Jiang Feng washed his hands, took the household registration book, and took a look.

A family of three has already gone to the house.

Very efficient!

"Thank you. Jiang Feng smiled happily.


Jiang Feng took out his mobile phone, took a photo, and sent it to Rong Shuang first.

Rongshuang had already gone to take a nap and was with Youyou, but didn't reply to the message.

Jiang Feng sent the photos to Rong Lijun, as well as Song Jin and Jiang Jianye.

Xu Liren smelled the smell of the store, his Adam's apple moved up and down, and he sat down: "Doing something for you, it's going extra smoothly anyway." "

"That...... What are we going to eat for lunch?"

Jiang Feng put his phone up and said, "Lion's head, a small bowl of steamed vegetables, and rice, okay?"

"Okay!" Xu Liren straightened his back and looked at the kitchen, becoming more and more greedy.

Before he came, he had already seen the photo of the lion's head posted in Uncle Jiang's circle of friends.


The color of the sauce and the rice are sure to taste amazing!

Jiang Feng first brought the lion's head to the table.

Two bowls of rice.

"There is still rice, and I will serve it to you after eating. "

"No, I'll just be on my own. Xu Liren picked up the chopsticks, "Then I'm not welcome, let's move the chopsticks first." "

Jiang Feng smiled: "Eat." "


Jiang Feng took out his mobile phone.

All three parents replied to the message.

Rong Lijun: "Very good. "

He didn't say much, but he was actually very happy.

Jiang Feng saw that there was a new dynamic in the circle of friends.

Rong Lijun typed the code on the information on the photo, and then posted it to the circle of friends.

Since Jiang Feng became Rong Lijun's son-in-law.

The frequency of Rong Lijun's circle of friends is countless times faster than before!

Zhao Fuchuan has had severe high blood pressure recently.

Jiang Jianye's news is also very simple: "Yes, you worked so hard to finally live in the house given by your father-in-law." "

With his own efforts, coupled with his father-in-law's tens of millions, isn't it easy to live in a house of more than 200 square meters in the imperial metropolitan area?

How simple.

Jiang Feng was amused and replied, "Indeed, when you come this weekend, have a good drink with my father-in-law." "

Jiang Jianye came to his senses: "Okay, no problem." "

He really likes to drink with Rong Lijun, not just with Rong Lijun.

Song Jin's words were a little more: "It's really not easy, alas, think about it when you were kicked out of the house, your father and I really couldn't sleep all night." "

Song Jin: "I really wanted to persuade you to come back, you are smart, you can go to school anywhere." I'm afraid you'll crush you. "

Song Jin: "Now I finally have my own place to live." "

Looking at the household register.

Song Jin thought of Jiang Feng when she was just kicked out of the house, she was really worried.

The money earned is not enough for the rent.

Jiang Feng comforted: "Isn't it getting better, and it wasn't so miserable at the beginning, I want to make money, just go to my classmate's company." "

At the beginning, Jiang Feng still wanted to earn money by his own ability, so it was not smooth to find a job.

If you really want to find help from your classmates, it is not difficult to find a job with a monthly salary of 10,000 or 20,000 yuan.

Jiang Feng had also told Song Jin about this before.

It's just that Song Jin, who is a mother, still feels sorry for her son and feels that Jiang Feng is under too much pressure.

Song Jin looked at Jiang Feng's news and was in a better mood: "Don't talk about that." "

Song Jin: "Eat something good tonight, celebrate, and if it's convenient, invite your father-in-law over." "

Song Jin: "It's really a family in the future." "

Song Jin: "It feels amazing, I didn't feel this way with Xu Xiuli before." "

Thinking of Xu Xiuli and Xu Na, Song Jin only had a headache and disgust.

It's different now.

When she thought of Rong Shuang, she was in a very good mood.

A good-looking and well-behaved daughter-in-law!

Jiang Feng replied: "Don't mention them, eat well, I'll eat something too." "

Finish the message.

Jiang Feng sent a message to Rong Lijun: "Uncle, if you have time in the evening, let's have a meal together, let's celebrate." "

Rong Lijun replied in seconds: "Okay, but I have an appointment with a customer, so I have to eat something before I go over." "

In fact, it is the habit of accommodating the army.

After dinner, he doesn't eat anymore.

So as not to overburden the stomach and intestines.


The son-in-law told him to eat together!

That's still going to have to go.

Even if Jiang Feng's cooking was not delicious, he had to come here, not to mention, he was really a bit hungry for Jiang Feng's cooking.

It's okay to eat an extra meal!

Jiang Feng put down his phone and started eating.

He made his own lion head, he hadn't tasted it yet.

Sandwiched a piece of meat and put it in his mouth, Jiang Feng tasted it carefully.

The meat is firm, and the texture of shiitake mushrooms and bamboo shoots is perfectly combined with the meat ball.

The seasoning of the meat is also good.

