The two of them had planned to take it away and eat in the car.

However, just as some guests left after eating, the two of them sat down at the table with the dinner tray.

Unlike ordinary guests, they took the bun and pinched it first.

Making dough is a very challenging process for making steamed buns.

The bun skin is soft and the thickness is also good.

They each took another bun and looked at it.

Pinch the second bun.

The two of them looked at each other, both a little surprised, and then pinched the third bun.

A total of 6 buns.

They took turns pinching in a circle.

Liu Guozhong, who had a bald head, already had some admiration in his eyes: "Amazing." "

Yan Ze, who was middle-aged and fat, nodded: "The key is that he is in the store." "

"Each bun, weight, thickness and softness, is almost the same, this white case kung fu, arrived at home. "


With this bun skin alone, they are already convinced!

Liu Guozhong nodded: "Taste it." "

The two of them took the vegetarian bun first, divided it into two halves, each took half of it, took a bite, and chewed it carefully.

After taking a bite, the two of them didn't speak, and then continued to eat.

Until half of the bun is eaten.

The two of them swallowed and tasted the aftertaste before they spoke.

"This tune is also too good!" Liu Guozhong's tone was full of excitement.

Eat high!

The two of them are much more powerful than Yu Qing.

Yu Qing is considered a second-tier level, and it has nothing to do with the master.

Yan Ze and Liu Guozhong are completely first-line level!

The richest people often invite them to private dinners!

The higher the level.

From Jiang Feng's craftsmanship, the more things will come out!

This bun is so well made!

The filling tastes perfect!

The juice is full, but half of the soup does not flow out after eating, and a lot of the juice is locked in the vegetables.

From the outside, the various ingredients retain their original colors and look very fresh!


After Liu Guozhong finished eating this bun, his mentality has changed.

From a judgment, to a cult!

To be able to make this kind of bun is definitely a top master!

Yan Chuang was also full of admiration: "I haven't seen this vegetarian stuffing like this." "

"I haven't seen it either!"

"Eat first. "

Yan Chuang didn't even want to speak anymore.

Eat your fill and talk about it!

A total of 6 buns, 3 bowls of porridge, they quickly ate clean!

After eating, I can't get enough!

"I haven't eaten enough!" Liu Guozhong felt uncomfortable.

Yan Chuang looked around: "It seems that you can't renew the meal, you have to queue up again, alas, you definitely can't get in line." "

Liu Guozhong slapped his thigh: "I should have asked for more just now! This is too uncomfortable, half-full!"

The two of them sighed and went to get a glass of water.

Let's get the water.

Yan Chuang finished drinking the water, looked at Jiang Feng, and his tone was a little fanatical: "Boss Xiaojiang, I serve you, your craftsmanship is really amazing!"

"No wonder I can make the new Sui Pavilion the second!"

Fairy craft!

Yan Chuang was really convinced!

This feeling is the same as when I first learned art from my master and watched what my master made!


Jiang Feng said with a smile: "It's good if you like to eat." "

One word.

Yan Chuang and Liu Guozhong were stunned for a moment, and they admired Jiang Feng even more in their eyes!

Ever since the two of them became famous.

It seems like it's been a long time since they've paid much attention to what their guests say.

After all, they think they know more than their guests.

Even if the customer says that it is not delicious, they will instinctively feel that there is something wrong with the customer's taste.

How long has it been since they have been like Jiang Feng, cooking steadfastly, carefully controlling every link, and putting the guests first?

They also had this heart back then.

No wonder they are true masters!


The two of them really wanted to shake hands with Jiang Feng!

Although they are also very expensive masters on the outside.

But in front of Jiang Feng, they had a feeling of pilgrimage!

It would be such an honor to be able to shake hands with Jiang Feng!

But the two of them restrained.

Jiang Feng was very busy.

Lots of guests.

They are now truly worshipping Jiang Feng.

The more they worshipped, the more they were willing to think about Jiang Feng.

Don't delay Jiang Feng's time, let's talk about it another day.

Liu Guozhong got up and said, "Boss Jiang, then let's go first, and come back at noon to try the other dishes you made." "

"Goodbye. Yan Chuang also stood up, his tone full of respect.

"Walk slowly. "

Jiang Feng responded with a polite smile.

Liu Guozhong and Yan Chuang just went out.

Two acquaintances were seen in the ranks.

"Lao Liu, you two also heard about the Xinsui Pavilion, came to try it?"

How can it come, and Zhou Weishan.

These two people, also in their fifties, are also excellent cooks.

Zhou Weishan's fame is even greater than that of Liu Guozhong and Yan Chuang.

"Yes. "

"How does it taste?" Zhou Weishan asked.

