Early the next morning.

The three of them got up and washed up and met at the door.

Jiang Feng hugged Jiang Youyou, Rong Shuang put his arm around him, and the three of them went downstairs.

"Dad, I had a dream last night and I dreamed of eating pork ribs. "

In the elevator, Jiang Youyou's head was buried in Jiang Feng's neck and said in a low voice.

Jiang Feng smiled and asked, "Then eat pork ribs?"

"No, I want to eat fish. "

"Then eat fish. "

In the vegetable market, Jiang Feng bought two more fish.

When I got back to the store, it was just half past five.

There are early neighbors who have come here to line up.

"Boss Xiaojiang, it's early. "

"Hurry up, I was hungry last night. "

"It's getting hotter and hotter this day, drink more water, Boss Xiaojiang." "

Jiang Feng smiled and said hello to the neighbors.

In the team, there were two middle-aged men, looking at Jiang Feng with a bit of concern in their eyes.

"Is that him?"

"It's not like a great chef, how old is that? Not more than thirty, right?"

"I'll know when I try it, I want to see why this shop is doing so well. "

These two people, one is called Zhao Zhigang and the other is Yu Qing.

They are the cooks of Hing Wo Lou.

The other day.

They heard that there was a shop that tasted very good, and the steamed fish was a must, and the business was even better.

Then these two people were a little unconvinced, and deliberately came over, planning to taste and pick and choose.

Actually, they came three days ago.

At that time, the two of them were quite arrogant, but if Jiang Feng was not good enough, they all had to find fault with Jiang Feng.

But it lasted three days!

Not to mention eating fish.

I can't even see the fishbones!

It's so hard to arrange!

Will you die if you make two more fish?!

Peers come to find fault, and they can suffocate you!

Today is the third day.

These two people also have a long memory, and they came to line up with the neighbors early.

"It's a good vibe here. "

While waiting.

The two people looked at the neighbors who were playing cards at the door of Jiang Feng's store.

It's very like when they were learning to cook, after work, they played cards and chatted together.

Jiang Feng was in the store and didn't know that there were peers outside.

Even if he knew, he didn't care.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang washed the dishes.

Jiang Feng boiled the porridge, adjusted the meat filling, and soaked it with peanuts.

Get ready.

The fish is also steamed.

"Rongshuang, the fish is ready, let's bring it over. "


Jiang Feng brought 10 steamed buns and 3 bowls of eight-treasure porridge.

The three of them sat down together and began to eat.

Had breakfast.

The two of them came up and hugged Jiang Feng before going to the garden.

Wait until 7 o'clock.

Jiang Feng opened his doors.

Zhao Zhigang and Yu Qing tiptoed to look at Jiang Feng, who was making buns, and their expressions changed a little.

"I seem to have some skills. "

"It's a very good technique, it does look like I've learned it for a few years. "

Before the two of them, they couldn't get the steamed fish in line, so they left directly.

Today is the first day to see Jiang Feng's craftsmanship.

Just take a look.

The two of them knew that Jiang Feng's level was higher than they had imagined before.

In front of the two of them, there are only 5 neighborhoods in total.

Soon the two of them were lined up.

"Boss, a steamed fish, 10 beef buns, 2 bowls of mung bean paste. "

Jiang Feng put the buns on the plate, filled the porridge, put it on the counter, and said, "You have to wait a while for the fish, you two eat first." "


Jiang Feng took out a pickled fish, put it on a plate, and put it on the steamer.

The two of them glanced at Jiang Feng's pickled fish, but they didn't see anything about it.

After sitting down.

Yu Qing said: "The ingredients for the pickled fish are all right, but there is nothing special. "

Zhao Zhigang whispered: "This neighbor probably hasn't eaten delicious steamed fish, so they think this fish is delicious." "

"I don't think we're doing any worse than him. "

"Possibly. Yu Qing nodded approvingly.

"Let's eat a bun first. "

Zhao Zhigang and Yu Qing looked at Jiang Feng with their eyes, and took a bun casually, ready to fill their stomachs.

Take a bite down.

Both of them were stunned for a moment, and looked back at the bun in their hands.

The dough is soft and soft.

The minced meat is steaming with the soup.

"This ...... It's kind of delicious. Yu Qing was a little puzzled and took another bite.

Zhao Zhigang also followed and took another bite.

This bite is finished.

The two of them didn't speak, and directly dried up the buns in their hands.

Eat in a hurry.

They choked a little, picked up the mung bean paste next to them, and took a sip.

"This mung bean paste is also a little interesting. "

"It's not just a little interesting, this sugar is really good, the amount of tangerine peel is also in place, and the glutinous rice is also good. "

The two of them are connoisseurs.

When boiling porridge, when to put sugar and how much to put it, are all particular.

It's early, and the sugar is bitter.

If you put it late, the sweetness can't be soaked in the rice, the soup is sweet, the rice is light, and the taste is almost meaningless.

This bowl of mung bean paste.

Even if the two of them deliberately find fault, they can't find it!

