
More than two catties of meatloaf were eaten cleanly.

There are also 10 buns.

A bowl of mung bean paste per person.

Jiang Feng still ate the most egg yolks.

The two of them ate it, and each gave half of the egg yolk on their plate to Jiang Feng.

This egg yolk is delicious.

So they wanted Jiang Feng to eat more.

Had breakfast.

The two of them sat in chairs and ate their food.

Jiang Feng got up, cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks, and soaked the watermelon in the basin.

He plans to deliver watermelons again at noon to cool down with water a little.

6:50 a.m.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang got up and prepared to go to kindergarten.

"Dad, we're leaving, see you in the afternoon. "

"We're going to miss you so much, we're going to be reluctant to give you up. Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng's eyes, a little sad.

She was becoming less and less accustomed to being separated from Jiang Feng.

Even if we can meet again after four o'clock in the afternoon.

Jiang Feng smiled: "Go ahead, I'll make something delicious for you at night." "

"Yes, Dad, I love you the most!"

"Than the heart. "

The two of them were heart-to-heart by Jiang Feng, came over and hugged Jiang Feng, and then left the store.

7 points.

Jiang Feng opened the door.

Neighbors rushed into the store.

"Boss Xiaojiang, my grandson woke up in the middle of the night last night and said that he wanted to eat the buns you made, and he didn't sleep for half the night, so he brought me 20 beef, 20 pork and green onions, 4 bowls of porridge, and 2 bowls of mung bean paste. "

"There are peanuts today, too?! Is it still noon? Isn't this gluttonous!"

"Why are there two big watermelons?"

Jiang Feng loaded the buns and chatted with a smile: "The watermelon was given to me by Brother Tian, and I cut it at noon and divided it for everyone." "

I heard that I want to give watermelon for free.

The hearts of the neighbors are also very hot.

This is the same as the peanuts sent, the things are not expensive, but this intention is comfortable.

It's like the feeling of taking care of each other between neighbors when I lived in the compound in the early years.

Business was also good in the morning.

Many guests who came from afar have also become regular customers in Jiang Feng's store, sharing a table with the neighbors to eat, and they are very familiar.

8:15 a.m.

The morning's stuff was also sold out.

Jiang Feng was still washing the dishes and calculating the turnover in the morning.

16,003 pieces.

Just as you imagined.

Today's total sales are almost 50,000.

Deposit 500,000 right away!


The last group of neighbors finished eating and said hello to Jiang Feng before leaving.

"Boss Xiaojiang, your craftsmanship is really amazing, not only delicious, the key is that the food you make every day is delicious, and you can't eat enough. "

"The mung bean paste is really delicious, can you have another bucket? If you don't eat anything else this summer, it's also comfortable to drink a bowl of mung bean paste." "

"I'll see you later, Boss Xiaojiang, I'll go home and clean up, get some water and come back to line up, I don't believe I can't eat watermelon and peanuts. "

Jiang Feng smiled and chatted with them.

Wait until they're all done.

The table was still very clean.

Jiang Feng put away the plates and bowls, put them in the dishwasher and washed them, sprayed the table with alcohol disinfection, mopped the floor, and the store was clean.

Pack up.

Jiang Feng rested for a while, went to the vegetable market, and bought the ingredients to be used at noon.

I bought an extra fish and kept it for the stall owner.

When I came back, it was just 8:50.

There are already two tables of uncles and aunts playing cards in front of the store.

He Guangyi was also there, holding the cards, thinking about it intently. this

There are also a few uncles next to him, holding fans and bringing their own tea jars.

While drinking tea, we chatted.

"You play this card really stinks, you make a single, he has no order! hang him!"

"Hey, Lao Zhang, drink your tea, old finger pointer. "

"Don't make any moves! Don't look at any more random moves!"

"Boss Xiaojiang, are you done buying vegetables? Do you want to help wash the vegetables? I'm idle anyway. "

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "No, I can do it myself, you can play." "

After speaking.

Jiang Feng entered the store, looked at the comfortable neighbors at the door of the store, and cleaned up.

11 o'clock.

The card table was put away and placed next to the door of Cui Hao's store.

The uncles and aunts lined up seriously, and it didn't affect the people behind.

Rong Lijun and Wang Zhe are also in the team.

They came to line up at 10 o'clock and said hello to He Guangyi, but they still lined up separately.

Wang Zhe was playing a parasol next to him, and he was already with Rong Lijun, watching the masters play cards for an hour.

Rong Lijun was a little nostalgic.

When he was young, when he lived in the compound, everyone would come out with a bowl and eat through the door.

After eating, everyone got together, played cards, drank tea, and chatted.

He hadn't felt this comfortable feeling in years.

Except for Rong Lijun.

There are also quite a few people who bring their own parasols and secretaries.

Wang Zhe whispered: "Boss, I saw the boss of Heming Group." "

Heming Group and Runhua Group, 11 years ago, had a very fierce competition in the field of decoration and building materials.

Later, Runhua won.

Now the best and most expensive decoration paint on the market is produced by Runhua.

Zhao Fuchuan, the boss of Heming Group, had a good relationship with Rong Lijun when he was a child.

