"Zhao Dong?"

The secretary heard the sound of the teacup breaking and quickly pushed the door in.

"It's fine. Zhao Fuchuan sat down, his face was quite unsightly.

The secretary had a strange expression.

Your face looks like you've been smeared with ash from the bottom of the pot, are you really okay?

However, the secretary didn't ask much, and seeing that Zhao Fuchuan was fine, he quickly called someone over to clean up the broken teacups.

Zhao Fuchuan sat on the sofa and looked at the marriage certificate issued by Rong Lijun again.

"His grandmother's ...... Dog stuff!"

Zhao Fuchuan scolded twice!

It's so sour!

He refreshed the circle of friends.


Rong Lijun's circle of friends, he can't see a single like.

It's obvious.

Those rich businessmen who knew Rong Lijun and Zhao Fuchuan, everything they saw was sour!

Although Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang have a good relationship, everyone already knows it.

But in fact, many people secretly feel that they may not be able to get married if they are in love!

They weren't targeting Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang.

I just don't want Rong Lijun to pick up such a good son-in-law!

As a result, you will get a certificate!

Originally, Rong Lijun's heir was a big problem.

Many people are waiting to see how Rong Lijun will deal with this problem.


It's all solved at once!

Zhao Fuchuan searched the divorce rate in China.

Well, pretty high.

He took a screenshot of the picture, originally wanted to send it, but after thinking about it, he still forgot it.

It's okay to offend Rong Lijun.

But if this picture is sent out, if Boss Xiao Jiang sees it and Boss Xiao Jiang is unhappy, then it will be a big trouble.

After Rong Lijun posted his circle of friends, he quickly sorted out his emotions and prepared to continue the meeting.

I just said a few words.

Rong Lijun's mind flashed, he remembered the marriage certificate, he didn't hold back, and laughed again.

The executives looked at each other with strange expressions and some envy.

Rong Lijun has been in so many years, and it is the first time that he has lost his temper so much.

But it's understandable when you think about it.

That's Jiang Feng!

Rong Lijun cleared his throat and looked at the director next to him: "Lao Li, let's have today's meeting." "

"Okay, Dong Rong. "

Rong Lijun got up, his shoulders still moving.

Wait for him to leave.

The executives whispered, "Envy." "

"I heard that Boss Xiaojiang also engaged in a cooperation project with our boss, which has already eaten the dividend of his son-in-law. "

"Although Rong Dong is richer, I also have the feeling that Rong Dong is hugging Boss Xiaojiang's thigh. "

"Shhhh "

Hearing him, he probably felt more happy, and he wished he was glued to his son-in-law's leg. "

"That's not good, how can you have a second child. "

The executives all laughed.

The board of directors of Runhua Group is very harmonious.

The chairman of many large companies actually has no real power, and there are often cases of such and such chairman being kicked out of the board of directors.

The main reason is that when China reformed the shareholding system 20 years ago, the equity was chaotic.

Rong Lijun handled it very well, and until now, he is still in power, and he almost has the absolute right to speak.

And Rong Lijun is also very good at employing people.

The executives on the board of directors have a good relationship with Rong Lijun.

Those who have ideas have been washed away by Rong Lijun.

So Rong Lijun was not there, and the executives dared to make a few jokes.

Lao Li spoke: "Speaking of this joint venture company, in fact, I don't feel as exaggerated as you say. "

"It's a catering company, and I feel that with the character of Boss Xiaojiang's pursuit of quality, it is estimated that it will not be big. "

Jiang Feng's ability, Lao Li is recognized.

He is also a frequent customer in Jiang Feng's shop, and he has already bought a house, so after he retires, he and Uncle Jiang will play cards with them and wait in line for dinner.


Lao Li has seen a lot of capable people, who really want to do business, but they can't do it well.

Too straight!

Too demanding!

Executives agreed: "There is indeed a problem. "

"It should be okay to make a catering company, but it should be difficult to make it bigger. "

"Does anyone know what the company's investment looks like?"

"I don't know, it's Dong Rong's private team that is leaving, and there is no news to be revealed, and it is estimated that Boss Xiaojiang is unwilling to make too much trouble. "

"Boss Xiaojiang is a good person, he can deal with it, he does things in a down-to-earth manner, and I can rest assured that he will eat what he makes. "

A female executive in the market analysis department shook her head and said, "I don't agree with you. "

"Boss Xiaojiang made this company, I feel that it can be bigger, and it may not take too long. "

The other executives snorted.

