The guests dispersed.

Jiang Feng cleaned the kitchen utensils, mopped the floor, and sat down to drink a glass of water.

Rong Shuang sent a message: "We've arrived!"

Rong Shuang: "On the first day of the opening of the new store, if the business is not good, don't worry, behave." "

Rong Shuang: "I'll go clean up first, and I'll send you a message at noon." "

Rong Shuang: "I still love you very much today, and I love you more than yesterday." "

The corners of Jiang Feng's mouth rose, and he replied: "Don't worry, it's normal if business is not good, don't worry." "

Jiang Feng: "I like you very much. "

After replying to Rong Shuang's message, Jiang Feng looked at the chat list.

Yu Qing and Zhao Zhigang didn't send a message.

It's good not to send a message, it should be busy.

Jiang Feng opened the mobile phone software and looked at the monitoring.


The fire was already on in the back kitchen of the new store, and there were six portions of soup boiling on the stove.

The stuffing has also been adjusted, and three young men who look tender are making steamed buns.

After watching it for more than ten seconds, Jiang Feng put away his mobile phone and went out to buy vegetables.

It's going to rain.

He wanted to buy the food before he could get it.

There are a lot of people in the vegetable market, and there are queues in front of many stalls.

Most of them are people who come in a hurry, buy something first, and don't go out when it rains.

"Boss Jiang, your things are ready, here. "

After Huang Hai saw Jiang Feng behind the crowd, he said loudly.

Jiang Feng looked at the loaded meat.

Good as always.

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "Thank you, so many people have helped me get it out in advance." "

Huang Hai cut the meat and said, "What I said, I can't forget you if I forget anyone." "

Jiang Feng picked up his mobile phone and paid: "I'll transfer it to you." "

"I'll go grocery shopping first. "

"Okay, slow down!"

There were a lot of people, and Jiang Feng and Huang Hai didn't talk much.

The vegetable stalls and fish stalls had also prepared the things Jiang Feng needed.

Many of the guests in line looked at Jiang Feng with a little envy.

They still have to wait in line, and they have already bought them and left.

Stuff to buy good.

I went back to the store.

Jiang Feng boiled porridge and mung bean paste.

Half past nine.

Yu Qing sent a message.

"Master, the door number has arrived, it's been hung up, confirm that it's okay, can you open the store at 10 o'clock?"

Jiang Feng: "Okay, the cash register equipment has also been changed, right?"

Yu Qing: "It's changed, and it has been retained as a bank card for industrial and commercial registration." "

Jiang Feng: "Okay, it will open at 10 o'clock." "

Get permission from Jiang Feng.

Yu Qing shouted in the back kitchen: "Refresh yourself!"

"Open the store now! Cheer up! If the store is sold, the salary will rise!"


The staff at the store are very energetic.

10 o'clock.

The doors open.

Takeaway apps have also started to open.

The clerk in charge of the cashier stood next to the cashier.

She only needs to be responsible for guiding the guests and putting the dishes under the camera.

The system automatically identifies what the guest bought, how much money is needed, and then just pays.


5 minutes passed.

No one in the store came.

Even on the takeaway software, there is no list.

Zhao Zhigang was a little breathless: "Brother Yu, this is too miserable, right?"

Yu Qing was very calm: "It's not yet a meal, we haven't advertised, it's normal for a cloudy day and not many people." "

As soon as the words fell.

A man and a woman walked into the store.

"Is the door open? Why is it so deserted. "

The cashier hurriedly said: "It's already open, because it's the first day, so there are not many customers." "

"You can take whatever you want. "

They took the tray, walked along the counter, took two coleslaw, and asked for 5 beef buns, 5 zucchini and egg buns.

There are also 2 bowls of eight-treasure porridge.

Sweep the meal and check out.

A total of 42 yuan was directly transferred to Jiang Feng's bank card.

"Your price is okay. The male guest said.

"Indeed, when I went to eat that Xu Ji bun a few days ago, I felt that the taste was average, and the price was more expensive than here. The female guest nodded.

"How about you taste it, just don't be too bad. "

They took their meals and sat down.

The cutlery is in the drawer of the dining table, so it is stored and will not be dusted.

"It's very clean. "

"Indeed, if it tastes good, let's come often. "

The two of them work nearby, and usually neither of them is too lazy to cook.

If the taste of this shop is okay, it is good to eat it every day as a canteen.

