Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou turned around at the same time and saw Xia Mian and them.

"Mom, is your friend?" Jiang Youyou raised his little face, a little curious.

Rong Shuang touched her head: "This is my mother's previous secretary." "

After speaking.

Rong Shuang looked at Xia Mian, and there was no special expression on her pretty face: "Why are you here?"

She is really a little cold, even if she has been with her subordinates for so long, she doesn't feel any feelings.

The salary that should be added has been increased, the workplace experience that should be taught has been taught, and Xia Mian and the others have received the agreed salary.

After leaving, the relationship between Rong Shuang and Xia Mian naturally ended.

Xia Mian hurriedly said: "The company has moved to this neighborhood, and we heard that you are going to get married, so we came over......"

Rong Shuang raised her eyebrows: "Talk about the point." "

She didn't care how these people were found, since they came, they had a purpose.

Be clear about the purpose.

Don't delay her sticking to her husband.

Xia Mian looked around with some hesitation.

I haven't spoken yet.

Wang Zhe walked over.

He was going to take the evening's meal.

Jiang Feng just pushed open the door of the store: "What's wrong?"

Rong Shuang turned his head and looked at Jiang Feng, his long soft hair was thrown up, and the expression on his face instantly brought a little smile.



The two of them were excited.

The old guests were smiling, and they were in a good mood when they saw this family of three together.

Moni and the others were a little envious.

Su Mi looked excited, and took a few pictures of Rong Shuang's smiling face when she saw Jiang Feng with her mobile phone.

It's so sweet!

When Rong Shuang saw her husband, her eyes lit up!

Xia Mian and the four of them were dumbfounded.

This is their president?!

In their imagination.

Even if President Rong is getting married, she should be the head of the family, and her husband is a gentle and good man.

Jiang Feng is a gentle and good man.

But their president doesn't seem to be the head of the family......

They looked at the Samoyed raised by the boss next to them wagging his tail, and then looked at Rong Shuang, and suddenly had a big rebellious idea in their minds.


Can't say!

Dead people!

Jiang Feng smiled, touched Youyou's head, and looked at Rong Shuang: "Know them?"

"Well, when I was in the company before, they were my administrative secretary and trip secretary. "

"So, would you like them to come in and sit down?"

Jiang Feng looked at them as if they had something to say.

Rong Shuang nodded: "Okay." "

Jiang Feng looked at Wang Zhe, who was well-behaved and didn't speak: "Come on, the thing is ready." "


Xia Mian and the four of them were taken to the store.

Jiang Feng filled Wang Zhe with 60 shrimp dumplings, 6 dry fried beef rivers, 6 Huangpu eggs, and 3 steamed pork ribs.

Wang Zhe swallowed his saliva: "Then I'll go first, Boss Jiang, you're busy." "

"Okay, slow down. "

Wang Zhe carried his things, like a donkey who had sprinkled joy, and trotted away.

Jiang Feng looked at Xia Mian and them: "Please drink a bowl of mung bean paste, don't dislike it." "

"Don't dislike it!"

"The mung bean paste you made is delicious!"

"Thank you, thank you. "

Rongshuang is right next to it.

The four of them unconsciously brought some habits of social animals, and spoke very politely, just like when employees from different departments docked.

Rong Shuang brought two bowls of mung bean paste, pulled out a chair, and sat down side by side with Youyou.

"Say, what's the matter?" Rong Shuang's long legs were cocked, even if she was only wearing jeans, just her beautiful appearance could make people's hearts beat faster and she was very nervous.

Xia Mian stubbornly said: "The company's recent situation is not very good. "

Qian Momo added: "The business of real estate companies gradually contracted two years ago. "

"The foreign business you expanded was jointly competed by several large companies, and we couldn't beat it with taxes. "

"The financial business is not easy to do......"

Jiang Feng listened, and the movements in his hands did not stop.

After listening to this, Rong Shuang's face remained the same: "And then?"

She is the eldest lady of the chaebol, she knows more and has more mastery.

These news that scared Xia Mian and the others didn't seem to be a big deal for Rong Shuang.

Xia Mian finally said her thoughts: "We want to invite you back to the company to continue to be the president." "

"At the beginning, the employees you brought wanted to follow you, and you must have the ability to make the company better!"

Rongshuang frowned.

Let her go back?

She felt that this was not a problem for Xia Mian and them to consider.

The secretary should be responsible for his own work, and the development of the company has more people to worry about.

Managed the company for two years.

