In the entrance of green beans, the aroma of oil and salt is first, and after a little chewing, the beans have been steamed soft.

Li Kejun was a little surprised.

He also thought that there was no taste in the green beans.

However, the beans have a base taste, and even if you bite into it, there is a salty taste in it, and there is a very special bean aroma.

Li Kejun hurriedly prepared a mouthful of rice!

"It's very good! Is this really what Boss Xiao Jiang did?" asked Li Kejun.

Steaming looks simple, but it's also easy to make at home.

But it's not easy to get the taste to this point!

During the steaming process, the soup will come out and the salt taste will change.


The size of the steam and the steaming time also affect the taste of the finished dish.

Boss Xiaojiang, a Cantonese and Sichuan chef, can do it so well?!

Li Kejun really felt incredible and asked casually.

Rong Lijun was a little displeased: "Are you questioning Jiang Feng's level?"

It doesn't matter if you say he's okay.

But questioning his son-in-law is definitely not okay!

Li Kejun's wife pouted on a piece of ribs and said: "He's like this, he can't talk about his brains, ask casually, don't be angry." "

"Yes, yes, yes. Li Kejun hurriedly said, "The main thing is that it's too delicious!"

"I've also eaten it, but I haven't eaten a better chopped pepper fish head and steamed green beans than Boss Xiaojiang!"

Rong Lijun's face softened a little, and he showed off a little: "He did it." "

"If you don't believe me, you can ask someone to ask, he also sells these two dishes in his store today. "

Li Kejun waved his hand: "No, I believe it, I really just said it casually." "

After saying this, Li Kejun himself felt that he should not say this.

Li Kejun ate steamed fish with soy sauce made by Jiang Feng.

That's delicious!

The heat and taste are all art!

Compared to steamed fish with soy sauce, the heat is accurate to a few seconds.

The difficulty of steaming vegetables is actually lower.

It's not surprising that Boss Xiaojiang made it delicious.

After figuring it out.

Li Kejun concentrated on planing rice.

His wife had already finished eating a small bowl of steamed vegetables, and he was a little anxious.

10 minutes.

He ate four small bowls of rice.

A total of 12 small bowls of steamed vegetables were eaten cleanly.

One of the fish heads, half of which is left.

It's too much, and I can't eat it anymore.

Li Kejun looked at the fish head and said a little embarrassedly: "Dong Rong, let me pack this fish head." "

"Half a fish head, no, just put me here. Rong Lijun's face was calm.

Although full.

But the three of them haven't eaten enough!

This fish head, Rong Lijun and Li Kejun both want it!

Li Kejun rubbed his hands: "Let's talk about the intention first, in this way, in July and August, I will give you the cost price, and the products you customize in my factory will be cheaper." "

"I said before that it was a profit of 5 million, in this case, I will probably make a total profit of about 7 million. "

Let an extra profit of 2 million yuan, and ask for half a fish head, it's not a big problem, right?!

Rong Lijun thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Deal." "

"I'll have someone pack the fish head for you later. "


Li Kejun and his daughter-in-law were very satisfied.

That amount of money is nothing to them.

Especially for the profit that is given out, the algorithm is very complex.

Anyway, if this money wants to fall into their own hands from the factory, it will probably become 3.5 million.

But if you make a profit directly, this money is worth 7 million, less tax.

Not bad!

It's worth it today!

Li Kejun took out a cigarette and handed it to Rong Lijun: "What is Rong Dong's plan next?"

"Photovoltaic and real estate can't be done, I've been struggling recently, the company has money, and I don't know what direction to invest in. "

If you can't invest the money, it's also a trouble.

With so much money in the bank, sometimes it can't even beat inflation, so you can only sit and wait for depreciation.

Rong Lijun shook his head: "I haven't thought about it yet." "

Li Kejun asked in a low voice: "I heard that over there in Europe, the price of your competitors is decreasing?"

Rong Lijun's face still didn't have any expression: "I don't know." "

He didn't want to talk about that.

Li Kejun and he are not friends.

"Okay, then let's go first, let's cooperate often in the future, the qualification of our factory you know, the world's top level." "

Li Kejun is also an old businessman, he just asked casually, and he didn't think that he could make Rong Lijun speak, so he got up and said goodbye.

The waiter quickly came over and packed the fish.

Originally, Li Kejun wanted to take Jiang Feng's plate away.

O master's plate!

It's a precious thing, too!

