After getting in the car.

Rong Shuang called Song Jin.

Song Jin is brushing novels on the high-speed train, and he is not in a very good mood.

In an article she recently read, the dog author only changed one chapter a day, and he was in a hurry.

Seeing Rong Shuang's call, Song Jin answered in seconds.

"Bao, why are you calling at this time? We're almost in the imperial capital. "

Rong Shuang held the mobile phone and was a little excited: "Auntie, we want to get the certificate today, do you agree?"

After two seconds of silence.

Song Jin's voice was excited: "Agree, agree, agree!"

Song Jin: "Hurry up, hurry up! It's still too late!

Finally, I have to get my certificate!

Song Jin directly looked forward to quickly condemning this family business to death!


Rong Shuang's feet moved around, very happy.

Mother-in-law agreed!

Rong Shuang continued to ask, "What about uncle?

Although Jiang Jianye has little say at home.

But Rong Shuang still respects Jiang Jianye very much.

Because she loves Jiang Feng very much.

Song Jin didn't ask: "He agrees, don't worry!"

Song Jin: "However, before I got the certificate, I didn't see your father, isn't it inappropriate?"

Rong Shuang didn't care too much: "Jiang Feng has called him, and he has no opinion." "

Song Jin was relieved: "That's good, let's go quickly!"


Hang up.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng, pursed her lips and smiled: "Husband." "

"I hear you. Jiang Feng also laughed.

The Civil Affairs Bureau is not very far away.

It just so happens that it's also a lot of traffic jam right now.

On the way, Jiang Feng saw a Victor suit and went in to buy two white shirts.

Jiang Youyou also wanted it, but there were no children's clothes in the store.

She sat in the back row a little sullenly.

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "When you have time, Dad will accompany you to buy a white shirt, okay?"


Jiang Youyou is very coaxing.

Draw a pie and be happy.

Rong Shuang was beside her, her expression was a little excited: "Mom can also buy you some toys, what do you want?"

"I want a figurine!

"Mom bought it for you!"

"Okay!" Jiang Youyou waved his two small short hands and gestured, "I need to have a big cabinet in my room, give me a figurine to use!"

"I still want to buy a lot of orange figures!"

"Buy. Jiang Feng said, "Pick and choose what you like." "

With his income, it is not a matter at all to buy Jiang Youyou some figurines or something.


The three of them found a photography shop near the Civil Affairs Bureau, mainly for children's photography.

Jiang Feng didn't know if this store could take wedding photos.

There are not many photography shops along the way, and you have to take a lot of time to look for it.

If this store is not open, it is really hard to say whether it can get a certificate today.

It's almost four o'clock.

Push the door in.

The young lady at the front desk had a light eye: "Hello, do you want to take pictures?"

This family is so good-looking!

Just look at the mood!

The store manager has explained before that if you encounter a particularly good appearance condition, you can get a discount or even free of charge, as long as the photos taken can be displayed.

Jiang Feng shook his head and said, "Let's take a wedding certificate photo, can you take it here?"


The young lady at the front desk was stunned for a moment.

Bringing your cub for a photo shoot?

However, her professionalism is also good, and she quickly came back to her senses and said, "If you can shoot, you can come with me." "

She took Jiang Feng's family of three to the studio on the second floor, where there were a few shirts with completely black necklines.

It's a little dirty, but a lot of this kind of common clothes are like that.


I bought it myself.

Jiang Feng was a little lucky.

The two of them changed their clothes.

The photographer came over quickly.

"Come, the two of you get a little closer, you don't have to be so far away, you have to get a certificate. "

"Do you think it's better to grin, or to keep your mouth shut?"

"Tsk, how good-looking, are you celebrities? "

While boasting, the photographer took the photo, brought it to the computer, briefly edited it, printed it out, and put it in a very small photo paper bag.

"How much?"

"30 bucks. "

Jiang Feng paid.

The photographer said next to him: "It's a pity that you are not a model with your appearance condition, this muscle line is really good." "

"Interested in thinking about it? We pay models here for a lot of money. "

Jiang Feng refused with a smile: "No need." "

The photographer looked at Rongshuang with some regret.