When the two of them went abroad to study business management, they were still classmates.

But because of this incident, the two of them have been awkward for more than ten years.

In business, there is often competition, and each has its own winners and losers.

Rong Lijun said casually: "If you see it, you can see it, and you will honestly line up behind me." "

"You go show up and let him know we're in front. "

In the front, of course, you have to disgust Zhao Fuchuan.

Wang Zhe probed and glanced at Zhao Fuchuan.

Zhao Fuchuan's face was black at that time.

"He's in front of me? This son of a son is here for dinner, and so early?"

Zhao Fu Chuan's toothache was angry, but he could only line up.

Everybody knows.

When you come to Jiang Feng's store to eat, no matter what your identity, you have to line up honestly.

Boss Xiao Jiang is a person who talks about rules, and people who break the rules can't buy Boss Xiaojiang's things.

Zhao Fuchuan endured.

Anyway, in his position, there is a high probability that he can also buy fish.

Wang Zhe turned his head and looked at Rong Lijun: "Boss, I'm eyeing him." "

Rong Lijun asked, "What is his expression?"

"His face was as black as if he had smeared the bottom of the pot. "

Rong Lijun's expression remained unchanged, and his heart was extremely refreshed!

Relieve your anger!

In addition to them.

There were also quite a few bosses in line.

Jiang Feng's shop is becoming more and more famous.

Wait until half past eleven.

Jiang Feng opened the door and started doing business.

The aunts and uncles who had been playing cards all morning went into the store.

"1 bowl of mung bean paste, 1 bowl of eight-treasure porridge, 5 zucchini egg buns. "

"Bring me a steamed fish, 2 bowls of mung bean paste, and 5 beef buns. "

"I'll have a fish, too. "

Rong Lijun lined up at the back of the line, a little anxious.

Don't order fish!

Leave him some!

Jiang Feng loaded the guests with buns and peanuts, and put two pieces of watermelon on the dinner plate.

Rong Lijun was a little surprised.

And send watermelon?


Rong Lijun finally arrived in line and walked to the counter.

"Hello, Boss Xiaojiang. Rong Lijun greeted him gently.

Jiang Feng smiled: "Hello, what to eat?"

"2 steamed fish, 5 beef buns, 5 zucchini eggs, 5 carrot eggs, 4 bowls of mung bean paste. "

"Okay, wait a minute. "

Jiang Feng packed the buns, filled the mung bean paste, gave two plates of peanuts, and 4 pieces of watermelon.

Rong Lijun asked, "The watermelon was sent?"

Jiang Feng nodded: "I can't eat what the neighbors gave me, so I simply took it out and sent it to the guests to eat." Not much, don't dislike it. "

Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng, and felt more and more that this kid was liked when he looked at it.

"No dislike, thank you. "

"You're welcome, thank you and Brother Tian, I'll do everything. "

Rong Lijun's always serious face showed a little smile, and he sat next to He Guangyi with a plate.

He Guangyi smiled and said, "Try this mung bean paste first." "

"I've drunk so much mung bean paste, and this is the best. "

Rong Lijun nodded, tasted it, and showed a little surprise.

He actually rarely drinks anything with sugar.

Occasionally drink some bean soup, which is also boiled in plain water, and nothing is put in.

This mung bean paste with tangerine peel and rock sugar is not too sweet in the mouth.

The bean flavor and rice aroma are mixed together, and the taste is smooth, but the bean shell has a bit of texture.

It's delicious!

Rong Lijun just finished tasting two bites.

Wang Zhe has already finished drinking a bowl.

"Boss, this drink is too comfortable! "


Wang Zhe took another bowl.

Rong Lijun's face darkened a little.

Two bowls are almost.

If you drink it so quickly, you won't want to drink a third bowl, will you?

You don't know how to write the word unemployed, right?

While thinking.

Rong Lijun didn't care about his image, picked up the bowl, and drank the mung bean paste in a big gulp!

The heat that has just been accumulated outside is completely eliminated in an instant!

After drinking.

Wang Zhe was staring at another bowl of mung bean paste, a little greedy.

Rong Lijun put the bowl in front of him.

Bring it to you!

He Guangyi smiled and said, "How is it, does Boss Xiaojiang make everything delicious?"

Rong Lijun nodded approvingly: "Fly back from Jinling and eat what he made." Flying Demon Capital in the afternoon. "

He Guangyi asked, "How is your daughter's affairs?"

Rong Lijun was a little disappointed: "If you don't listen to persuasion, your brain is not easy to use." "

I met Jiang Feng again today.

Rong Lijun likes Jiang Feng more and more.

The character is really very good!

The taste of things remains the same, and I am serious enough and diligent enough to do things.


His daughter is not very good-brained, why doesn't she want to come and see him?

She talks about a boyfriend by herself, can she have Boss Xiaojiang?


He Guangyi held back a smile and said, "Don't be sad, this life is full of surprises." "

Rong Lijun shook his head: "Let's talk about it, eat first." "

Eating is such a happy thing, not to mention his stupid daughter.

Rongshuang, who was in the garden, was carrying the buckets where the children put the tableware, and her back was cold.

