Xu Mingqiang almost blurted out a "yes".

For the sake of work, though.

Xu Mingqiang still said very seriously: "Capability is a platform that needs to be realized, and I feel that the platform you provide is more important." "

Rong Lijun knew that from his subordinates, he couldn't tell the truth.

Information cocoon.

People in high positions are always easy to be licked by the people around them, providing all kinds of optimistic news.

Rong Lijun said bluntly: "I am indeed hugging my son-in-law's thigh. "

"That's it, how many people want to hold this door. "

Now there are many people who have spare money in their hands.

Guangrong Lijun knows, whether it is Su Minrui or Feng Zishan's father Feng Simin, they all have a lot of spare money in their hands.

Basically, they were withdrawn from the sunset industry.

Now they are all in the financial industry, eat some interest, and outperform inflation.

Jiang Feng needs this platform, as long as he has money, anyone can build it for him.

But Jiang Feng has only one!

Now among so many wealthy businessmen, Rong Lijun is the only one who has a clear investment direction for money!

It's cool!

Everyone is very anxious, but Rong Lijun is very comfortable, and his son-in-law will feed him money while lying down!

What's wrong with hugging your thighs?

Rong Lijun not only hugged it very coolly, but was even ready to show off!

Xu Mingqiang was stunned for a moment, and quickly echoed: "That's true, Boss Jiang is indeed very powerful." "

"I've seen a lot of people with higher education than him, but I haven't seen things done better than him. "

This is Xu Mingqiang's sincere words.

In normal times, he would definitely say that Jiang Feng was very powerful, and he was a little worse than Rong Lijun.

But Xu Mingqiang found out that Rong Lijun really favored his son-in-law!

I wish my son-in-law was even stronger than him!

Then Xu Mingqiang said directly and honestly!

Rong Lijun is naturally very clear about these careful thoughts.

His tone remained unchanged, and he said majestically and calmly: "After the sales turnover in the evening comes out, give me another report." "


Rong Lijun hung up the phone, coded the key information of the turnover amount, and sent it to the circle of friends.

"The two stores I opened with my son-in-law are open for the first time, and the profit margin is more than 50%, which is okay. "

Two screenshots are attached at the bottom.

The circle of friends sent it out.

It quickly attracted a lot of onlookers.

Recently, Rong Lijun's prestige and friends have increased a lot.

They all came for Jiang Feng.

This is Jiang Feng's old father-in-law, with a friend, maybe you can know what Boss Jiang made earlier!

Su Minrui saw the circle of friends, and his face turned dark.

Ma Dan!

This old bastard came out to show off again!

He opened the screenshot and looked at it, first relieved.

Oh, that's a total of 70,000 sales.

The net profit is more than 30,000, which is not a lot.


How long has it been since Rong Lijun and Jiang Feng met?!

There's certainly not much time for this store to advertise!

In the absence of publicity, you can make money by opening a store for the first time?!

And after calculation, the daily net profit of a store is more than 10,000, if 100 stores are opened, and the net profit is stable, isn't this a net profit of hundreds of millions a year? !

Tens of thousands of yuan, Su Minrui doesn't care.

But hundreds of millions are different!

Let Su Minrui take out a few hundred million, and he will take it out.

But let him do the same business and earn hundreds of millions of dollars a year, it's not that simple!

And that's just the beginning!

Maybe even stronger!

Su Minrui was really surprised, and at the same time very confused!

He had heard that Rong Lijun was going to open a new store with Jiang Feng before, but he didn't expect it to be so fast, let alone make so much money!

And what he wondered about was what store Jiang Feng and Rong Lijun opened!

This store has not yet been listed, as long as the insider does not say it, there is no way to find out the owner of Wugu Youxiang, it is Jiang Feng and Rong Lijun.

Su Minrui inquired about Jiang Ji Buns and knew that Jiang Ji Buns had no branches.

So he thought that Jiang Feng didn't engage in catering, but changed to a different industry.

What industry?


Before he could figure it out.

Feng Simin suddenly sent him a message: "Old Su, have you read Rong Lijun's circle of friends sent by this bastard?"

Su Minrui replied in seconds: "I just finished reading it." "

Feng Simin's teeth were sour: "I heard that Rong Lijun's initial investment is very small, this income is a bit good!"

Su Minrui, like Feng Simin, can't invest money in his hands.

He is also envious!

"Damn, why is Rong Lijun so lucky!" Su Minrui replied.

Feng Simin: "Why don't you ask him, can you invest with him?"

Su Minrui was a little helpless: "The money in his hand is not less than ours, and he has enough investment in any industry, so he will definitely refuse to share the money with us." "

Su Minrui: "And if you want to do business with him, you can't listen to him show off every day?"