The man picked up a bun and took a bite.

The woman took a sip of porridge first.

"It's delicious!"

"This bun is also good, quite fragrant. "

What Yu Qing and the others made, there must still be a gap with Jiang Feng.

But compared to most stores on the market, it's still better!

At the very least, it's worth the price!

The two of them ate and sent a message to their colleagues.

"Brothers, you found a good shop, would you like to try it together?"

"It can be used as a canteen!"

Pull your colleagues over as well.

In this way, you can take turns to bring meals and go back to the company to eat!

Not for a while.

Colleagues from both of them came.


It's close to the meal, and there are more other guests.

The store is gradually becoming popular!

"It's delicious!"

"This pot tastes good, why didn't you find this shop before?"

"It's really good, this mung bean paste is delicious. "

"The porridge with preserved eggs and lean pork is also very good, the price is really good!"

Many of the guests had just taken relatively few things, and they had the intention of trying them.

After tasting it.

They got up, took the tray and came to buy food again!

That's great!

The more customers you have in the store.

The more people looked outside.

Jiang Feng's choice of this place is good.

When you get off work and go to and from school in the morning, noon and evening, the flow of people is quite high.

The interior of the store is also good, and you can see the situation in the store from the outside.

"Eat this, right?"

"Okay, let's try it, it's going to rain, let's not look for it. "

"It should taste okay, there are a lot of people. "

Six servings of pots, sold out quickly!

The buns are also selling fast!

They prepared 300 buns in advance, and by 10:40, they were sold out!

"Wait a minute, the buns are freshly steamed, and they'll be ready right away. "

"The pot is also stewing, we have to wait, why don't you look at other dishes?"

There are many customers in the store, and after eating, they also brought some steamed buns with them.

It was 11:10 a.m.

The tables and chairs in this shop are already full!

Zhao Zhigang was extremely surprised: "Brother Yu, why is business so good all of a sudden?"

Yu Qing made the stuffing and said, "It tastes good, the store is clean, and soon the popularity will come up." "

"The main thing is that the master taught us to make this bun, which is really delicious. "

"Definitely. "

"Okay, hurry up and get to work, maybe you can sell 3,000 buns at noon today!"

Zhao Zhigang calculated: "3,000 buns, plus other things sold, Master can earn more than 10,000 net profits, right?"

"Yes, if the porridge is sold out, it will reach 20,000. "

"Let's order two more porridge buckets, this porridge sells really well. "


Half past eleven.

It rained lightly in the imperial capital.

The other shops on Minwang Street have seen a lot worse in business.

Quite a few people sat up directly at the door.

There is no business in the store, and the takeaway order has been completed.

Only in front of Jiang Feng's store, there are still as many people in line!

Umbrella after umbrella, the line was longer.

It's almost from the door of Jiang Feng's store to the community.

Jiang Feng was ready and opened the store.

"It's open! There's claypot rice today?!"

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "Yes, but there are only 6 servings per meal." "

"50 yuan a piece, it's okay, give me a Sichuan-style sausage!

"Give me the beef eggs. "

Two servings of claypot rice were sold first, and everyone still gave a small plate of peanuts.

Jiang Feng quickly took out the other two casseroles, put the rice and water on them, spread the side dishes, and poured oil along the edge of the pot.

And at this time.

Uncle Sun and Uncle Cui have already opened the lid and mixed the rice.

After frying, the aroma of rice and meat fills the entire store with the steaming heat.

"It's delicious!

"The taste is amazing, 50 yuan is worth it!"

The two of them originally felt that 50 yuan was not cheap.

When they taste the claypot rice in their mouths, they suddenly don't think so!

It's worth it!

Is this really something that can be eaten for 50 bucks?

Looking at their guests, they are going crazy!

"Boss Xiaojiang, are there only two copies?!Can I book one?"

Jiang Feng said, "You have to wait for 22 minutes." "

"No problem! I'll ...... Let's have a serving, beef and eggs. "

"I'll have a Sichuan-style sausage!"

Originally, Uncle Zhang in front of him wanted two claypot rice.

But he felt the eyes of the guests behind him, and finally only had one.

Four servings of claypot rice, set out.

The guests in the back were very uncomfortable, but they could only buy some steamed buns to satisfy their hunger.