What's going on?

Lately, I always feel like someone is saying bad things about her.


Rong Lijun's steamed fish is ready.

Wang Zhe brought it over, and he couldn't get hungry anymore.

Rong Lijun glanced at Zhao Fuchuan, who was still queuing.

Zhao Fuchuan swallowed his saliva, revealing a little envy, and happened to be seen by Rong Lijun.

Rong Lijun's heart was even darker!

The last two fish were on his table.

Zhao Fuchuan can't eat it!

The two of them glanced at each other, as angry as children, and looked away.

Wang Zhe had already sandwiched a large amount of chopsticks and put it on his plate.

"You can just eat half a strip. Rong Lijun said expressionlessly.

The meal is the account of the company that walks.

Of course he wants to eat more.

Wang Zhe was a little uncomfortable: "Give me more, boss, I'm looking for a house." "

"Then I'll give you an extra share. Rong Lijun sandwiched an extra piece of meat for Wang Zhe.

Usually, Rong Lijun gives an extra month's bonus, and he has never been so cautious.

At this time, he was very careful with his chopsticks, for fear of giving Wang Zhe too much.

Get an extra piece of fish.

Wang Zhe was much more comfortable, and lowered his head to eat.

The taste of this soy sauce is truly amazing!

The kind of delicious food that you can't get tired of eating every day!

Rong Lijun also tasted it.

Fish in the mouth.

Rong Lijun admired Jiang Feng even more.

Every serving of fish has the same taste.

And when I came to eat it twice, the taste was the same!

This fire is really done to the extreme!

Finish eating the fish.

Chew two peanuts.

Eat another piece of watermelon.

Rong Lijun held on.

He leaned back in his chair, looked at Jiang Feng, and asked He Guangyi, "What do Boss Jiang's parents do?"

He Guangyi said: "It seems to be a civil servant, working in the Hydraulic Power Bureau or somewhere, not from the imperial capital." "

Rong Lijun nodded with satisfaction.

Civil servants are also quite good.

He was really worried that Jiang Feng's family was too rich, and his daughter would have no advantage.

Originally, Rong Shuang and Jiang Feng were a bit of a disadvantage to Jiang Feng, and if people still had money, Rong Lijun was embarrassed.

Rested for a few minutes.

Rong Lijun took Wang Zhe and got up to leave, making room for other neighbors.

In this shop.

Rong Lijun also consciously considered for the other neighbors.

I got out of the store and got in the car.

The driver departs for the airport.

Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng's shop, and the resentment towards Rong Shuang's boyfriend deepened!

When they met, Rong Lijun felt that he was going to be a little harsh!

He is not interested in the bride price, so he can not do it.

But as long as he is a little worse than Jiang Feng in all aspects, he has to find fault!

The perfect son-in-law in his heart is only Jiang Feng!

12:50 p.m.

Everything in the store is sold out.

The vegetable stall owner took his wife to the store: "Boss Xiaojiang, we are here." "

"Sit, drink two bowls of mung bean paste first, and I'll give you steamed fish. Jiang Feng said with a smile.

The vegetable stall owner brought the mung bean paste and tasted it with his wife, all showing a satisfied expression.


They specially asked their neighbors to watch the stall and come to Jiang Feng's shop to eat.

Just this bowl of mung bean paste, it's worth it!

After the fish was steamed, the stall owner brought it over and quickly tasted it.

That's the taste.


He didn't chat with his wife, he lowered his head to eat, and wanted to finish eating and leave quickly, so as not to delay Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng was not in a hurry to clean the kitchenware.


They finished eating.

The vegetable stall owner got up and wanted to scan the code to pay: "230 yuan, right?"

"120 bucks is fine. "

"That's not good, it's too little. "

Jiang Feng said: "I also have money to earn at this price." "

The vegetable stall owner shook his head: "You have to earn more for this taste, otherwise I will be embarrassed!"

"Really, 120 is enough, we still have more days to go back and forth, not bad, right?"

The stall owner finally swept 150 yuan.

Although it is still a little less, at least it is a heart, and it can't really be given so little.

He brought the plate to the counter before leaving with his wife.

Jiang Feng cleaned the shop, sat down, and prepared to eat.

He left himself two bowls of mung bean paste and a handful of peanuts.

How many peanuts he gave to the neighbors, he kept as many as he himself.

He took a bite of the bun, picked up his phone, and looked at it.

Rong Shuang sent a message: "Eat fish at noon, wow, this fish is made like chicken, and it doesn't taste at all." "

Rong Shuang: "Youyou, let me tell you, she misses you very much, and she wants to eat fried beef at night." "

Rong Shuang: "I miss you so much, I feel so hard without you, I live by looking at your photos, woo." "

Rong Shuang: "[Picture] [Picture]"

Rong Shuang: "I still like you the most, I'm going to take a nap and tell a story to our family." "

Rong Shuang: "Mua!"

Look at her message.

With a smile on his face, Jiang Feng replied to the message: "I miss you too, and I will eat dry fried beef river at night." "

"Go to work and see you in the afternoon. "

"I like you too. "

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