12:44 p.m.

All the things prepared by Jiang Feng were sold out.

When cleaning kitchen utensils.

Jiang Feng looked at the points.

Enough is enough.

One more draw.

1 million points were spent, and Jiang Feng heard the prompt sound.

"Congratulations on obtaining Italian Cuisine (Full Level), French Cuisine (Full Level), Huaiyang Cuisine (Full Level), Ancient Language Skills (Full Level), Driving Skills (Full Level)"

Jiang Feng's mind was filled with countless experiences.

With the foundation of the three major cuisines of Sichuan, Guangdong and Hunan cuisine, Jiang Feng mastered the new three cuisines in much shorter time than before.

Ancient language skills include the ability to interpret almost all ancient characters in the world.

Jiang Feng likes this technique.

He wasn't going to put this ability on display, but it could make him the person in the world who knew the best about the original human record.

Quietly surpassing everyone and understanding the world better is also an interesting thing for Jiang Feng.

Driving skills, on the other hand, encompass the driving abilities of almost all vehicles.

This includes family cars, F1 cars, rally cars, helicopters, airliners, fighter jets, submarines, and all other vehicles that humans have seen.

Jiang Feng was also very satisfied with this technique.

He wasn't going to use those techniques, because he couldn't explain where he had learned them.

However, it is always good to master one more skill.

Yes, no, it's better than when you want to.

Digest the rewards given by the system.

The last group of guests, who also finished eating the buns and porridge, put away the dishes and chopsticks, took alcohol at the counter, and disinfected themselves.

"Let's go, Boss Xiaojiang, this meal is delicious today, and I'm in a good mood after eating. "

"I've been thinking every day, when will you stop doing it, and I won't be able to live this life. "

"See you in the afternoon, Boss Xiaojiang, I'll go overtime first. "

"Don't you really have to help mopping the floor?"

Every time the last group of guests left, they would ask Jiang Feng if he wanted to help.

Their idea is simple.

Jiang Feng doesn't need to help, but if Jiang Feng needs it, they take the initiative to bring it up, so don't you need Boss Xiao Jiang to take the initiative to speak?

The old guests are really thinking about Jiang Feng.

It's not just about being willing to help.

They are really concerned and want to make Jiang Feng more comfortable.

Jiang Feng smiled and chatted with them: "It's delicious, I'll try to open it for a few more years." "

"No, go slowly. "

"Okay, let's go. "

The last dozen or so guests left one after another.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye arrived at the store and helped clean it.

Jiang Feng took three claypot rices, sat down, and took out his mobile phone.

My lovely wife sent a lot of messages again.

Rong Shuang: "Has the price of salt dropped recently? It's so salty, your little daughter-in-law is about to be salted to death." "

Rong Shuang: "I drank two bowls of rice soup Yoyo, and the little baby kept giving me an eye." "

Rong Shuang: "Half of the lesson plan is made up, and I have to take them to physical fitness classes in the afternoon and play games together, woo, I miss home, I miss you." "

Rong Shuang: "Husband, I love you the most, eat well, don't keep eating a few buns to deal with, eat well." "

Rong Shuang: "[Picture], [Picture]"

Rong Shuang: "Mua! I'm going to take a nap, I love you the most." "

Jiang Feng looked at the photo.

One is a selfie of her and Yoyo, and the other is a picture of her quietly taking a picture of Yoyo's expression of her little faces huddled together after eating a bite of food.

Both of them are lovely.

As usual, Jiang Feng downloaded the original photo and saved it to the cloud disk.

Waiting until a few decades later, he wants to look at these photos leisurely with Youyou and Rongshuang.

Save the pictures.

Jiang Feng saw the message sent by Rong Lijun.

He replied to the message: "I'm sorry uncle, I'm busy just now, Hunan cuisine is okay, no problem, you can eat whatever you want." "

Rong Lijun replied in seconds: "Don't be so polite, your business is a big deal, shouldn't I wait for you for a while?"

Rong Lijun: "Chop the pepper fish head, just have two more dishes that can serve the meal, you are good at it." "

Jiang Feng replied: "No problem, tomorrow or 11 o'clock at noon?"

Rong Lijun: "Convenient, right?"

Jiang Feng: "It's convenient, it's not difficult to do." "

Rong Lijun swallowed his saliva: "Then it's still 11 o'clock, I'll let Wang Zhe get it." "

Rong Lijun: "By the way, when you wait for half past four, can you cook some Cantonese food? Dry fried beef river, steamed pork ribs, or glutinous rice chicken, all of them." "

Originally, Rong Lijun thought that Jiang Feng would cook at most one meal a day.


He put the news out.

There are too many people making appointments to talk about business!

There is a customer in the evening, and the list is also very large, begging Rong Lijun to come to eat Cantonese food, which can make a lot of profits.

So Rong Lijun still asked.