Rong Lijun's circle of friends is all showing off Jiang Feng!

It's outrageous!

Knowing that your son-in-law is amazing!

Everyone is envious!

Don't go too far!

Feng Simin thought about Rong Lijun's face, and shuddered: "This old bastard is indeed a bit disgusting, isn't it lucky to pick up a good son-in-law?"

Su Minrui agreed: "Yes, it's not that I have the ability, what is there to show off when I hug my son-in-law's thigh." "

The two of them were silent for a few seconds.

That being said,

But they knew it in their hearts.

If Jiang Feng were their son-in-law, they wouldn't have broken Jiang Feng's legs, they would all have the same surname as Rong Lijun!

After the acid is finished.

Feng Simin sent a message and asked, "What industry did they do?"

Su Minrui: "I don't know, have you heard any rumors? Haven't you cooperated with him more?"

Feng Simin and Rong Lijun have cooperated a lot in the financial field.

Fourteen years ago, they jointly opened a private bank, and now the business is doing very well, with an annual profit of tens of billions of yuan.

So Feng Simin can find out more news.


Feng Simin didn't know the inside story this time, he replied: "This investment was made by Rong Lijun and his private team. "

"I don't really know what industry they did, maybe retail?"

The amount of turnover is so scattered.

Retail is a great possibility.

Su Minrui guessed: "Is it possible to catering?"

Feng Simin: "It's unlikely, Jiang Ji Buns don't have a branch, and Boss Xiao Jiang doesn't seem to have left the store." "

So to speak.

Su Minrui felt that it made sense.

Not catering.

What is that industry?

The two of them couldn't figure it out, so they could only continue to scold Rong Lijun secretly, but it was sour.

Zhao Fuchuan also saw Rong Lijun's circle of friends.

At the first glance, he directly buckled his mobile phone to the seat, startling the driver.

"Zhao Dong, are you okay?" the driver asked hesitantly.

"It's okay, I saw something unlucky. Zhao Fuchuan's face was calm.

The driver said no more.

Zhao Fuchuan's face was extremely ugly.

His grandma's!


Boss Xiao Jiang is also too powerful!

This is already making money!

Although at the moment it doesn't seem like a lot of money.

But it's only been half a day!

The first time I opened a store, I had an average net profit of 10,000 yuan per store in half a day!


Zhao Fuchuan thought that Rong Lijun was going to lose money!

As for the authenticity of this flow chart, Zhao Fuchuan did not doubt it.

Rong Lijun wouldn't brag about such a trivial matter, since he released this screenshot, it must be true.

Zhao Fuchuan feels that he is now like a person in the kind of rotten pulp novel, who has no brains and has to come to the door to find trouble, and then be slapped in the face!

But I don't really blame him!

There is no advertising, and the new store makes money directly?!

It worked more than ten years ago!

At that time, you could find a lot of people, but there were vacancies in the industry.

For example, in a university where there is no beverage industry, open a Snow King cold drink.

That's definitely blood-earned!

But it's 21 years now!

Various markets are approaching saturation!

The platform economy suppresses entities.

From a business point of view, as long as it is an investment entity, short-term losses and long-term returns have almost become a recognized profit model!

Jiang Feng made money on the first day!

It's really Jiang Fengqiang's excess!

It's really not that Zhao Fuchuan has no brains!

No way!

Zhao Fuchuan plans to act as if he didn't see this circle of friends!

As long as he didn't see it, he wasn't slapped in the face!

In fact, it wasn't that serious, and he didn't have any malicious intent, he just wanted to disgust Rong Lijun.

He likes Jiang Feng very much.

But he couldn't accept Rong Lijun's smug face!

You must not let Rong Lijun pretend to be forced to do this!


Zhao Fuchuan's mobile phone rang.

He was a little distracted and picked it up and looked at it.

Rong Lijun: "Did you see the circle of friends I just posted?"

Depend on!

Zhao Fuchuan's face was red at that time!

You old boy, you really don't do anything!

Before, at most, it was to pretend to be in the circle of friends.

If you don't see it, forget it.

Why are you still chatting privately now?!

Do you want to talk about martial arts?!

Zhao Fuchuan did not plan to reply to the message.

Rong Lijun replied in seconds: "See the news and reply, otherwise your secretary won't be able to take it away for dinner." "


Don't even give a chance to play dead!

Zhao Fuchuan was numb, but he still had to bite the bullet and replied: "Ah, I was in a meeting just now, and I just saw the news." "

Zhao Fuchuan: "Circle of friends? I'm busy today, so I didn't watch it." "

Rong Lijun: "Won't it?"

