Jiang Feng went out, went to the vegetable market, and bought raw materials.

At noon, Jiang Feng planned to make 20 more portions of mapo tofu.

When I got back to the store.

There was already a queue at the door.

Liu Guozhong: They are already waiting.

"Do you need to do it?" Liu Guozhong looked at Jiang Feng with a very admiring look and asked enthusiastically.

Being able to wash some food for Jiang Feng, Liu Guozhong feels very honored!

Jiang Feng politely refused: "No need, I'll do it myself." "

Entered the store.

Jiang Feng acted swiftly and methodically handled all the ingredients.

Yan Chuang looked at Jiang Feng's movements, with a bit of admiration on his face: "The movements are really clean, the thinking is clear, and no step is superfluous." "

Indeed, no wonder he can do so many things himself, the kung fu in his hands is too powerful. Liu Guozhong's tone was also a little fanatical.

Watching the master cook is really a pleasure!

Clear thinking, smooth movements!

Moni and the others stood in the distance, looking excited.

"He's really handsome. "

"I really didn't think I would be fascinated by the way a man cooks. "

"Serious men are really too attractive wc!"

Except for them.

Also here were Su Minrui, Zhao Fuchuan and several other wealthy businessmen.

are all in line.

10:45 a.m.

The sun is getting more and more outside.

Jiang Feng also prepared all the raw materials.

Calculate the time.

Jiang Feng began to cook.

All dishes are made in portions of 5 people.

It was exactly 11 o'clock.

Wang Zhetui entered the store: "Wow, this is too fragrant!

"Just right, wait for me to put it up. "

"Can you use me for help?"

"No, I'll do it myself. "

Jiang Feng put the dishes in a casserole that had been heated in advance.

The dish will cool much slower.

"Yes, all the dishes are 5 servings, you give 4 portions to your uncle, and keep 1 portion for yourself to eat. "

"Let my uncle's chef prepare the rice, it's pretty much the same. "

Jiang Feng handed the packed meal to Wang Zhe.

Wang Zhe was moved: "I actually have a separate dish, I don't have to be deducted by the boss! Boss Xiaojiang, you are also too good!"

Workers are in tears!

Jiang Feng smiled: "Hurry up and send it back." "

"Okay. Wang Zhe took his good things and went out of the store.

However, he did not leave in a hurry, but looked in the group.

Zhao Fuchuan realized that something was wrong and bent down.

Wang Zhe still saw him and said enthusiastically: "Zhao Dong! Hello! I am Chairman Rong's administrative secretary!"

"The boss said that I might see you when I came over, so I must say hello to you!"

"He said let you line up slowly, he took away the dishes made by his son-in-law first, and will take you to eat next time!"

Zhao Fuchuan's face darkened.

Rong Lijun!

You bastard!

"Poof. "

"Uncle Rong is outrageous. "

"If I were Uncle Zhao, I would probably be angry. "

Moni and the others laughed to themselves.

Uncle Jiang also had a smile on his face, and when he looked back, several uncles had a bad face towards him.

You're an old bastard and you're still laughing, aren't you?

You've done this too!

11:12 a.m.

The dish was taken to a nearby restaurant.

This restaurant was invested by Rong Lijun.

A private room on the second floor.

Liu Brown, opposite Rong Lijun, looked expectant.


Wang Zhe knocked on the door and entered the private room.

"Boss, the dish was brought back. "

"So many?" Liu Brown looked at the two big bags in Wang Zhe's hand and instantly became envious.

They queue up for a long time, and there is a high probability that they will buy one.

Rong Lijun: This is all bought in a package!

Is this how a father-in-law is treated?!

Acid to death!

Rong Lijun's heart was dark.

He's really not a show-off guy.

Except when showing off his son-in-law.

He gave Wang Zhe a look.

Wang Zhe nodded and began to take the casserole outside: "Boss Xiaojiang gave 5 portions of each dish." "

Rong Lijun swallowed his saliva and pretended to be an understatement: "Just leave 2 portions of each dish." "

He eats the rest slowly!

Liu Brown was anxious: "Dong Rong, I gave four million profits, can't I eat one more?!"

Rong Lijun persuaded: "Don't eat bad stomach. "

"I thank you. Liu Brown gritted his teeth and said, "I deliberately didn't eat in the morning, at least give me 2 portions of each dish." "

Rong Lijun was a little distressed, but he still agreed.

The casserole lid is open.

Although the heat is not as good as when it first comes out of the pot, the temperature of the dish is well retained, and there are still a few wisps of heat dissipated.

Liu Brown looked at a few dishes, and his throat moved up and down: "It's so fragrant!"


His profit is really worth it!

You can eat dishes that Jiang Feng doesn't usually cook at the same time!

Double the joy!

The smile on the corner of Rong Lijun's mouth was almost uncontrollable, he cleared his throat and looked at Wang Zhe: "Send the rice over." "

"Good. "

Rice in wooden barrels is served.

