
Say it!

She tossed her phone aside and hid her face with the quilt, feeling like her heart was going to jump out.

A minute passed.

Her heart beat a little slower before she picked up her phone and glanced at it.

Jiang Feng had already replied to the message: "I don't feel sudden. "

"I like you very much, but I feel like it's too short for me to say I love you. "

Rong Shuang had a sweet smile on her face.

The boyfriend who explained seriously is so cute.

Rong Shuang replied: "It's okay, just take your time." "

Rong Shuang: "Are you sleepy? Go to bed early? It's been an extra hour of driving, and it's hard for you." "

She didn't need Jiang Feng to love her as much as she loved Jiang Feng.

As long as Jiang Feng likes her, it's very good.

Jiang Feng: "You can wait a little longer, it doesn't seem to be so sleepy." "

Jiang Feng: "What do you usually like?"

Rong Shuang: "You." "

Jiang Feng: "Except for me." "

Rong Shuang: "Yoyo." "

Jiang Feng: "I want to ask, the kind of thing that can be bought, if I buy it for you, you will be happy." "

Rong Shuang pursed her lips, with a little smile on her beautiful face: "Do you want to give me something?"

Jiang Feng: "Well, thank you for lending me the money, otherwise I would have to ask my mother for it, she must be very worried." "

Song Jin will definitely give the money to Jiang Feng.

But there is a high probability that you will not sleep well for several days.

Rong Shuang: "Fool, thank you, that's my mother-in-law, and I don't want her to worry." "

Rong Shuang: "My money is all your money." "

She even put her heart in Jiang Feng's hands.

That's what the money is.

Jiang Feng: "Even if it's not for thanks, I want to ask." "

Rong Shuang happily replied: "I like everything you bought." The kind of gift chosen by a straight man on a certain treasure, as long as it is given by you, I like it too. "

Jiang Feng couldn't cry or laugh: "Forget that ugly thing." "

Rong Shuang: "That's good, just make me something to eat, I want to eat glutinous rice chicken, you can make it for me." "

Rong Shuang: "If there is anything else delicious, it will be even better." "

She actually likes new clothes.

However, Jiang Feng finished the store, and he didn't have much money in his hand, so save some money.

He also didn't have time to pick out clothes.

So she didn't mention it at all.

She just bought it.

In the future, she also bought Jiang Feng and Jiang Youyou's clothes together.

Jiang Feng: "Okay, tomorrow morning." "

Rongshuang: "Okay, let's sleep." "

Rong Shuang: "I have to work tomorrow, be obedient and obedient." "

Jiang Feng was also a little sleepy, and replied, "Okay, good night." "

Rong Shuang: "Good night, boyfriend." "

Rong Shuang: "I love you." "

After reading Rongshuang's news.

Jiang Feng was going to put down his phone and sleep.

A text message, sent.

"You should have blocked my mobile phone number again? I can transfer tens of thousands of yuan every day for the past two days, and the mortgage is about to come down, you should still earn more than 20,000 yuan a day, right?"

Xu Na's shop, business is still okay in the past two days.

There is no significant increase in turnover, but it is also profitable.

But she still regretted it.

Just the two formulas given by Jiang Feng can already earn so much money, if you don't get divorced, it would be great.

But thinking of Jiang Feng's resolute attitude, regret turned into disgust.

She sent Jiang Feng a lot of messages, saying how much money she made in the store, but Jiang Feng never replied.

This is a text message she sent to Jiang Feng with Xu Xiuli's mobile phone.

Jiang Feng's face remained unchanged, and he blacked out this mobile phone number again.

Occasionally seeing one or two of Xu Na's text messages, it is much better than looking at the prestige messages she sent every day before, and I can't delete her.

Block and you're done.

Go to bed.

His right hand was held by Jiang Youyou, and Jiang Feng lay flat and fell asleep.

The next morning, the three of them got up at the same time, washed up, and went out to gather.

The two of them slept all the way to the vegetable market.

As always.

The bosses still packed up the things Jiang Feng needed in advance, and the quality was the best.

However, Jiang Feng would still check what he bought.

I bought something good and went back to the store.

Jiang Feng first transferred 200,000 yuan to the middle-aged boss.

Hurry up and transfer the money, Jiang Feng won't worry about this matter.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou began to wash vegetables.

Jiang Feng cooked porridge and bean paste, washed the peanuts, and boiled them in the pot.

I bought a little more peanuts today, 15 catties.

Originally, I was going to do it occasionally, but the neighbors liked it and did it every day.

"Dad. "


"I had a dream last night that someone was going to steal you. "

Jiang Feng smiled and asked, "Did you steal it?"

Jiang Youyou smiled: "No, Youyou beat the bad guys away, and I want my mother to help me." "

Rong Shuang also laughed: "Am I there too?"

"Of course, our family has to be together all the time, and it's the same in dreams. "

Outside the store, it was getting dark, and the neighborhood had already set up a card table.

In the store, Jiang Feng looked at Youyou and Rongshuang, doing familiar work, as if time had temporarily stopped on this street.

Jiang Feng liked this feeling.