Rongshuang is well aware that there is a reason for the various level differences between companies.

Xia Mian and they crossed the line.


She knew that Xia Mian and the others came here specifically for the sake of the company.

Think for a moment.

Rong Shuang didn't reprimand them, but said, "I'm not interested." "

"You're welcome to dinner, but don't talk about it again. "

She didn't want to leave Jiang Feng.

If she returns to the company, she is likely to expand foreign markets.

You may not be able to come back for months.

She didn't go.

The place where Jiang Feng is is the place she wants to stay in the most.

It's been for a lifetime.

Xia Mian struggled for a moment and said, "However, the company may really need you ......"

Rong Shuang's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

Xia Mian instantly lowered his head: "I'm sorry, Mr. Rong, I ......"

Rong Shuang said: "I'll treat you to a meal tonight, and remember to line up normally tomorrow." "

"Good. "

The four of them ate honestly.

Jiang Feng and Jiang Youyou glanced at each other, and neither father nor daughter said anything.


Jiang Feng steamed 30 buns first and gave them four.

"Thank you, Boss Xiaojiang. "

"Then let's go first. "

They didn't eat in the store, they took the buns and left first, looking a little lost.

Wait until there is only one family of three left in the store.

Jiang Youyou asked, "Mom, what are those aunts talking about? Grandpa can't make money?"

The cutie who is more than five years old still can't understand the company, business and the like.

But she was smart enough to hear what these people meant.

Rong Shuang shook his head: "No, it's just that I don't earn as much as before." "

"Really?" Jiang Youyou said, "Mom, if grandpa can't make money, can our family leave a room for grandpa?"

Rong Shuang was stunned for a moment.

After a while, she laughed and said, "No, that's not going to happen." "

"Well, let's put it this way, your grandfather's company has a lot of ways to make money, but now there are a few less. "

"Those aunts, I heard about it, but they don't know how much money your grandfather has, so they are a little anxious. "

Jiang Youyou understood: "That's it, that's good, Mom, you remember to tell Grandpa, it's okay, Dad can make money." "

"If grandpa has no money, he can let grandpa come to our house. "

She still can't understand how big a trillion-dollar conglomerate is.

But it doesn't matter.

That's her grandfather.

Dad taught that the most important thing in the world is family.

Rong Shuang hugged Jiang Youyou into his arms: "Okay, I know." "

Jiang Feng looked at Rong Shuang and asked, "If the company's performance declines, there will be other problems, right?" "

Rong Shuang was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Jiang Feng to understand finance, and he talked about the key place.


Once the stock price falls, the confidence of investors will decrease.

Without new investment, assets will shrink and even the capital chain will be broken.

That's the big problem.

Rong Shuang explained: "There will be trouble, but the company has a lot of fixed assets, which can be easily solved. "

Sell the building.

Jiang Feng sighed lightly.

He just had the money to buy his own shop, and he was inexplicably a little uncomfortable about selling property.

Poor and afraid.

Think for a moment.

He asked, "What if we let my father-in-law invest in us?"

"Huh?" Rong Shuang was stunned for a moment.

Jiang Feng said: "The brand of Wugu Youxiang still has great potential. "

"Let's register a restaurant group with my father-in-law, and each of them will have 50% of the shares. "

"With my current staff, I can probably open two branches, and then I can continue to train people. "


Jiang Feng was a little embarrassed: "It's just that the income at the moment may be a little small, the net profit of a store, conservatively estimated, is about 60,000 yuan per day, and it will be 30,000 yuan when it is distributed to my father-in-law." "

For Rong Lijun.

Jiang Feng felt that the money was too little, and it didn't seem to be worth telling Rong Lijun.

Rong Shuang stood up, walked up to Jiang Feng, pulled down his mask, held his face, and kissed it.

Jiang Feng still had some cooking smoke on his face.

But she didn't care in the slightest.

"Husband. "


"It's really nice to have you there. "

Based on the income of Jiang Feng's store, the joint venture with Rong Lijun is actually to send money to Rong Lijun.

More money, less money.

Jiang Feng cares about Rong Shuang and her family very much.

"Is it feasible?" Jiang Feng asked with a smile.

"I'll ask later. Rong Shuang said, "Actually, I don't really want to care about him." "

Jiang Feng pinched her nose and left some flour on it.

Bear two faces under one hood.

She was really happy just now.

Obviously, she didn't really hate Rong Lijun that much.

At the end of the day, it's awkward.

