Xu Xiuli hurriedly called Xu Na and told Xu Na about Jiang Feng's opening of a branch next to them.

Xu Na was doing beauty treatment, and sat up in shock: "I'll go over now." "

She hurriedly changed her clothes, and the rest of the service was not done, and she went to the third store.

Look into the distance.

The brand of Wugu Yuxiang has been put on.

Xu Na also saw the small words in the lower right corner, and her face became even more ugly.

"Direct 002? He wants to open the store bigger. "

Xu Xiuli didn't understand a little: "What do you mean?"

Xu Na explained: "He wants to make Wugu Youxiang into a brand, just like the hot pot brands." "

Xu Xiuli's face was as ugly as eating a fly.

When Jiang Feng opened the store next to them, she was just a little panicked.

Anyway, at most, their three stores will open in another place.

Nothing big of a deal.


When I heard that Jiang Feng wanted to make a brand and could make a lot of money, Xu Xiuli was in a bad mood all of a sudden!

Jiang Feng earns money, which is more uncomfortable than her losing money!

Especially seeing Jiang Feng mix so well!

A thick jealousy filled her mind.

"What now?" asked Xu Xiuli sourly.

Xu Na's face is not good-looking.

Last time, I looked for an anchor to go to Heijiang Feng, but the other party was scared away.

Xu Na discovered at that time that Jiang Feng was no longer the same as when he first divorced!

Before the change, she must have felt that Jiang Feng was a good-natured soft persimmon and bullied him casually.

Now she's a little afraid to go straight to it.

Xu Na thought for a moment and said, "I'll send a few more chefs to the third store, and from now on, the bun skins and fillings of the three stores will be handmade." "

"Don't buy raw materials in batches anymore, buy them three times a day, and ask for the freshest!"

Xu Xiuli was a little reluctant.

"Isn't that exactly what he says? Let me listen to him? Is he worthy?"

That's what I said, it's very sour!

Even if Xu Xiuli knew that Jiang Feng was getting better and better now, she was already more well-connected and richer than them.

But she still had a hard mouth and looked down on Jiang Feng even more!

Otherwise, how could she be on top?

Xu Na was also very unhappy, but she had more brains than Xu Xiuli: "I don't want to do this either." "

"But that's what they did, and now we're in direct competition with them, and what they do, we have to do. "

Xu Xiuli's face was cloudy, and she finally nodded: "That's okay." "

The two of them discussed.

Xu Na immediately called and transferred chefs from several other stores.

She doesn't have the vision of Jiang Feng to be a brand, nor does she have the idea of talent reserves.

Most of the chefs at each restaurant are in a state of adequate use.

It's enough.

In her eyes, the chef is called a part-time worker if it sounds good, and it is a cow and horse if it is bad.

She didn't pay these people to rest, she just had to do more work to keep the store running.

Arranged people to the new store.

She told the chefs what she requested, and made a perfunctory remark: "If you do a good job, you can get a raise." "

As for what it means to do a good job, that's up to her.

Arrange it properly.

Xu Na and Xu Xiuli went to a Starbucks next to them, ordered two cups of hazelnut syrup American, and sat down.

From their location, they could see the situation in Jiang Feng's store.

And at this time.

The people arranged by Jiang Feng also rushed over.

Unlike Xu Na's people, Jiang Feng had already said that he was going to open a branch.

This group of chefs and clerks always knew they were going to a new restaurant.

After receiving the notice, they did not feel uncomfortable in the slightest, but were a little excited!

At the entrance of the new store.

Xu Mingqiang walked out and greeted the clerks.

"Hello, it's Mr. Xu, right? I'm Liu Yufei, and Boss Jiang arranged for me to be the new store manager. "

Xu Mingqiang smiled: "Okay, welcome, let me introduce you to the basic situation of the store." "

"Go, please come in. "

As he spoke.

Xu Mingqiang observed the state of these clerks and was a little surprised.

These clerks are in excellent condition!

You can see that they are all very motivated!

Xu Mingqiang entered the store, gave a brief introduction, and then asked curiously, "Did you work in the previous store?"

"Yes. Liu Yufei said, "I'm a friend of the store manager, and the working hours are short, and they all worked in the previous store." "

Xu Mingqiang said with a smile: "Then come to the new store, you have fewer people, and the work will definitely be harder." "

He's vaccinating the clerks.

Lest you imagine the work of the new store too beautifully, and if you really do the work, you will soon be tired.

Motivation will be discouraged.

It's better to lower your expectations before you work.