Jiang Feng replied with a smile: "Okay, it's not very delicious to send the dry fried beef river over, and the pot is dissipated." Steamed pork ribs and glutinous rice chicken, and then made some shrimp dumplings, just like Yoyo also wanted to eat. "

Rong Lijun: "Okay!"

I thought of being able to eat two meals cooked by Jiang Feng in a row today.

can also reduce Jiang Feng's house payment a lot.

Rong Lijun couldn't hold back and laughed.

Put down your phone.

Rong Lijun looked up.

Next to the conference table, all the high-level executives looked at Rong Lijun with a little shock on their faces.

It's too late!

The chairman smiled!

Rong Lijun stiffened his face and said solemnly: "I just remembered something happy. "

"Alright, let's move on. "

"Okay. "

The higher-ups also quickly came back to their senses, as if they hadn't seen anything.

Did something just happen?

This can mix with the people at the top of the company, the pattern is open, and the road is very wide.

But secretly.

The familiar executives still winked at each other.


Looking at the way the boss smiled, it was probably chatting with his son-in-law.

The boss will only chat with his son-in-law during the meeting, usually other people's news, even if Rong Lijun reads it, he never returns it when he is in a meeting!

Double standard!

I'm so envious!

Many of them have eaten Jiang Feng's dishes, and they are really envious of Rong Lijun being Jiang Feng's son-in-law!

in the store.

Jiang Feng also put down his phone.

Song Jin asked, "Father Rongshuang?"

"Yes, let me make some Hunan food. Jiang Feng said, "When you come next week, I'll do it for you." "

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye both looked at Jiang Feng a little distressed: "It's okay if we eat or not, don't be too tired." "

Even if Jiang Feng kept saying that he was not tired.

The two of them still love their son, and they always feel that Jiang Feng is very hard.

Jiang Feng said, "Chop the pepper fish head, don't you want to eat it?"

Song Jin swallowed his saliva.

Jiang Jianye said honestly: "I still want to eat." "

Since eating the tiramisu made by Jiang Feng, Jiang Jianye has been opened to a new world.

Jiang Feng made new things, he was greedy.

"It's not troublesome, it's easy to buy good materials, and I'll make it for you next time." "

"Okay, let's eat. "

Finish a meal.

Song Jin took the dishes and chopsticks.

Jiang Jianye rested for a while and looked at Jiang Feng: "I'll follow you to buy vegetables." "

"No, I don't. Jiang Feng said, "I have to go somewhere else today." "


"Pick the chopped peppers. Jiang Feng said, "It's not easy for us to buy delicious chopped peppers here, I have to look for it, it is estimated that if you follow me, I will delay the high-speed rail." "

"Go back first, take a nap and then go back. "

Jiang Jianye and Song Jin were a little reluctant, but they still went back first.

Jiang Feng went out and drove to buy materials.

Rotated for 1 hour.

What can be bought nearby, all the chopped peppers, tempeh, and tea seed oil from Hunan Province, Jiang Feng bought a little.

Different water and soil, the people and things that are raised are different.

If he wanted to make a pure taste, Jiang Feng was very willing to work on these details.

To be regarded as a master, Jiang Feng does not only rely on the system.

The system provides tips and insights.

Earnestness and diligence are the keys to Jiang Feng's good work.

Seasoning is good.

Jiang Feng went to the vegetable market and bought raw materials to be used every day.

I went back to the store.

Jiang Feng tasted the taste of the newly bought seasoning in turn.

The chopped pepper in Hunan Province is very particular.

It is best to shovel slowly with a shovel, then gradually add salt until finally shoveled to the size of a soybean kernel.

The chopped pepper that comes out of this way tastes the best!

Compared with the machine, it can retain more of the aroma of chili peppers.

Among the 8 brands of chopped peppers, there is only 1, and Jiang Feng is satisfied.

The taste of Hunan provincial tempeh is different from that of Sichuan-Chongqing tempeh.

Depending on the degree of fermentation, the method of storage and use is also different.

Among the 5 kinds of tempeh, there are 2 kinds, and Jiang Feng feels quite satisfied.

There are also locally produced chicken skin peppers in Hunan Province, as well as tea seed oil.

These are all things that are not commonly used in the imperial capital.

Jiang Feng ran to several places, but fortunately, he bought all the things.

Choose your seasonings.

Jiang Feng opened the takeaway software and bought 40 copies of each qualified seasoning.

On the one hand, it is to keep it for later use, and on the other hand, it is that Jiang Feng wants to taste these brands of seasonings, how about quality control.

The better the quality control, the easier it is for him to grasp the taste.

The order is placed.

Jiang Feng soaked the glutinous rice first and began to process the ingredients to be used in the afternoon.

4 p.m.

Jiang Feng prepared all the ingredients, steamed glutinous rice chicken and pork ribs, and wrapped shrimp dumplings.

For each item, he prepared 20 more servings.

