With a smile on his face, Jiang Feng replied to the message: "Go to work hard." "

"I miss you too. "

"I'll come back in the evening and I'll make you something to eat. "

"I like you too. "

After eating.

Sleep for half an hour.

Jiang Feng was refreshed and went out to buy vegetables.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, it was even hotter outside.

There are very few people on the streets.

Occasionally, I met a few neighbors, all of whom sent their children to school.

"Boss Xiaojiang, go grocery shopping, it's really such a hot day. "

"Drink some water, no, I didn't open the bottle, I bought an extra bottle. "

"Do you need help? I happen to be fine in the afternoon, I can move something for you." "

The neighbors really wanted to help and do some work for Jiang Feng.

Otherwise, if you eat peanuts and watermelon for nothing every day, you won't be able to do it.

"No, it's close, it's a quick trip back and forth. "

Jiang Feng smiled and declined.

On such a hot day, he didn't want these neighbors to help.

Drove to the wet market.

The meat and vegetables are already loaded.

"The dishes are all the freshest for you, but this day, that's it. "

The owner of the vegetable stall personally gave Jiang Feng a good dish to pick from the bottom of the foam box.

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "That's good, thank you." "

"That's kind to say, pick something good for you, isn't that what it should be? You pick something else first, and I'll help you pull it over later." "

The stall owner waved his hand.

Jiang Feng bought fish, also bought pork ribs, and added dishes in the evening.

All kinds of work in the store, Jiang Feng is getting easier and easier to do.

Make more dishes, and I'm not so tired anymore.

The neighbors also like to eat and can make money, which is good.

Buy good things, and the vegetable stall owner helps move the vegetables.

I went back to the store.

Jiang Feng began to clean up.

Just after 3 o'clock.

The tables are back up.

Uncle Jiang also came today, playing cards with a piece.

Jiang Feng finished mixing noodles and adjusting the stuffing, and saw a note on the card table with a note all over his face.

Uncle Jiang was really miserable.

But Uncle Jiang is very happy.

I have nothing to do in this summer, so I put on a parasol and play cards together, which is very similar to the feeling of listening to the semiconductor radio and enjoying the cool and playing cards.


Especially when you bask in the sun, you can drink mung bean paste later, and you can enjoy it even more.

There were neighbors resting at the door, and Jiang Feng was cleaning up the soy sauce and making steamed buns in the store.

Half past four.

Raw materials are packed up.

Jiang Feng filled two bowls of mung bean paste, looked at the door of the store, and then shook his head and smiled.

He is now looking forward to Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang's return every day.

Less than 5 minutes.

The door was pushed open.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang walked in first.

"Daddy, your cutie is going to die of heat! you're almost going to pick me up on the street!"

Rong Shuang's face also had a hot flush: "It's so sunny today." "

"Did you miss us?"

"Of course, I miss you. Jiang Feng smiled and said, "Drink some mung bean paste." "

"Yes, Dad, I love you the most! I'm hungry at noon!"

"Boyfriend, you're the best!"

Rong Shuang walked to the counter and brought two bowls of mung bean paste to the table.

The two of them, like two hungry cats, were instantly quiet and began to drink.

"It was so comfortable. "

"Yoyo isn't so hot, Dad, this mung bean paste is really delicious. "

Jiang Feng smiled: "Let's take a break, when we finish the business, I will make a dry fried beef river for you." "


The two of them sat for a while, wiping down the tables and chairs in the shop.

Wait until 5 o'clock.

The doors open.

Uncle Jiang didn't come in early today, but came with his card friends.

Arrived at the counter.

Jiang Feng said: "Uncle Jiang, you can come at any time, you really don't need to queue." "

"I'm still open, so you can come whenever you want. "

Uncle Jiang smiled with a smile on his face: "Playing cards with them today, I just lined up together, it's okay." "

"1 bowl of mung bean paste, 5 zucchini egg buns, 2 beef, and pork ribs. "

"I'll also have a bowl of mung bean paste, 10 pork and green onion buns. "

"1 bowl of mung bean paste, 1 bowl of eight-treasure porridge, 5 leek eggs, 5 carrot eggs. "

"Boss Xiaojiang, I'm here again, a steamed fish, a pork ribs, 1 bowl of mung bean paste, and 3 pork and green onion buns. "

"It's on the line today, bring me a fish! I haven't been on the line for four days, do you know how I've spent the past four days?"

There are more and more customers outside the store.

Today's business is even better than yesterday.

There is no place in the store anymore.

Many neighbors sat in Maza, holding a cup of porridge, eating steamed buns and chatting.

The neighbors outside the store gradually dispersed with mazas, card tables and parasols.

Go home and take a shower and sleep.

Come back tomorrow morning!

6:15 a.m.

The store is sold out.

Jiang Feng cleaned the kitchen utensils and ordered some running water.

Today's sales, plus the pork ribs made, just broke 50,000!

50,002 pieces of 5 cents.

Jiang Feng was in a good mood.

It's all money earned steadily, and I feel comfortable.

