Jiang Feng was also a little vindictive, but he didn't bother to take revenge on Xu Na.

It's a waste of time, and it's going to be unclear with her.


Since Xu Mingqiang didn't know that this store was opened by Xu Na, he chose the store here.

That's right here.

Xu Mingqiang replied to the message in seconds: "What about the other one?"

"Let's go with the best option you gave No. 2. "

Xu Mingqiang: "No problem, then we will contact the landlord as soon as possible." "

Xu Mingqiang: "The company has registered in the past two days, do you have time?"

Jiang Feng: "I'll write a power of attorney to the lawyer, and he will do it with you." "

Xu Mingqiang licked: "Okay, then you can do it, notify me at any time, I am there twenty-four hours a day." "

Xu Mingqiang: "Any trouble can come to me, don't be polite to us." "

Hard licking!

As an old worker, Xu Mingqiang knows very well that he doesn't care if he is embarrassed or not, anyway, if he says good things, he will never offend people!

Jiang Feng's face was a little strange: "Okay, let's talk about it if there is an emergency, if there is no urgency, we will try to contact during working hours." "

Finish the message.

Jiang Feng got out of the car and carried Jiang Jianye upstairs.

Wang Zhe followed behind, carrying Rong Lijun with a little difficulty, and looked at Jiang Feng with envy.

The body is awesome.

And at this time.

Xu Mingqiang put down his mobile phone and moved his neck in the car: "Okay, Boss Jiang has determined the location, let's hurry up." "

"Be sure to do your best. "

"Understood. The three team members replied seriously.

Their attitude towards Jiang Feng, although it was still very licky, had undergone some subtle changes.

After tasting the things in the five grains and fragrant bun shop.

They were really shocked.

The taste is superb!

Very clean!

The clerk has a very good attitude and is conscientious and responsible!


This brand can definitely be popular!

They licked Jiang Feng before because of Jiang Feng's identity, after all, this eighty percent is the father of the future boss.

And now.

They made this brand a top priority!

The foundation of the personnel cultivated by Jiang Feng is too good!

As long as they don't have problems, this store can squeeze Xu Ji buns in a month!

As employees who follow the boss to start a brand, they will definitely get a big share of the benefits!

"Tomorrow morning, hurry up and contact the host. "

"Let the design department do the CAD drawings overnight, as long as the contract is signed, start the decoration immediately, hurry up!"

If you change to a regular store, it will take at least 30 days from renovation to opening the store.

Jiang Feng's branch is not used.

From the design to the materials, to the construction team, it's all your own!

If you don't smash the tiles or change the walls, it can be completed in a few days!


After going upstairs.

Wang Zhe put Rong Lijun on the sofa and left first.

Jiang Feng put Jiang Jianye on the sofa first.

The two of them were snoring and sleeping soundly.

Song Jin looked at them and was very experienced: "Put them flat, don't hold your throat, just sleep." "

Jiang Feng poured two glasses of water, put them on the coffee table, and said with a smile: "It's good, it's rare that my dad can drink like this." "

Rong Shuang pressed Jiang Feng's shoulders and asked, "Are you tired?"

Since the morning, Jiang Feng has not rested.

drove again, cooked again, and went home with Jiang Jianye on his back.

She felt a little sorry for Jiang Feng.

This is her husband who has received the certificate, and she is reluctant to toss.

Jiang Feng's heart warmed slightly, and he said with a smile: "I'm not tired." "

Jiang Youyou was already sleepy, shrinking into Jiang Feng's arms, his face against Jiang Feng's arm, and he almost fell asleep.

Song Jin opened his mouth and asked, "Yoyo, do you want to sleep with grandma today?"

As a person who has come over, Song Jin knows best how uncomfortable a couple with cubs is.

The certificates are all received!

This must not create some space for Jiang Feng and his daughter-in-law?!

Rong Shuangqiao's face was slightly red, her eyes stared at Jiang Feng's ears, thinking that her husband's ears were so good-looking, as if she didn't understand Song Jin's meaning.

Jiang Feng's heart also beat a little faster.

He's a man, too!

Still a man with cubs!

There are still ideas, but he has better control and can hold it down.

Jiang Youyou hugged Jiang Feng's arm: "I want to be with my father." "

She was dazed, just thinking about sticking to her father.

Song Jin followed the temptation: "Grandma buys you ice cream, you can eat whatever you want, buy two boxes." "

Jiang Youyou was a little moved.

Ice cream or dad?


Jiang Youyou hugged Jiang Feng tighter: "I want Dad, Dad is more important than ice cream." "

Song Jin continued: "Buy you toys. "

Jiang Youyou's personality is very similar to Jiang Feng.

What you recognize remains the same.

I'm going to sleep with my dad!

You can't sell your dad for some benefits, your dad will be sad.

Jiang Youyou also has his own careful thoughts.

Jiang Feng gently touched Jiang Youyou's head, and said to Song Jin with a smile, "Let her sleep with us first." "


Anyway, it's been so many days, and it's not bad for a while.