The two of them finished washing the dishes and sat down next to them and looked at Conan.

Taking advantage of the morning time, they want to make up for the two episodes they didn't have time to watch yesterday.

6:20 a.m.

The card table at the entrance of the store became three, and the onlookers knocked melon seeds and watched the card game.

Jiang Feng could occasionally hear a burst of laughter from the uncles and aunts, who should have played the wrong card or set off the cannon.

Turn on the steamer.

Jiang Feng took two lotus leaves and put them on the table.

"It's breakfast. "

They put their mobile phones on the table and looked at Jiang Feng expectantly, like cats waiting to be fed.

Jiang Feng put the porridge and a fried broccoli on the table.

Rong Shuang then made a move and opened the lotus leaf.

The heat rises.

The aroma of rice and meat, mixed with the aroma of oil after stir-frying and steaming, spreads instantly.

"Wow, Dad, you're so good, you do so well every time. Jiang Youyou's saliva was about to flow out.

Rong Shuang divided the rice into three plates.

Jiang Feng still has the most chicken on his plate.

Jiang Youyou also picked two pieces of chicken and put them on Jiang Feng's plate.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou glanced at each other and laughed tacitly.

A good day starts with spoiling your dad.

Had breakfast.

Jiang Feng put away the dishes and chopsticks and continued to work.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou sat next to them, a little unhappy.

"Daddy, your little cutie is leaving again, woo. "

"Your girlfriend is going with you too. "

No matter how many times she was separated from Jiang Feng, Rong Shuang felt that she couldn't adapt to it.

Even if it's only for half a day, she's still sad.

Jiang Feng smiled: "Tomorrow will be Friday, hold on tomorrow, and you will be able to stay in the store all day." "

"Oh well. "

Rested for a few minutes.

The two of them stood up.

"Dad, we're going, Yoyo loves you. "

Rong Shuang's face flushed: "I love you too." "

The two of them came over and kissed Jiang Feng's cheek, exchanged hearts, and then left the store.

7 points.

Jiang Feng opened a store for business.

The guests rushed in!

"I want two steamed fish, 1 bowl of seafood porridge, 3 pork and green onion buns. Today I can be regarded as in front of Lao He!"

"Bring me 10 beef buns and 1 bowl of mung bean paste!"

"Morning, Boss Xiaojiang, two steamed fish, 2 bowls of eight-treasure porridge, and 4 zucchini egg buns. "

Business is still good today.

The number of guests is also getting more and more in line.

Especially some guests who came from afar, it was already a little late, but they were not very willing to give up, so they could only line up.

The customers in Jiang Feng's shop have already lined up at the door of a sushi shop.

In front of the Fuji bun door, the tail of the team can no longer be seen.

Sushi restaurant owners are extremely envious.

The employees and bosses of Fu Ji Bun are already Buddha.

Never mind.

The gods opened a store like this.

They mortals can't be jealous.

8:20 a.m.

The business in the store is done.

Some of the guests who have only been here once or twice have a bit of a broken mentality.

"Wow, I've been queuing for two days, and I just want to eat a bun, is it so difficult?"

"This shop is too hot, can you knock the boss unconscious and take it away? "

"It's too difficult to get in line, and when you get here at half past six, you can't get in line?"

The old customers casually persuaded a few words.

"Take your time, queue a few more times and get used to it. "

"Next time it's five o'clock, let's play cards together. "

"Boss Xiaojiang's shop is like this, it's so delicious, there's no way, the neighbors who live nearby are too good at grabbing. "

The guests gradually dispersed.

The guest who hasn't been in line for two days is not going to leave.

Just stay in the car, and when there is someone, he will come over and start the row immediately!

Roll these neighbors to death!

The customers who were still eating in the store looked at the customers who didn't buy it, and their hearts were a little dark.

"These last few buns are delicious. "

"Definitely. "

"It's delicious, I feel like the last meal I bought is even more delicious!"

Jiang Feng cleaned the kitchen utensils and listened to their chat, with a little smile on his face.

It's like listening to cross talk.


The last batch of guests also finished eating.

"I've put it away for you, Boss Xiaojiang. "

"Will you take the garbage bag out with you?"

"I'm fine anyway, I took the poison in your store?"

They put the bowls and plates on the counter, so as not to make another trip to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "No, I'll just clean it up later." "

"Alright then, let's go first. "

"Come back at noon, I'll come over and drink mung bean paste later, and have a bowl at noon, it's really comfortable. "

"Okay, everybody, walk slowly. "

The last guests left.

Jiang Feng also cleaned the kitchen utensils almost.

After mopping the floor, the tables and chairs were disinfected.

Jiang Feng picked up his phone and looked at it.

There is a message from Rong Shuang.

Rong Shuang: "We've arrived, ready to clean up the class." "

Rong Shuang: "[Picture]"

Rong Shuang: "Don't be too tired, we will feel sorry for you." "

Rong Shuang: "I love you the most, mua!"

She also sent Jiang Feng a photo with Youyou.