She was also a little worried about the company's situation.

It's just that she loves Jiang Feng more, so she plans to stay by Jiang Feng's side.

Rong Shuang wrinkled her nose, and her expression was a little cute: "Itchy." "

"Go and wipe it off. Help me pull the mask up. "

"Good. "

Rong Shuang pulled up Jiang Feng's mask, sat down, took out her mobile phone, and looked at her with the front camera.

"Mom, you're so cute, let's take some pictures!"


The two took a selfie naturally.

Jiang Feng was a little distracted.

He still has a lot to do if the company expands quickly.

Yu Qing Thaksin, so the company does not have accounting software, and it keeps its own accounts.

No problems either.

But the new store certainly can't do that.

Especially with a lot of branches.

The group must have a complete software system, from material procurement, disinfection and hygiene records, employee attendance, to performance statistics, and customer complaints.

You have to do it well.

This is Jiang Feng's strong point.

At the beginning, Jiang Feng was also an old social animal, and his business ability was extremely strong.

With the system, the clerks can be restrained to a large extent and the probability of various troubles can be reduced.


The more important thing is to find the right people.

The constraints of the company's assessment system on people are always loopholes.

The new company needs to have the right people.

Wrapped in buns, Jiang Feng had already built a complete expansion plan.


5 points.

Jiang Feng opened a store for business.

The guests in line rushed in!

"Isn't there any steamed vegetables at night? It's a pity, the steamed green beans at noon are really delicious!"

"The beans are also very good, when will you make some steamed vegetables next time?"

"That fish head is drooling when I think about it!

"Forget it, it's okay to have steamed fish, a steamed fish, 2 beef buns, and 1 bowl of seafood porridge. "

Jiang Feng worked neatly.

Rong Shuang sat next to him and sent a message to Rong Lijun: "Later, my husband may tell you about the joint venture, you should cooperate." "

Rong Lijun: "?"

Joint venture?

What a joint venture.

Rong Shuang: "He knows that the company is not doing well and wants to do something, you will know later, and you are not allowed to murder him." "

She has the impression that Rong Lijun's attitude in business is quite strict, and Rong Lijun is also quite talented!

The experience is not equal, which may make Jiang Feng's thoughts a little immature.

For example, there is a lack of a complete business plan.

She was worried that Rong Lijun would say that Jiang Feng's idea was problematic and hit Jiang Feng.

Don't say it!

Not even a kind reminder!

Her husband is perfect!

Rong Lijun was a little dazed, but he didn't ask much, hesitated for a moment, and put down his phone.

He actually wanted to add Rong Shuang's prestige friend back.

But thought about it.


He didn't take the initiative to add.


6:17 a.m.

All the things prepared by Jiang Feng were sold.

Zhou Weishan, they have finished eating and left.

When he left, there was a little reluctance in his eyes, and his face was strange.

These middle-aged old uncles looked at his husband a little strangely.

After they finished eating, Moni didn't chat, chatted with Jiang Feng for a few words, and then said a few words to Rong Shuang, and left sourly.

They have been influenced by Jiang Feng recently, and they are also doing some work.

Many rich people can be said to be quite grateful to Jiang Feng!

The last group of guests, after they had their fill, also left one after another.

"Boss Xiaojiang, the taste of today's cooking is also very good, your craftsmanship is really amazing. "

"Do you need help? I'll mop the floor for you, so that you won't have to work hard. "

"Anything else, do you need help?"

The last guest to leave every day is different.

But almost all the old customers wanted to help Jiang Feng do something as much as possible.

This street really can't afford to lose Jiang Feng's big treasure!

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "No, we're busy." "

"Delicious, next time to eat, always welcome. "

The guests put away the dishes and chopsticks and put them on the counter.

"Alright, let's go. "

The last group of guests left one after another.

Jiang Feng finished washing the kitchenware, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to Rong Lijun.

"Uncle, I want to open a few more branches recently, but the funds are not enough. "

"If you're willing, let's register a company, hold 50% of each share, and then you can give me a little money to expand the store, okay?"

"I have a complete business plan. "

Jiang Feng didn't say that he was going to help Rong Lijun.

He didn't need Rong Lijun to thank him, he just really wanted to help Rong Lijun do something.

Seeing Jiang Feng's news.

Rong Lijun was stunned for a moment, his heart warmed slightly, and he replied: "I need start-up capital, what do I want your shares for?"

"I'll give you 100 million later, and you can just toss. "

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