Had lunch at noon.

Rong Shuang had time to pick up her mobile phone and saw Tang Hemei's message: "Then can you go directly to your new home today?"

Tang Hemei is eating takeout.

She ordered the grilled fish she liked before, but it didn't taste right no matter how she ate it.

I'm used to eating what Jiang Feng makes, and then eating takeout, it's really not delicious.

See Rongshuang's message.

Tang Hemei hurriedly replied: "Yes, I must ask Jiang Feng to get me more food, I'm hungry." "

Rong Shuang: "Okay, but if he is too tired, he will bring you buns and don't let him make shrimp dumplings for you." "

Tang Hemei complained a little helplessly: "I know that I feel sorry for your male god." "

"You think about me, it's been a day since I moved, is it easy for me?".

Rong Shuang: "You just say whether you can eat the buns or not." "

Tang Hemei: "Eat." "

Rong Shuang: "That's okay, just wait at home." "

After talking to Tang Hemei.

Rong Shuang took a selfie and sent it to Jiang Feng.

"We've moved in, and we can go home together today. "

"I miss you very much, the food in the garden is really unpalatable, and you still make it delicious. "

"Meimei wants to eat shrimp dumplings, do you have time to make them? "

It's 11:40.

Rongshuang was going to take the children to eat, so she came over to eat in advance.

Jiang Feng didn't reply to the message.

The store is busy right now.

Wait until half past one.

Steamed buns, porridge and steamed sea bass, all sold out.

The guests who ate in the store also cleaned up their tables and left satisfied.

"Boss Xiaojiang, what you made today is also very delicious, I am really convinced by your craftsmanship. "

"Let's go first, you can eat quickly. "

"It's really amazing, I eat too much at your place, and I can't look down on food from other places. "

"It's hot, Boss Xiaojiang drink more water. "

Jiang Feng greeted the guests with a smile: "Go slowly." "

"Okay, Uncle Liu, you also pay attention to your body. "

Wait until all the guests are gone.

Jiang Feng finished cleaning up the kitchenware, sorting the garbage, and mopping the ground, before he fried a dry fried cow river and sat down.

He saw Rong Shuang's news, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"I can do it, I'll make more, let's eat shrimp dumplings together in the evening." "

"Go to work well. "

Rong Shuang didn't reply to the message.

She is taking a nap today and is going to watch the children sleep.

lest you choke or fall when you fall asleep.

Jiang Feng saw the message from Song Jin again.

"Eat well. "

Jiang Feng replied: "I'm eating, you guys should also eat something good." "

Song Jin didn't reply to the message.

She is now in the supermarket.

In the morning, she and Comrade Lao Jiang made arrangements for the retreat.

Tomorrow, Thursday, they plan to come to the imperial capital in the afternoon to find Jiang Feng.

Stay until Sunday afternoon.

Song Jin wanted to buy something for Jiang Feng to bring over.


After lunch, Jiang Feng blew the air conditioner, took a comfortable lunch break for half an hour, and then went to buy materials.

It's getting hotter.

Jiang Feng drove the car and was in a good mood.

If you don't have a car, you will have to sweat all over the world to buy raw materials.

Drive to a cool place.

Jiang Feng bought the raw materials, returned to the store, and skillfully handled all kinds of materials.

It was just half past three.

There are already customers waiting outside the store.

A few of the uncles brought their own parasols, maza and small tables, and they were already playing cards.

Half past four.

Jiang Youyou is out of school.

Rong Shuang also packed up her things, took Youyou's hand, left the kindergarten, and went to the store.

The moment you push the door and enter the store.

Jiang Youyou said excitedly: "Dad! Your little cutie is here!".

Rong Shuang put down the backpack and smiled at Jiang Feng: "Your future girlfriend is also back." "

"Did you miss us?".

The corners of Jiang Feng's mouth raised slightly, and he didn't answer this question, but just said, "Wash your hands, and you're ready to open a store." "

Since half past four, he has been visiting the store several times.

"Good. "

Two beauties, one big and one small, both obediently answered, and washed their hands in turn.

5 points.

Open for business.

The guests rushed in.

"Quick, bring me a fish, I'm hungry. "

"Today is a little early, I drove more than an hour to eat, 2 fish!30 buns!".

"15 beef buns, 2 bowls of seafood porridge. "

Jiang Feng worked neatly.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou were beside them, helping to deliver porridge and dishes.

Busy until more than 6 o'clock.

Everything is sold out.

There are a little more raw materials prepared today, and the sales have broken 14,000 yuan!

Jiang Feng began to wrap shrimp dumplings, and then stir-fried a cabbage sum, and left one fish.