Jiang Feng's fame in the rich business circle of the imperial capital is getting bigger and bigger anyway!

And there are more and more guests from other places!

There was even a big guy on Jiang Zuo's side who came over in person!


Rong Lijun left the plate and found a similar one in his restaurant, and asked Li Kejun to take it away.

"My son-in-law's things, I can't just give them away. "

"He's also open now, and if you want to take the plate away, you can find someone to ask him, or wait for him to close, and it's just over an hour, and he'll be very fast." "

"Forget it. "

Li Kejun didn't want to feel cheap in front of Jiang Feng.

In fact, with Li Kejun's net worth, he didn't have to care about Jiang Feng's feelings at all.


Who can know Jiang Feng now, it is a very face-saving thing in the rich business circle!

Li Kejun still cares about Jiang Feng's opinion of him.

For the sake of a plate, it is not necessary.

Put away the fish.

Li Kejun left first with his wife, and Rong Lijun followed and sent a few steps.

Deliver to the staircase.

Li Kejun and his wife left first with the secretary who was waiting outside.

Rong Lijun sent a message to Wang Zhe: "Send my fish head to the kitchen, let them keep it, and have supper tonight." "

Wang Zhe was a little heartbroken, but he could only reply: "Okay." "

I went back to the private room.

Rong Lijun looked out the window, a little distracted.

The company's business expansion is indeed not smooth.

And now the company has less real estate business, and there are fewer means to make profits.

Not easy to deal with.

Rong Lijun rubbed his brows and looked down at the report on the computer.

Jiang Feng's shop.

Sun Renhe waited for 11 minutes and got his chopped pepper fish head, as well as 1 steamed pork ribs and 1 steamed green beans.

100 yuan for fish head, 12 steamed pork ribs, and 6 steamed green beans.

Jiang Feng set the price very low.

The house is already there.

The money to buy the store was also quickly enough.

He is not in a hurry to make money.

Sun Renhe took the fish head and went outside the store.

Although there is a place in the store, they, the chefs, prefer to gather outside.

Looking at the fish head in Sun Renhe's hand, Liu Wenhe asked, "60 points?"

Sun Renhe's expression was serious: "At least 70 points." "

Smelling the smell of the fish head up close, Sun Renhe felt that this fish was at least a fine product!

He put the fish head down and tasted it.

Finish eating the fish head.

He took another bite of rice noodles.

Liu Wenhe asked, "What now?"

After a moment of silence, Sun Renhe said in an exaggerated tone: "I can score this thing?!"

It's so delicious!

The taste is wonderful!

"Why is this a Cantonese food?!"

"The taste of this chopped pepper is really amazing! it's not worse than what I make in the store!"

"The taste is good, you should eat this salt a little heavier, but for this dish, it is really excellent!"

The reason why Sun Renhe is so excited is also very simple.

A chef also has taste.

Cantonese cooks, making chopped pepper dishes, often make light dishes.

That's what they taste.

But Jiang Feng didn't!

Not only is the taste extremely balanced, but it's also very local!

Even if Jiang Feng moves this flavor to the place of origin intact, it can be sold extremely hot!

Even the locals admit it!

What made Sun Renhe feel even more incredible was that Jiang Feng was able to cook the dishes of three cuisines at the same time so well!

The more powerful chefs also cook two cuisines at the same time.

The cuisine in China is so rich, and it is already very powerful to be able to do two dishes well!

Jiang Feng can do three!


Sun Renhe knows why so many peers have been blowing Jiang Feng recently!

This is truly fairy!

Liu Wenhe continued to ask, "What about this small bowl of steamed vegetables?"

Sun Renhe rolled his eyes: "I won't score, I'll taste it first." "

When he thought that he had actually scored the immortals just now, he only felt that he was really outrageous!

He deserves it too?!

Eat and you're done!

Three-course steamed dish in the mouth.

Sun Renhe said firmly: "Even if you are in the local area, you can't eat such a good taste, hurry up and eat it." "

After all that is said.

Sun Renhe realized that no one paid attention to him at all.

Although the Cantonese cuisine bigwigs don't know that Jiang Feng's chopped pepper fish head and steamed vegetables are not in line with the local taste.

But they know it's delicious!

Really get it!

For the first time, they knew that green beans could be so delicious with rice!

When these bigwigs are desperately cooking.

Xia Mian wore a mask, changed her clothes, and was sneaky in the team.

She took the lead and said that she didn't eat in Jiang Feng's store.