The last group of guests to eat gradually dispersed.

Rongshuang began to pack up the garbage bags and put away the plates.

She felt that it was not clean to clean up the garbage bags, and if she was in the store, she would usually do this job before Jiang Feng.

As long as she's there, of course my boyfriend has to do something light and clean.

Clean up.

Jiang Youyou looked at Jiang Feng expectantly.

"Daddy, hungry. "

"That's going to fry you. "

Jiang Feng took out the marinated beef, and for two minutes, he fried a large plate of dry fried beef river.

"It smells so good!"

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou drank mung bean paste, they were so hungry that they couldn't get enough of it, and they watched Jiang Feng bring the plate over.

There is also a bowl of porridge and a plate of oyster sauce and lettuce per person.

Rong Shuang took the plate and divided Niu He into three parts.

Jiang Feng and Yoyo have a lot of beef on their plates.

She had only six or seven slices on her own plate.

Of course, those who like it eat first.

Jiang Youyou took the chopsticks, picked up several slices of beef from her plate, and gave them to Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang.

"Mom, you have to eat more. "

"Yoyo is still young, so you don't have to eat so much meat. "

Jiang Feng sat down and looked at his plate.

It is covered with a layer of beef.

His heart was warm, and he said with a smile: "There is more beef, and it is divided according to the number of people." "


He gave Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou some points again.

Several slices of beef, spun around from three plates.

The three of them looked at each other and laughed happily.

Had dinner.

Put away the dishes and chopsticks, and the three of them closed the store and went home.

Facing the sunset.

Many neighbors greeted each other.

"Boss Xiaojiang, is the store closed? Go back early to rest, don't be too tired. "

"Coincidentally, isn't it, the eggs laid by the pheasant, the yolk is called a yellow, take two catties and taste it!"

"Yoyo! I just bought the jelly, I'll give you a little bit!"

"Boss Jiang! Two cantaloupe! My sister sent a whole box, give you two!"

Jiang Feng politely refused: "I won't accept it, I'm embarrassed to send so many things every day." "

The neighbors weren't happy.

"It's not worth anything, take it, be polite. "

"As long as your shop is open on our street for a day, I'll be happy to bring you something to eat. "

"It's divided, let's not talk about it ourselves, take it and eat it. "

"You are the big baby of our street, take it and eat it steadily, and your aunt will give it to you, and you feel comfortable. "

Jiang Feng finally accepted it: "Thank you then." "

"Just take it. "

There is a lot of stock today, too.

Two pounds of eggs, three cantaloupe, and a little little tomatoes.

Yoyo also met a child who lived nearby and gave her a dozen jellies.

Got to the front of the car.

Jiang Feng put his things in the car.

Three people got into the car.

Rong Shuang sat down and stretched.

Jiang Youyou was in the back of the car, looking at the jelly, and asked, "Dad, when will Youyou stop holding up?"

"I want to eat jelly. "

Jiang Feng smiled: "Tomorrow morning, tomorrow morning will definitely not last." "

"But tomorrow morning, Yoyo's stomach is reserved for mung bean paste and buns, and Yoyo also wants to eat fish. "

Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang both laughed.

The little girl arranged it quite thoroughly.

"Then take it to the garden, and when the fruit is eaten, give it to the children. Jiang Feng said.

"Oh yes! Daddy is so smart!"

7 points.

The three of them went upstairs.

Rong Shuang still went home first and brought food to Tang Hemei.

After changing into parent-child clothes, she was just about to go to Jiang Feng's side.

The phone shook.

Rong Lijun suddenly sent another message: "How are you thinking about it?"

Rong Shuangqiao's face was slightly cold: "It's only the first day, and it's been two months." "

Rong Lijun didn't want to rush either.

But he was already a little hungry for Jiang Feng's cooking.

He replied: "You said that within two months, you didn't say that it would be two months later, and it would be good for us to bring him to see me as soon as possible." "

Rong Shuang: "I'll set the time, that's it." "

She loves her life now and doesn't want to be disturbed.

Back to the end.

She put away her mobile phone, changed into a parent-child outfit, and arrived at Jiang Feng's house.

Jiang Feng peeled a cantaloupe, cut it into pieces, and put it in a bowl.

Half of the watermelon in the refrigerator was also cut into pieces.

Half a watermelon is also a lot.

Jiang Feng divided a small bowl, and asked Rong Shuang to bring it to Tang Hemei later.

Jiang Youyou had already found Conan, who he saw yesterday, pressed the pause, and was waiting for Rong Shuang.

The coldness and unhappiness she felt just now disappeared in an instant.

"Jiang Feng. "


"I like you the most. She walked up to Jiang Feng and hugged Jiang Feng gently.

Jiang Feng patted her on the back: "What's wrong?"

"I just miss you so much. "

"I'm right in front of you. "

"I miss you too. I'll never be able to stay enough with you. "

She pressed slightly, hugged Jiang Feng tightly, and smelled the faint lavender fragrance on Jiang Feng's clothes.

During the day.

She smelled it on a child's body.