Liu Guozhong and Yan Chuang both showed a bit of fanatical worship: "You can taste it." "

"A word of caution, a little more. "

Zhou Weishan was a little surprised.


After eating a meal, you actually worship it directly?

Is it really that delicious?

Zhou Weishan and He He looked forward to it even more and continued to line up.

Liu Guozhong and Yan Chuang went back to the car first, and did not leave, planning to come over later and have lunch.

In the team, there are also two chefs from the Shinho Pavilion.

They weren't on duty today, so they also came over to eat Jiang Feng's cooking.


They steamed several fish by themselves yesterday, but they couldn't steam Jiang Feng's feeling!

No matter how you eat it, it doesn't taste right!

If they are free today, they hurried over and tasted Jiang Feng's cooking!


Zhou Weishan didn't have anything to do, and arrived at the counter.

"Boss Xiaojiang, we are also your peers, come and taste what you have made. "

Same rules.

Say hello first when you come to the door.

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "Welcome, but there are only buns and porridge." "

"No problem. "

Zhou Weishan followed He and ordered 12 steamed buns and 6 bowls of porridge.

They listened to Liu Guozhong and Yan Chuang's advice.

The two of them sat down with their meals.

Moni, who was next to her, said with some surprise: "Uncle Zhou?"

Zhou Weishan looked up and said with a smile: "Miss Mo, hello." "

Monie was a little surprised and asked, "You also come to this restaurant to eat?" I thought that a chef of your level would cook and eat by himself. "

Zhou Weishan shook his head: "We are here to try it, this store has been quite famous recently." "

Moni was a little expectant: "Then you hurry up and try it and see how it tastes." "

More than a dozen of them looked at them.

A big guy like Zhou Weishan, what would he say about what their male god did?!

Zhou Weishan and He Da, took a bite of vegetarian buns.



Zhou Weishan glanced at He He and took another bite.

The two of them didn't say a word, finished eating the buns in their hands, and each picked up a beef bun!


12 buns, eaten by them!

Six bowls of porridge are drunk finely!

They patted their stomachs and leaned back in their chairs with expressions of satisfaction on their faces.

Moni and the others were already about to give up their positions, and asked a little anxiously, "Uncle Zhou, how is it?"

Zhou Weishan came back to his senses and said embarrassedly: "It's so delicious, I forgot that you were waiting." "

Moni: They got excited.

That's enough!

So delicious that you forgot to speak!

Their male gods are praised, and they are really happy.

Zhou Weishan looked at Jiang Feng, and there was a bit of admiration in his eyes.

"Boss Jiang, be convinced!"

"I've never tasted such delicious buns, and I'll try your steamed fish later. "

Jiang Feng also said politely: "It's over, welcome." "

They turned and left and went to the parking lot.

Just walked to the side of the car.

Zhao Guozhong opened the window of the car and asked loudly, "How is Lao Zhou?"

Zhou Weishan walked over with adoration on his face: "Do you need to say it?"

"Boss Jiang's craftsmanship is not a level that we can evaluate!"

He Ji said: "I think about it, I'll come here to eat when I have time, isn't this much better than cooking by myself?"

Yan Chuang sighed with emotion: "Cheap, right? The more I think about it, the more I admire Boss Jiang, this is probably the real master." "

The other three people all thought so.

There are several of them, and now each of them can sell a basket of steamed buns for more than 200 yuan.

Zhou Weishan is more expensive, a cage of steamed buns can be sold for 500 yuan.


Jiang Feng was different from them.

The most expensive bun, 4 pieces.

Business is so good, don't increase prices!

Jiang Feng cooks not only for money, but also for the guests.

Simple, so it can be done to the extreme!

This is the master mentality!

Zhou Weishan sighed: "From now on, I don't dare to call myself a master." "

"Me too. "

"As long as Boss Jiang is still here, anyway, I'm not worthy of being a master, I'll just be an ordinary diner, eat what Boss Jiang makes, happy!"

"Indeed, I haven't eaten for a long time, and this is a real joy!"

The temperature is getting higher and higher.

Zhou Weishan talked to He Ji, and after chatting a few words, he went back to the car to blow the air conditioner.

And at this time.

Liu Guozhong's mobile phone lit up.

The boss of Yuehua Building sent a message to Liu Guozhong: "How is it?"

Liu Guozhong replied in seconds: "I tasted it, but I only ate steamed buns, not the Cantonese food made by Boss Jiang." "

Boss: "How does it taste?"

Liu Guozhong: "Absolutely." "

The boss was shocked: "Ah? The evaluation is so high? It's better than what you and Lao Yan did? Can't you? You two are top masters." "

Yue Wah Lou business is good.

In the name of the No. 1 Cantonese cuisine in the imperial capital, the business can still be very good, and it is enough to prove that Liu Guozhong and Yan Chuang are really good.