Rong Lijun and Liu Brown each filled bowls of rice and ate them.


"This knife-edge pepper is too fragrant!"

"The meat is so tender! How do you make the taste of this fish-flavored shredded meat?!

The first time Liu Brown ate it, he was completely amazed by the taste.

And Rong Lijun is experienced and immersed in cooking!

Liu Brown took a few bites, and was shocked to realize that he had been fooled, so he also closed his mouth and started eating.

Less than 20 minutes.

A bucket of rice.

It was eaten clean by two people!

Liu Brown covered her stomach and leaned on the sofa, very satisfied: "I still have two orders, let's talk?"

Every time you talk about an order, rub a few meals cooked by Jiang Feng!

Liu Brown thinks it's a good deal!

Rong Lijun said: "Let's talk about the two orders together." "

"Phew, let's talk about it separately, at least we have to give a meal every time!"

"We'll have to talk about the price. "

"Hey, okay, who made Jiang Feng your son-in-law, you have the right to speak. "

Liu Brown was very envious.

Rong Lijun didn't hold back, and laughed: "It's okay, good luck." "

Liu Brown rested for a while, got up and left with the support of the secretary.

Wang Zhe entered the house and said to Rong Lijun: "The customer who will make an appointment to eat tomorrow is from Hunan Province, in addition to wanting to taste the Sichuan cuisine made by Boss Xiaojiang, he also wants to try Hunan cuisine, okay?"

Rong Lijun frowned, instinctively protecting his son-in-law: "Why do you ask for so much?"

He didn't want to trouble Jiang Feng.

Wang Zhe said: "The list is quite big, and he said that if the Hunan cuisine made by Boss Xiaojiang is delicious, let Li talk about it again." "

Rong Lijun thought for a moment and sent a message to Jiang Feng: "Can you cook two Hunan dishes at noon tomorrow?"

Jiang Feng didn't reply.

He was wrapping buns.

Waited 5 minutes.

Jiang Feng hadn't moved yet.

If you want to replace someone else, you haven't replied to Rong Lijun's news for so long, Rong Lijun has already sent someone to find it.

But Jiang Feng didn't reply to the message, Rong Lijun put away his mobile phone, and there was no unhappiness on his face.


The son-in-law can reply to the message whenever he wants!

Don't bother his son-in-law!

Wang Zhe complained silently in his heart.

When you are a double-standard dog, you are still in the business.

And at this time.

Jiang Feng has opened a store for business.

Liu Guozhong and the others asked for 2 steamed fish, 3 for each bun, and 9 bowls of porridge.

Didn't eat enough in the morning.

They took their meals and went out to eat.

Chen Zheng, the owner of Yuehua Building, also rushed over.

"It's a really good business. "

Chen Zheng sat on the maza and sighed.

Liu Guozhong handed Chen Zheng chopsticks: "Of course, what kind of craftsmanship does Boss Jiang have, can there be not many guests?"

Chen Zheng's face was strange.

Usually Liu Guozhong is quite proud.

Don't look at Zhou Weishan's fame is greater than Liu Guozhong's, but Liu Guozhong has never served Zhou Weishan.

What's going on today?

When it comes to Jiang Feng, he looks adored!

It's even a bit fanatical.

Chen Zheng didn't say anything, took the chopsticks and pinched a piece of fish.

Haven't eaten yet.

The eyes of all three of them widened!

So tender!

The fish is obviously freshly cooked!

It was on this small stretch of the way they brought out the dishes that they were smothered with residual warmth!

Chen Zheng's expression was serious: "I know why you two are convinced." "

"I'll taste it first. "


Chen Zheng put the fish in his mouth and tasted it.

Although Chen Zheng's craftsmanship is not good, he can make Yuehualou prosperous, that is also seen after eating, and his vision is very wide.


As soon as this fish entered its mouth, Chen Zheng was directly surprised!



From the texture of the fish to the fusion of various flavors, you can't fault anything!

When I eat it in my mouth, I feel that steamed fish can be better than Jiang Feng's!

And with that comes contentment and happiness!

Chen Zheng grabbed another chopstick and ate it.

Liu Guozhong and Yan Chuang also hurriedly tasted each other.

Taste the fish.

The two of them glanced at each other, and the adoration in their eyes became even more fanatical!


It's a taste they can't make in their lifetime!

The bigger the gap, the deeper their worship of Jiang Feng became!

Two fish are eaten cleanly quickly.

Even the fish bones were given by Chen Zheng!

The dog was in tears when he saw it!

After Chen Zheng finished eating, he was extremely uncomfortable: "Why do you want 2 pieces?!Are we short of this money?!"

He just wanted to send money to Jiang Feng now!

Take the money and take the fish out!

Liu Guozhong said: "Boss Jiang only cooks 10 fish per meal, and it is already very good to be able to buy 2! And this taste, we can't eat enough to eat 10 fish!"

