Jiang Jianye and Rong Lijun glanced at each other and sat down.

Both of them were nervous, sitting with their backs straight, their hands on the table, together like two schoolchildren.

Jiang Feng washed his hands and went to the door to drag six boxes of fruit to the store.

Rong Shuang took three glasses of water, Jiang Youyou handed one to the table, and she took two glasses.

Jiang Youyou said in a milky voice: "Grandpa, grandpa, drink water~"

As soon as she spoke, the atmosphere was less tense.

Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Jianye and asked, "Well, do you know about the two of them getting the certificate?"

"Knew it on the high-speed rail. "

"Do you think we're going to discuss when we're going to have a wedding?" Rong Lijun got down to business.

Jiang Jianye agreed very much, and nodded again and again: "I also think it's time to negotiate this issue!"

Rong Lijun hesitated for a moment and asked, "You also know, I am in business, and I have a bit of trade feng shui or something, can I find someone to pick a good day?"

In fact, Rong Lijun doesn't believe in these things entirely.

You still have to do your own business.

But even if he doesn't believe it all, he is quite in awe of these and wants to pick a good luck.

But I'm worried that my in-laws will think he has a lot of things.

Humble old father-in-law.

Jiang Jianye continued to nod again and again: "I also think that picking a good day will make a good meaning." "

Rong Lijun breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I'll find someone, I have friends I know." "

"Okay. Jiang Jianye hurriedly said, "Let's negotiate, just say what you think, don't be too troublesome, communicate more." "

Rong Lijun hurriedly shook his head: "How come, that's what I mean, let's negotiate more." "

After speaking.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled.

Talking about it now, they also realized that both sides wanted to get along well, and they were very polite.

Jiang Feng opened his mouth and said, "Add prestige, right?"

"Good. "

Jiang Jianye and Rong Lijun hurriedly added contact information to each other.

Jiang Feng took the fish head, put it on the table, and then pulled a table next to it.

The steamed vegetables were also quickly served to Jiang Feng.

"Take two sips?" Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Jianye and asked.

"I can't drink good wine, it's not cheap, is it? Jiang Jianye was a little moved.

He likes to have two drinks.

However, this wine is very expensive at first glance.

Rong Lijun hurriedly took the bottle opener and came out: "Give it to you to drink, absolutely not waste, come." "

After opening the red wine, Rong Lijun took out the quilt he brought and poured three glasses.

"Jiang Feng, do you want to drink some?" asked Rong Lijun.

"No, I'll drive later. "

"What about you?" Rong Lijun looked at Rong Shuang, his tone a little awkward.

Rong Shuang looked away: "Don't drink." "

Jiang Youyou raised his hand: "You want to drink!"

Red wine!

It looks a bit like grape juice!

It should be delicious, right?!

Jiang Feng flicked her brain: "Children are not allowed to drink." "

"Oh well. Jiang Youyou held his head, looking aggrieved, but obedient.

Jiang Feng smiled, put the rice in it, brought it to the table with Rong Shuang, opened the bottle of grape juice, and poured it into Jiang Youyou's cup.

Jiang Youyou hugged the cup and took a sip: "It's delicious! Dad is the best!"

The thief is coaxing.

Jiang Feng touched her head and said, "The dishes are ready, time is tight today, let's eat more steamed vegetables." "

"That's good. Rong Lijun looked at the chopped pepper fish head and swallowed his saliva.

He's not hungry anymore.

After eating at 11 o'clock at noon, it has been 9 hours now, and I am already hungry.

Jiang Jianye hurriedly said: "Hurry up and eat, you move the chopsticks first." "

"You come first. "

"No, you'd better come first. "

"Here you come. "

The two fathers relented.

Jiang Feng persuaded: "If you continue like this, we can eat this meal until the early hours of the morning." "

Jiang Youyou took the chopsticks and asked, "Then why don't you eat first?"

She didn't care about that.

The dinner table was all about the family.

She's hungry!

She wants to eat!

Jiang Jianye and Rong Lijun both laughed: "That's okay, eat first." "

Jiang Feng sandwiched the fast fish face meat for Jiang Youyou and put it in her bowl.

A family of six, only then did they eat.

Jiang Jianye and Song Jin, this is the first time to eat chopped pepper fish head made by Jiang Feng.

The moment you enter the mouth, the saltiness of the chopped pepper, the freshness of the fish head, and the aroma of the fish meat instantly spread out in your mouth!

The spicy taste that followed urged them to hurry up and take the next bite.


Took a few bites.

Rong Lijun raised his glass: "Brother Jiang, let's have a drink." "

In fact, Rong Lijun was two years older than Jiang Jianye, but in order to show respect, he called Brother Jiang.

Jiang Jianye and Song Jin both picked up their cups.

Jiang Youyou also hurriedly swallowed the fish meat in her mouth and raised her trumpet cup.

Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang glanced at each other and raised their water glasses.

"It's just right, let's have a drink together as a family. Jiang Jianye said with a smile.

Rong Lijun looked at the people around the table, and there was a warm current in his heart.

His parents and wife died one after another, and his daughter had a similar relationship with him.

For the first time in many years, he felt like he was eating with his family.

That's nice.

Rong Lijun said, "Come." "

Picking up his glass, he drank half a glass of red wine.

Jiang Jianye and Song Jin finished drinking and smacked their lips.

"It's delicious. Jiang Jianye likes the taste.

"Do you like it? I feel a little sour and bitter, but the aftertaste is quite fragrant. "Song Jin doesn't like to drink very much.

Jiang Jianye said with a smile: "Then our brothers drink." "

Half a glass of wine.

Ate a few pieces of meat.

The two fathers have gradually become familiar with each other.

Begin to call each other brothers.

Drank four glasses.

Jiang Jianye has already taken the lead.

Rong Lijun's alcohol consumption was better, but he was also a little more drunk.

"Brother Jiang, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm drinking like this, it's easy to get up, it doesn't matter. Are you okay?"

"This little wine is nothing. "

"Then drink!"

A bottle and a half belly.

The two of them were already a little confused.

Jiang Jianye had already pulled the chair next to Rong Lijun.

Rong Lijun patted Jiang Jianye on the shoulder, a little emotional: "Jiang Feng married my daughter...... No, marrying my daughter is a bit of a loss. "

"I want to make amends to him, but you taught this child too well, and you don't want it, so I'm worried. "

Rong Shuang lowered his head and ate the fish, as if he hadn't heard.

Jiang Jianye waved his hand again and again: "Obviously, Rongshuang has suffered a loss." "

"My son is good at everything, it's just ...... Alas, I have been divorced once, this second-hand, with the original, how can it be a disadvantage to Rongshuang. "


Rong Shuang couldn't hold back and laughed.

Jiang Feng also laughed.

Daddy's metaphor is somewhat outrageous.

Rong Lijun shook his head and said seriously: "That's not a problem. "

"Jiang Feng is a good boy, she breaks it simply, what is the impact? Youyou is also very good, she wants to be willing, I ...... Hiccup, I want her to study business management. "

Jiang Youyou asked curiously: "Grandpa, what is business management?" "

"It's the person who runs the company, are you willing?"

"Yes!" Jiang Youyou's eyes lit up.

It's fun to listen to!

Jiang Feng rubbed Jiang Youyou's head and said to Rong Lijun: "Uncle, let her take care of it, and the company will collapse in three years." "

The daughter of his own family, Jiang Feng is still very clear.

"How is it possible!" Jiang Youyou looked up at Jiang Feng, "Dad, Youyou is very powerful." "

Jiang Feng looked at Rong Lijun: "Uncle, what do you do every day?"

Rong Lijun thought for a while: "When you have a meeting or a business trip, you don't actually do anything, just sit and listen to their reports." "

"How long is a day?"

"More than ten hours?"

Jiang Youyou shrank into Jiang Feng's arms: "Grandpa, you still feel like it's better to forget it...... Hey hey ......"

The little cutie is still a bastard who is more suitable for being a father.

What she is most afraid of is the class meeting, and she is bored to death.

Letting her sit for more than ten hours is even more terrifying than her father playing her forty brains in a row.

Several people laughed.

Jiang Jianye raised his glass: "Let's not talk about this, the two children are very good, they can live well." "

Rong Lijun couldn't agree more: "Yes, I was quite nervous before I came. "

"When I see you and my sister-in-law, I don't have to be nervous, you are all good people. "

"Come, let's go one. "

The two fathers drank half a glass again, and the drunkenness was a little heavier, but the interest was getting higher and higher.

After drinking two bottles of wine, they still felt that it was not too enjoyable, and asked Wang Zhe to take a bottle of liquor sent by Jiang Feng.

Rong Lijun said: "I am reluctant to drink this wine, Jiang Feng gave it to me for the first time." "

"Today, let's two drink it. "

Jiang Jianye said magnificently: "It's okay, let him send it to you every day, he will be yours in the future...... Younger brother. "

Jiang Jianye, who drank too much, originally wanted to talk about his son.

As a result, the brain is stuck.

The word son came to his mouth, but he couldn't say it, so he held it for two seconds and blurted out a little brother.


Jiang Feng looked at Rong Shuang and said with a smile, "You have to call me uncle in the future." "

Rong Shuang leaned on Jiang Feng's arm and said in a voice that only she and Jiang Feng could hear, "You can call me whatever you want." "

Jiang Feng's face was a little red and he cleared his throat.

Jiang Youyou raised his head, a little curious, but he didn't ask much.