But the closer it was to noon, the more greedy she became!

No way.

She said that she wanted to eat by herself, but she actually changed her clothes and quietly slipped to Jiang Feng.

"Sister Xia?"

Just about to enter the door.

Xia Mian heard someone calling her.

She looked back and saw a woman like her, wearing a mask and a hat.


Li Muhe!

You've defected too?!

"Sister Li, Sister Xia, why are you all here?!"

Xia Mian turned around and saw the other two secretaries.

She ripped off her mask, a little helpless: "Don't hide, it's all here." "

There are only four people who want to resist Jiang Feng's cooking.

It's all here.

Pretend to be a fart!

Several of them took off their masks.

Li Muhe sighed: "The things he made are so delicious, I really picked out the takeaway for a long time, and I couldn't help but come here." "

Qian Momo grinned and smiled: "I came over directly, and I didn't eat enough in the morning." "

Xia Mian was a little helpless: "I'll help you buy it too, let's eat it together." "



Xia Mian entered the store and arrived at the counter.

"Hello, what do you want?"

Jiang Feng asked politely.

Xia Mian stared at Jiang Feng for a few seconds before he spoke: "4 of each bun, and 4 bowls of mung bean paste." "

Buy good stuff.

Xia Mian went out and found a place to squat down in front of the store.

The other three secretaries crouched down next to her.

"Give me a beef!"

"I want pork and green onions!"

"Give me a leek egg. "

The thieves they ate were happy, completely forgetting what they said about resisting what Jiang Feng did.

After eating.

Qian Momo sighed: "I already fully understand why President Rong wants to marry him." "

"Yes, handsome and down-to-earth, full marks!"

"My daughter is also super cute, I saw it in the morning, she looks like a porcelain doll, and her eyes are very similar to her father!"

Xia Mian accused bitterly: "You are blinded by Jiang Feng's male color?!"

Qian Momo spread his hands: "But the two of them are really too compatible!"

"I can already imagine the super sweet picture of them together!gkd!When will they have a second child?!"

"Isn't this already inappropriate for children?!Write it out and send it to me!"

Xia Mian said a little weakly: "What about the company?"

The other three girls fell silent.


They understood the reason why Rong Shuang liked Jiang Feng.

But they feel that the company's situation is still not optimistic.

Although such a large company will not fail, once it starts to go downhill, it will face a lot of trouble.

Rong Lijun also treats the company's employees very well, and they hope that the company can develop smoothly.

Rong Shuang's business talent is excellent.

When she goes back to the company, she can solve a lot of troubles.

"Forget it, let's talk about it when I see President Rong in the afternoon. "

"That's fine. "

"But what if President Rong doesn't want to go back?"

"Even if we don't go back to work, we can tell her about the company, maybe she can find the right direction?"

Several of them have no low positions in the company.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have been the first to move here.

From the analysis of the information they have, they feel that the biggest problem of the company is that there is still no suitable new project.

The income is high enough, and it can be launched very widely, and it can be a project for more than ten years.

It's too hard.

They sighed and turned to leave.

12:43 p.m.

All the things in Jiang Feng's store were sold out.

Although he added 150 steamed dishes and 10 fish heads with chopped peppers, he didn't waste much time.

Steamed vegetables are very suitable for fast food, make them in advance, and steam them when you sell them.

And the variety is rich, and the profit is not low.

The price of a single serving is cheap.

However, the amount of steamed vegetables in a small bowl is not large, and the cost is relatively low.

Jiang Feng must make all kinds of different dishes, and he can't sell steamed vegetables all the time.

The new store now has more customers and fewer things to do, and the store is already full.

"It's time to get a new store. "

Jiang Feng made up his mind.

Open a new store!

In many places, steamed vegetables can be sold.

And now Jiang Feng has no shortage of people who can use it, only the funds to open a store.

"Wait a few more days. "

Another 10 days and half a month.

Jiang Feng will be able to buy the store and have the money to open a new store!

In the afternoon, at half past four.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang trotted out of the garden.

"Going to see my husband? "

Not far from the park, Mr. Zhang laughed and teased.

Rong Shuangqiao's face was slightly red: "Yes, let's go first." "

"Go, I really envy you, the relationship is so good. "

Rong Shuang took Yoyo and quickly rushed back to the outside of the store.

Haven't entered the door yet.

Xia Mian, who was waiting here, hurriedly opened his mouth and stopped Rong Shuang: "President!"

"Do you remember me?!"

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