"It's the first time I've drunk such a delicious porridge, damn it!".

"It's over, I'd like to have another bowl. "

"Boss, your porridge is too fragrant, which seriously affects the amount of steamed buns I eat!".

"Outrageous, this porridge is really perfect!

Several uncles and aunts walked in, smelled the aroma of porridge, and were a little surprised: "Boss Xiaojiang, have you made porridge?"

"Yes, you have a taste?"

The eldest lady shook her head: "Your porridge is too expensive, 6 yuan, I can boil a big pot by myself." "

However, one of the uncles was quite curious: "This porridge is boiled well, give me a taste." "

"No problem. "

"Okay, let's have 10 leek eggs and 10 fennel pork buns, just put them on the tray, I'll serve them." "

Jiang Feng put the buns and porridge away, and the uncle brought them to the table by himself.

After the uncle sat down, like an expert, he stirred the porridge first and nodded.

"The rice is not boiled, it should still have a taste, this porridge is good, worth the price. "

"Taste it. "

He took a sip and his eyes lit up instantly!

"It's good!!"

Several other uncles and aunts were a little curious: "Is it really fake? Old Liutou, is it so delicious?"

"Your porridge level is also good, how about it compare with you?".

In the early years, Lao Liu Tou also opened a breakfast shop, and the porridge was also good.

Lao Liu Tou said with a serious face: "There is no comparison, Boss Xiaojiang's porridge is much better than mine!"

"Then I'll have a copy too. "

"Boss Xiaojiang, give me a bowl too!".

Several uncles and aunts were also moved.

Jiang Feng served four bowls of porridge.

An aunt came over and brought it over.

"This porridge is good. "


"No, I have to bring two bowls back and give them to my grandson to taste, this porridge is really good, it must be nutritious." "

"Boss Xiaojiang is really amazing, this porridge is fragrant and sweet, and it is not greasy after drinking, and it is fragrant!"

There are more and more guests.

When I saw Jiang Feng's porridge, I wanted to taste it!

The porridge sells very well!

A bucket of porridge can produce about 500 bowls!

Raw materials that cost less than 100 yuan can be sold for 3,000 yuan!

Twelve fifteen.

A dozen high school girls pushed the door and walked in.

All of them are forty-seven.

"Wow, that's really handsome. "

"They didn't lie, they are much more handsome than the school grass in our school!".

"More handsome than Teacher Zhou Dong!".

"Boss, I want 5 beef buns!, another bowl of porridge!".

"I'll have 5 too, pork fennel, and a bowl of porridge!"

More than a dozen high school girls, meals were ordered separately.

Jiang Feng clearly remembered what everyone wanted, packed buns for them, and served porridge.

"Wow, boss, you're so smart, do you remember that?".

Jiang Feng smiled and chatted casually: "It's okay, it's generally smart." "

"Cut, I'm too modest, I want to have your memory, so I won't score 18 points in math. "

"Sissy, have you ever thought that if you can score 18 points, isn't it just that you have a problem with your memory?".

"Really, it's going to take your brains away. "

The high school girls chatted and sat down at several tables.

It's hot outside, and they're not really interested in porridge.

But it smells good.

A few girls, tasted it.

"Wow! delicious!".

"It's much better than my mom!".

"It smells so good!".

They gradually quieted down and concentrated on eating!

What days to talk about, what male gods to watch!

This bowl of porridge is more important!

The taste is really amazing!

There are more and more customers queuing up in the store.

There are many guests who see that there is no place, and even eat at the door with bowls and buns.

Cui Hao took out some of the maza in his store and put them at the door of Jiang Feng's store, so that these guests could sit and eat.


Even the Mazar outside was full of people!

The owners of other shops on the street, looking at the situation on Jiang Feng's side, became more and more envious.

Half past twelve.

The 1,600 buns prepared by Jiang Feng were all sold.

The porridge bucket was also empty.

It's just noon.

Jiang Feng's turnover has reached 7,720 yuan!

At this rate.

Even if you include rent, utilities, and all kinds of miscellaneous expenses.

Jiang Feng's daily net profit also directly exceeded 10,000!

And it's close to 20,000!

"I'm sorry guys, it's sold out, so let's come back in the afternoon. "

The guests are used to it, too.

If you want to eat Jiang Feng's steamed buns and porridge, you have to rob them, and they will definitely be gone if you are late.

"Alas, I'm hungry, I heard that the porridge boiled by Boss Xiaojiang is also very delicious. "

"In the afternoon, I came to line up at four o'clock, and I didn't believe I couldn't buy it. "

"Let's go, let's go home and eat noodles. "

The guests left in turn.

Jiang Feng began to clean the pots and bowls.

Washing dishes is a real hassle.

"Gotta buy a dishwasher. "

"There is also a sterilizer, which has to be bought. "

really opened the store, and Jiang Feng realized that there were really a lot of things missing.

After eating, the guests left one after another.

After the high school girls had eaten their fill, they were lively again.

"Hiccup, that's so delicious. "

"I can't walk anymore, let's go back later." "

"I can't do it either, it's the first time I've eaten so much. "

"Yanan has eaten so much, is it okay for you little bird?"

"It's okay, it's just bubbling. "

"Boss, you are really a wicked person, I feel that I can grow ten catties of meat after eating with you for half a month!".

"Brother Jiang, do you still lack a wife, or do you lack a daughter? I can do it, just take care of the food every day. "

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "There is no shortage, don't think about pit my buns." "

The little girls were amused.

They rested for five minutes before leaving.

Before leaving, they had packed up everything on the table.

The bowls and plates were all brought to Jiang Feng.

"Thank you. "

"You're welcome, Brother Jiang, see you tomorrow. "

"Brother Jiang, let's go. "

Jiang Feng's name had also spread.

After they left.

Jiang Feng took two bowls of porridge and 15 steamed buns to the next door.

"Brother Cui, I'll send you something to eat. "

Cui Hao looked excited: "Come, let me taste the product! I'm hungry to death this noon, your business is really good." "

Jiang Feng said gratefully: "Thank you for putting Maza, otherwise the store would definitely be crowded." "

Cui Hao waved his hand: "What is this called, it's all a trivial matter." "

Jiang Feng asked, "By the way, I want to buy a dishwasher, do you know anyone?"

Cui Hao thought about it, shook his head and said, "I really don't have one." "

His wife suddenly spoke: "Isn't Cui Yongjun making household appliances?

"Yes, that's fine. "

Cui Hao called his comrades-in-arms and ordered a dishwasher and a disinfection cabinet for Jiang Feng.

The dishwasher is Haier's, and the disinfection cabinet is Midea, with a total of 5,300 yuan, which is lower than the quotation in the flagship store.

"Come to your door in the afternoon to install it, can you?"

"No problem, thanks. "

"What's polite, eat a bowl of noodles?".

"Okay. "

Jiang Feng was in Cui Hao's shop and ate a bowl of pea noodles, the taste was medium, but the price was not high, and the chili peppers were quite fragrant.

Halfway through eating.

Jiang Feng's phone rang.

Xu Na sent a message: "Tomorrow Saturday, I'm going to pick up Yoyo to go out to play." "

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