Adults are always so strange, what can't you say in front of her little cutie?

Forget it.

Don't ask.

Who made her sensible?

Moutai opened it and poured it into the quilt.

The two dads each took a sip.

The white wine was spicy, and the two of them were already red, but now they are even redder.

Jiang Feng persuaded: "Uncle, my dad won't go to work tomorrow, you still have a job, right?"

Song Jin also slapped Jiang Jianye: "That's it, you don't go to work, and you don't finish drinking with others." "

Rong Lijun was obviously already on top: "It's okay, in fact, I don't have to work so hard at all, the company system is ...... It's very ...... Complete. "

"It's okay if I don't go to work for a few days, but I ...... I don't know what to do when I don't go to work...... Hiccup"

Jiang Jianye patted Rong Lijun on the shoulder: "Brother, that's just right." "

"It's okay, let's just drink some of them, I'll teach you to play games, you and me...... And your sister-in-law to play with. "

"I really can't take her anymore, you have to have a good time...... Hiccup, the two of us have a better chance of winning together. "

Song Jin's face darkened.

Jiang Feng and Jiang Youyou glanced at each other.

Jiang Youyou made a sympathetic expression.

Dad, grandpa seems to be going to be hammered again.

Most of the bottle of Moutai is under the stomach.

Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang were already full.

Rong Lijun is about to shut down.

The eyes are all one open and the other closed.

Jiang Jianye held the table and said, "Brother, let me tell you, this person has to relax and can't keep pressing himself." "

"I can see that you have a lot of unhappy things. "

Rong Lijun sighed and drank half a cup.

Jiang Jianye continued: "Look at the point, you see that you are not ...... now One more ...... Brother, right? We'll be a family from now on. "

"With a family, our life will get better, right?"


It's not a little brother anymore.

Directly younger brother.

This generation is getting more and more chaotic.

Jiang Feng couldn't tell whether Jiang Jianye was taking advantage of being drunk and taking advantage of his in-laws.

Uncle, be sober!

Rong Lijun nodded: "You're right. "

The two of them still wanted to insist on drinking the last half bottle of Moutai.

Jiang Jianye couldn't stand it first and fell asleep.

Although Rong Lijun only has one eye open, the strategy of resting the left and right eyes in stages has obviously increased the endurance.

"I drink...... Hiccup, won. Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng and grinned.

Jiang Feng stepped forward and helped Rong Lijun: "Uncle, you drank a little too much, let me make you some sobering soup?"

Drink something sour to neutralize the wine.

Rong Lijun shook his head: "No, I'm drinking it." "

"It feels so good to drink with your dad. "

Usually, Rong Lijun wants to drink more, but he can't find a true friend.

Drinking with a subordinate, a glance passed, and the other party did it directly.

Nothing interesting.

Zhou Linan and Tang Shun have a good relationship with Rong Lijun, but they are usually busy with work, and it is impossible for them to get together alone for a drink.

Jiang Jianye is very good.

Rong Lijun now really regards Jiang Jianye as an old brother!

Relationship iron!

Jiang Feng couldn't cry or laugh: "Then continue to drink next time." "

"Okay. "

After speaking.

Rong Lijun tilted Jiang Feng's arm.

I slept too.

Jiang Feng called Wang Zhe in, carried his father-in-law, and sent him to the car.

"Does anyone take care of him?" Jiang Feng asked.

Wang Zhe said: "Usually the chairman lives alone. "

Jiang Feng thought about it and called Rong Shuang: "Wife, let your uncle sleep on the sofa at our house for the night?"

If you drink like this, you don't have anyone to look at when you go home, and it's easy to have problems.

Rong Shuang was silent for a moment and said, "Listen to you." "

"You wait here for a while, I'll go and carry my dad over, and you can help me send my uncle to our house." "

"Okay. "

Jiang Feng went back to the store and went out with Jiang Jianye on his back.

The neighbors came over and offered to help.

It's late for dinner today, and it's ten o'clock now, but the weather is hot, and there are still a lot of regular customers on the street.

With the help of the old customer, Jiang Feng sent Jiang Jianye to the car.


The neighbors also stuffed a lot of things into Jiang Feng's car.

Stuff it directly into the car, so you don't have to worry about whether Jiang Feng can move it!

"Thank you. Jiang Feng sincerely thanked him.

"You're welcome. "

"Let's go, I'll see you tomorrow morning, Boss Xiaojiang. "

"Drive slowly, you didn't drink a bar?"

Jiang Feng shook his head: "I didn't drink it." "

"Okay, let's go. "

Jiang Feng got in the car and set off with a family of four, with Wang Zhe and the driver following behind.

Got to the underground parking lot.

Before Jiang Feng got out of the car, he remembered that Xu Mingqiang's message had not yet returned.

He replied directly: "Just open the store near Xu Ji Buns." "

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