Rong Lijun is not good at caring about people.

But the old father-in-law always felt that Jiang Feng was a little wronged by Jiang Feng when he was with his stupid daughter.

The old father-in-law really got along with each other, and the more he liked Jiang Feng.

No way.

He tried to make some changes.

Jiang Feng's heart warmed slightly, and he replied: "I'm okay, I'll get off work anyway." "

Jiang Feng: "You also pay attention to your body, by the way, we usually have breakfast around 6:20 in the morning, if you want to eat, just make some by the way." "

Rong Lijun typed two words: "No." "

Three meals a day troubles Jiang Feng.

He's a little embarrassed, too.

However, these two words, he struggled for a moment, but still didn't send them out, and changed them to: "What to eat?"

No way.

The food cooked by the son-in-law is so fragrant!

He had just finished eating and was a little hungry again.

Jiang Feng: "Copy." "

Rong Lijun: "It's okay, you don't have to do it for Wang Zhe, don't be too tired." "

Wang Zhe, who was printing the document, suddenly felt a chill on his back, and he had a clear feeling that he had been arranged.

Jiang Feng replied to the message with a smile: "Let's make 30 for you, 2 servings, and then take some buns." "

Rong Lijun: "Okay." "

Jiang Feng was replying to the news.

Rong Shuang poured three glasses of water and sat next to him quietly waiting for him.

Jiang Youyou was like a curious baby, and leaned on Jiang Feng's lap: "Dad, are you chatting with grandpa?"

"That's right. "

"Can I say a word to Grandpa?"

"Yes, come. "

Jiang Feng pressed his voice.

Jiang Youyou's little hand was on Jiang Feng's wrist, and his voice was loud: "Grandpa, eat well, sleep well, eat more vegetables and meat, eat more broccoli!"

After she finished speaking.

Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang glanced at each other, and they both smiled from ear to ear.

Their daughter's voice is really loud!

The milky voice is loud, and the thief is cute.

Jiang Feng let go and sent the voice to Rong Lijun.

Rong Lijun received the voice and clicked it directly.

Jiang Youyou's loud voice startled him.

Usually, Rong Lijun hates this sudden fright.


Frightened by his granddaughter, instead of being angry, he smiled.

It's a good feeling to be cared for by a little bean ding.

He also sent a message back to Jiang Youyou: "Grandpa knows, thank you Youyou." "

Think for a moment.

He didn't tell Jiang Youyou, so that her voice was quieter.

Not necessarily.

A few seconds later.

Another voice message came.

Rong Lijun turned down the volume of his mobile phone a little before listening to the voice.

"Okay, Grandpa!"

Rong Lijun put down his phone, lowered his head and began to sign, the smile on his face did not disperse after a long time.

The message is sent out.

Jiang Feng also put down his phone and carried Jiang Youyou to her chair.

Rong Shuang picked up the chopsticks and sandwiched the best ribs for Jiang Feng.

Jiang Youyou sandwiched the largest shrimp dumpling for Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng gave Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang a piece of broccoli each.

Grace will take revenge, belongs to yes.

Rong Shuang obediently ate the broccoli and begged for praise with a face.

The more she liked Jiang Feng, the more she looked like a little girl.

How can you still see the coldness of the female president.

Jiang Feng smiled and touched her head: "Good, my wife is awesome." "

Jiang Youyou also ate broccoli with a bitter face.

No way.

Daddy gave it.

Eat or eat.

I hope that grandpa will eat more broccoli, so that there will be a lot fewer broccoli babies in the world, and she will not have to eat broccoli every day.

Jiang Feng guessed his little cutie's thoughts, and he didn't debunk it, and touched her head.

"The cutie is so good, I can eat ice cream tomorrow. "

Jiang Youyou hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay." "

In fact, she knew she would be able to eat it today.

But Dad wants to trick her, so what can I do?

She is a little cutie, can she not spoil her father and want to demolish him?

Anyway, after eating what my dad made, I still have to eat fruit when I go back, and it seems okay not to eat ice cream.

Forget it.

Who made her love her father the most?

Let him be~

Finish a meal.

Jiang Feng cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks, and they cleaned up the store.

Check the water, electricity, and gas, and throw away the kitchen waste.

Call it a day!

Just got to the street.

The old customers in the neighborhood came over.

"Boss Xiao Jiang is done, let's get some blueberries, I can't see you when I walk this corner, it's quite uncomfortable. "

"Here, carry some watermelons. "

"Yoyo, get two chocolates and eat them!"

Jiang Feng was halfway down the road, and he was already stuffed with dozens of catties of things.

Watermelons, grapes, cantaloupe, apples and pears, anyway, Jiang Feng almost carried some of the fruits that could be available in this season.

There are also various pastries, as well as some gadgets issued by the company.

Taking his things and getting into the car, Jiang Feng said, "Let's go and see our new home." "

"Yes, Daddy! "

"Where my husband goes, I'll follow you, let's go. "

A family of three, arrived at the new house.