Liu Yufei was even more excited: "That's the best!"


Xu Mingqiang originally prepared a set of rhetoric, but he was directly stunned by Liu Yufei's words!


Liu Yufei said with emotion: "Boss Jiang is very good to us, there is not much work in the store, but the food fee given every day is not less at all. "

"It's the same with wages, in the signed agreement, we are allowed to leave our jobs at any time, and the salary increase is also increased on a periodic basis. "

"We have already figured it out, hurry up and do more work, we have to be worthy of Boss Jiang's kindness to us." "

Xu Mingqiang was stunned for a moment.


The treatment is so good?!

Xu Mingqiang was even a little envious.

Rong Lijun is also good to him, but there is still a content of competition in the contract.

If he leaves Rong Lijun's team, he will not be able to engage in related occupations for 5 years.

Although Jiang Feng gave little money.

But he really treats these employees as human beings!

Xu Mingqiang said with emotion: "No wonder you are so motivated. "

Liu Feiyu nodded: "If you explain it clearly, we will start working?" Or you say, we will work and listen. "

A few cleaners next to him also nodded.

"yes, it's time to clean up, it's a bit dusty. "

"The furniture is also a little new, and it smells a little, I'll buy some deodorant later, we used it at home before, it's good." "

"If the store opens at noon, the time is a bit rushed, so you have to hurry. "

Xu Mingqiang was stunned for a moment, his face was strange.


In the past, when he was working on a new project, he had to arrange what the employees did and guide them on the right track.

It's good to go to Jiang Feng.

These clerks are rushing to work!

He's in the way!

"Okay, then you guys do the work, I'll leave in the afternoon, don't worry about me. Xu Mingqiang said with a smile.

Liu Feiyu nodded, turned around and said, "Just follow the previous workflow in our store, work hard, everyone, start working." "

"Lao Li, follow me to buy vegetables. "

"Xiao Liu Lao Zhao, the two of you go and clean the kitchen and confirm the firepower of the kitchenware. "

All the clerks said in unison, "Okay!"

After speaking.

Liu Feiyu took another slightly older chef out and went grocery shopping.

The other clerks began to clean up quickly.

Everybody's got their hands and feet fast.

Xu Mingqiang watched from the side, and soon discovered something that surprised him.

These clerks do not have a very clear division of labor.

But everyone wants to do more!

Originally, looking for cleaning, they might have to clean until the afternoon, but it only took them two hours to do it!

"You're too positive!" Xu Mingqiang chatted with a cleaning lady in her forties.

The eldest sister smiled and said, "Yes, only when the store is done can you make money." "

"Boss Jiang will give you dividends?" Xu Mingqiang really couldn't hold back and asked.

The eldest sister had strange eyes, and glanced at Xu Mingqiang like an idiot: "I'm just a cleaner, what kind of red do you give me?"

You seem to have something wrong with your brain.

Xu Mingqiang's whole body was numb.

He, a top student with a full scholarship, was ridiculed by a cleaning lady in her forties......

Just this once!

He, Xu Mingqiang, will definitely not be ridiculed by ordinary employees again!


In fact, when he said this, he himself felt outrageous.

He simply asked, "Then why are you so motivated?"

The cleaning lady said: "Because Boss Jiang adds meat to us every day, if we cook too much, we can take it back to the children." "

Xu Mingqiang originally wanted to say that's it?

The members of their entire group are all covered by Rong Lijun for food and lodging, with a food supplement of 800 yuan per day.

The cleaning lady seemed to guess what he was going to say: "You are a powerful person, the treatment must be good, but I am in my forties, and I graduated from junior high school ......."

"Boss Jiang treats us as normal people, and every meal we eat can be taken back to the children. "

Xu Mingqiang suddenly understood why Jiang Feng could let these people die.

He earns a lot of money himself.

Usually when he reads on the Internet, he always feels that there are more and more rich people.

BBA is not a good car, and the average Porsche starts per capita.

But there are really few people who are really rich.

The vast majority of people are just ordinary people.

The median salary in the imperial capital is only more than 6,900 yuan.

Xu Mingqiang was still in the building of their building, and he saw graduates with an internship salary of 5,500 yuan.

This is the imperial capital.

And those are still fresh graduates, and many of them have outstanding abilities.

These people in their forties who have no education are even worse, and it is difficult to find a job, let alone get any good treatment.

Jiang Feng treated them as human beings.

Just get down to work.

Jiang Feng's treatment is not bad.

Xu Mingqiang admired Jiang Feng's character very much, but frowned.