Yan Chuang nodded with admiration, deeply convinced!

Chen Zheng looked around: "I have to buy a house nearby, I can eat this fish for 20 years!"


He picked up a bun and ate it casually.


Even the buns are so delicious?!

"This bun is 4 yuan?!Is it charity?!" Chen Zheng had half a bun in his mouth, looking like he couldn't understand it, but he was shocked.

Liu Guozhong said with great admiration: "This is called a master." "

Chen Zheng suddenly understood why Liu Guozhong and Yan Chuang were unwilling to call themselves masters anymore.

"I'll change your slogan another day, let's go back to Senior Chef. "

"Okay. "

"That's right. Chen Zheng bit the bun, took out his phone, and sent a message to his executive chef.

"Change the promotional slogan in the store, the second Cantonese cuisine in the imperial capital. "

"Understood. The executive chef replied in seconds.

Liu Guozhong and Yan Chuang each took a bun and ate it.

Take a bite.

The two men were stunned for a moment.

"Damn, is there something wrong with my sense of taste?"

"Probably not, I also think that the taste of this bun is almost exactly the same as in the morning!"

After Jiang Feng had a perfect sense of taste, his sense of smell also became keen.

When judging the taste of ingredients, it is extremely accurate!

The difference in the taste of each meal is getting smaller and smaller!

The high quality control is scary!

Ordinary guests only felt that this was Jiang Feng's normal level.


In the mouth of a professional chef, that's not the case!

Chen Guozhong and Yan Chuang hurriedly finished eating the bun in their hands, and after rinsing their mouths carefully, they tasted another bun.

A few fillings, they all tasted it all.

The mood of eating is extremely pleasant!

The taste they want to eat coincides perfectly with the taste they eat!

This tacit understanding between diners and chefs makes them inexplicably comfortable!

You're in control!

The more you eat, the happier you are!

12 buns are finished.

They put down the fruit, then turned around and looked at Jiang Feng through the glass.

They looked at Jiang Feng's eyes, and the five bodies they had already worshipped fell to the ground!


They clearly felt the huge gap between them and Jiang Feng!

In any case, they would never be able to do the same as Jiang Feng, the difference in taste between the two meals was so small!

Even if you use the same batch of ingredients and seasonings, you can't do it!

Depending on the time of sitting, it will also lead to subtle differences in taste.

This gap is difficult to capture.

However, after the dish is cooked, the taste changes brought about by all the seasonings can be tasted.

As long as the gap is not big, it is a good dish.


Jiang Feng had bought the materials alone once in the morning!

The filling and noodles are all fresh!

How can the taste be so consistent!?

It is forbidden to use magic in front of Muggles!!

Chen Zheng watched the movements of the two of them, a little confused.

He was not a professional, and he didn't eat the buns made by Jiang Feng in the morning, so he asked, "What do you mean? Isn't it normal for the taste to be the same?"

"Don't we also have quality control when we cook?"

Liu Guozhong shook his head: "It's different, our so-called quality control is not the same thing as the quality control of the gods." "


"I can hardly taste any difference in taste, including the texture of the bun skin. "

Listen to them.

Chen Zheng reacted: "Damn!

"We'll have another dinner in the evening. Liu Guozhong said, "Eat it again and you'll understand." "

"Okay. "

Chen Zheng also came to be interested.

Originally, he was going to order seafood for tomorrow morning in the afternoon.

Not going!

Let the Executive Chef go!

And they just finished talking.

Zhou Weishan, who was in the house, also finished eating the steamed fish in front of them.

Zhou Weishan took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the owner of Dalong Teahouse.

"Change our slogan to the second in the imperial capital. "

There is no comparison!

Even Zhou Weishan's eyes when he looked at Jiang Feng were already adoring!


The more they couldn't understand how Jiang Feng did it, the more they admired Jiang Feng!

He Ji's eyes are similar.

I almost went to Jiang Feng to ask for an autograph.

The two of them finished tasting the salty and umami residue in their mouths, and then reluctantly ate the buns.

And the moment of the entrance.

The reaction of the two of them was exactly the same as that of Liu Guozhong and Yan Chuang!

All are top chefs.

The ability to taste the taste is quite keen.

"This ......" Zhou Weishan stared at the bun, a little stunned.

He Ji's eyes lit up: "Convincing, there are really immortals." "

"Hurry up and send a message to the boss and ask him to stop calling us masters. Zhou Weishan said with great admiration.

There is this immortal in the imperial capital!

He hasn't said he's a master yet!

Who is embarrassed to say that they are masters?!


Dalong Teahouse, Yuehua Building and Jirui Pavilion have successively changed their promotional slogans to the second Cantonese restaurant in the imperial capital!

When the owner of the new spike hall heard about this, his face turned a little dark!

Even the second one, right?!

Do you want to nod face!

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