Yu Qing looked at Jiang Feng's eyes again, and he was already a little more impressed.

Don't worry about how Jiang Feng's fish is steamed.

This bun and mung bean paste are really well done, and you can see the level!

It didn't take three minutes.

They ate all 10 buns.

It's not enough.

Didn't eat enough!

Yu Qing was a little regretful: "You should buy more." "

Zhao Zhigang also nodded: "At noon, we have taken a few days off." "

They've forgotten that they're here to find fault.

Eat and eat and become a mature guest.

In fact, Jiang Feng has quietly come to the store these days.

It's all about the same as them.

Now I come to eat every once in a while, not only did I not find fault, but I also sent money to Jiang Feng every day!

I have to queue up to send it to Jiang Feng!

It's too late to deliver!

"Two, the fish is ready. "

The two of them rested for a moment.

Jiang Feng greeted.

Yu Qing glanced at her watch: "Almost." "

Jiang Feng's time to steam fish, at least he can't make a mistake.

However, the size of the fish and the condition of the meat will affect the final result of steaming.

They weren't sure how good the fish was.

Zhao Zhigang arrived at the counter and brought the fish over.

Put the fish in front of you.

The expressions of the two people were more solemn.

"This seems to be a good grasp of the heat. "

"Definitely. "

Yu Qing moved his chopsticks first and tasted it.

The fish is sandwiched and cooked, but it is not white, and it still has a bit of a crystal feeling.

After the entrance, I tasted it.

When Yu Qing looked at Jiang Feng again, there was only admiration left in his eyes.

The steaming is so good!

Can't fault it!

Zhao Zhigang finished eating, and he was also shocked: "Old Yu, this ......"

Yu Qing said: "What's even more powerful about Boss Jiang is that he is wrapping buns on one side and steaming fish on the other, and he can also steam this heat." "

"I can't compare, I will die of old age, and I can't be at the level of 20% of him. "

Zhao Zhigang was a little frustrated and took another bite of fish.

In addition to sadness, there is some happiness.

It's so delicious!

Why can't they steam this taste?!

Yu Qing stared at Jiang Feng for a while, and said to Zhao Zhigang, "Let's apprentice." "


"Learn from Jiang Feng, I will obey him. "

Serve Jiang Feng's craftsmanship, and also serve Jiang Feng without increasing prices.

When you get along with the neighbors, you can see the character.

Zhao Zhigang thought about it and nodded in agreement: "Okay." "

After the two finished eating the fish, they arrived at the door of the store and waited.

8:15 a.m.

Jiang Feng's things were sold out.

Yu Qing and Zhao Zhigang just returned to the store.

"I'm sorry, two, it's sold out. Jiang Feng said politely.

Yu Qing said: "Boss Jiang, we don't buy things, we want to apprentice." "

Jiang Feng was a little surprised: "Apprentice?"

"Yes, the two of us originally wanted to pick on the thorns, but what you did was really powerful, and the two of us were convinced. "

"If you want, the two of us will give you two years of apprenticeship, and you will teach us how to steam fish. "

A few neighbors in the store who were still eating, while looking at the two of them, continued to eat calmly.

Boss Xiaojiang's cooking is so delicious.

It's normal for someone to want to apprentice.

Jiang Feng shook his head and refused: "I'm sorry, I don't accept apprentices." "

It's too troublesome to bring an apprentice.

Huohou can't teach this kind of thing just by talking, so they have to keep doing it.

Use your body and senses to remember the state of the fish and consider how long the fish should be steamed.

You have to do it hundreds of times before you can learn it.

Yu Qing said: "You just teach us how to steam, can we figure it out ourselves?"

Yu Qing: "Don't delay your time." "

Jiang Feng thought for a while, and suddenly said, "How long have you two been learning to cook?"

"My name is Yu Qing, seventeen years, this is Zhao Zhigang, thirteen years. "

"Both of us started learning at the age of fourteen, I was thirty-one and he was twenty-seven. "

Jiang Feng said, "Have you ever opened a store?"

"Huh?" Yu Qing was stunned for a moment and shook his head, "No, we are all chefs in the back kitchen." "

Jiang Feng said: "I can give you the formula and give you some experience. "


Jiang Feng leaned forward and lowered his voice a little.

Yu Qing and Zhao Zhigang hurriedly bowed down, and their ears came over.

This is already the attitude towards Master.

"I want to open a branch to make self-pickup fast food, selling steamed buns, stir-fried vegetables, steamed fish, all of them. "

"You fry a dish for me, if you can do it, I will teach you, you go to work in my new store, and the salary will be paid normally. "

Jiang Feng's deposit has exceeded 500,000.

The points are nearly 800,000.

The new store will open soon.

These two people, willing to come over to taste the fish he made, and can also take the initiative to apprentice, that should be more attentive to cooking.

Be attentive and not afraid of trouble.

What Jiang Feng needs is this kind of person.

"How much do you pay us?"

"I won't tell you anything, I have to raise a child and rent a house, it's too little to get by......"