Relationship management model?

This model, at the beginning, is really motivating for employees.

But business history has proven that this model is very flawed.

Especially when the company is getting bigger and bigger, someone has to climb up to it, someone has to stay in their place.

There will be a conflict between the hierarchy and the human relationship management model.

If Jiang Feng wants to be a good person and blindly treat the company's employees, especially if he does not punish employees when they have problems, there will be problems!

It's all experience!

Xu Mingqiang asked seemingly casually, "Then do you usually have a time when you are punished?"

"Yes. "

Xu Mingqiang nodded: "No, yes...... Huh, will it be punished?"

The cleaning lady's eyes were full of sympathy for looking at the fool.

This person can't have a problem with his brain, right?

Isn't it normal to be punished for making mistakes?

Xu Mingqiang's face was red.

This is the second time he has been ridiculed.

Still, he asked, "Is there anything concrete?"

"Of course, if you don't do a good job or treat your guests, you have to deduct money. "

"Sister Zhang in the store before, her eyes were not good, and she had to deduct money if she broke the bowl, but Boss Jiang made it clear to us and would not deduct it indiscriminately. "


Xu Mingqiang was shocked!

He also thought that Jiang Feng was a sympathetic young man who didn't understand anything.


Jiang Feng is not that stupid!

The benefits that should be given should be given, this is because Jiang Feng has also suffered.

But Jiang Feng, who should be punished, is not soft!

Because the company needs constraints, it needs hierarchy.

That's too strong!

Xu Mingqiang actually felt that Jiang Feng's management model was the most suitable model for Wugu Youxiang Catering Company!

He sorted out what he had just heard and sent it to Rong Lijun.

Rong Lijun was also a little surprised.

He knew that Jiang Feng asked him to cooperate and start a company in order to help him and find a new investment direction.

But he has always felt that his son-in-law's mind is definitely good, but this business is not big, and it is estimated that it is not perfect.

After all, Jiang Feng didn't even have time to go to the store to have a look.

Therefore, Rong Lijun had the intention of helping Jiang Feng, and he helped Jiang Feng establish a complete management system.

Then let Jiang Feng earn more money.


Rong Lijun found that he was completely wrong!

He thought it was him who took care of Jiang Feng.

As a result, Jiang Feng has already done everything!

It's like taking a spoon and feeding food into his Rong Lijun's mouth!

The management model is mature!

How can there be such a good son-in-law!

Rong Lijun was in a meeting, and he couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

The director, who was talking, stopped.

Everyone looked at Rong Lijun.

This has a son-in-law, and his temperament has changed?

Laugh out loud?!

Rong Lijun cleared his throat and said, "It's okay, that is, my son-in-law has done a complete project, let me buy shares, and send me money." "

Depend on!

Who asked you!

The directors who have daughters roll their eyes!

Show off, huh?!

It's good to know your son-in-law!

Why isn't it over yet?!

Rong Lijun looked at his phone and smiled for a while.

At the beginning, what he did was not Jiang Feng's ability.

Jiang Feng is very capable, far surpassing him Rong Lijun, he already knows this.

What made Rong Lijun happiest was Jiang Feng's heart.

The more perfect Jiang Feng does, the more pure Jiang Feng's mind is.

It's to feed him this father-in-law!

Without Rong Lijun, Jiang Feng did it himself!

But Jiang Feng shared nearly half of the profits and gave them to Rong Lijun!

This is really treating Rong Lijun as his own person!


Among his own people, many times he is not as honest as Jiang Feng!

Father and son have seen a lot of things for money against their purposes, and Rong Lijun has also seen a lot!

Jiang Feng was willing to give the money to Rong Lijun!

Good boy!

Rong Lijun sent a message to Xu Mingqiang: "Do your business well and help him with all my might." "

"The company's resources, within the scope of the law, you can mobilize. "

"If anyone dares to bully him, tell me. "

Xu Mingqiang replied in seconds: "Understood!"

Finish the message.

Xu Mingqiang also helped to do some work together.

Xu Xiuli and Xu Na, looking at the employees in Jiang Feng's store, were inexplicably a little flustered.

How do you feel that the atmosphere in Jiang Feng's store is completely different from that in their store?

"It's okay, the food we cook at noon will taste better, and it may not be able to compete with him!" Xu Na was flustered, but also had some expectations!

If she could be on the same street with Jiang Feng and squeeze Jiang Feng's shop away, it would be really arrogant!


10 a.m.

Jiang Feng's new store is ready to open for business!

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