Yu Nianzhong took a bite of the bun first.

The kind expression on his face that had just been on his face disappeared.

Although he usually has a kind personality, he and Liu Wenhe are notoriously harsh in terms of taste!

The two of them were geniuses when they learned art, and after becoming teachers, they quickly became famous, went to various large-scale banquets, and had a high status.

It's also because they do it well, so when they eat something that doesn't taste good, they are always very annoyed, thinking that others are stupid and why they can't do it well.

They often even deliberately pick on and can't tolerate small blemishes in taste.

It was only recently that they gradually compromised and reluctantly accepted a few students who were quite talented.


After Yu Nianzhong swallowed the bun in his mouth, he didn't say anything and took another bite.

One bun, eat it in three bites.

He picked up another meat-filled bun.

"Mouthwash. "

Before eating, Yu Nianzhong looked at the apprentice next to him with a serious expression.

"Good. "

The apprentice hurriedly handed over the water.

Rinse your mouth well.

Yu Nianzhong still had three bites and finished eating the second bun.

He looked at Liu Wenhe and was a little excited: "You taste it." "

Liu Wenhe also hurriedly tasted two steamed buns.

"Awesome. "

After eating.

Liu Wenhe only has two very simple evaluations.

Yu Nianzhong praised: "Absolutely, in terms of the taste of this bun, I am not as good as him." "

Taste the buns.

Liu Wenhe and Yu Nianzhong each sandwiched a shrimp dumpling and tasted it.

Then they rinsed their mouths and tasted both steamed fish and glutinous rice chicken.

After eating.

Liu Wenhe looked at his apprentice: "From today onwards, I can't be called a master anymore." "

Yu Nianzhong said casually: "Me too." "

Before the two of them came, they actually had a mind in mind, wanting to find fault with Jiang Feng's taste.

Whenever there is a little problem, they are not convinced, and they all feel that Jiang Feng is not worthy of changing the name of so many Cantonese restaurants in the imperial capital.


Even if they deliberately find faults, they can't find any fault!

And the more you eat, the happier you get!

This perfect taste, for the two of them such demanding geniuses, is incomparably harmonious!

It's as if everything is supposed to be there, as if OCD has been satisfied!



In front of a true master like Jiang Feng, even if the two of them are senior and old, they are not worthy of being called masters!

"Teacher...... Isn't that?"

The apprentices of both of them were shocked and couldn't accept it.

Yu Nianzhong's eyes were a little excited and adoring: "No, this is a good thing, I am very satisfied to be able to eat what he made!"

"Also, pay attention to your attitude, and respect Boss Xiaojiang more than me. "

By their age, they had eaten and seen, and their appetite gradually became smaller as they got older.

It's really nice to be able to eat something that makes them feel like they can't eat enough!

Masters make things differently!

Yu Nianzhong has become Jiang Feng's old fan brother!

Don't even let his apprentices question Jiang Feng!

Liu Wenhe looked at Jiang Feng with yearning in his eyes: "If I were twenty years younger, I would have to ask him to be my teacher." "

Zhou Weishan and others were a little excited: "It's delicious, right?!"

"Definitely. Yu Nianzhong nodded and sandwiched another shrimp dumpling.

It's delicious!

Zhou Weishan and the others got the answers they wanted, and they each picked up the buns and took a bite in anticipation.

Eat a bun.

Zhou Weishan and the four of them, glanced at each other, and the worship in their eyes was already very fanatical!

"It's like noon!"

"Damn, isn't this really magic?"

He was even shocked and burst into foul language.

Liu Wenhe asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Yan Chuang said excitedly: "We have eaten three meals of steamed buns today, do you know? These three meals of steamed buns taste almost exactly the same!"

Yu Nianzhong was a little surprised: "Impossible, right?"

"It's true!" Zhou Weishan said with great reverence, "But immortals make things, that's the case." "

Zhou Weishan didn't want to understand how Jiang Feng did it.


Isn't it normal to do something that mortals can't do?

He's a mortal to understand what he's doing around him?

Eat and you're done!

Yu Nianzhong and Liu Wenhe glanced at each other, and then looked at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng was doing his work while occasionally chatting with the old guests.

It seems that there is no so-called master in this shop, only the owner of a small street shop.


