Less than 6 minutes.

Tang Hemei arrived at the store.

"I'm coming!"

"Wow, Brother Jiang, your store is good, it's so clean. "

"The decoration style is also good, very tasteful. "

Rong Shuang said: "I'm waiting for you, come on." "

Tang Hemei glanced at the dining table, and his eyes lit up: "Come on, come on, dry rice!"

"I'm hungry!"

The four of them had dinner together.

Jiang Feng was already preparing a meal for Tang Hemei, and the four of them ate together, but they still held on.

"Brother Jiang, why do you cook so deliciously every time? I have made tomato and egg noodles three times, and the taste is different each time. "

Jiang Feng smiled: "Rely on experience." "

"You're probably a genius. "

Rong Shuang looked at Tang Hemei and said, "You can take a taxi back?" "

"Can I come with you? I'll be fine anyway, I'll follow you to eat. Tang Hemei said.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng smiled: "Okay, if you want to follow, let's go together, there are so many people." "


Jiang Youyou also likes a lot of people.

Put away the dishes and chopsticks.

Throw away the garbage in the store.

After confirming that the water, electricity and natural gas were turned off, Jiang Feng closed the store and walked to the parking lot.

The weather is getting hotter.

Uncles and aunts who are reluctant to turn on the air conditioner come out every day.

"Boss Xiaojiang, the store is closed, go home early to rest. "

"Do you have ribs tomorrow? I'm already hungry, the ribs you make are really delicious." "

"Here, eat two pineapples. "

"It's just right, Boss Xiaojiang, eat some bayberry, this thing is appetizing, it's just right to eat it on a hot day. "

"The white cherries from Changchun, just ripe, we are rare here, I wanted to send you some, I just happened to meet it, give. "

Tang Hemei followed behind Jiang Feng, and the expression on his face gradually became sluggish.

Jiang Feng's popularity is too good, right?!


Arrived at the parking lot.

All four of them were holding a piece of pineapple with a skewer in their hands, as well as a bag of bayberry, two catties of red Fuji apples, and one catty of white cherries.

"The neighbors are too welcoming. Tang Hemei took a bite of the pineapple and sighed.

Rong Shuang's good-looking face was a little proud: "Of course, my boyfriend everyone likes it." "

Tang Hemei sighed twice: "Indeed, you are handsome and have a good character, no wonder you have become a little fan girl." "


Everything was moved to the car.

Jiang Youyou stretched his waist and said comfortably: "Dad, it's really happy to have a car, it's so cool." "

Rong Shuang rubbed Jiang Feng's right hand: "Are you really not tired? "

Jiang Feng smiled: "It's okay, let's go." "

He led the way and drove off.

The sun is gradually setting.

There was a song of Dong Chou's rice fragrance in the car.

The four of them were in no hurry to do anything, and drove slowly, looking at the night outside the window, the street lamps on the side of the street, and the vehicles coming and going, very comfortable.

The road was a bit congested and it took 35 minutes to get to the vicinity of the store.

Jiang Feng found a temporary parking place at the intersection.

The four of them got out of the car, walked dozens of steps, and saw Xu Liren and his wife: "Boss Jiang!"

Jiang Feng stepped forward and said with a smile, "Brother Xu, thank you so much this time." "

"Here, take this bit of food. "

Xu Liren took the lunch bag, and the corners of his mouth were almost laughing to the root of his ears: "Let's not say those polite words." "

"Let's see, I'll go home and eat when it's done." "

Xu Liren's wife took the meal bag and swallowed her saliva, obviously hungry.

"Let's go. "

Xu Liren took Jiang Feng and the four of them into the store.

A middle-aged man stood in the shop, with a bald head and a reflection of the light on the top of his head.

"Lawyer Xu, this is the true spirit of the buyer you are talking about, his wife and children are also beautiful, and his sister is also ...... It's quite iconic. "

Jiang Feng and Xu Liren tacitly did not explain.

Anyway, it's just a one-time meeting, and it's not enough trouble to explain too much.

Xu Liren said with a smile: "This is Jiang Feng, this is our teacher's favorite young man, and he is also my good friend, can it be cheaper?"

"The price is actually not low. "

"In this way, if we can negotiate today, I will be cheaper by 20,000 yuan, okay?"

Jiang Feng nodded: "Can I just take a look?"

"Yes, please. "

There's nothing to see in the front hall.

It can accommodate about 60 guests at the same time, and the self-pickup counter and dinner plate look fine.

Jiang Feng entered the back kitchen, and all kinds of equipment were complete.

10 layers of steaming drawers, 4 fire vents, constant temperature refrigerators, raw and cooked areas are separated, and the garbage area is separated in the corner.

Except that the store has been open for a bit long and the tiles and hood are a little stained, there is almost nothing wrong.

There are a lot of pedestrians coming and going in front of the store.

Open the food delivery app.

There are three steamed buns nearby, and the prices are not low, and the ratings are all below 4.6 points.

Not bad.

Jiang Feng was very decisive and said to Xu Liren: "This place can be rented, how long will it take for the formalities to be completed?"