Song Jin didn't insist: "Then let's go, let's carry your dad back to the house first." "

"Okay. "

Jiang Feng picked Jiang Jianye up and put him in the bedroom.

Back in the living room, Jiang Feng took two pillows, flattened Rong Lijun, took off his shoes, and covered him with a blanket.

The sofa is quite big, and Rong Lijun can still turn over while lying down.

"Let's go, Yoyo, I'll take you to wash. "

"Hmm, that's ......"

Jiang Youyou was led by Jiang Feng to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Dad, I really don't want to wash my face, please, it's okay not to wash it. "

She was sleepy, after brushing her teeth, she hugged Jiang Feng's legs, and the whole person slid to the ground as soft as no bones.

Trick on the spot!

Daddy, your cutie is going to die!

Jiang Feng smiled, moistened the towel, wiped her face, and applied a skin oil.

"Alright, so be it. "

"Good. "

Jiang Feng carried her back to the room and asked her to lie down first.

Out of the living room.

Rong Shuang carried the lunch bag and said, "I'll go and bring Mei Mei something to eat first, and take a bath by the way." "

Jiang Feng nodded: "Go, I'll wait for you." "

"Okay, kiss one. "

Rong Shuang came over and kissed Jiang Feng before returning to her.

Jiang Feng found a clean towel, wiped Rong Lijun's face and hands, and then washed the towel, folded it into tofu blocks, and put it on the coffee table.

There is also a glass of warm water next to it.

If Rong Lijun wakes up and feels uncomfortable, he can get up and drink at any time.

When he cleaned up.

Song Jin also washed up.

"You've worked hard today. Song Jin hugged Jiang Feng, feeling a little sorry for his son, "Go wash up, hurry up and go to bed, it's already this point in time." "

At this time, Jiang Feng had already slept for more than an hour.

"Good. "

Jiang Feng took a shower.

Rong Shuang also came back after washing.

"Is Uncle Tang here?" Jiang Feng asked casually.

"In. "

"It's good, things don't go to waste. "

"Drink water, husband?"

"Have a drink. "

The two of them whispered and occasionally looked at each other, and they would smile tacitly.

Got the certificate......

Jiang Feng had an inexplicable sense of steadiness.

When he married Xu Na, he didn't feel this way.

Drink the water.

Before going back to the house.

Jiang Feng carefully checked Rong Lijun's situation.

After confirming that his sleeping position was okay and that his breathing was normal, Jiang Feng returned to his room.

Jiang Youyou didn't resist it, and she had already fallen asleep with her Xiaoliang in her arms.

Hear the sound of the door moving.

She closed her eyes and began to search with her left hand.

Jiang Feng smiled, lay down next to her, and put his hand near her.

She noticed that Jiang Feng was beside her, put her little hand in Jiang Feng's hand, rolled to Jiang Feng's side, and accurately used her back to stick to Jiang Feng's ribs.

The action is done in one go.

Didn't even wake up.

Rong Shuang lay down on Jiang Feng's other side and hugged Jiang Feng's arm.

"Husband, are you happy to get the certificate?"

"Of course. Jiang Feng pasted the forehead of the cream.

"Then do you want to praise me, if I hadn't chased you, the two of us wouldn't have been able to be together. "

"My wife is the best. "

Jiang Feng coaxed his wife.

Rong Shuang was very useful, squinted her eyes happily, and touched Jiang Feng's hair: "Good, sleep." "

Jiang Feng said: "The company's new store will be next to a branch of Xu Na. "

"I think I still have to talk about things related to her. "

The self-consciousness of a married man.

Rong Shuang was stunned for a moment, and said with a light smile: "Okay." "

Jiang Feng said it or not, she didn't care.

She trusted Jiang Feng more than Jiang Feng imagined!

But after Jiang Feng told her, she would be very happy.

Husband did awesome.

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, he closed his eyes.

In less than five seconds, he also fell asleep.

Rong Shuang looked at his side face and smiled silently.

There's a reason why Jiang Youyou shut down quickly.


Rong Shuang kissed Jiang Feng very lightly.

Kissed it again.

No, I have to kiss it again.

"I love you more and more. "

"Good night husband, you have to stay with me all the time. "

She held Jiang Feng's hand and fell asleep.


Three o'clock in the morning.

Rong Lijun snored, woke himself up, and opened his eyes.

Where is this?

He glanced at the blanket on his body in a daze, and suddenly reacted.

Jiang Feng's family?

He was actually brought back?

After sitting up, he saw the water glass and towel on the table, and his heart warmed.

Usually he lives by himself, and he is not used to having a nanny in his own home, so he only asks the housekeeper to come over and clean on time.

Since the death of his wife, no one has taken care of him like this.

He drank half a glass of water, wiped his face, and lay down.

The sofa was much smaller than his bed, but it was quite comfortable to sleep on.

He was still sleepy, and soon fell asleep again.

