Jiang Feng couldn't cry and laughed: "I know, thank you." "

"You're welcome! It's a pleasure to help you!"

Zhou Weishan and He Ji looked excited after hearing Jiang Feng's affirmative answer!

They really think that they can go out and blow all day long after washing Jiang Feng's dishes!

"Then let's go first. "

"Walk slowly. "

The two of them turned around and went out.

At the door of the store.

He posted a circle of friends.

"I have time tomorrow, Boss Jiang said that he wanted to sign for me, the fairy is too easy-going, he really signed it!"

Just sent out.

There's a reply at the bottom.


"Envy, is this the relationship between the big guy and the big guy?"

"I also want Boss Jiang's autograph!"

All day today.

There are many famous chefs who come to eat at Jiang Feng's restaurant.

As for the friends I know, many of them have been here once, but they haven't been able to eat twice in a row.

Seeing how to get Jiang Feng's signature.

The colleagues who have been to Jiang Feng's store are all sour!

It's a little dark!

It's a good feeling to see others envy and not get Jiang Feng's signature!

Zhou Weishan also took his mobile phone and replied to the message at the bottom: "What did Boss Jiang say? Do your own thing, don't keep showing off, don't keep licking." "

He is a backbone person like Zhou Weishan, and he looks down on this kind of person the most!

After commenting.

Zhou Weishan also posted a circle of friends.

"Inspired by Boss Jiang, I will start working seriously tomorrow, Boss Jiang is the only person I admire! I should be able to get an autograph tomorrow. "

in the store.

After they finished eating, they rested for a while, and they all stood up and began to clean up the table.

At home, they have never cleaned up the table since they were young.

However, in order not to bring the secretary over and occupy too much space, they let the secretary eat out and they themselves in the store.

Naturally, they do it themselves.

After tidying up the table, the dishes and chopsticks are placed on the counter.

They greeted Jiang Feng: "Male god, let's go first." "

"The things you made today are super delicious! And you seem to be more handsome today, male god. "

"See you tomorrow!"

Jiang Feng was very polite and greeted with a sense of distance: "Goodbye, welcome to come again." "

Moni and the others went out, chattering and discussing.

"Wow, when the male god spoke just now, he was so temperamental!"

"Otherwise, let's beat Rong Shuang and rob her husband, woo, I'm so envious!"

"Daba! I'm a CP dog! How sweet the two of them are, I really like the feeling of their family of three together!"

"Boss Jiang is really perfect! Even if he is handsome, he is still diligent and serious, and he is smart......! Very philosophical!"

"It's the first time I've found a man with a good brain so attractive!"

"And he's really amazing, that's the big guy in Yu Nianzhong, and Liu Wenhe, my dad hasn't invited them several times!"


They got into the car separately.

Come back tomorrow morning.

Moni was in the car and sent a message to her dad: "Dad, give me some work that I can do." "

Mo Huayan was stunned: "Huh?"

When will his daughter take the initiative to ask for work?!

Moni: "I was in Boss Jiang's shop just now, and I heard him say a few words, and I felt quite right. "

Mo Huayan: "What words?"

Mony: "Do what you have to do." "

Mony: "I'm not as good as him, but on the premise that it doesn't affect me to come to the male god's house for dinner, you can give me some work for me to try." "

Mony: "It's better to move the company to a nearby location first." "

Mo Huayan: "Okay!"

Look at your phone.

Mo Huayan sighed a lot: "Children are also growing." "

In fact, he also has a son, older than Moni, who has already taken over the family business in the company.

However, he hopes that the two brothers and sisters can run the company together.

Moni had little interest before.

She feels that her talent is not as good as her brother, it is much worse, even if she does it, she can't do it so well, it's better not to do it.

But she didn't know.

Mo Huayan didn't need her to do it well.

Brother and sister work together, the family is on one front, and that's it.


After listening to Jiang Feng's words, Moni reacted.

She doesn't need to do that well.

Just do what you have to do and do your best.

Mo Huayan was extremely pleased, and he liked Jiang Feng more and more!

What a good young man!

Much more promising than his two children!


Mo Huayan's face suddenly changed, and he scolded in a low voice.

"Damn, Rong Lijun, this!"

The more relieved, the more sour Mo Huayan became!

What the hell!

Why did such a good young man let Rong Lijun, a dog, pick it up?!

And at this time.

Su Mi and Feng Zishan also chatted with their families about work.

Jiang Feng had a great influence on them.

Their parents were moved, and then Rong Lijun received more than 40 messages of yin and yang.