Xu Liren said: "The industrial and commercial procedures of self-employed people cannot be traded, and they can only be re-applied. "

"But there is no problem with fire protection and sanitation in this store, I have classmates in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, look for it, and strive to do it for you within three days." "

"Are you free?"

Jiang Feng shook his head: "Time is relatively tight. "

Xu Liren said with a smile: "It's okay, the industrial and commercial license can be handled on behalf of the agent, you get a copy of your ID card and sign it." "

"Sign an entrustment agreement with me, and I will arrange someone to do it for you, so you don't have to run. "

"By the way, there has to be a person in charge of the store, and you have to give me a copy of his ID card and health certificate. "

There is no system to help.

It's quite troublesome to run the business procedures by yourself.


Xu Liren can handle the whole process.

Jiang Feng said: "Okay, let's find a place nearby to print, hurry up." "

"How much?"

Xu Liren smiled: "Don't need money, this is not difficult to do, just find a trainee lawyer to get it." "

"It's not suitable, you have to give a little, every time Uncle Jiang comes to eat, he has to give money. "

Jiang Feng insisted on giving.

Xu Liren said: "Then give 2,000 yuan." "

"Is it too little?"

"Quite a bit, just wrap a red envelope for the intern. "

Jiang Feng directly transferred money to Xu Liren: "Come to the store to eat at any time if you have time, I'll make you something else if you don't have buns." "

Xu Liren's heart was also very hot.

He really didn't want to reciprocate for helping Jiang Feng, he just felt that Jiang Feng was worth helping!

Jiang Feng was really good to his teacher, and he didn't pick it.

But Jiang Feng remembered him well, Xu Liren was of course more comfortable in his heart, and he said with a smile: "Okay, this is great." "

"In the future, if you have any industrial and commercial audits in your store, as well as tax issues, you will come to me. "

"Okay. "

After the negotiation is settled.

Xu Liren took Jiang Feng, found the boss, and talked.

The final price is 675,000 yuan.

Xu Liren pressed another 5,000 yuan.


Jiang Feng also got the right of first refusal to renew the lease.

It's also important.

With this clause, you don't have to worry about the landlord seeing that the business in the store is good and taking the store away.

After the negotiation is settled.

The contract was signed on the spot.

Jiang Feng paid 200,000 yuan in advance.

The remaining 475,000 yuan will be paid within 3 days.

In fact, the bank transfer can be completed on the same day.

But Jiang Feng didn't want to make a special trip, and it would be easier to pay in batches.

"It was a pleasure to work with. The middle-aged boss shook hands with Jiang Feng, glanced at his shop a little reluctantly, and left.

Jiang Feng printed a power of attorney and a copy of his ID card in a cigarette shop in the community.

Sign it.

Xu Liren said: "Okay, I'll find someone to check it tomorrow, if it's fast, I can approve it tomorrow." "

"Okay, let's go first. "

Jiang Feng took the three of them back to the car.

"Dad, do we have a second store?!" Jiang Youyou was a little excited.

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "Strictly speaking, these two stores are not ours, if you want to buy them, it will take a while." "

Jiang Youyou was not in a hurry: "Dad, you are the best, you will definitely be able to buy it." "

Jiang Feng started the car and said, "If the business of the new store is good, it will be faster." "

"Yes, I hope business in the store will be good. "

Rong Shuang stretched out his hand and touched Jiang Feng's head: "Don't be stressed, I can raise you and Youyou." "

Tang Hemei sighed twice: "There is also a single dog, don't feed it, it's going to die." "

Several people laughed.

When I went back, it was not so blocked.

8:10 a.m.

The elevator opens.

It's home.

Jiang Youyou hurriedly stepped forward and pressed his fingerprints.

She especially likes the feeling of the door being opened after her fingerprints are pressed.

Tang Hemei said: "Then I'll go back first." "

"I'll bring you fruit. Rong Shuang said.

Jiang Feng also looked at Tang Hemei: "Thank you." "

"Thanks for what?"

"The money thing, the 200,000 yuan is your and Rong Shuang's money, I will pay it back as soon as possible. "

Tang Hemei waved his hand: "It's all small money." "

"I'll tell you a little bit of trivia, your girlfriend is a super lady. "

"She was also the president. "

"Alright, you can go back quickly. Rong Shuang hurriedly interrupted Tang Hemei.

She didn't want to tell Jiang Feng about this yet!

Jiang Youyou was shocked.

Jiang Feng looked at Rong Shuang, a little surprised.

Tang Hemei said: "Sooner or later, he will have to know, okay, I will go back." "

After speaking.

Tang Hemei entered the house.

"Let's go, go inside. Jiang Feng opened his mouth and entered the house.

Turn the air conditioner on.

The heat in the house gradually dissipated.

Jiang Youyou looked at Rong Shuang and asked in a low voice, "Is the president that Sister Tang said the kind of president who is very rich on TV?"

Rong Shuang said softly: "No, it's just an ordinary kind." "

Jiang Youyou asked a little nervously, "Then...... Mom, if you go back to be the president in the future and you are very rich, will you still like Yoyo?"