Jiang Feng said: "The probationary period is three months, and I will open you 12,000 yuan, and at the end of the probationary period, it will rise to 22,000 yuan, with five insurances and one housing fund." "

"The salary is raised every six months, and the increase is determined according to the sales in the store. "

"I just have one request, the food should be fresh, you arrange people, buy it three times a day. "

If the two of them are good at cooking, they can basically maintain the key steps of stir-frying, adjusting the filling and mixing noodles in the whole kitchen.

Others, such as chopping vegetables and making buns, can be handed over to newcomers with a lower level.

The cost of employment is about 60,000 yuan a month.

Yu Qing and Zhao Zhigang agreed: "Okay!"

Now their salary is 25,000 yuan.

It is a little higher than the official salary offered by Jiang Feng.


Jiang Feng's craft is worth learning from their self-lowering salary!

"Let's fry each other, will Whampoa eggs?"

"Yes. "

"Go ahead. "

The two of them went into the kitchen and scrambled a Whampoa egg.

Jiang Feng tasted it.

"Master Yu, it's a little old, fry it for 2 seconds less. "

"Master Zhao is the same, the heat is a little worse, just fry it for 4 seconds less. "

"Try again. "

Jiang Feng asked the two of them to try again according to the feeling he gave.

This is also a test of how well the two of them understand this kind of oral teaching.

Someone is smart, a little bit will.

Some people can't do it, they have to practice slowly.

Yu Qing's expression was serious, and when he felt that it was still a little better, he put away the heat and took out the pot.

Zhao Zhigang is the same, try to make the heat as small as possible.

After it is fried.

Both of them were a little excited.

It's really better than just now!

"Master, you are too powerful!" Yu Qing was really convinced, Jiang Feng, who was two years younger than him, was full of respect.

Zhao Zhigang also admired it.

There are chefs who do well on their own, but don't teach.

can be like Jiang Feng, who can accurately say a few seconds of business trip, he is really a master of craftsmanship to the extreme!

Taste it and know where the fire is going!

Jiang Feng was also quite satisfied with them: "You two have a good understanding. "

"In this way, my store will have to prepare for a few more days, you leave your mobile phone number and take a picture of my ID card. "

"I'll make you a fish and teach you once. When the store is ready, you two will come over again, and don't rush to resign. "

Yu Qing hurriedly said, "I'll come to your store to help, Master." "

Zhao Zhigang also nodded hurriedly: "Yes, Master, we are not apprentices either, come and help you for a while." "

There are also two types of cooking.

Go to school to learn, or find a master to teach.

Learning in school, that's nothing, graduation is considered graduation.

But if you ask the master to bring it, you have to cut the dish yard for a year or two before you can learn to take charge of the stove.


During the New Year's holidays, the apprentice has to come to see the apprentice.

It's a craft to make a living!

If you eat with this thing, you have to think of Master's goodness.

Especially the master who teaches the real skills.

Be honored.

Yu Qing and Zhao Zhigang, more than ten years ago, both suffered in the back kitchen, were ostracized, and the master refused to teach the real skills.

In those days, videos were not popular and no one taught.

They groped for themselves and learned some skills, and came out on their own to slowly break through.

Jiang Feng didn't ask for anything, nor did he ask for money.

Let them come to work and pay them their salaries.

They were impressed.

I haven't known each other for long.

But they really treated Jiang Feng as a master.

The two of them wanted to do some work for Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng smiled: "No need to be like this, there are no such big rules, you are studious, I need you to open a store for me, you don't owe me." "

Yu Qing said seriously: "You are not obliged to teach us, but you did." "

"Craft learning in your hands, that's your own thing, and you work everywhere. You do the work, you give the money. The kindness of this craft has to be counted separately. "

Money for money.

Affection is affection.

Zhao Zhigang also nodded again and again.

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "In my shop, I'm busy by myself, as well as my girlfriend and children, so don't join in the fun." "

"So, mop the floor, clean up, and go grocery shopping with me. "


Yu Qing and Zhao Zhigang hurriedly rushed to work.

Pack up.

The three of them went to the vegetable market.

Jiang Feng bought 5 more fish.

"Fish should be picked fresh, this is the foundation, the best is this kind of killing, about 1 catty and 1 tael. "

"No matter how big it is, it will be more difficult to grasp the heat. If you chew it in your mouth, the taste is not plump enough. "

"You pick, just pick this kind of thing. "

"You have to boil the soy sauce yourself, and I'll give you the recipe later. "

"As long as the dishes are picked normally, as long as they are fresh, you can't be afraid of trouble. "

Jiang Feng didn't hide his secrets either.

The experience of the teaching is taught.

Jiang Feng's own craftsmanship is absolutely confident, even if they study hard, it is impossible for them to catch up with Jiang Feng's level.

can only do better than what they did before.

Ran out of fish.

The three of them went back to the store.

The two of them each pickled fish, steamed one, and brought it to Jiang Feng with some excitement.

"Master, you can taste it. "

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