"Do you feel good about picking up a good son-in-law? Work hard, you can't afford to raise your son-in-law, I'll help you raise it." "

"You're very lucky, be nice to Boss Xiaojiang, my daughter is waiting to take over. "

"Some people are just lucky dogs. "

When Rong Lijun saw the news, he was eating.

After reading these messages.

Rong Lijun was scolded as a thief!

Scold a little more!

He loves it!

He is willing to see how these people look when they see his son-in-law and sour him!

After reading these messages carefully.

He put his phone down and looked at the two customers opposite.

Today we are talking about the business of imported materials.

The two customers from Yangcheng have finished shrimp dumplings and glutinous rice chicken, and are eating steamed pork ribs and steamed buns.


They couldn't eat anymore, but they had to finish and leave.

As they ate slowly, they spoke.

"What a good time, Dong Rong. "

"Wow, this is really from the master, the taste is amazing, I have never eaten such delicious shrimp dumplings in Guangfu, and it only sells for 25 yuan?

Rong Lijun pretended not to show off: "Our son-in-law has a good character, not to make money, but to take care of old customers." "

"25 yuan is already very expensive for ordinary people. "

The two customers showed a bit of emotion.

"Definitely. "

"Boss Xiaojiang is a good person, but with this atmosphere, there is no way. "

Rong Lijun said indifferently: "Jiang Feng doesn't want to change others, he just wants to do what he can do, make a guest happy, and count him as a guest." "

Just do what you can.

The old father-in-law understands Jiang Feng very well.

The two customers were stunned for a moment and sighed: "We are also going to hurry up and buy a house nearby." "

"Stay by Boss Xiaojiang's side, rest assured. "

Even if you can't get in line.

As long as they knew that Jiang Feng's shop was still open, they felt inexplicably relieved.

They are the bosses of large companies, and they are not soft when they should deduct workers, but they also feel that people like Jiang Feng make them down-to-earth.

There is no conflict between earning black money and liking peace of mind.

Rong Lijun said: "Then you have to hurry, it's not easy to buy a house now." "

"We know. "

"Then talk about business?" Rong Lijun got to the point.

"We can give a discount of 5 million, but we have to eat the food cooked by Boss Xiaojiang often. "

Rong Lijun shook his head: "It's okay for you to eat with me once in a while, but I won't let my son-in-law cook it for you alone." "

Jiang Feng's shop is Jiang Feng's own.

Rong Lijun would not let Jiang Feng become a tool for him to do business.

After all, the family business he earns now is Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang's, of course, it depends on his son-in-law's temperament, and he can't be in a bad mood.

The two customers were a little hesitant.

"I'm afraid it's a little difficult to ask you for dinner. "

"Yes, if you let out the wind, you can eat the food cooked by Boss Xiaojiang when you talk about business with you at the meal, and the threshold will be kicked out, right?"

The corners of Rong Lijun's mouth almost raised, and he said casually: "It's okay." "

It's okay to say yes.

But until now.

The number of people who made appointments to discuss business increased by 4 times compared to the same period last year!

That's more than 5 times more than last month!

They are all here to eat, and by the way, they are talking about business.

Rong Lijun is already very powerful, and he will not lose money if he comes to cooperate with Rong Lijun, and he can also prostitute two more meals cooked by Boss Jiang Feng for nothing.

Especially if you can eat something that is impossible to eat at the same time in Jiang Feng's shop.


The two customers thought for a moment and said, "If that's the case, let's make a profit of 3 million." "

"That's fine. To their surprise, Rong Lijun did not refuse.

They were a bit of a surprise.

I finished eating what I had in my hand.

The two of them got up: "Then sign the contract tomorrow." "

"Okay. "

After the talks.

The two of them left, and Rong Lijun got up and sent them a few steps.

As soon as the door opened.

Wang Zhe asked: "Boss, there are two customers whose time conflicts, what do you say?"

Rong Lijun said: "According to the amount of concessions they gave us last time, those who gave us more profits will be lined up twice." "

"Is it appropriate?"

"What's inappropriate? I want to give my son-in-law a part of the profits, and whoever is good to my son-in-law will eat more, isn't it normal?"

The eyes of the two customers widened.


And what is going on?!

Wang Zhe nodded and turned to leave.

Rong Lijun stretched out his hand to the two customers: "Please." "

"Dong Rong, we just thought about it, is it too little to make profits?"

Rong Lijun shook his head: "I think it's very reasonable." "

"No, at least 5 million. "

"I said that I was good at 3 million, although the contract has not been signed yet, but I have a very contractual spirit. Rong Lijun had a decent expression.

"6 million!" said one of the customers, a little anxious.

Rong Lijun shook his hand: "Deal." "

The two customers were stunned, and after a few seconds, they sighed: "Dong Rong, no wonder your business is getting better and better." "

It's so thick-skinned!