Jiang Feng replied, "Okay, it won't be too tired." "

Jiang Feng: "I'll cook something for you when you come back in the evening." "

Jiang Feng: "I like you very much. "

Finish the message.

Jiang Feng put down his phone and prepared to buy the materials for noon.

At noon, Jiang Feng planned to make some glutinous rice chicken to sell.

The rice has been soaked, and a total of 40 servings can be made.


The phone vibrated a little.

Xu Liren sent a message: "The people who checked the health have passed, and it is going well." "

Xu Liren: "If you're lucky, maybe your license will come down tomorrow." "

Jiang Feng was very surprised: "This is too fast. "

Xu Liren: "To do something for you, of course you have to hurry." "

Xu Liren: "The person in charge will write Yu Qing, no problem, right?"

Jiang Feng replied: "Yes, just write him." "

Yesterday, Jiang Feng had already discussed it with Yu Qing.

Yu Qing is the store manager.

At the same time, he is responsible for the overall work of the kitchen.

Yu Qing was a little excited: "Master looks up to me, I promise to do a good job." "

He had already gone to Xu Liren this morning and sent all the materials he needed.

Xu Liren: "[OK]"

Xu Liren: "You are busy, I will inform you in time if there is any news." "

Jiang Feng: "Make glutinous rice chicken at noon, do you want to eat two servings?"

Xu Liren: "Go!"

After chatting with Xu Liren.

Yu Qing's message also came: "Master, I just sent the materials. "

Jiang Feng replied: "Lawyer Xu has already told me, thank you for your hard work." "

Yu Qing: "What is this called? What do you want me to do, just say it." "

Yu Qing: "By the way, I have also found all the other manpower we need in our store." "

Yu Qing: "The cleaning and waiters, a total of 5 people, were all introduced by friends. "

Yu Qing: "The three buns in the back kitchen are all former primary school apprentices, can you see it?"

Jiang Feng also handed over the task of recruiting people to Yu Qing.

It's completely free-range management.

However, there is surveillance in the store.

Whether the raw materials are fresh or not, Jiang Feng can check at any time.

Jiang Feng replied: "No problem, you let these people get ready, the store may be open in the next two days." "

Jiang Feng: "Wait for you to come over, I'll teach you to cook two dishes." "


After chatting with Yu Qing, Jiang Feng made another call to the manufacturer who made the door number and ordered a door number.

Jiang Feng asked, "Can you do it a little faster?" I can add some money." "

"Add 500, I'll make it for you tomorrow. "

"No problem. "

Get the house number ready.

As long as the license is down, you can open a business.

The kitchenware and cutlery in the branch are ready and of good quality.

After the arrangements were made, Jiang Feng went out to buy raw materials.

In the vegetable market, Jiang Feng bought two casseroles.

Clay pot is a big branch of Cantonese cuisine!

However, there are only two fire outlets in Jiang Feng's shop, boil a mung bean paste, and then fry an egg used in the filling, and there is no place.

Jiang Feng hadn't made a pot before.

However, there is plenty of space in the new store to make some things to sell.

Jiang Feng is going to make radish and beef brisket pot, as well as fish head tofu pot.

Each serving is 500g and sells for 50 yuan.

The cost of a clay pot is about 17 yuan.

Three meals a day, a total of 100 pots are enough, the number is not too much, otherwise it will affect the buns.

Buy good things and go home.

Jiang Feng took a photo of the casserole and sent it to Rong Shuang: "I'll make you something new to eat at night." "


Yu Qing and Zhao Zhigang arrived at the store.

They were also carrying a big bag of sausages.

"Master, don't dislike the Sichuan-style sausage you make at home. "

"If the apprentice respects you, you must accept it. "

The two of them really regarded Jiang Feng as their master, so naturally they couldn't come empty-handed.

Stuff isn't worth much.

But it's a heart.

Jiang Feng's heart warmed slightly, so he accepted it, and then taught the two of them to make steamed buns and two ways to make pots.

"The meat must be good, the heat must be sufficient, the salt taste is more difficult to grasp, and the longer the stew, the more salt should be gradually reduced. "

"You must not add water halfway, and you must not finish the spoon before putting it into the pot, you should all know this. "

Yu Qing and Zhao Zhigang listened very seriously.

It's close to noon.

Jiang Feng was almost done, and said, "Okay, the new store is probably just a few dishes." "

"You go to the store to familiarize yourself, and it's still the same sentence, it must be fresh, it must be clean, and you must be responsible for the guests. "

"We understand, Master. "

"Then let's go first. "

The two of them stared at the boiling pot on the pot, a little unable to move.

Jiang Feng couldn't cry or laugh, and packed them with radish and beef brisket, as well as fish head tofu.

"Master, this won't work, what are you eating?"

Jiang Feng said: "I eat casually at noon, make it in the afternoon, and eat with my daughter and girlfriend in the evening." "

He prefers to eat delicious food with the two of them, and he eats it first, which always feels almost meaningful.

"Oh well. "

The two of them happily took their things and left.

Jiang Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

The things that need to be prepared for the new store, this is almost done, and there is no need to bother.

When you get your license, you're ready to open your shop!

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