"Qiaohong, everyone knows that you like Boss Xiaojiang, and this is over. "

"Mom's fan is like this, I think Boss Xiaojiang can do a good job. "

"To be honest, I also think this company can be started, but it is unlikely to be in a short period of time, at least ten years. "

Without the restraint of Rong Lijun.

Executives chatted.

Lao Li patted the table: "I'm still here, continue the meeting." "

"When we have time, let's inquire about the name of the company and see what it looks like."

The executives nodded.

The discussion of a new joint venture between Jiang Feng and Rong Lijun was temporarily suspended.

Still, executives are interested.

Just wait.

The company should be about to open, and they really want to see what the store made by Boss Xiaojiang looks like.


Rong Lijun, who left the conference room, sent a text message to Rong Shuang: "Well done." "

Rong Shuang, who received the text message, was a little distracted.

For so many years, this is the first time Rong Lijun has praised her so bluntly.

She replied, "It's okay." "

The relationship between father and daughter, because of Jiang Feng, eased slightly.

Rong Shuang thought for a while and asked, "Mother-in-law and uncle are coming today, why don't you let my father come over and meet?"

I got all the certificates.

It's really time for both parents to meet and book the wedding date.

Jiang Feng looked ahead, followed the traffic, nodded and said, "Okay, you ask your uncle if he has time, where is the appointment?"

"Let's have it in our store, right?"

"Okay. "

Rong Shuang sent a message to Rong Lijun: "Jiang Feng's parents came over tonight, do you have time to meet?"

Rong Lijun replied in seconds: "Yes!"

Rong Lijun: "What time is it?"

Rong Shuang thought for a while and replied, "It's estimated that it's about eight o'clock." "

Jiang Feng went back to clean up now, and it was nearly 7 o'clock when the store opened.

It is estimated that the store will not close sooner.

Rong Lijun: "Okay, then 8 o'clock." "

Put down your phone.

Rong Lijun was a little nervous.

Go to see Jiang Feng's parents, do you want to bring something?

Gotta bring.

The last time Jiang Feng brought him something, he didn't prepare to return the gift.

What to bring?

Rong Lijun called Wang Zhe in.

Wang Zhe pushed the door and entered the room.

Rong Lijun opened his mouth, and suddenly felt a little disgusted: "Forget it, you unmarried single dog, it's useless to ask you." "

Wang Zhe had a question mark on his face.


Can you do some work?!

You called me in just to poke me in the heart, right?!

Wang Zhe took the initiative to say: "You can ask, I haven't met, haven't I seen it?"

Unlike you, you don't even attend weddings very often, do you?

Wang Zhe was angry.

Rong Lijun heard it and squinted his eyes: "Do you know how to write the word unemployed?"

"I was wrong, boss. Wang Zhe was very fast.

Before Rong Lijun finished speaking, he had already taken the initiative to admit his mistake.

Old workers.

Rong Lijun thought for a moment and asked, "What clothes are appropriate to wear to meet Jiang Feng's parents?"

"Just wear an apple-collar suit, casual and casual. "

The collar of the suit is very saying, and the notch lapels and lapels are too businesslike.

When you go to meet your own family, the apple-collar suit will look much more casual and natural.

Rong Lijun nodded: "What do you bring?"

"Alcohol and cigarettes?"

Rong Lijun sent a message to Rong Shuang: "Does Jiang Feng's father smoke and drink?"

Rong Shuang replied in seconds: "I don't smoke, but I seem to be able to drink a little." "

That's right.

Rong Lijun planned to bring a few bottles of good wine.

But what kind of wine do you bring?

It's expensive, it's easy to show off, it's too cheap, what if people think he despises Jiang Feng's parents?

Wang Zhe said: "You are really not as good as Jiang Feng. "


"The things that Brother Jiang brings are the things he thinks he should bring, no matter what he brings, he is very friendly to you, isn't he?"

Wang Zhe said: "Compared to Boss Xiaojiang, I feel that you are too bound by money. "

Rong Lijun suddenly reacted.

That's right!

This trip is to see my family.

To express one's heart, its practical use should not be money.

No matter what he brings, as long as he is genuinely good to Jiang Feng's parents, isn't it?

