Wait until Rongshuang is far away.

Xia Mian, who took the lead, with short hair and black-framed eyes, looked at Jiang Feng's shop with a hint of unpleasantness.

Their president is a business genius and extremely capable!

If it weren't for the owner of this shop, maybe President Rong would come back and take them to work again!


"Sister Xia, are we really eating the food of this store?"

"Isn't this giving him money? If he has money, President Rong won't come back to work. "

Xia Mian said seriously: "Just eat it once." "

"See how delicious his food is, and if he's as handsome as he says he is. "

"Okay. "

7 points.

Jiang Feng opened the door.

The guests rushed in.

Xia Mian and a few of them followed the team slowly, and finally, through the glass window, they saw Jiang Feng from a distance.

"Looks a little handsome. "

"Wearing a hat and a mask, and being so far away, it's a handsome man. "

"Definitely. "

I waited for more than ten minutes.

They finally entered the store and saw Jiang Feng.

"It's a little handsome......"

"It does ......"

Just looking at Jiang Feng's eyebrows, they were almost sure that this man did have a bit of a look!

And the mask also showed a few contours on Jiang Feng's face.

The figure is also good.

The hair is also very thick, which is completely different from the men in their company who drink and work overtime all year round until they are bald.

Xia Mian said unconvinced: "A man is over thirty years old, as long as he is not greasy and not ugly, he will ......."

She really wanted to say that Jiang Feng was just like that.

But her conscience stopped her.

A few of them quickly arrived at the counter: "Hello, 4 of each bun, 2 bowls of mung bean paste, 1 bowl of eight-treasure porridge, 1 bowl of seafood porridge." "

"Okay. "

Jiang Feng moved quickly and packed things for them.

Looking at Jiang Feng's lean and powerful arms, they seemed to suddenly understand a little bit of the president's happiness!

This man is very special, and he has a bit of a look!

Grabbing their things, they turned to leave.

Jiang Feng noticed that they were different from ordinary guests, but he didn't care.

There are more abnormal people in his store.

Behind them were the two chefs of the Xinsui Restaurant: "Big Guy Jiang!"

"We want autographs too! I can't shake hands, I won't wash them for a month!"

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "It's not convenient, let's order food first." "

"Oh well. "

They finished their order, turned away, and arrived outside the store.

A little east outside the door, sat Zhou Weishan, Liu Wenhe and Liu Guozhong.

Next to it, there are several new faces.

There are a few old-timers from Jincheng who drove over on purpose.

The most famous masters in the imperial capital have lowered their profiles, and they are modest and no longer call themselves masters.

This has spread beyond the imperial capital.

They came with a bit of a picky mentality.


After eating, no matter how old or young he was, he looked at Jiang Feng with admiration in his eyes.


It's an invincible craft!

Xia Mian didn't know these celebrity chefs either, but they thought they were a little strange.

A bunch of middle-aged and elderly people gathered together, as if they were with some gang.

From time to time, there was an exclamation.

It's quite lively, though.

Xia Mian lowered her head, looked at the steaming buns and porridge in front of her, and suddenly felt a little homesick.

When I was a child, during the Chinese New Year, seven aunts and eight aunts, and all kinds of friends would come over, and some relatives were quite strange anyway, chatting about things she didn't understand at the time, but it was very lively.

She likes the buzz.

Same as this store.

President Rong likes it here, it seems to be very good, this place can make President Rong's heart hurt better, right?


Xia Mian shook his head and drove the thoughts out of his head.

No way!

They have to try to pull President Rong back to the company!

Now the company's situation is not very good, they feel that President Rong can at least help Chairman Rong solve a lot of troubles when he goes back!

"Taste it. "

Xia Mian took a beef bun and took a bite.

As expected, the bun skin is soft in the mouth.

But the taste of the minced meat, when it bloomed in her mouth, she was shocked!


In fact, she usually doesn't like to eat beef, and she doesn't like the special taste of beef.

Lean meat is better, fatty meat will have a strong flavor.

Pick the steamed buns with beef stuffing to eat first, also to cater to her idea of finding fault.

If you eat something you don't like, it's naturally easier to find a taste you don't like.


Jiang Feng's stuffing is excellent!

The flavor of the meat is evenly distributed in the mouth, but it is not strong.

The taste of green onion and ginger in the juice is also just right, which can suppress the bad taste in the meat, but there is no too heavy green onion and ginger flavor, I just feel that the juice is quite fresh, and the salt taste is just right.

Chew twice.

The fluffy but non-sticky bun skin is a perfect combination with the meat filling!


Xia Mian took one bite after another, and she didn't even react herself, she had already finished eating a bun!

"Is it delicious? Sister Xia?"

The other secretaries hadn't eaten yet, and looked at Xia Mian.