Early the next morning.

Jiang Feng woke up early, full of energy.

Perfect physique is still easy to use.

After a busy day, the next day was not tired at all.

Jiang Youyou crossed his legs and pressed Jiang Feng's neck, and the whole person had already fallen asleep.

Rong Shuang hugged Jiang Feng's arm, and his sleeping position was fine.

"Get up. "

Jiang Feng patted the two of them on the stomach.

Jiang Youyou hugged Jiang Feng's arm with his backhand, rubbed it next to his face, and pointed his face with his finger.

"Dad. "


"Yoyo didn't eat ice cream yesterday in order to accompany you, isn't Yoyo very well-behaved?"

The five-year-old baby didn't understand what she had let her parents miss.

Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang glanced at each other, and said with a smile: "Yes, Yoyo is really good." "

Cubs of their own family.

Coax yourself.

What can I do?

Jiang Youyou's eyes lit up a little: "Then can Dad be bought an ice cream by Youyou, I want to eat strawberry-flavored ice cream." "

Jiang Feng nodded: "Okay, buy it." "

Jiang Youyou didn't eat much ice cream this week.

If you want to eat it, let her eat it.

If she has a free stomach.

A family of three gets up.

Rong Lijun also happened to wake up.

"Uncle. Jiang Feng stepped forward and asked with a somewhat strange face, "Are you okay?"

"It's ok. "

Rong Lijun didn't notice that his hair was already flying from sleep.

It's a little bit of a moxigan head.

Jiang Youyou was a little excited: "Grandpa, your hairstyle is so interesting!"

Rong Lijun was stunned for a moment, touched his hair, and his old face was a little red: "Cough, this is a sleep collapse." "

"Just clean it up. "


He straightened his hair a little unnaturally, and his expression was cramped.

Jiang Youyou continued: "Grandpa, it turns out that you will be like this, Dad will sleep like this sometimes, and Grandpa will be like this." "

Jiang Feng also saw Rong Lijun's crampedness, and said with a smile: "Let's eat something first, and then clean up when you leave the house." "

In your own home, there is not so much to estimate.

Rong Lijun's hand stopped.

That's right, too.

In your own home.

What if your hair is messy or not?

Rong Lijun's heart warmed and he laughed.

"Wife, go get a toothbrush for your uncle, I'll cook some food." "

"Good. Rong Shuang glanced at Rong Lijun a little dissatisfied, but still went to get a toothbrush.

If she doesn't go, her husband has to go.

Then let her go.

Toothbrush ready.

Rong Shuang said, "Okay, you go and clean up first." "

Jiang Feng's voice came from the kitchen: "The bathroom is not big, you can make do with it." "

"It's fine. "

Rong Lijun got up, hesitated for a moment, and said to Rong Shuang, "Thank you." "

Rong Shuang was stunned for a moment, turned her head, and said in a somewhat awkward tone: "No." "

Rong Lijun entered the bathroom, went to the toilet carefully, wiped it again, and then washed and brushed his teeth.

He didn't dislike Jiang Feng here.

The place is small, but he is very down-to-earth here.

It's just that I'm afraid of soiling Jiang Feng, it will be too embarrassing.

Pack up.

Rong Lijun went out, his hair still flying.

His hair is usually cleaned up by the assistant, and the assistant will be called to the car later.

Jiang Feng made some green onion noodles.

Place a little seaweed, salt, chicken essence, vinegar and light soy sauce on the bottom of the bowl.

After the boiled somen soup, pour it into a bowl, put the noodles in the bowl, sprinkle with chopped green onions, and add sesame oil.

Simple but delicious and very heartwarming.

"Uncle, will you eat chopped green onions?"

"Eat. "

Jiang Feng brought three bowls of noodles, went to the dining table, and sent a message to Song Jin: "Are you awake?

Jiang Youyou lay on the side of the dining table, staring blankly at the hot air wafting out of the bowl, his little face was already hungry.

Jiang Feng hugged her from behind and rubbed the corner of her fleshy mouth: "Saliva." "



Song Jin and Jiang Jianye pushed the door and walked out.

"Wow, it smells so good. "

"Old Rong, are you okay?"

Jiang Jianye sobered up, but his relationship with Rong Lijun was still good.

Rong Lijun said with a smile: "No problem, I just don't remember how I fell asleep." "

"Me too. Jiang Jianye sat down, "Next time, let's drink less." "

"No problem. "

"Call me when you have time, I'll be out there. Jiang Jianye said.

Rong Lijun was very happy: "When the house is renovated, are you going to move over? "

Rong Lijun, who found a drinking friend, was happy in his heart.

It's really nice to have someone you like and like to have a drink with.

Especially when you are in your forties and fifties, there are still such friends.

Jiang Feng smiled: "Then you eat, I'll take them to open a store first." "

"Dad, woo woo woo, Yoyo wants to eat too. "

Jiang Youyou grabbed Jiang Feng's hand, and he was about to cry.

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