Suddenly knew that Rong Shuang was very rich.

Jiang Youyou was a little nervous.

Will Mom leave her and Dad dead?

Rong Shuang sat next to her and hugged her into her arms: "Mom will always like you." "

"You think, I used to be the president, but now I live now, so, my mother likes your father more than the president, and you. "

Jiang Youyou was relieved, and a smile appeared on his little face again: "Mom, hug!"

"Don't leave Dad, he's already had a hard time, okay?"

Jiang Youyou's biggest worry is that Jiang Feng will be abandoned.

She felt sorry for her father.

Rong Shuang's tone was gentle: "No, I won't leave him, unless he doesn't want me anymore." "

Jiang Feng washed the cherries, walked over, and said with a smile: "Mr. Rong, eat some fruit." "

Rong Shuangqiao blushed a little: "Don't tease me!"

Jiang Feng smiled, picked up Jiang Youyou, and sat beside her.

"I know your family background is not ordinary, but you seem to be more powerful than I thought. "

"Can you tell me now what your family does?"

Rong Shuang bit her lip, put her two hands on Jiang Feng's arm and shook it, a little pitiful.

"Can you wait a while?"

Jiang Feng smiled: "Of course." "

Rong Shuang was a little surprised: "Do you hate me?"

"Because I won't say, you think I'm hiding it from you?"

Jiang Feng let her go so easily, which made her a little flustered.

The husband is like this.

Because I like it so much, it's easy to think about it.

Jiang Feng shook his head: "I didn't hate you." "

"If you don't say it, there must be your reasons, and I'm not particularly curious, it's just that if I want to see your father, I have to be a little mentally prepared. "

Rong Shuang was a little stunned and asked, "Are you thinking about seeing my father?"

"Of course. "

Rong Shuang's heart was a little sweet, and a little aggrieved.

She was still thinking about how to tell Jiang Feng about her father's desire to see Jiang Feng.


Jiang Feng had been thinking about this matter all along.

She grabbed Jiang Feng's arm and threw herself into Jiang Feng's arms.

"You're the best. "

She whispered.

Jiang Youyou hugged Rong Shuang and Jiang Feng in the middle, poked his head out, and gasped for breath, but he didn't dodge.

She likes to hold her in the middle.

Jiang Feng patted Rong Shuang's back: "What's wrong?"

Rong Shuang said softly: "Actually, my dad contacted me, and I told him that I have a boyfriend and he wants to see you." "

"I never knew what to tell you. "

"My dad...... It's hard to talk, it's very cold and hard-tempered, it rarely says thank you, and it doesn't like to eat delicious food. "

Jiang Feng laughed: "Are you afraid that he will scold me?"

"Well......" she was a little sad, "I'm afraid you'll be unhappy if you're scolded, and then you don't want me anymore." "

Jiang Feng stretched out his hand and flicked Rong Shuang's head.


"Will you not want me because my parents are not good to you?" Jiang Feng asked.

"My mother-in-law and uncle were so nice to me. "

"Suppose. "

"Won't ......"

"Me too. Jiang Feng said, "You are my girlfriend, this can only be regarded as a trivial matter." "

"When will you see you?"

Rong Shuang lay on Jiang Feng's shoulder, and her voice was soft: "When I'm ready, is it okay?"

She wasn't sure what Rong Lijun would do to Jiang Feng.

So she still wanted to delay a little longer.

But it shouldn't be two months.

When she is mentally prepared, she will take Jiang Feng to see Rong Lijun!

"Okay, you can tell me when you're ready. "

"Jiang Feng. "


"It's good to have you. As long as I am with you, all the problems are not problems. "

Jiang Youyou poked his little head and asked, "What about me?"

"With your father, I can always be with you. "

"Hey, yes. "

Jiang Feng smiled: "I was unhappy yesterday, also because of this incident?"

"Hmm. "

"Stupid or not. Jiang Feng shook his head.

Rong Shuang didn't speak, and rubbed Jiang Feng's neck.

My boyfriend smells so good.

A few seconds passed.

Rongshuang let go of her hand: "I'll go back to take a bath, and you and Youyou will go to bed early." "

"If there is any trouble that you can't solve conveniently, then put it off until the weekend, and I'll help you do it. "

"Okay. "

Rongshuang took some cherries and went back to take a shower.

Tang Hemei was in the house, and took the time to come out and ask, "What did your boyfriend say?"

"When I told him about my dad wanting to see him, he said yes. "

"Wow, Brother Jiang is also too good, so reliable. Tang Hemei sighed with emotion.

"Of course, he's the best. Rong Shuang smiled happily.

"Okay, I'm going to the liver game, so I won't tell you. "

"Go ahead. "

Rong Shuang went back to the room and saw the parent-child outfit on the chair, showing a hint of a smile.

She took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Jiang Feng: "When I see your clothes and smell very similar to you, I will think of you, and then I am very happy." "

"I'll be happy to see you, and I'll be especially sad to be separated. I'm looking forward to everything related to you. "

"You may think it's a bit sudden, but I have something to tell you. "

"Jiang Feng, I don't like you very much, I love you very much. "

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