Liu Wenhe suddenly sighed: "He is the real master." "

Yu Nian understood what he meant: "It's much better than us." "

The two of them, unlike Zhou Weishan, had different experiences, and the things they saw in Jiang Feng were also different.

When the two of them became famous, they rarely saw guests, and they didn't allow others to disturb them.

Although they understand that the master should be humble.

But when they realize that they are geniuses, better than others.

They were still arrogant.

Usually they have a good personality, but as long as they taste it, they always look down on other chefs.

I can't even look up to the guests!

Since the age of 23, they have not gone out to see guests again.

Even if the guests have an opinion, they will not go and will let the executive chef solve it.

What do guests know?

What they do is the best.


Jiang Feng does not have their arrogance.

We handle the ingredients in a down-to-earth manner, select the ingredients, meet the guests face to face, and take care of the feelings of the guests.

It looks clumsy and doesn't even hire anyone.

But they saw peace of mind in Jiang Feng.

Earn as much as you can.

They are far inferior to Jiang Feng!

It's so far off!

"From today onwards, the two of you will go and meet the guests more often, don't ask me if I think it's delicious, go ask the guests. "

Liu Wenhe opened his mouth and said to his apprentice, and the admiration in his tone was a little deeper.

Yu Nianzhong also looked at his apprentice: "You are the same, it's not necessary to cut the pier yourself, you are too slow, but you must taste more and observe the ingredients more." "

"Got it, Master. "

Several apprentices nodded in response.

"Master, can we taste a bun?"

"Yes, this glutinous rice chicken looks so fragrant, I also want to taste the master's craftsmanship. "

"This shrimp dumpling looks really well done. "

Watching his master eat so happily.

They were hungry too.

Liu Wenhe said solemnly: "You have tasted this taste, it may be too big a blow to you, forget it, let Master and I bear it for you." "


They were a little dazed.

Aren't these two masters really hungry and want to eat alone?!

Yu Nianzhong agreed: "Indeed, for you, it's better to taste this taste later." "

"When is the right time?" asked one of the apprentices.

The expression on Yu Nianzhong's old face was natural: "Tomorrow morning." "

Depend on!

Several apprentices reacted!

I just want to eat alone!

Liu Wenhe and Yu Nianzhong noticed the resentful gaze of the apprentices, and they didn't care at all.


They are in their sixties, and their cheeks have long been practiced.


Two respected Cantonese old-timers started to cook in the greedy eyes of their apprentices.

Several apprentices looked at Zhou Weishan and them.

They order a lot more.

Zhou Weishan lowered his head, didn't look at them, and took the food in front of him to his side.

Several of the apprentices rolled their eyes.

You six really don't call yourself masters, you're stingy!

In a queue, slowly moving forward.

The chef kept coming over and saying hello to Liu Wenhe and Yu Nianzhong.

"Master Liu, are you here?"

"Don't, just call Liu Lao. "


"Boss Xiao Jiang is here, I am so thick-skinned and say that I am a master. "

His two apprentices complained in their hearts.

Don't you have thick skin?

Is there anyone like you who is a master?

The apprentice is hungry next to you, and you eat slowly there!


The chefs who hadn't tasted what Jiang Feng had made were all shocked.

Even Liu Wenhe said that he was not a master?!

It's really that delicious?!

They lined up to go in, and after buying the meal, they came out and sat next to Liu Wenhe.

Zhou Weishan looked at the newcomers.

With suspicion and anticipation in their eyes, they took a bite of the bun and then showed shocked expressions.

Finish eating the buns.

Many people exclaimed.

"It's delicious!"

"How did you make this taste?!Can it still be so delicious?!"

"I declare that Boss Jiang is the goal I have been chasing all my life!"

"I advise you to still be a little self-aware!"

"Who said they were going to chase his cooking? I'm going to eat what he cooks! I'll talk to my daughter-in-law about moving in when I get back!"

"I'm going to think about moving here, it's so delicious!"

The chef in the back line looked strange.


Zhou Weishan?

In the aftermath!

Liu Wenhe?!

How did these bigwigs get together?!

Usually, these are characters that are difficult to see in the imperial capital!

It's not just their peers, it's hard to see these bigwigs.