Rong Lijun sighed with emotion: "After living for so many years, it is indeed not as transparent as my son-in-law." "


Rong Lijun's tone changed, and he said with some ostentatiousness: "But even if I'm a lot worse than Jiang Feng, doesn't he have to call me Dad?"

When I thought of Jiang Feng's change of words, I called him Dad!

Rong Lijun suddenly felt comfortable physically and mentally!

According to the custom that Rong Lijun knew, he had to change his words on the wedding day.

The couple received the red envelope, and then changed their name to Mom and Dad.

No way!

The wedding has to be arranged quickly!

Rong Lijun quickly prepared the gifts.

Two bottles of Romanée Conti from 90.

This wine is usually a little reluctant for Rong Lijun himself.

Because the production of Romani Conti in 90 is very low, the price is good for Rong Lijun.

Except for wine.

Rong Lijun also prepared a few watches, all of which were products sent by cooperative companies.

Jiang Feng doesn't like to wear watches very much, but it is just right for his in-laws.

He also prepared six boxes of different fruits.

These fruits are special and cannot be bought outside.

Get ready.

Rong Lijun was a little expectant and a little nervous, and counted the things he was going to bring.

The total value of these things must be in the millions.

Just now, he thought that this was not appropriate, just like swinging wide.

Although he has money, he also has the values that a normal person should have, millions is really a lot, and many people can't earn it in their lifetime.


Now he learned from Jiang Feng.

Money doesn't really matter.

Rong Lijun usually lives like this, he didn't prepare anything particularly good, he came out to show off, and he didn't deliberately prepare something cheaper.


It's still going to be nervous.

What if Jiang Feng's parents don't like him?

He is an ordinary rich man whose ability and ideas are not as good as Jiang Feng's, so he won't be disliked like a big man, right?

In the car.

Rong Shuang also called Song Jin and said that Rong Lijun was coming.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye were also very nervous: "Ah, why is it so sudden? We didn't prepare anything." "

Rong Shuang hurriedly said: "You don't need to prepare anything, just have a meal together." "

Song Jin thought for a while: "We still have to prepare, so let's go buy something when we arrive." "

"Just treat him as your own. Rong Shuang persuaded.

As long as Jiang Jianye and Song Jin don't dislike her father, it's the best!

As for buying things, it's really unnecessary!

Jiang Jianye said beside him: "It's not expensive, I'm going to order cigarettes and alcohol, and I'm going to order food." "

Song Jin agreed: "Okay." "

Rong Shuang wanted to persuade a few more words, Jiang Feng touched her hair with one hand, and said with a smile: "Let them buy it." "

"Because they value you so much, that's why they want to buy something. If you buy it, they will feel comfortable. "

Rong Shuang had good intentions and didn't want Jiang Jianye and Song Jin to break the bank.


Sometimes, good intentions may not be right for others.

They can buy it if they want, waste some money, and feel comfortable.

Rong Shuang was stunned for a moment, reacted, and said obediently to the phone: "Then you can look at it and buy some, it doesn't have to be too expensive." "

Song Jin laughed: "Okay, that's right, hang up." "

Hang up.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng and suddenly asked, "Husband, will you think I'm stupid?"

For a moment now, she really felt that her EQ was a little different from Jiang Feng.

With the certificate in her hand, she was a little uneasy.

There is a red light right ahead.

Jiang Feng stepped on the brakes and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't dislike you, I won't dislike you." "

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Youyou, who was sleeping with the thief incense, and smiled quietly: "Don't say that, provoke the relationship between our mother and daughter, right?"

Jiang Feng smiled even more happily.

Chatted a few words.

Turn into a green light.

Jiang Feng drove and continued to set off.

At 4:22 a.m.

Jiang Feng parked the car and arrived at the door of the store.

Haven't spoken yet.

Uncle Jiang and the others suddenly took a few of those small red firecrackers and released them.


"It's a good match!"

"You'll be able to cook steadily in the future, right?"

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "You just want me to concentrate on cooking, right?"

The old guests laughed.

Sumi had a stumbling expression on her face.

Moni and the others looked envious.


The male gods are married, and the bride is not them!

But they weren't too sad.

What happened to getting married?

Jiang Feng is the same as their male god, handsome as Jiang Feng, and he is so capable, it's okay to get married!

After chatting with the old customers who were closer to the door of the store, Jiang Feng opened the door and moved his shoulders.

"Let's get some time!"

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