Then she thought of Jiang Feng and was happy for a long time.

She didn't seem to like Jiang Feng anymore.

She seems to ...... I love Jiang Feng very much.

When she was a little shy and didn't know how to speak.

Jiang Youyou trotted over: "Mom, I want to hug too!"

Rong Shuang let go of Jiang Feng, hugged Jiang Youyou, and said with a smile: "Mom also likes you the most!"

"Yoyo is the best daughter in the world. "



Jiang Youyou said seriously: "If there is anything unhappy about my mother, remember to tell Youyou." "

"Yoyo is very clever and can help you with ideas. "

Rong Shuang rubbed her face: "Okay, mom knows." "

Jiang Feng looked at the two of them and said with a smile, "Let's go, let's see the meeting." "


The three of them sat down on the couch.

Jiang Youyou shrank between the two of them, holding Jiang Feng's arm, leaning on Rong Shuang's waist.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng's side face, bent forward, and kissed Jiang Feng.

Kissed twice today!

Rong Shuang smiled happily, her beautiful eyes were crooked, and she was particularly moving.

She also reached out and touched Jiang Feng's head.

Boyfriend, it's hard work today.

Jiang Feng smiled.

His girlfriend is getting cuter and cuter.

See 8:10.

Just at the end of the episode, Kogoro woke up from a needle that was pricked, and the suspect was caught.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng with some reluctance: "I'll go back first, it's not early, take a shower and rest." "

Jiang Feng nodded: "Okay." "

"Mom, can you not leave? Stay here and sleep, you can't bear you. "

Rong Shuang's face turned red instantly, and even her white and tender neck was dyed with a layer of red.


She doesn't seem to be averse......

Anyway, she gave her whole heart to Jiang Feng.

It seems that it is not bad to completely turn Jiang Feng into his hands.

Jiang Feng picked up Jiang Youyou from behind: "It's not okay yet, Teacher Rongshuang has to go home and sleep." "

Jiang Youyou was a little disappointed, but said obediently: "Okay, listen to Dad." "

Rong Shuang blushed and stood up: "Then I'll go first." "

"Kiss me!"

Jiang Youyou opened her arms and let Rong Shuang kiss her face.

Jiang Feng got up and hugged Rongshuang.

"I'll go take a shower and wait for me. "

Rong Shuang went out and went home, closed the door, and her heart was still beating fast.

"What's wrong?"

Tang Hemei, who was slumped on the sofa to eat, asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I'm going to take a shower first. "

Jiang Feng and Youyou were also washed quickly.

No need to wash your hair today.

I feel a lot of trouble saved all of a sudden, and there is a kind of lazy happiness.

After taking a shower, the two of them lay down.

Jiang Youyou rubbed Jiang Feng's arm: "Dad, pat Youyou, sleepy." "

Jiang Feng patted her on the back and coaxed her softly: "Sleep, Dad is guarding you." "

"Have a good dream. "

Jiang Youyou's breathing was fast and steady.

Jiang Feng picked up his phone.

Song Jin sent a message: "It's hot, drink more water." "

Song Jin: "Don't work so hard to make money, I'll take care of it with your father." "

Jiang Feng replied, "I know. "

Jiang Feng: "You eat more good food, I'm fine, Youyou is very well-behaved, and Rongshuang is also very good." "

Song Jin: "That's, of course my daughter-in-law is the best." Be good to my daughter-in-law, she wants to say that you bully her, and I will break your rabbit cub's leg. "

She really likes Rongshuang more and more, and spoils her daughter-in-law more and more.

Jiang Feng smiled: "Don't worry, she's my girlfriend." "

Song Jin: "That's okay, you go to bed quickly, you have to get up early tomorrow to open the store." "

Jiang Feng: "Good night, don't play the game too late." "

Song Jin didn't reply, it is estimated that he has already started.

After chatting with Song Jin.

Jiang Feng opened the chat interface with Rong Shuang.

Rong Shuang just sent a message: "I'll take a shower and wait for me." "

Jiang Feng sent her a message: "Was there anything unhappy just now?"

Jiang Feng: "If you have something unhappy, you can tell me, I'm just like you, and I'm willing to listen to you talk about your thoughts." "

Waited a few minutes.

Jiang Feng swiped the video of two unlucky collections of human beings.

Rong Shuang washed up and saw Jiang Feng's news.

She wasn't really too upset, she just felt a little troublesome.

But don't know why.

Seeing the news that Jiang Feng cared about her, she suddenly felt a little aggrieved.

Rong Shuang replied to the message: "It's not a big deal, it's just a little tired." "

Jiang Feng: "Then let's go to bed early?"

Rongshuang: "Okay. "

Rongshuang: "I miss you so much." "

Rongshuang: "I really, really like you. Good night. "

In fact, she also typed a few words.

"I love you the most. "

But she thought about it, and her face was ashamed, so she deleted it.

She dared to say it when she was half-joking, but now she is cowardly.

Jiang Feng replied: "Good night, girlfriend." "

Jiang Feng: "See you tomorrow morning." "

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