The people who renovated had already gone first.

On weekdays, it can only be renovated until 6 p.m.

The house was a bit of a mess, with piles of scrap everywhere, a lot of painted furniture sizes on the walls, and grooves that were punched.

All the furniture was also arranged by Rong Lijun according to the drawings.

Anyway, it's right to buy the best for your son-in-law.

Jiang Youyou walked on her short legs and went to look at her room.

"Dad, when will we move over?" Jiang Youyou asked with a small face and looking forward to it.

Jiang Feng thought for a while: "If it goes well, it will take more than 1 month." "

Normal decoration, how can it take more than three months.

However, Rong Lijun found his own company's decoration team, which has a large number of people and is professional enough, and the action is really fast.

In one day, the water and electricity had almost changed.

Compare at this rate.

In about 1 month, the hard installation can be completed.

The furniture is already being customized, and when the time comes, you can move it directly to your home.

"Great! We have a house again! Dad, to celebrate, hug Yoyo!"

Jiang Feng picked her up and rubbed her forehead a little apologetically.

was kicked out of his house, and it could be seen that Jiang Youyou was still very concerned about this matter in his heart.

Jiang Youyou held Jiang Feng's face and kissed him on the cheek.

"Dad, Yoyo loves you the most. "

She could always feel Jiang Feng's various emotions very keenly.

It's okay, oh Dad.

It's good that we're still together.

Rong Shuangqiao had a smile on her face.

Looking at her cubs and husband, she was in a good mood.

After staying for 10 minutes, Jiang Feng left with the two of them.

It's not much to look at now, but after a few days, I started to apply tiles, and when I finished pasting, I came back and looked at it, and it felt different.

Drive to your home.

Rong Shuang still went to feed Tang Hemei first and took a bath by the way.

The family of three quickly packed up, changed into pajamas, and went back to the house.

Jiang Youyou shrank between Rong Shuang and Jiang Feng, crossed his fingers, and said a little fragmentedly: "Dad, tomorrow will be Wednesday, the day after tomorrow will be Thursday, and then the day after tomorrow will be Friday!"

"The day after tomorrow is called the day after tomorrow. Rong Shuang held Jiang Youyou's face and said with a light smile.

"Well, well, it's Friday the day after tomorrow!"

After counting the days off for the weekend, Jiang Youyou picked up the tablet and looked at Conan.

Today, there is a physical fitness class in the garden, running and picking up balls.

Jiang Youyou was a little tired from playing, and he didn't watch an episode, so he fell asleep.

Rong Shuang got up and quietly climbed to the other side of Jiang Feng, hugged Jiang Feng's arm, and rubbed Jiang Feng's neck.


"Hmm. "

"My dad's side, if you're tired, just push it off. Rong Shuang's little white hands pressed Jiang Feng's fingers, "Don't worry about him, it's fine." "

Jiang Feng smiled: "It's okay, my uncle is very good to me, I can help a little, I'm very happy." "

Rong Shuang kissed Jiang Feng's cheek: "Husband, you are so good." "

"I'll be better to you in the future. Jiang Feng held her hand.

Rong Shuang's cheeks turned red, pursed her lips, looked up at Jiang Feng, and kissed him.

"Husband. "


"We've all met my dad now, and I'm your little daughter-in-law. "

She blinked, her heart beating faster and faster.

Isn't it......

Jiang Feng's heartbeat was also a little faster, and he just wanted to stretch out his right hand to brush Rong Shuang's hair.

Jiang Youyou turned over.

Jiang Feng was a little apologetic, rubbed Rong Shuang's hand, and said, "Wait for a new house." "

"I'm sorry. "

After all, there is a cub at home.

It's like this for couples with babies.

Rong Shuang hugged Jiang Feng's face, a little unhappy: "Don't say sorry to me." "

"No matter what you do, as long as you don't cheat, I won't be angry with you. "

"I'm your little daughter-in-law, I'm yours, understand?"

She will always stand on Jiang Feng's side, the unreasonable kind.

For her.

Of course, it's better to get a husband, and it's not bad to wait.

Jiang Feng's mouth was pursed by her, and he could only nod.

Rong Shuang kissed him: "If you have anything to say in the future, just tell me directly, I won't think you care too much, and I won't think you are annoying." Forever. "


The strength in her hands was a little less.

Jiang Feng was able to speak, and said softly with a smile: "You, you are becoming more and more like a child, otherwise let Yoyo call your sister." "

How can there be a cold president who hooks up with others.

Rong Shuang snorted: "I like this." "

She just wanted to stay by Jiang Feng's side all the time and didn't have to think about anything.

Jiang Feng hooked up with her.

The two men looked at each other and smiled.

Rong Shuang found a comfortable position, pillowed her head, hugged Jiang Feng's arm, closed her eyes, and her voice was like a little milk cat barking: "Will you leave me?"

