them went back to the house first.

Jiang Feng put the hair dryer in the closet of the bathroom, made the tiramisu, refrigerated it, and baked the chiffon cake before entering the room.

After entering the door.

Jiang Feng saw that the two of them were still sitting on the edge of the bed, not lying down.


"I'm waiting for you to lie down together. "

"Daddy, come on!"

Jiang Feng smiled and collapsed together.

Working in the morning and shopping for most of the day in the afternoon, although Jiang Feng was very physical, he was also a little tired.

Blowing the air conditioner and lying down.


Jiang Youyou picked up the tablet, ready to see Conan, and when he saw the time, he exclaimed: "Why!"

"What's wrong?" Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang asked at the same time.

"It's already nine o'clock!" Jiang Youyou looked sad and was about to cry, "Why does Youyou's time pass so quickly!"

"Shouldn't it be seven o'clock now?!"


She didn't want to go to the garden!

Jiang Feng laughed and pinched her nose: "Sleep a little late today and watch an episode of Conan." "

"Woo, no, you don't sleep! Dad, you don't want to go to the garden!"

She pulled Jiang Feng's arm, really shed a few tears, and began to play coquettishly.

After the three-day long holiday, it was really painful to go to the garden again!


She can't stand this kind of sadness!

Jiang Feng gently touched her head: "There are only four days this week, and it's already Tuesday if you go." "

"After four days of classes, you can take the weekend off. "

Jiang Youyou hugged Jiang Feng's arm and hid his face, wanting to play tricks and not go to the garden.

Jiang Feng looked at Rong Shuang.

He originally wanted Rong Shuang to persuade Jiang Youyou.

As a result, his wife also looked at him with a pitiful face.

She didn't want to be separated from Jiang Feng either!

The thought of not being able to see Jiang Feng during the day tomorrow made her heart sour.

Jiang Feng couldn't cry or laugh, and pinched Rong Shuang's nose: "Don't take the lead and get tired of studying." "

As he spoke, he scratched Jiang Youyou's stomach: "You are the same, go to the garden well, and come back in the evening to make food for you." "

Jiang Youyou giggled.

"Dad, I really can't bear you. "

"I know, but the kids in the garden miss you. "

"They are not as important as Dad, and I want to be with Dad. "

Jiang Feng also pinched her nose: "You must not be tired of studying." "

"Obedient. "

"Okay. "

Jiang Youyou sighed, learning from the appearance of an adult, his little face was full of melancholy.

Rong Shuang was lying on Jiang Feng's shoulder, and he had already recovered a little, with a smile on his face.

"Our daughter is so cute. "

"Indeed, it would be even more lovely if you were willing to go to the garden. "

Jiang Youyou was praised twice, and immediately became happy: "Okay, Dad remember to make food for Youyou at night." "

"What do you want to eat?"

"Yoyo wants to eat shrimp dumplings!"

"Okay, I'll do it for you. "

Jiang Youyou lay down next to Jiang Feng's arm, pillowed Jiang Feng, and picked up the tablet: "Then let's watch an episode together, and Youyou will sleep, okay?"

"Yes. "

Jiang Feng patted Jiang Youyou's arm.

After watching one episode, Jiang Youyou had already fallen asleep.

Jiang Feng put her away, pillowed her pillow, and got up to take out the cake.

Six chiffon cakes have been baked.

Place the cake in the refrigerator.

Jiang Feng went back to the room and lay down again.

Rong Shuang put the phone down and hugged his arm.

Jiang Feng looked at Rong Shuang.

She tilted her head slightly, and whispered cutely, "Husband!"

"Wife!" Jiang Feng also laughed.

After meeting the parents, it really feels different.

This has been determined to be the little daughter-in-law of my own family!

"If you have time, transfer the account early, let's hurry up and get the certificate. Rongshuang is looking forward to it.

She didn't want to spend a day without a certificate.

"Good. Jiang Feng nodded.

"Thank you for getting along with my dad. Rong Shuang touched Jiang Feng's hair, "Good, big baby." "

The situation she feared most did not happen.

It's really good.

Jiang Feng looked into her eyes and said softly, "Because I love you, I will also be good to my uncle." "

Rong Shuang had a hint of sweetness flowing in her heart and hugged Jiang Feng's neck.