The sauce has a sweet taste, but when you chew the meat, the flavor of green onion, ginger and Sichuan pepper appears faintly, and with just the right amount of salt, there is also a meaty aroma.

Rich in flavor.

Not bad.

Jiang Feng also thought it was delicious and ate it happily.

Lunch is over.

Xu Liren wiped his mouth and wanted to put away the dishes and chopsticks.

Jiang Feng shook his head and said, "Just the two of us eat, I'll take it easily, don't bother." "

Xu Liren smiled: "Then I'm welcome." "

"By the way, this is your house book, and I brought it back to you. The household registration book has already been returned to your uncle, and according to what you said, he has also brought him something. "

Bringing gifts is what Jiang Feng meant.

Although this uncle was paid for helping at the beginning.

But it also saved Jiang Feng a lot of trouble.

There are not many gifts, a box of milk and a box of Lulu.

It cost more than 100 bucks.

Jiang Feng is not short of money now, but he is not wronged, ordinary human relations, this is already okay.

"Okay, that's all right, that's fine. Jiang Feng was very relaxed.

The matter of household registration and house is completely solved.


Xu Liren got up: "Then I'll go first." "

"Okay, slow down. "

Xu Liren was also very busy, and he had to hold a court session in the afternoon, so he hurried away.

Jiang Feng cleaned up the store by himself and prepared to buy the materials for the afternoon.

Originally, Jiang Feng planned to change the kung pao chicken in the afternoon.

A famous dish of Sichuan cuisine.

However, the guests strongly demanded that they also want to eat the lion's head.

I didn't have enough of it!

Not only those who haven't eaten it, but also those who want to eat a lion's head, and those who have already eaten a lion's head are the same.

Jiang Feng didn't change the recipe, and the evening was the same as noon.

Before you go out.

Jiang Feng looked at the situation of the three stores.

After the establishment of Wugu Youxiang Company, there was a special financial department, which was Xu Mingqiang's person.

The bank card bound to the cash register system is replaced with the company's account.

Jiang Feng and finance can check the flow of the store at any time.

The situation is very good.

The 001 store is very stable, and it is estimated that more than 70,000 yuan will be received at noon.

There is still a lot of income generated by steamed vegetables, the method is simple, and it is delicious.

The 002 store has more than 40,000 yuan, and it earns a lot.

This store has a much higher income than when Jiang Feng first opened the branch.

And this is only the first meal, there will be more to come.

Jiang Feng was very satisfied.

The 003 store is slightly worse.

Although the 003 store performed very well at the beginning, it was a new place after all, and it has only sold more than 20,000 so far.

It's not bad either.

After all, there was no advertising.

The next thing is to see how the number of repeat customers is, and if the income goes up at night, it should be stable.

The three stores, the turnover amount at noon, a total of more than 146,000 yuan.

Jiang Feng calculated the points, and these three stores gave Jiang Feng more than 78,000 points.

After half of the proceeds are divided.

Jiang Feng's point acquisition speed dropped by half.

But Jiang Feng can accept it.

With two more stores, the overall point income is the same as before.


With Rong Lijun's investment support.

Jiang Feng's speed of opening a branch will be fast!

Yu Qing: They are still cultivating newcomers.

The managers of the 002 store and the 003 store are also at a good level, and when they stabilize, they can also help bring new people.

One more store, and the point income is higher than before.

Generally speaking, Jiang Feng is earning in all aspects.

Not bad.

After reading the flow of water.

Jiang Feng went out to buy groceries.

And at this time.

Rong Lijun was chatting with Zhao Fuchuan.

The two families occasionally have business contacts, and there are not many opportunities to meet.


When Rong Lijun and Zhao Fuchuan met before, the two of them were-for-tat.

It's much more harmonious now.

"Brother Rong, drink some water. "

Zhao Fuchuan took the initiative to pour Rong Lijun a cup of tea.

In fact, Zhao Fuchuan has always felt that he is a very backbone person, and he will never compromise at will!

Until Rong Lijun gave Zhao Fuchuan two portions of claypot rice.

Since then.

After Zhao Fuchuan saw Rong Lijun, he never called Rong Dong again, he was always called Brother Rong!

Rong Lijun was a little dark, and said: "This order, let's just count it according to what I just said." "

Zhao Fuchuan nodded again and again: "Okay, I don't lose much at this price." "

"That's fine, let's leave it at that. Rong Lijun stood up and shook hands with Zhao Fuchuan.

"Let's have dinner together in the evening?" Zhao Fuchuan wanted to rub something delicious.

Rong Lijun said: "You ask your secretary to wait for a while and give you points." Forget it about eating together, I made an appointment with someone else. "

Zhao Fuchuan was extremely satisfied, and his attitude was more friendly: "That's okay!"