1 serving of 6 shrimp dumplings, sold for 25 yuan.

At this price, it is already quite cheap for shrimp dumplings in other stores.

Half past four.

There was already a long queue outside the door.

Zhou Weishan and they waited honestly outside.

In addition to them.

There are also two uncles who are a little older and have almost white hair, who are also queuing.

These two are among the top old-timers in the Cantonese cuisine circle of the imperial capital.

One is called Liu Wenhe, and the other is Yu Nianzhong.

Originally, the two of them were originally working in Xinsui Pavilion and Yuehua Building, and they were invited to high-level banquets many times.

Now they are all semi-retired.


There are so many Cantonese restaurants, changed to the second in the imperial capital, and the competition is so lively.

They kind of couldn't sit still.

Come here in person, and plan to take a look.

Wang Zhe pushed the door and walked in: "Boss Xiaojiang!"

"Exactly. Jiang Feng just packed the things, "Take it away, you have a separate portion of everything, and the shrimp dumplings have 6 of yours." "

"Boss Xiaojiang, you're so good! Let's hug each other!"

Jiang Feng took half a step back: "No need, my wife is coming back soon." "

"Okay, next time she won't talk about it. "

Wang Zhe joked, took his things and went out, or went to the restaurant at noon.

Zhao Fuchuan is still in the team.

But this time he learned smartly, and when Wang Zhe appeared, he bent down and hid.

in the store.

Jiang Feng filled the mung bean paste and looked out the door.

Less than 3 minutes.

The door was pushed open again.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang entered the store one after another, and they both gasped: "It's hot!

"Dad, your little cutie is no good, you touch Yoyo's forehead!"

Jiang Feng had flour in his hand, squatted down, and touched Jiang Youyou's forehead with his forehead.

"It's a little hot, let's go drink mung bean paste. "


"Husband, I'm going to post it too!"

Jiang Feng stood up with a smile.

Rong Shuang took off her hat, stuck it to Jiang Feng's forehead, suddenly leaned forward and kissed Jiang Feng.

After teasing her husband, she picked up the mung bean paste and ran, sat on the chair, blinked her beautiful eyes, and looked at her husband.

Jiang Feng shook his head with a smile, went back to the kitchen, and continued to work.

5 points.

Jiang Feng is open for business!

The guests rushed in!

"Sure enough, there are delicious shrimp dumplings! steamed pork ribs! glutinous rice chicken! Damn! Is it the New Year today?!"

"Give me one of all three! and a bowl of seafood porridge!"

"We want 2 steamed fish, 1 steamed pork ribs, 1 shrimp dumpling, 1 glutinous rice chicken!"

Jiang Feng quickly filled the guests with his hands and feet.

Zhou Weishan lined up early, and today's extra food was bought, and he arrived at the door of the store.

They are usually busy in the back kitchen, and they are used to the feeling of heat, so they prefer to eat in front of the store.

Liu Wenhe and Yu Nianzhong both came with apprentices.

Their apprentice ordered the meal, also went to the door, and sat down with Zhou Weishan.

"Old Liu, Old Yu. "

Zhou Weishan and they all greeted politely.

Liu Wenhe was a little surprised by Yu Nianzhong.

Usually Zhou Weishan them, they generally have to be called Master Liu, and Master Yu.

How did you change your tune today?

The two old men were old and in a good state of mind, so they didn't get angry because of this kind of thing, but asked generously: "I heard that you don't call yourself a master anymore?"

Liu Guozhong's face was a little fanatically adoring: "Yes, there is Boss Xiaojiang, I don't deserve to be called a master!"

Zhou Weishan's EQ was relatively high, and he didn't want to give Jiang Feng hatred, so he hurriedly said, "Second elder, you two will try it first." "

Eat first.

After eating, they themselves understood.

Lest they talk too much, they have a bad impression of Jiang Feng first.

Zhou Weishan really regarded Jiang Feng as an immortal in his mind, and he was very thoughtful.

Yu Nianzhong nodded and picked up a bun.

His hands were full of wrinkles, but even so, they were thick and powerful, and they were calloused.

This is all a foundation accumulated over the years.

Pinched the buns.

Yu Nian sighed.

After pinching all the buns, Yu Nianzhong sighed to Liu Wenhe: "I'm not as good as him, no wonder they worship Boss Xiaojiang so much." "

Liu Wenhe nodded: "Indeed, it's very powerful." "

Yu Nianzhong's white case kung fu can be regarded as the first place among the Cantonese chefs in the imperial capital.

And he admitted it himself, not as good as Jiang Feng!

That's a lot worse!

"Taste it. Zhou Weishan looked forward to it.

He really wanted to see what these two old-timers would look like when they tasted the taste of Jiang Feng's cooking!


They also wanted to wait for the two seniors to finish eating, and quickly tasted whether the steamed buns made by Jiang Feng tasted exactly the same as in the morning and noon!

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