"Husband, you're the best. "

"Good. "

Jiang Feng patted her on the back.

Rong Shuang originally wanted to tease her husband again.

I've got this certificate, can't I hurry up?!


She was so sleepy that she was patted on the back by Jiang Feng and quickly fell asleep.

Early the next morning.

A family of three woke up.

Jiang Youyou was listless.

This is the state on Monday.

Jiang Feng picked her up with a smile and took her to wash.

Rong Shuang went back to her side first and went to clean up.

The three of them changed into a newly bought light yellow parent-child outfit.

This outfit fits you well.

Get ready.

Jiang Feng put five chiffon cakes, as well as one tiramisu, into a bag and put them back in the refrigerator for Song Jin and Jiang Jianye to take away.

This one can be refrigerated for three days in the refrigerator and eaten slowly.

The other tiramisu, Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang, stood outside the kitchen, watching greedily.

Jiang Feng smiled, and the family of three ate separately.

Ate cake.

The three of them set off and arrived at the vegetable market.

Just entered the entrance of the vegetable market.

A few neighbors came in.

Jiang Feng was a little surprised.

The neighbors spoke first: "You're here!"

"Do you know how we spent yesterday?!"

"I'm starving! I didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night when I was hungry yesterday! I got up early and waited for you! Fortunately, you're here!"

Jiang Feng couldn't cry or laugh.

This is a hungry eye, and I came to arrest him.

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "The matter is done, and the store will open normally today." "

"That's okay, let's go to the queue first. "

When several neighbors saw Jiang Feng, they were down-to-earth and hurriedly went to line up.

Jiang Feng entered the vegetable market and went to the meat stall first.

When Huang Hai saw Jiang Feng, he was also excited: "You can be regarded as back!"

"You're hungry too?"

"That's not it, the main thing is that I haven't seen you for most of the day, and I miss you. Huang Hai said with a smile.

Jiang Feng also laughed: "Isn't this coming back?" "

"Okay, you're back, and I feel inexplicably steady. The meat has been loaded for you. "

Jiang Feng opened it and took a look, it was all carefully selected good meat.

I also sent at least more than a pound of beef.

"Good. Jiang Feng scanned the code and paid, "I'll go grocery shopping first." "

"Go ahead. "

Jiang Feng also bought the other raw materials and drove to the door of the store.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang both showed surprised expressions.

"So many people?"

"It's only past five o'clock. "

The queue at the door of the store has been lined up directly outside the first community!

It's all waiting guests!

Jiang Feng took the bag out of the car.

Moni: They were in line.

There were a few new little girls, stamping their feet, whispering excitedly.

"It's really handsome!"

"What a cute little girl! Wow, I want to rub her face!"

"It's really Rongshuang, can she still become a sweet girl?!She looked at her husband's eyes, wow, this dog food is delicious!"

Those of them who had never eaten Jiang Feng's cooking were still obsessed with Jiang Feng's male color.

Monie and her old customers are already swallowing their saliva like crazy!

Yesterday at noon, they saw a Xu Ji bun on the short video platform and went to try it.

It's not delicious!

It's not as good as it was blown in the short video!

They also went to another hotel in the evening.

After eating it, I feel that the taste is a little less interesting!

The taste has been raised by Jiang Feng!

When they saw Jiang Feng, they were already greedy!

Uncle Jiang and they hurriedly walked over.

"You're back. "

"This street is really not good without you, I don't have an appetite for food, I'm hungry and thin!"

"Are you doing well?"

The old guests complained about their grievances while caring about Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "It went very well, Rongshuang's father likes me very much." "

"That's fine, don't you get tired, right?"

"Have you drunk? If you're not feeling well, we'll ...... It's not that you can't wait any longer. "

"I see that your face is not bad, you should be fine, right?"

The old guests cared about Jiang Feng's body, but they were really gluttonous, and their faces were full of entanglement.

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "I'm fine, and I didn't drink." "

"That's okay, come, I'll help you carry your things, you can stop and go quickly." "

"If the parking lot over there is full, you can park your car in our community, my parking space is empty anyway. "

"It's okay to stop at my house!"

Jiang Feng and the uncles carried the things to the door of the store and parked the car.

There is also a vacant space in the parking lot next door.

I don't know if there was a guest who gave it to him.

Park your car.