"Is there still a lion's head? I see that many people in my circle of friends are basking me, and I'm hungry. "

Su Minrui and the others happened to grab the lion head made by Jiang Feng at noon and sent it directly to the circle of friends.

A lot of people are crazy!

It looks so delicious, too!

Rong Lijun looked serious: "I ate several at noon, and my son-in-law should send me some in the evening, there may be no lion head." "

Zhao Fuchuan is sour and angry!

Rong Lijun is clearly showing off!

He Zhao Fuchuan didn't eat a lion's head, you have already eaten several, right?!

I still eat it in a different way!

Others are still hungry, have you eaten enough?!

However, Zhao Fuchuan could only complain in his heart.

Who made Jiang Feng someone else's son-in-law?

Zhao Fuchuan said: "Then everything else is fine, as long as it is made by Boss Xiaojiang, I am not picky!"

Rong Lijun nodded: "Okay." "

Zhao Fuchuan turned around and wanted to leave.

But just after taking two steps, he suddenly opened his mouth and asked, "By the way, I heard that you and Boss Xiaojiang opened a new store together?"

Rong Lijun nodded: "Yes." "

"Is it on?"

"It's on. "

"How's the income?" Zhao Fuchuan asked casually.

He asked this question, half out of genuine curiosity, and half out because he wanted to send Rong Lijun something unhappy.

A store that opens so quickly, in most cases, should not have a good income.


Zhao Fuchuan also inquired.

There is no branch of Kong Kee Buns.

The store opened by the partnership is probably not very profitable!

Maybe you'll lose money!

Rong Lijun looked at Zhao Fuchuan and did not speak.

One second.

Zhao Fuchuan seconded: "I'll just ask casually, I'll go first." "

watched Zhao Fuchuan leave.

Rong Lijun picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to Xu Mingqiang: "Send me the running water of the new store." "

There is no management right over his shares.

Therefore, he does not have the authority to directly look at the bank's statements.

However, he is a major shareholder, and there is no problem when he asks someone about the flow of information.

Originally, he had planned to see how the new store was going in a few days.

Nourish popularity first.

But Zhao Fuchuan asked.

Rong Lijun was also a little curious.

Less than half a minute.

Xu Mingqiang sent two pictures to Rong Lijun.

A long screenshot of the turnover amount.

Rong Lijun saw the total turnover amount at first glance.

One is nearly 50,000, and the other is more than 24,000!

Rong Lijun was shocked and called Xu Mingqiang: "You're already making money?"

Xu Mingqiang's tone was excited: "Yes! And business is getting better and better!"

"There are many customers who have tasted a few steamed buns and then come back and buy a lot of them!

"There should be a lot of repeat customers at both stores, and business will be better at night!"

Xu Mingqiang was also pleasantly surprised.

He knew that Yuka's business would get better sooner or later.

The taste is good, plus cheap, and in a place with a lot of traffic.

But I didn't expect it to be so fast!

The first time the store opened, the meals at the 002 directly managed store were already in short supply!

Rong Lijun has an urge to show off!

Let him see, where is the circle of friends!

He's going to be revealed!

The two shops made by his son-in-law opened for the first time, and he earned tens of thousands of yuan in blood!

Tens of thousands of dollars are enough for ordinary people to pay a down payment on a car and drive it for ten years.

Jiang Feng earned so much in one day!

Although this money is not much for Rong Lijun, it feels quite amazing to partner with his son-in-law and earn money together!

He experienced the joy of Zhao Fuchuan and their son doing business together!

When my son earns money, he is really happier than he earns money!


Rong Lijun was still very calm in front of his subordinates, and asked, "Analyze why the business in the store is so good." "

Xu Mingqiang's tone was a little fanatical: "There is no commercial reason, it's just that Boss Jiang is too strong!"

"I really didn't expect that there would be so many regular customers in Wugu Yuxiang! After 11:20, most of the customers who came were regular customers! Soon the store was full!"

"There's even another branch around here, and the old customers can even fill up a third branch!"

There are so many guests!

No way!

Jiang Feng personally grasped the quality control, set the formula, and the price is so cheap!

There are so many guests!

Xu Mingqiang's answer has no commercial value.

Rong Lijun listened very comfortably.

I just like to hear others praise his son-in-law!

Rong Lijun asked: "According to your feelings, how much can the annual income of this brand be?"

Xu Mingqiang had already calculated carefully, and replied in a second: "After the spread of the imperial city, I feel that the net profit of a year can be more than 20 billion!"

A store like this can open a hundred stores in the imperial capital, and the net profit of the full value can exceed 4 billion!

Counting the fluctuation of passenger flow.

2 billion is not a problem either!

Rong Lijun knew a lot, but when he heard the specific numbers, he was still shocked!

That's a lot!

The total income of the building materials department has been topped for half a year!

And that's just the Imperial City!

Rong Lijun was silent for two seconds and asked, "Do I feel a little like hugging my son-in-law's thigh?"

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