Even now.

She would still be worried about whether Jiang Feng would not want her.

"No, it won't. "

"Then I'm not in a hurry, before the renovation is finished, let's get the certificate first. "

"I want to make you mine, the state-certified kind. Rong Shuang was a little shy, but still said her careful thoughts, "Do you hate me like this?"

She wanted to possess Jiang Feng.

Because I like it so much.

Jiang Feng pinched her ears: "That's how it should be." "

Rong Shuang hugged Jiang Feng hard: "I really love you so much, I still want to talk to you, but I'm so sleepy......"

Chatting and sleepiness were fighting in her head.

Jiang Feng patted her hands rhythmically: "Sleep, be good." "

Rong Shuang fell asleep in less than two seconds.

Jiang Feng looked at Jiang Youyou next to him.


The decoration thing still has to be hurried.

Jiang Feng picked up his mobile phone and looked at the situation of the new store.

Good as always.

Then Jiang Feng also glanced at the balance in his bank, which was more than 2.24 million.

You can buy a store right away!

Jiang Feng fell asleep contentedly.

Early the next morning.

A family of three got up, washed and cleaned up, and drove to buy raw materials.

After buying it, I went to the front of the store.

Uncle Jiang, they have arrived.

He Guangyi also came early today.

He Guangyi went out yesterday and came back in the early hours of yesterday morning.

He couldn't get enough of it, so he hurried over early in the morning.

Jiang Feng saw He Guangyi and said with a smile: "Uncle He, when you want to eat, just come by yourself." "

He Guangyi was a little surprised: "Okay! Then I'm not welcome! There is a copy this morning? I'll take 1 copy." "

"Yes, you can get it when it's ready. "

The neighbors helped Jiang Feng move things to the store.

Jiang Feng parked the car and rushed back.

Wait for him to come back.

He Guangyi and Uncle Jiang were shaking hands, smiling proudly.

A few uncles next to him were gearing up, trying to beat the two of them sourly.

"Let's play something else today, just compare the size, and the brain will collapse. "

"I agree. "

"Come on. "

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou's faces were strange.

Draw a card and play it once?

The uncles are playing a little hard, right?!

Jiang Feng was very confident in the thickness of the master's braincase.

It's all Lianjiazi, it's okay.

Entered the store.

The two of them washed the vegetables, and Jiang Feng packed up the raw materials.

Pack up.

At 6 o'clock, Jiang Feng steamed 20 steamed buns and fried 3 portions of mapo tofu.

Wang Zhe came over on time to pick up the meal.

"Hello Boss Jiang, Mr. Rong is good, hello you. "

Wang Zhe entered the store and greeted him very politely.

Jiang Feng had already packed up his things and handed them to him: "The dark circles under your eyes are a little heavy, haven't you slept well?"

"Didn't sleep. Wang Zhe said, "In the matter of tossing and moving the company, employees will move over one after another today." "

Jiang Feng hesitated for a moment, thinking about what to say.

He really wanted to persuade Wang Zhe to sleep more.

But I feel that saying this is like standing and talking without backache.

Who is stupid.

Do you not want to sleep when you are sleepy?

It's all about begging for a living.

Rong Shuang raised her eyebrows and asked a little coldly, "I'll help you ask for a leave?"

She had been paying attention to Jiang Feng, and naturally saw her eldest baby's thoughts, and took the initiative to speak.

Wang Zhe also understood what Jiang Feng meant, and his heart warmed slightly: "It's okay, usually Dong Rong is very good to us, but he has moved the company recently, and there are more things, so he doesn't have time to sleep." "

Jiang Feng nodded: "Then eat more." "

"Okay. "

Wang Zhe took the things and walked out of the store, liking Jiang Feng more and more.

It is really rare for someone like Jiang Feng to think before speaking and take it seriously.

After Wang Zhe left.

Jiang Feng took his two little cuties and also had breakfast.

After eating, put away the dishes and chopsticks.

It was time for them to go to the garden again.

"Husband. "

"Dad. "

The two of them had the same aggrieved expression on their faces.

The two of them are tired of school together.

Jiang Feng shook his head and smiled: "It's Wednesday, good." "

He's used to it, too.

The family is like two cubs, coaxing the wife and children to go to the garden every day.

"Oh well. "

The two of them rested for a while, gave Jiang Feng a heart, and turned around and went out.

Outside the door, a few women in professional attire saw Rong Shuang: "Is it President Rong?!"

"It seems to be!"

"She's still so pretty, so beautiful in jeans and a white shirt. "

"Damn, why is President Rong going to get married! I'm not reconciled!"

Several of them were Rong Shuang's original secretarial employees.

was a fan of Rongshuang's cold temperament, and she also wanted to be a working woman with decisive decisions.

As a result, Rong Shuang is getting married!

They came here today to see what kind of man fascinated their President Rong!

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