The routine is really deep!

"Thank you for the compliment, in general, the main thing is that the son-in-law is good. "

Show off, huh?!

What does a good business have to do with your son-in-law!

Just mention your son-in-law!

But these two customers also understand.

If Jiang Feng was their son-in-law, they would be even more ruthless than Rong Lijun to show off!

Send these two guests away.

Rong Lijun sent a message to Jiang Feng: "Another big deal has been negotiated, and the house payment will be deducted for you 6 million, and there will be 42 million." "

Finish sending the message.

Rong Lijun was in a very good mood.

Why didn't he know that he was so happy to make money?


Before, he only had an unlucky girl, but now it's different, there are Jiang Feng and Youyou.

Wang Zhe walked over at this time: "Boss, the boss of the Humphrey Group over there in Europe, I want to ask you to have a meal." "

Rong Lijun was a little surprised: "What does he want to eat?"

As long as it is done by Jiang Feng's boss, this is his original words, their company has many foreign employees, and they go to Jiang Feng's side to eat every day. "

He was very curious about what tasted so good. "

Rong Lijun nodded: "Yes, then make an appointment." "

"Okay. "

in the store.

6:26 p.m.

All of Jiang Feng's things were sold out.

There are a lot of things to prepare today, and it takes a little longer than usual to do it.

The last group of guests, hurry up and eat.

"Don't worry, Aunt Sun, I'm not in a hurry to leave. Jiang Feng said hello with a smile.

The old customers didn't want to delay Jiang Feng from work.

"Hurry up and finish eating, you can go back and rest." "

"It's okay, I opened a store, and I earn this money, so I should let you eat it well, and everyone eat slowly. Jiang Feng's tone was gentle.

It's the rule.

No matter how good the business is.

When you open your door to do business, you must not drive away customers, and you must let your guests eat well.

The guests' hearts warmed and they ate a little more slowly.

Jiang Youyou sat on the chair and waited obediently, shaking his calves.

Her legs were short, and she couldn't reach the ground, so she simply dangled.

Rong Shuang noticed her daughter's cute movements, and also sat back, shaking her legs together.

Her legs are long, and under the wrap of jeans, the leg shape is perfect, soft and straight.


The two of them are in sync.

The docking is successful.

Two people, four legs, the angle and speed of the shaking are the same.

Jiang Feng looked at them and was amused by them.

My wife and daughter are so cute.


Jiang Feng washed the kitchen utensils.

The last group of guests, who also finished eating one after another, packed up the dishes and chopsticks, put them on the counter, and picked up the alcohol watering can.

"I'll come, Grandma Sun~ You are a guest. "

Jiang Youyou stood up.

"No, sit. Aunt Sun was so cute by Jiang Youyou, her face was full of love, "Youyou is the cutest, grandma can help you." "

"Thank you, Grandma Sun~"

Jiang Youyou is very generous, and he is not polite.

"Good. "

Jiang Feng watched from the side and didn't interfere.

Since the old customers want to help, it's good to let them do it.

"Let's go, Boss Xiaojiang. "

"I'll see you tomorrow, this bun is still so delicious, and the taste is really stable. "

"Goodbye, goodbye Teacher Rong, goodbye Boss Jiang. "

Among the guests, there was a classmate of Jiang Youyou, who specially said hello.

Jiang Feng responded with a smile: "Go slowly, it's delicious, and I'll come back tomorrow." "

Wait until the guests are gone.

Rong Shuang closed the door, turned around and stretched, her body curved perfectly.


"Hmm. "


"Hmm. "

The two of them lay in front of the counter, looking at Jiang Feng and smiling.

Even if you don't do anything.

When they looked at Jiang Feng, they couldn't help but be in a good mood and laughed.

"I love you so much. "

"Yoyo also loves his dad the most!"

"I love you too, my dear, go sit and wait. "

Jiang Feng smiled, took out the adjusted shrimp, and wrapped the shrimp dumplings that the three of them were going to eat in the evening, glutinous rice chicken and steamed pork ribs, and he also kept some.

Get ready.

Steam the shrimp dumplings.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang have also put away the tables and chairs.

Jiang Feng brought the things to the table, sat down, and looked at his phone.

Seeing Rong Lijun's news, Jiang Feng was stunned for a moment: "6 million, uncle, this is too much, right?"

Rong Lijun replied in seconds: "It's not much, you can take as much as you want, I have a net profit of hundreds of millions of dollars in this business." "

Rong Lijun: "By the way, we will start to change the water and electricity today, you can go and see it when you have time." "

After sending these two messages.

Rong Lijun hesitated for a moment, and then sent another message: "Are you tired today?"

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