Wait for the rest of the guests to finish eating.

Jiang Feng steamed the fish and began to cook dinner.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou dragged the ground, their eyes kept looking at Jiang Feng, and they couldn't be greedy.

I'm done cleaning up the shop.

The meal is also good.

The three of them sat down.

Rong Shuang sandwiched a piece of fish for Jiang Feng.

Jiang Youyou sandwiched a shrimp dumpling for Jiang Feng.

"Great work, today. "

"Daddy eats first. "

Jiang Feng took two bites and touched Jiang Youyou's head: "Okay, let's eat quickly." "


The atmosphere of summer is getting stronger, and the street outside the door is dyed a little red by the light of the setting sun.

Had dinner.

The three of them sat side by side, doing nothing, just looking out the window.

"Dad. "


"Yoyo likes the three of us together, can we stay together?".

Jiang Feng touched her head and said softly, "Dad will always be with you." But you don't need to be with your dad all the time. "

"Daddy loves you very much, but Daddy doesn't need you to do anything. As long as you're there, Dad is happy. "

The child will grow up.

Jiang Feng looked very open.

As long as you live well, that's good.

Jiang Youyou frowned, turned his head, pressed against Jiang Feng's stomach, and said dissatisfiedly, "Don't." "

"Nuan Nuan and Fei Fei both want boyfriends, I don't like them, I want to live with my father. "

"Daddy, are you going to chase me away?".

Jiang Feng laughed: "No, if you really want to live with your father, then together." When I'm eighty, I'll cook for you. "

"Okay. "

"Can Teacher Rongshuang come with us?"

Jiang Feng shook his head.

He admits that Rong Shuang is very good, and he occasionally has a feeling of heartbeat.

But the reality is still not solved.

Families on both sides.

And also.

If it's really together.

Do you want to have a baby?

If it is born, can Jiang Youyou accept it?

If it doesn't give birth, it seems to be very unfair to Rongshuang.

Jiang Youyou was a little disappointed.

She also thought that if her father and Teacher Rongshuang got married again, she could have a younger brother or sister.

In that case, if the younger brother or sister gets married, she will be able to accompany her father and Teacher Rongshuang until she is very old.

Rong Shuang whispered: "I can always live at the door of your house, and I will follow you wherever you move." "

Jiang Youyou instantly became happy: "That's okay!"

Jiang Feng smiled, got up and said, "Okay, I'll clean up, let's get ready to go back." "

"Okay. "

Jiang Feng steamed the remaining 30 shrimp dumplings, as well as 5 buns and two cups of porridge.

While doing it.

Jiang Feng brushed the remaining pots and bowls.

The garbage is also classified, and it will be thrown away later.

Pack up.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou carried things, and Jiang Feng carried the garbage and went out of the store.


The neighbors who walked the bend began to feed Jiang Youyou again.

Jiang Youyou refused in a milky voice: "Grandma Sun, don't do it, I haven't finished eating yesterday's apples yet." "

"Is it okay to wait until you're done eating?"

The neighbors laughed, "Of course." "

"Eat more fruits, it will be much whiter and more beautiful. "

After getting in the car.

Jiang Feng drove directly back to the community.

The three of them entered the elevator together and pressed the same floor.

Jiang Feng's face was a little strange.

It feels amazing.

It's like really going home with Rongshuang.


Jiang Feng pressed his fingerprint to open the door.

Rong Shuang walked to the opposite door and entered the password.

Doors on both sides open at the same time.

"Yo! handsome!" Tang Hemei greeted Jiang Feng warmly.

"Damn! Is this Jiang Feng's daughter?!

Tang Hemei saw Jiang Youyou, and his face was full of excitement!

Rong Shuang was a little helpless: "You pay attention to your expression, don't be like a pervert and scare the child." "

Jiang Youyou was very generous, and said politely: "Hello, my name is Jiang Youyou." "

"My name is Tang Hemei! I am a good friend of your stepmother. "

"Do you want to come to our house to play?".

Tang Hemei took the initiative to invite.

Jiang Youyou was a little entangled, but he still shook his head and refused: "I'm going to rest with my dad for a while, and then take a bath and sleep." "

It's going to bed at nine o'clock.

She's going to leave the time before bed for her dad.

Although she also wants to play with Rongshuang for a while, it is still her father who is more important.

Jiang Feng looked at her tangled expression and said, "Otherwise, you guys should come over and stay for a while." "

"Just go back after eating. "


Tang Hemei snorted, closed the door directly, and walked straight to Jiang Feng's side.

Rong Shuang also walked over happily.

I can enter Jiang Feng's house!


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