Rong Lijun: "Didn't you let your two sons take care of the company? Before you always said that half of the companies have been given to them, so they don't have time to look at the circle of friends?"

Relieve gas!

After Rong Lijun sent this news, he was directly refreshed!

Zhao Fuchuan has been angry with Rong Lijun for many years, saying that Rong Lijun should have two more children, just one child, and no one will take over the company for him.

Unlike him, his two sons are in charge of the company, and now it is very easy.


Zhao Fuchuan's yin and yang weird revenge at the beginning, Rong Lijun is now avenging!

No, no, no!

Wouldn't anyone really let the two sons run the company, and they didn't have time to brush up on the circle of friends, right?

Zhao Fuchuan's face was already dark.

He replied: "There has been a lot of investment business in the past two days. "

Rong Lijun: "Oh, why haven't I heard of any good projects recently?"

Zhao Fuchuan held his mobile phone and already wanted to scold his mother!

It's too much!

You really don't want to live?!

Can you pretend to be confused and just let this matter go?!

Zhao Fuchuan replied: "Some foreign investment is not big, but I have to keep an eye on it." "

Rong Lijun: "That's it, it's really busy." "

Zhao Fuchuan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly a little moved.

After all, I've known each other for so many years!

Even if it's a mess and it's not very pleasant, but at this age, after so many years of fighting, it's a bit emotional.

Rong Lijun can also be regarded as a person.

I didn't continue to ask.

Before Zhao Fuchuan finished moving.

Rong Lijun directly sent two screenshots.


Rong Lijun sent a message: "Don't you want to know about me and my son-in-law's opening of a store." "

Rong Lijun: "I'm afraid you didn't see it, let me tell you, I made it, I made more than 40,000 yuan at noon, and the net profit after removing various costs." "

Rong Lijun: "By the way, it is estimated that the total turnover today will be more than double this." "

Zhao Fuchuan took a deep breath and swallowed the emotion he had just swallowed into his stomach: "Oh, it's good, it's a good thing to make money." "

I'm so envious!

Zhao Fuchuan also has spare money in his hands.

Although they don't have as much money as Rong Lijun has, now is also the time for a lack of investment direction.

He wanted to do medicine, but he spent too much money, and many businesses were monopolized by foreign countries, so he only invested in some life medical treatment.

Equipment, care and so on.

Now it is losing money.

It is estimated that you will still be able to earn some in the future, and you can earn it for a long time, but the total amount of money you earn will not be too much.

That's pretty good.

At least there will be stable returns in the future!

Zhao Fuchuan has always felt that there is no big problem with his investment.

Until I saw Rong Lijun's investment returns!

What a deal!

On the first day of opening a store, make money directly!


Rong Lijun: "How's your life medical project?

I'm foaming at the mouth if you do this again!

Zhao Fuchuan felt that his heart attack was about to be brought out!

He was still guessing just now how Rong Lijun would pretend to be this force.

As a result, Rong Lijun didn't pretend, and poked him directly in the heart!

His project is estimated to lose more than 300,000 yuan in advertising, labor and venue expenses today.

Zhao Fuchuan: "That, Dong Rong, you can make money, I saw it, I still have something to ......"

Rong Lijun: "If you have something, then you should hurry up." "

Zhao Fuchuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Rong Lijun: "In the evening, when the turnover amount doubles, I'll tell you again." "

Zhao Fuchuan: ?

Rong Lijun: "We're friends, we definitely want to share good news together, right?"

Zhao Fuchuan raised his middle finger at the phone.

After Rong Lijun finished chatting with Zhao Fuchuan, he put his mobile phone on the coffee table, and the whole person was comfortable!


And at this time.

Almost half of the wealthy business circles in the imperial capital are speculating.

"What industry did Rong Lijun invest in, and make money so fast?"

"I feel like it could be finance. "

"It's unlikely to be finance, I think it's probably a supermarket? "

"The net profit of the supermarket is not as high as he said, right? "

"It's weird......"

Some people also came to ask Rong Lijun, but Rong Lijun kept silent.

He deliberately kept it secret, so that no one would disturb Jiang Feng, so naturally he wouldn't say it himself.

Those who want to know can only hold back and keep guessing.


It was afternoon.

The three grains are fragrant, do a good job of hygiene, change a group of people, and prepare to open the store again!

Xu Na and Xu Xiuli were at the door of the store, their faces were ugly.

The two of them counted the number of guests at noon.

That's 74% less than usual!

Directly from the small profit before Jiang Feng opened the store, it has become a blood loss now!

Watching Jiang Feng's clerks go back and forth, the two of them panicked!

Won't there be fewer guests on their side at night?!

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