Jiang Feng took Rong Shuang and Youyou into the store and began to clean up.

After going out for a day and returning to the store, Jiang Feng felt a lot more steady.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou washed the dishes and chatted quietly.

"Mom, yesterday I dreamed that we were moving to a new house. "

"Me too!"

"Can Yoyo's room be made orange?!"

"Ask Daddy. "

"Dad, is that okay?!"

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "Okay, I'll talk to your grandfather later, and let him communicate with the workers." "

"Yes, Daddy is the best!"

Rong Shuangqiao's face was slightly red, she glanced at Jiang Feng and withdrew her gaze.

Wait until you move to a new home.

If you go to a new room to sleep occasionally.

Will she be able to flirt with her husband well?


The two of them finished washing the dishes and cleaned up the shop.

Although the shop was clean, they still carefully disinfected the tables and chairs.

6:20 a.m.

Jiang Feng prepared the raw materials he needed and cooked two bowls of copying.

The two of them ate a lot of cake, so they just shared a bowl together.

Had breakfast.

The two of them sat on the chairs and looked at Jiang Feng, both looking pitiful, making a final struggle.


Can you not go to the garden?


Jiang Feng had a smile on his face, and he couldn't see the eyes of the two of them.

6:50 a.m.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou glanced at each other and sighed.

"Husband, then let's go to the garden......"


Jiang Feng said with a smile: "Go to the garden obediently, prepare mung bean paste for you in the afternoon, and then make a claypot rice for you." "

"Oh well. "

The two of them were instantly happy.

Super coaxing.

Jiang Feng looked at them and turned around and walked out.

7 points.

Jiang Feng opened his doors.

Uncle Jiang rushed in as if he had been hungry for many days!

"Give me 2 copies!"

"1 steamed fish!5 beef buns!and a bowl of eight-treasure porridge!"

"I want 3 zucchini eggs, 2 beef, and 1 bowl of seafood porridge!"

"20 beef buns to take away!"

Jiang Feng hurriedly served them buns, steamed the fish, and cooked them.

Uncle Jiang took the buns, fish, and copying hands, and sat down.

Clip the fish and put it in your mouth.



That's the taste!

A few uncles are finally down-to-earth!

Other guests also picked up their meals one after another.

Many people are so hungry that they can't walk, so they gnaw on the buns when they get them!


Mony: They arrived at the counter.

"The steamed fish is gone, and the copy is gone?! This is too fast! Let's get 60 steamed buns, 3 bowls of seafood porridge, 3 bowls of eight-treasure porridge, and 4 bowls of mung bean paste. "

There are many of them.

Jiang Feng answered and began to pack buns for them.

Several little girls looked at Jiang Feng's neat movements, as well as the muscles on their arms, and became even more obsessed with men.

"Boss, you're so handsome!"

"More handsome than a star!"

Moni and the others stared at the bun in Jiang Feng's hand.

Now they just want to cook!

Men's color goes first and then slightly!

See you later!

Jiang Feng smiled and thanked them, handed the bun to them first, and turned around to serve the porridge.

"Boss Jiang, then let's go first. "

They took up the last two tables in the store.

A few little girls who had just arrived stared at Jiang Feng, took a bite of the bun, and were stunned for a moment!

What is it?!

It's delicious!

Can buns still taste like this?!

They bowed their heads and began to eat.

And Moni and Sumi have finished one bun and are ready to eat the second one!

Depend on!

Confused by this man's appearance!

They ate quickly!


Two middle-aged men arrived at the counter.

"Hello, Boss Jiang. "

"We are the chefs of Yue Wah House and would like to come and try your buns. "

These two people first reported to their homes, which means that they are either here to find trouble, or they are curious, so they come to eat.

Xinsui Pavilion changed its slogan, saying that it was the second Cantonese cuisine in the imperial capital.

This incident has caused many people to be surprised in the circle of professional chefs.

Who can be so powerful to subdue them and make them voluntarily change to second?!

Kong Kee buns!

Many chefs have heard of this name for a long time.

Just right.

Today, these two chefs took turns off, and they came over specially to taste what Jiang Feng cooked.

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "Welcome, but now there are only buns, okay?"

"Of course, steamed buns also see kung fu, you are tired, give us 1 for each filling, 1 bowl of various porridges, is it done?"

"No problem. "

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