Even if you want to invite these bigwigs, you have to discuss them in advance!

People who do their craft to the extreme are often not hired even if they have money!

Now, these bigwigs are gathering outside Jiang Feng's store to nibble on buns!

Blowing rainbow farts while eating!

Yu Nianzhong: "I want to sigh once after taking a bite, the master is the master, much stronger than me." "

Liu Wenhe: "I don't want to sigh anymore, I will be an ordinary diner in the future." "

Zhou Weishan: "Wait for your second elder to come again tomorrow, and tomorrow morning you will understand how much we worship Boss Xiaojiang today." "

Yan Chuang: "Don't rob it! Lao Liu! You eat one more! Give Lao Tzu a spit out!"



The two big guys who make delicious buns are about to fight for the buns made by Boss Xiaojiang?!


With doubts and anticipation, they followed the team to the store.

5:27 a.m.

Yu Nianzhong and Liu Wenhe were full.


"It's been years since I've eaten something so willing to eat. Liu Wenhe said with emotion.

Yu Nian had some regrets: "Actually, I can eat some more, it's true that I haven't had such a good appetite for a long time." "

It's also a joy to have an appetite.

Eat what Jiang Feng made, that's really not enough!

The two of them feel like they can eat better than they did when they were younger!

The apprentices next to him were already expressionless.

I'm dying of hunger.

Yu Nianzhong stood up: "I'll come back tomorrow morning, what about you?"

Liu Wenhe asked rhetorically, "How could I not come?"

Yu Nianzhong laughed: "In the next one or two decades, I pointed to Boss Xiaojiang alive." "

Liu Wenhe agreed.

"Xiao Sun, put the tableware on the counter and put away the garbage. "

The apprentice looked loveless.


Eat without them.

They can't run while they're working.

"Good Master".

Pack up.

Confirm that there is no trash left.

Liu Wenhe still had some thoughts before turning around and leaving.

Usually the two of them are not so careful.

After all, they are all over sixty, and they are of high rank and fame, so there is no need to be so careful.


Outside Jiang Feng's store.

They were really extremely careful, for fear that they would leave a little garbage and stain the door of Jiang Feng's store!

No way!

At the door of the fairy's store, they have to pay attention to 10,000!

Zhou Weishan and the others also ate one after another, put away the garbage, and put the tableware that should be returned on the counter.

"Boss Xiaojiang, let's go first. "

"You're amazing, we'll be back tomorrow. "

"Master Jiang, can you sign me next time you have time?"

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "Go slowly, welcome to come back at any time." "

"Forget about the signature, I'm a master, just the owner of a small shop. "

Zhou Weishan retorted: "You are much more powerful than you imagined! "

He didn't allow Jiang Feng to say that about himself!

Immortals, you have to be stunned!

Jiang Feng said seriously: "I just did what I had to do. "

For Jiang Feng.

When he was the most down, when he had the most money, it was these guests who made his life better, so that he had the money to support Youyou, the money to take care of his parents, and the confidence to accept Rongshuang's love.

He didn't say these things, but he remembered them.

Doing things well and serving the right guests is what Jiang Feng wants to do.

As for being a master.

He hadn't thought about it, and he didn't think it was necessary.

The old guest next to him smiled knowingly.

They really like Boss Xiaojiang!

The old customers are good to Boss Xiaojiang, isn't that how it should be?!

Moni and the others hadn't left yet, and they also heard Jiang Feng's words, thoughtfully.

Zhou Weishan followed him, and his worship of Jiang Feng became even more fanatical!

Do what you have to do!

That's right!

It's actually quite simple!

The biggest gap between them and Jiang Feng is not talent, but mentality!

Even if you can't catch up with Jiang Feng.

As long as they are serious, do what they can do well, and don't waste their talents!

"Thank you, Boss Xiaojiang. "

"Even if you don't think you're a master, sign it?"

Jiang Feng smiled: "You're welcome, sign, tomorrow early or late, you come over, I'll sign for you." "

"Don't talk about you, just call me Xiao He. "

Zhou Weishan was a little shocked.

Good licking!

How did you say that?!

It's forty or fifty people, let a young man in his twenties call you Xiao He?!


Zhou Weishan was shocked for a moment, and said, "I'm Xiao Zhou." "

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