Rong Shuang also glanced at him.

The photographer shut up.

Although he didn't know what Rong Shuang's identity was, he had seen a lot of people, and he could feel that Rong Shuang must be quite rich.

There is no shortage of money.

Take your ID photo.

A family of three went to the Civil Affairs Bureau, and according to the guidance, they found a window to apply for a marriage certificate.


There aren't many people getting married today.

Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang quickly lined up and sat down at the counter.

"Yo, bring your children to get married? "

The clerk's eldest sister lost the information and chatted casually.

Rong Shuangdai's eyebrows furrowed slightly.

She didn't mind that Jiang Feng was married, but she was worried that this topic would make Jiang Feng unpleasant.

Jiang Feng gently patted Rong Shuang's hand.


With this certificate, it is estimated that I will only see it once in my life.

There's no need to be unpleasant.

Rong Shuang's emotions were calmed.

Jiang Feng said politely: "I've left once." "

"Your ex-wife is so blind. The clerk's eldest sister stared at Jiang Feng and Jiang Youyou, "Don't want such a handsome husband and child?"

"It's okay, your current wife is as good as you. "

Rong Shuang's mood suddenly improved.

After recording fingerprints and checking identity information, the eldest sister said, "Okay, you can issue the certificate in a while." "

After speaking.

She got up to get her papers.

Take it back and stamp it.

Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang became husband and wife!

The kind that has a book!

took the marriage certificate and the two of them went out of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Just arrived in a place where no one was.

Jiang Youyou was instantly anxious: "Dad! Hurry up!

She wants to see the marriage certificate!

Jiang Feng handed it to her: "Can you read all the words?"

"Dad, are you looking down on Yoyo?"

"Then you read it. "

Jiang Youyou was silent for three seconds, and looked at Jiang Feng pitifully.

Jiang Feng squatted down and read it word by word with her.

After reading it.

Jiang Feng applauded: "Youyou is so powerful, I actually know them all!"

Rongshuang was also very cooperative, clapping her hands beside her.

Jiang Youyou threw himself into Jiang Feng's arms: "It's just amazing, hehe." "

Coaxed the little cutie, Jiang Feng opened his other arm: "Wife." "


Rong Shuang hugged Jiang Feng and rubbed his white shirt hard.

The lipsticks are all printed.

She was so happy that she didn't want to bother with it!

The first hug after becoming a couple!

There are also a lot of people coming and going.

Rong Shuang was coquettish, so she let go of her hand and followed Jiang Feng into the car.

Buckle up.

Jiang Feng looked at the time and sent a message to Uncle Jiang: "Rong Shuang and I came out to get the certificate, and the door may be opened later today." "

Jiang Feng: "If the guests ask, you can tell them." "

Uncle Jiang replied in seconds: "Got the certificate?!"

Jiang Feng: "Got it!"

Uncle Jiang: "Okay! No problem! This is a great thing!"

Finally got the certificate!

Say hello.

Jiang Feng patted the marriage certificate and sent it to Rong Lijun.

When Rong Lijun saw it, he was in a meeting.

Click on the photo.

Rong Lijun laughed.



The executives at the entire conference table looked at Rong Lijun in shock.


Is the chairman laughing?!


They don't seem to have seen Rong Lijun laugh for so many years, right?!

Rong Lijun lowered his head and held his mobile phone and said, "My daughter is married to Jiang Feng. "

Depend on!

No wonder you laugh so happily!

Have you got a lifetime meal ticket?!

Half of the directors present have been to Jiang Feng's store.

Now Jiang Feng's shop is too popular in the rich circle.

After eating once, they agreed with the decision to move the company.

They were still thinking about how to line up to eat.

He has become Jiang Feng's legal father-in-law!


Rong Lijun posted a circle of friends.

There was no text, just a photo of a marriage certificate.

Zhao Fuchuan scratched his head at this time.

"I feel a little unlucky lately, why do you let me see it first every time Rong Lijun, the old bastard, posts it on Moments?"

"But again and again, not again, right? luck should be better. "

He took a sip of Longjing and opened the circle of friends comfortably.


The purple sand teacup fell to the ground!

Marriage certificate?!

Depend on!

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