Xia Mian hesitated twice, and finally said, "Taste it for yourselves." "

Several secretaries saw the clue from Xia Mian's face and were a little surprised.

No way?!

It's really delicious?!

They each took a bun that they didn't like very much and tasted it.



Carrot and egg filling can still make this taste?!

The leeks taste so delicious, and the unique umami is preserved very well, and the steaming heat is good, the leeks are cooked, but they are not steamed until they are soft, and the soup flows out!

After eating.

Several of them were silent.

"Sister Xia, the president seems to be living a very happy life. "

"It's so delicious, I've never eaten such a delicious bun!"

"The porridge is delicious, too!

Xia Mian hated iron a little: "Think about what we're here for!"

"You are also clear about the current situation of the company, there may be problems in a few years, and we are here to persuade the president to go back. "


Xia Mian hesitated for a moment, took a bun and ate it.

Anyway, it cost money.

It can't be wasted.

A few secretaries next to him also hurriedly ate it.

Finish a meal.

They put away their garbage bags and got up to leave.

Xia Mian said: "Come back in the evening, President Rong seems to have only gotten off work at that time." "

"Shall we go talk to her alone?" asked a secretary with long chestnut hair next to him.

Xia Mian shook his head: "No, they are husband and wife, we want President Rong to go back and help the company find direction, not to divorce them." "

"Say it in front of Boss Jiang. "

Finish a meal.

Xia Mian's mind quietly changed.

She originally had a fantasy to see if she could pull President Rong back to the company directly.

How can a cold female president be obsessed with men?!

This will only affect the speed of making money!

But now Xia Mian understands President Rong a little.

It seems to be really happy!

Therefore, Xia Mian respects Jiang Feng's right to know.

"Okay. "

"Shall we come back at noon?"

Several secretaries were a bit greedy.

It's delicious!

Xia Mian gritted his teeth and said, "A little backbone!"

"Anyway, he is also the shackle of our President Rong, how can he always send him money?"

"That's right. "

"Definitely. "

They chatted, walked for nine minutes, and entered an office building.

The first floor of the building has been renovated, and the security system has also changed its own people, 1-7 floors, and now many employees have moved in.

They swiped their cards to the elevator and went back to the 5th floor.

Morning, 8:13 a.m.

Jiang Feng's things were all sold out.

The customers who didn't buy anything left one after another.

The chefs, who were squatting in front of the restaurant, pushed the door open with a small crack.

Zhou Weishan asked, "Boss Jiang, is it convenient for us to come in and talk to you a few words?"

Zhou Weishan, who is almost fifty years old, is a little doggy in his actions.

They were afraid of disturbing Jiang Feng and making Jiang Feng unhappy.

But I really wanted to come in and have a few words with Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng thought for a while and said, "Let's talk when I'm done brushing the kitchenware, and wait for the guests to finish." "

There are too many cooks at the door.

At least forty people, their eyes lit up, and they looked at Jiang Feng with some fanatical admiration.

Or give priority to guests.

"It's okay, Boss Xiaojiang, it doesn't matter. "

"yes, we're fine. "

"Don't worry about us, isn't this just like at home?"

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "Shouldn't I say this?"

The old guests let out a few laughs knowingly.

"Who's to say it's different?"

"Indeed, this is just like my family, if you don't open this store, I will be gone. "

"Don't really care about us, we can eat outside the bowl, the main thing is not to delay you. "

The old guests are very considerate of Jiang Feng.

They also saw that these were Jiang Feng's peers, and the level of eighty percent was not low.

When Moni and the others left, they greeted a few of them.

And several bosses who were rich at first sight, and when they left, they also greeted several of them.

They didn't want Jiang Feng to offend people.

The most taboo thing about doing business is that there are many enemies and troubles everywhere.

Not to mention that there are still so many people.

However, Jiang Feng still insisted: "It's okay, I just happened to clean up the kitchenware." "

"Everyone, eat with peace of mind here. "

Zhou Weishan saw Jiang Feng's insistence and hurriedly closed the door.

"Just wait. Zhou Weishan said, "Don't be dissatisfied, Master Jiang has this character." "

He was also worried that someone had stumbled Jiang Feng.


Almost all of the people present were dissatisfied.

"What kind of big-tailed wolf are you pretending, I don't worship Master Jiang more than you?"

"Don't be funny, the person who admires Master Jiang the most here is me, okay? Who dares to stumble on Master Jiang Feng, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Can I use you? Who would dare to move the people I Liu Wenhe admired?"

These bigwigs are gearing up one by one, and even some expect that someone will be dissatisfied, so they will come out and hammer each other!

Maybe you can get a familiar face, and when you come to eat, you don't have to queue!


That's what almost everyone thinks.

