5 a.m. the next morning.

Jiang Feng and Jiang Youyou got up and washed together.

When he went to the toilet, Jiang Feng looked at the points.

Soon it will be 100,000 again.

Jiang Feng is not in a hurry, he plans to wait until 1 million to see what he can draw from the advanced lottery opportunity.

Pack up.

The father and daughter set off by car.

With the air conditioner on, the car's power is running out a little faster, but until now, there is still 83% electricity.


The sky was slightly bright.

Jiang Feng arrived at the door of the vegetable market.

Rongshuang was already waiting.

Jiang Feng got out of the car, hugged Youyou, and walked to Rong Shuang: "What time did you get up?".

"Half past four. "

"Aren't you sleepy?".

"Come to see you, of course not sleepy. "

Jiang Youyou asked, "What about me, Teacher Rongshuang, don't you want to see me?"

"Of course I want to, come and hug you!"

Rong Shuang took Jiang Youyou from Jiang Feng's hand.

"Here's to you. Jiang Youyou took out two lychees from his pocket.

Yesterday, she specially left it for Rong Shuang.

Rong Shuang was a little surprised: "Thank you, Yoyo." "

Jiang Youyou crawled next to Rong Shuang's ear: "You're welcome, just take Youyou to eat ice cream." "

Jiang Feng rubbed Jiang Youyou's head: "I heard it all." "

"Let's go, buy something first. "

Jiang Feng is already very skilled in buying vegetables.

The bosses set aside for Jiang Feng in advance what he wanted every day.

Jiang Feng will carefully check every time.

Familiar is familiar, but the quality of the meat and vegetables must be good.

25 minutes.

All the raw materials of Jiang Feng were bought.

It cost a total of 1258 pieces and 9 cents.

The vegetable stall owner also gave Jiang Feng a pound of broccoli.

Arrived at the store.

Jiang Feng began to clean up.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou, chatting, wiping the tables and chairs in the store.

"Yoyo, there's good news. "

"What's the good news?".

"If it goes well, my roommate and I are going to move across the door from you. "

Jiang Youyou's little eyes lit up instantly!

"Can I go to your house often?!".

"Of course, I'm here for you, you can stay with us, and you'd better bring your dad with you. "

Then wouldn't she be able to sneak over and eat a few ice creams?!

Jiang Feng lowered his head and rubbed his dough, and said, "Jiang Youyou, want to eat ice cream secretly?"

Jiang Youyou was shocked: "Dad, how do you know!?"

Jiang Feng smiled: "I guessed just now, and now I confirm it." "



How can Daddy be so smart!

Jiang Youyou made a bitter face and said, "No, I don't eat, I'm very well-behaved." "

Rong Shuang chuckled.

Jiang Youyou looked at Rong Shuang and asked, "Teacher, are you going to move today?"

She wanted to go out and play, she didn't want to go to kindergarten.

Rong Shuang shook her head: "My roommate helped move, let's go to kindergarten together." "

"Oh well. "


The shop was cleaned.

Jiang Feng also prepared the noodles and fillings, and the porridge was also boiled.

For breakfast, Jiang Feng stir-fried a garlic broccoli and added a new dish.

Whampoa scrambled eggs.

Beat 6 eggs, put a little lard in them and stir until frothy.

This is important.

The egg liquid is frothy until it is frothy, and it is soft after it is fried, otherwise it will be a hard piece when it is fried.

Do not put salt in the egg mixture.

After sliding the pan, put half of the egg mixture, scrambled until the bottom of the egg is solidified, and when the top is still liquid, set it aside.

Put the other half of the egg mixture in the pan, fry until it is seven ripe, roll it together, and put it on top of the first egg.

The top of the egg wash should have a little liquid feeling.

Sprinkle with salt.

After 30 seconds, the residual temperature of the eggs will suffocate the remaining eggs until they are nine ripe.

Jiang Feng fried it and brought it to the table.

Jiang Youyou looked curious: "Dad, what is this?"

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "This is called Huangpu scrambled eggs, try it." "

"Good. "

Rong Shuang took a small piece of the egg off.

Jiang Youyou stretched out his hand, took this small piece away, and tasted it.

"It's so tender, it's so fragrant!".

"Daddy, this egg is so delicious!".

Jiang Feng looked at Rong Shuang: "You can taste it too." "

"Good. "

Rong Shuang nodded, tasted it, and her beautiful eyes lit up slightly.

It's really delicious!

The heat is perfect!

All the dishes Jiang Feng cooks can subvert her cognition!

