At the entrance of the kindergarten.

Jiang Feng saw Rong Shuang holding a pick-up card.

She was also wearing a very simple one today, a light blue shirt and a pair of dark black cropped pants, revealing her white and tender ankles.

"Good morning. "

Meet Jiang Feng.

Rong Shuang smiled and took the initiative to say hello.

Jiang Feng smiled: "Good morning, Teacher Rongshuang, I handed her over to you, and the pick-up card is at you, right?" "

Rong Shuang nodded: "Okay, when I finish sending the child and take her over, it may be late." "

"See you in the afternoon. "

"Good. "

Jiang Feng turned to leave.

Many parents and little girls all stared at Jiang Feng, and they didn't retract their gaze until Jiang Feng left.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Youyou: "Do you want to go upstairs first, or come with me here?"

"I'll be with you. Jiang Youyou pretended to be mature, "Alas, if I don't accompany you, I'm very unsteady." "

Rong Shuang was amused.

A parent of a child sent the child over.

"Coco, good morning. "


Rongshuang handed the pick-up card to Coco's mother.

Coco's mother looked at Rong Shuang with some curiosity: "Teacher Rong, is there anything good?".


"It's fun to see you smiling. "

Rong Shuangqiao's face was red.

Of course she knew why she was happy.

You can also see Jiang Feng in the afternoon.

I can see Jiang Feng every day!

But she wouldn't admit it, she just said, "It's nothing, I remembered something happy." "

"Well, I'll go first. "

"Coco, remember to listen to the teacher. "

Coco's mother turned away.

Coco looked at Jiang Youyou: "Youyou, do you want to go upstairs together?" "

Jiang Youyou shook his head solemnly: "I want to accompany Teacher Rongshuang." "

"Alright then, I'll go up first. "

Coco went upstairs first.



Jiang Feng arrived at the door of the store.

There was a lot of people, and there was already a long queue.

At least more than 50 people.

Meet Jiang Feng.

Quite a few people's eyes lit up.

"You're here!".

"Hurry up, just wait for your buns!" My grandson said he wouldn't eat anything else!".

"I'm hungry, I dreamed of eating buns last night, hurry up. "

On one street, there are people waiting in front of many businesses.

But there are so many people in line, and there is only one Jiang Feng.

Many bosses were attracted by Jiang Feng's guests, revealing envious eyes.

A new store that doesn't even have a house number is already so popular?

Jiang Feng beckoned, "Everyone, wait a minute, this will begin." "


Jiang Feng opened the door of the store, washed his hands, opened the steamer switch, and began to wrap the buns neatly.

The uncles and aunts watched around the counter, watching Jiang Feng's technique.

They are also veterans of cooking, not only caring about the taste of steamed buns, but also about Jiang Feng's methods.

"Boss Xiao Jiang is really powerful. "

"This technique is really amazing, there is not a single superfluous action. "

"The bag is fast and good, my buns in the past few decades have been in vain. "

"Young people are really getting better and better these days. "

The uncles and aunts were completely impressed by Jiang Feng's smooth movements.

One by one, the buns were put in the steaming drawer by Jiang Feng.

15 minutes later.

The three drawers of buns are ready.

"Come, all line up, come one by one, don't make trouble for Boss Xiaojiang. "

"That's coming, don't worry. "

There were a few neighbors who enthusiastically helped Jiang Feng maintain order in the team.

Jiang Feng saved a lot of effort, he only needed to pack it, and then add it to the buns.

The guest who got the bun left with a happy face.

There are more and more customers in the store.

8:27 a.m.

Jiang Feng packed 10 beef buns, and then said with a little apology: "I'm sorry, the morning buns are sold out." "

There were at least twenty guests lined up behind, and the defense was broken in an instant.

"It's over, and I didn't buy it. "

"It's too hard, boss, can't you do more?".

"Actually, the boss has done a lot, come early at noon. "

"Boss Xiaojiang, then I'll come back at noon. "

The customers who didn't buy it left disappointed.

There are a few little girls, but they are not very lost.

With a handsome guy of Jiang Feng's level, standing in line for a while, how can you not lose anything!

After the guests have left.

Jiang Feng closed the door and began to clean up the table.

Most of the tables are quite clean.

Plates are stacked.

Cups and disposable chopsticks were thrown in the trash.

The grease stains on the table were also wiped clean.

It only took Jiang Feng more than 10 minutes to clean the store.

Mopped the ground.

Someone called.

"Brother Jiang, can I send the bucket over to you now?Is there anyone in the store?".

"Someone, come on!".


Just hung up the phone.

The bowl seller contacted Jiang Feng.

At 9 o'clock.

The bowls and buckets arrived.

Jiang Feng checked it.

Everything is good.

And the prices are all low.

The bowl cost 800 yuan, and 30 plastic cups were also given, which can be sterilized and reused.

It's a fracture price.

The market price of this electric bucket is 2,700 yuan.

The other party gave Jiang Feng only 2,280 yuan, and also gave 3 iron spoons with long handles.

Jiang Feng paid for the two bosses, and they both wrapped 10 buns.

"I don't smoke, so I won't hand you cigarettes and buns in the store, and if you don't dislike them, you can take them and taste them. "

The two bosses excused themselves, but Jiang Feng insisted, and they accepted it.

Human exchanges, that's it.

Send off two bosses.

Jiang Feng soaked rice, dates and lotus seeds first.

Different ingredients are processed differently.

Starchy ingredients that need to be cooked should be cooked on high heat first, and then the heat temperature should be controlled to 55 degrees Celsius, and slowly gelatinized.

Peanuts and dates, which need to be soaked for a short time.

They are also the last to be cooked.

If cooked over high heat, the texture of the peanuts will become glutinous and the dates will crack.

When cooked at 55 degrees, the flavor of the jujube will spread, but the jujube itself will still retain its texture and sweetness.

The peanuts are also crispy, and the porridge is rich in taste.

Buy good ingredients.

At 9:47, Jiang Feng boiled porridge and began to prepare other ingredients at the same time.

11:40 p.m.

A few social animals who had come before pushed the door into the store.

"Boss, come 15 beef buns, 10 pork fennel, 10 leek eggs. "

"Is there porridge?

"Otherwise, forget it, the porridge takes up a lot of space, drink a bowl of porridge, and eat two fewer buns. "

came to eat Jiang Feng's buns, they all planned to go out with their hands on the wall.

Drinking porridge is too much of a waste of space in the stomach!

But I thought about it.

A few people asked for a copy.

What if the boss's porridge is also delicious?

Jiang Feng served a bowl of porridge and served them steamed buns.

The person named Lao He who took the lead scanned the code and paid.

"Pay the wallet to the account, 116 yuan. "

Several people looked at the porridge and were a little surprised.

"This porridge feels good. "

"Taste it. "

Several people tasted it separately.

"Hiss ......


"This porridge is delicious!".

"This sweet and silky rice fragrance, and this taste, absolutely amazing!".

"Boss, bring us 3 more bowls of porridge!18 yuan, right? I'll turn it around!".

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