Zhou Weishan shook his head and smiled.

He still underestimated these people's admiration for Jiang Feng.

But it's normal.

Jiang Feng is too powerful!

The incomprehensible kind!

The higher the cooking skills, the more difficult it is not to worship Jiang Feng!


The last group of guests left one after another.

Although Jiang Feng persuaded them twice, they were still a little anxious to eat.

After eating, put away the dishes and chopsticks, wipe the table, and spray alcohol.

"Then let's go first. "

"Boss Xiaojiang, remember to take a break, don't be too tired. "

"See you at noon. "

Jiang Feng was a little apologetic: "Everyone, next time you really feel free to eat, it's okay." "

The old guests smiled warmly.

They knew that Jiang Feng definitely didn't like them to eat slowly.

The more so.

The more they were willing to take care of Jiang Feng.

Wait for the guests to finish.

The store is almost cleaned up.

Zhou Weishan pushed open the door at this time: "Boss Jiang, can you come in?"

"Come on. Jiang Feng took off his hat, apron and mask, and walked out of the counter, "What to drink?"

"No!" Zhou Weishan hurriedly waved his hand flattered as they walked towards the store.

"We're already embarrassed to waste your time, and we won't drink anything. "

"Boss Jiang, your cooking skills are really amazing!Can you shake hands?!"

"Ask for an autograph!"

Jiang Feng opened two packets of mineral water, distributed them to them, and said very patiently: "Drink some water first, it's no problem to shake hands." "

"You're all seniors, it's a small thing. "

Zhou Weishan and the others were stunned for a moment, and their good impression of Jiang Feng skyrocketed again!

What a master!

The higher the level, the more willing to respect others!

The other bigwigs were also excited.

It's been years since they've found someone to admire.

After doing it in an industry for a long time, it is inevitable that it will be a little numb.

But having someone who can make you worship and follow is much more powerful!

Jiang Feng first stretched out two hands and put them in front of Zhou Weishan.

When shaking hands with seniors, you should stretch out two hands, which is respect.

Zhou Weishan quickly stood up, and also held Jiang Feng with two hands.

After shaking a circle of hands, it took about ten minutes.

A room full of big guys were full of excitement.

Liu Wenhe stood up first and said a little excitedly: "Then we won't bother." "

"Yes, Boss Jiang, we'll see you at noon. "

"I'm sorry to delay your time today, do you need to do something? I'm fine anyway. "

Someone offered to help Jiang Feng.

All the big guys, their eyes light up in an instant!

As long as Jiang Feng wants to, they will give Jiang Feng a day job on the spot!

It's an honor!

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "No, I'll just prepare it myself." "

"Oh well. "

"By the way, what's the lunch for lunch?"

"Can this be asked?"

Jiang Feng picked up his mobile phone and key, and said, "Add chopped pepper fish head at noon, and there may be some small bowls of steamed vegetables." "

Zhou Weishan was shocked: "Hunan cuisine?!"

Liu Wenhe was also surprised: "You can also cook Hunan food?"

Jiang Feng smiled: "It will be a little." "

"I'll go grocery shopping first, and you guys will go back to the car to rest? Don't be too tired. "

Jiang Feng didn't let these bigwigs enter the store to rest.

Mainly to avoid trouble.

Jiang Feng believed that they were good people, but if something happened to them, it would be troublesome to explain, so it was better to close the store directly.

And all guests, Jiang Feng treats them equally.

What kind of treatment does the neighborhood have no money, and the rich businessmen will be treated, and these bigwigs are here, which is what kind of treatment.

After closing the shop, Jiang Feng drove to buy groceries.

The bigwigs followed all the way to the parking lot.

After getting in the car.

Liu Wenhe hurriedly made a phone call: "Old Sun, come on! Master Jiang can also cook Hunan cuisine! You can taste the product!"


Sun Renhe on the other end of the phone, who has been cooking Hunan cuisine for 42 years, is the founder of the Xiangshui family, and the people of Hunan Province in the imperial capital like to go to his store the most.

Sun Renhe naturally heard of Jiang Feng and admired Jiang Feng's attitude.

However, the dishes are different, and Sun Renhe is not so anxious to come over and taste the things made by Jiang Feng.

But Jiang Feng's cooking is different!

Sun Renhe was very excited when he heard the news.

What does the Hunan cuisine made by the master taste like?

As long as Jiang Feng can achieve the level he recognizes, he feels that Jiang Feng is a genius!

As for the possibility that Jiang Feng did better than him, he didn't consider it.

He is still very confident, much like yesterday's Zhou Weishan.

After making the call.

Liu Wenhe took a photo of the water given by Jiang Feng and sent it to the circle of friends.

"I'm going to pass this bottle of water to my son, Master Jiang gave it!"

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