The boss had already expected that Jiang Feng was doing good things.

But he really didn't expect it.

Liu Guozhong's evaluation is so high!

"I don't deserve to be called a master. Liu Guozhong replied to these words seriously.

The bosses were stunned!


What have you been through?!

When I went out, I was still in high spirits.

Now he's a fan brother?!

Don't even feel like you deserve to be called a master?!

Before the boss could react.

Liu Guozhong replied with another message: "I suggest that we also change the publicity." "

The boss was a little confused: "Change what?"

Liu Guozhong: "It was also changed to the second Cantonese cuisine in the imperial capital." "

Boss: "......"

Boss: "Is it so delicious?"

Liu Guozhong was very serious: "Really, are you free? Let's try it at noon." "

Boss: "I'll see if I can spare time." "

Liu Guozhong: "Before coming, I suggest that you say hello to the employees first, and then change the slogan directly after eating." "

Boss: "No, no matter how delicious it is, how good can it be?

He believed that the things Jiang Feng made were delicious.

But if it was so delicious that he was convinced, he directly changed the slogan of the store, and he really didn't believe it.


He arranged the time and drove over to the outside of Jiang Feng's store.


Jiang Feng's prepared things were all sold.

Today's guests, after being hungry for most of the day.

Almost all of them go in with the wall and go out with the wall.

Things sell fast, too.

However, there are more customers who have not bought anything.

Many people are greedy, and they can't wait to gnaw Jiang Feng's steaming drawer.

Jiang Feng couldn't cry or laugh, so he could only persuade them to come back at noon.

The last group of guests put away the dishes and chopsticks and put them on the counter.

"I'm satisfied, Boss Xiaojiang, really, please work until you are eighty years old and then retire, send me away, you can do it at any time if you want to. "

"If you don't cook in the future, the happiness of the rest of my life will be gone. "

"I'll help you mop the ground, right? If there's any work you need to do, you can say that we can do it for you!"

Jiang Feng didn't open a store for half a day.

The old customers are really hungry!

You must treat Boss Xiaojiang well!

Whatever you say, you have to let him open a store for a few more years!

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "I tried to drive to eighty, and Yoyo still pointed to me to raise her until she was sixty years old." "

The guests were all amused, picked up the alcohol on the table, helped Jiang Feng eliminate the poison, and left.

Jiang Feng closed the store.

When I was cleaning the kitchen utensils, I counted the income of the store by the way.

19,663 pieces of 5 cents.

Not bad.

Sales of new stores have grown steadily in the past two days.

After all, the number of customers in the new store has been growing, and it has not stopped.

Now there are also a large number of customers, and you can sell as many as you want.

So far this morning, there have been nearly 80,000 yuan in sales.

By the time the store closes in the morning, it will sell enough for 80,000 yuan, so it's easy!

In the morning, Jiang Feng had a net profit of more than 30,000 yuan!

Put away the kitchen utensils.

Jiang Feng took out his mobile phone and looked at the message sent by his wife.

Rong Shuang: "Woo, we are in the garden, I miss you so much, our mother and daughter miss you together." "

Rong Shuang: "[Picture]"

Rong Shuang: "Husband, I can't do without you, do you want to accompany me for the rest of your life?"

Rong Shuang: "We love you the most." "

Rong Shuang: "Youyou went to move the chair, I still have to make up the lesson plan...... I love you and wait for me. "

Rong Shuang: "[Compare the heart]"

Jiang Feng looked at the selfie she sent.

The two of them huddled in the corner of the class, pretending to be pitiful.

Jiang Feng laughed: "I love you too. "

Jiang Feng: "Insist on persistence." "

Jiang Feng: "I will accompany you for the rest of your life, good." "

Finish the message.

Jiang Feng saw that someone had applied to add friends.

It is the person in charge of the renovation.

After you add friends.

The other party immediately sent a message: "Hello, Mr. Jiang, I am responsible for handing over the decoration to you throughout the process." "

"If you have any dissatisfaction or questions, please feel free to let me know. "

Jiang Feng: "Okay, I'm short on time, please keep an eye on it, it's good to be able to pretend to be a design drawing." "

"You're welcome, take money to do things, you should. "

Jiang Feng: "Okay." "

Finish the message.

Jiang Feng looked at the situation of the new store.

The staff is still very hardworking.

After all, here in Jiang Feng, if you eat well, you can still be regarded by the boss, and they feel more and more that it is very good to follow Jiang Feng for a lifetime, and they naturally work hard.

Jiang Feng was very satisfied, sent a message to Yu Qing, and gave the employees an extra meal at noon and stewed some mutton to eat.

Finish sending the message.

Jiang Feng went out.

It's time to go buy ingredients and prepare a meal for my father-in-law.

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