This is definitely the best Whampoa scrambled eggs she has ever tasted!

"You're really amazing. "

"Delicious. "

Jiang Feng smiled and picked up the chopsticks: "If you like it, let's eat." "

"Yo-yo, eat more broccoli, good for your eyes. "

Jiang Youyou was a little resistant: "I don't like broccoli." "

"Teacher Rongshuang. "

She looked at Rong Shuang as if she were pleading.

Rong Shuang touched her head: "There are a lot of vitamins in broccoli, we learned them in the garden, these vitamins are very important, right?"

"Okay. "

Jiang Youyou took a small piece and tasted it.


It seems to be okay.

It's so fragrant.

And it doesn't have the feeling of chewing like the broccoli she ate at school!

"Dad, the broccoli you make is delicious!".

"Eat more. "

"Forget it, just eat a few sticks. "

Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang both laughed.

Had breakfast.

There are already customers queuing up outside the store.

Rong Shuang put away the plate, sat next to him, and watched Jiang Feng start to pinch the buns.

Focused Jiang Feng, she really likes it.

"Jiang Feng. Rong Shuang called him.


"I still like you very much, be my boyfriend. "

Jiang Youyou's little face was full of excitement.


Say yes!

She wants Teacher Rongshuang to be her mother!

Jiang Feng shook his head: "Inappropriate." "

Rong Shuang said pitifully, "Can you bear to refuse me so many times?"

Jiang Feng nodded.

He still feels that rejection is a good choice for everyone.

Jiang Youyou sighed, with a disappointed expression on his own cub.

She also patted the back of Rongshuang's hand: "Take care of it, he's been like this since he was a child, let's help him change it together, trouble the teacher." "

Jiang Feng put down the bun and wiped his hands on the apron.

Is it to play her with your left hand or with your right hand today?

Flick two hands together.

"Wrong, I'm wrong, Dad, you concentrate on your work, I'll do it myself!".


She flicked her head, hugged Rong Shuang's arm, and hid behind Rong Shuang.

Jiang Feng shook his head and smiled, and went back to work.

Rong Shuang picked up the phone, hugged Youyou to her lap, and then turned her back to Jiang Feng and took a group photo of the three of them.

After the shooting.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou looked at the photo together, and then took a picture of Jiang Feng again.

One big and one small, laughing while shooting.

Jiang Feng was also photographed by them, concentrating on his work.


It was 6:50 a.m.

Rong Shuang got up and said, "Let's go, let's go to kindergarten." "

"Good. "

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng: "I will miss you." "

"Yoyo misses you more. "

"Bye Daddy, see you in the afternoon. "

Jiang Feng looked at them: "Go ahead, walk to the side." "

The two of them went out.

Rong Shuang also glanced back at Jiang Feng, her hair was gently flicked, and she was particularly good-looking.

She was heartfelt, and then disappeared from Jiang Feng's sight.

For a moment.

Jiang Feng began to look forward to arriving early in the afternoon.


He quickly put away his emotions and said to the guest, "You can order! Aunt Sun!".

"It's coming!".

The guests quickly lined up and began to rush like crazy!

There are more and more people queuing up outside the store!

There are more cars in the surrounding parking lots.

Jiang Feng's shop is gradually becoming more famous, and some people have already driven for dozens of minutes to come over to eat.

Half past eight.

Everything is sold out.

Jiang Feng counted the morning's harvest while cleaning.

13,556.5 yuan.

Not bad.

And at this time.

Wearing a hat and a mask, Tang Hemei arrived in the neighborhood and met the landlord.

She stayed up until more than two o'clock yesterday, made a copy of the activity, and was too lazy to wash her hair today.

The landlord showed her around the house.

It is exactly the same as the layout of Jiang Feng's house.

The decoration is also very new, similar to the pictures.

Water and electricity are also connected, there is no problem.

Tang Hemei was also very simple, signing a one-year contract on the spot, and she had the right to renew the lease first.

If the lease is renewed next year, the rent will increase by 5%, and she can rent it first.

After the talks.

The landlord also simply gave her the keys.

"Feel free to contact me if anything. "

"Okay, goodbye. "

The landlord leaves first.

Tang Hemei contacted the moving company, spent 700 yuan, rented a van, and officially started moving.

It's close to noon.

Rong Shuang's suitcase, as well as Tang Hemei's computer and various toiletries were all moved.

You can move in directly!

Tang Hemei sent a message to Rong Shuang.

"Alright, we're now your male god's neighbors. "

"Give me 30 shrimp dumplings tonight, I'm tired, I want to make up for it!".

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