"You only have 6 servings in this meal, which is really torturous. "

"It's uncomfortable, Boss Xiaojiang. "

"Can you make more in the evening?"

"Forget it, I'll eat a few more buns, and I'll be less hungry when I'm full. "

Jiang Feng smiled and chatted with the guests, and the movements of his hands did not stop.

There are still a few neighbors sitting and eating in front of the store.

They brought their own big umbrellas, and a few people sat around and ate while watching the rain.

After 22 minutes.

The second pot of claypot rice is cooked.

The shop is full of aroma!

Until 12:55.

All of Jiang Feng's things were sold out.

And a car outside the door also quietly drove away.

Xu Xiuli was sitting in the car.

She didn't have much to do, she just came to see Jiang Feng's business and how it was on a rainy day.

Originally, she wanted to see the scene where there was no one in front of Jiang Feng's store.

That's pretty cool.


Jiang Feng's business is still very hot on rainy days!

A small shop, even more than they seem!

"How can this white-eyed wolf's business be so good on a rainy day?"

"But he shouldn't make as much as we do, this man is stupid. Xu Xiuli said a little sourly.

Three days ago, Xu Na has now opened a second store.

The second Xu Ji steamed bun, and Jiang Feng's new store, are only two streets away, about 10 minutes away.

And now.

Xu Na's two stores secretly reduced the weight of the buns by 5g.

Reducing the weight of this 5 grams can save a lot of costs at the end of the day.

And they will also buy raw materials in bulk and put them for two days.

The cost went down.

They've been making a lot of money lately.

The daily net profit of the two stores is increasing.

Xu Na has completely put the focus of her business on catering.

It's a bit difficult to get a loan right now, and all major banks are shrinking their lending targets.

Xu Na simply contacted the intermediary and prepared to sell the old store!


They still hadn't noticed.

There are fewer and fewer repeat customers in the store.

1:20 a.m.

The rain was a bit heavy.

Jiang Feng had already cleaned the footprints of the guests and completed the disinfection.

He poured a cup of hot water, made claypot rice on the stove, watched the rain outside, and took a sip pleasantly.

Uncle Jiang pushed the door and walked in.

"I'm late today, do I still have anything to eat?" Uncle Jiang said a little embarrassed.

"Of course, I guess you're in trouble, I'm making claypot rice, you can have one. "

Uncle Jiang's eyes suddenly lit up: "Okay!"

"Come in, drink water or mung bean paste?"

Uncle Jiang waved his hand: "My feet are not clean, just take a bag and take it away, and I won't stain the store for you again." "

"It's fine. "

"If you really don't go in, just pack it, and you can persuade me to leave. "

Uncle Jiang felt sorry for Jiang Feng, so he naturally refused to let Jiang Feng suffer any more trouble.

Jiang Feng couldn't help it, so he wrapped the casserole together and gave it to Uncle Jiang: "I don't have a suitable lunch box." "

"You're done eating, just get the pot back when you have time. "

Uncle Jiang asked, "Is there enough in your store?"

"That's enough, you can take it. "

"Okay, I'll transfer you money. "

Uncle Jiang insisted on paying 50 yuan before turning around and leaving.

Jiang Feng also sat down and ate his claypot rice.

Looking at the rainy street scene, eating hot claypot rice in the store.

Jiang Feng was in a very happy mood.

Chewing on the rice, he picked up his phone and looked at it.

Rong Shuang still sent several messages.

Rong Shuang: "Today's lunch is a little normal, stir-fried chicken with garlic sprouts, it's just that this chicken is really hard." "

Rong Shuang: "Has this chicken ever practiced an iron cloth shirt? Yoyo can't stand it either. "

Rong Shuang: "I miss you so much, I miss you even more when it's raining, if only you could hug me and sleep with Youyou." "

Rong Shuang: "I love you very much, I miss you when I eat, and I miss you when I see rain." "

Rong Shuang: "I'm going to make up my lesson plan, mua, see you in the afternoon!"

Jiang Feng hesitated for a moment and said, "If you really want to hold me and sleep with Youyou for a while, it's okay." "

Jiang Feng: "I'll come back in the evening to make food for you, and make up the lesson plan well." "

Jiang Feng: "I like you very much, help me tell Youyou, I love her very much." "

Finish the message.

Jiang Feng opened the bound ICBC bank card and took a look.

Let me come to Kangkang.

How are the sales of the new store?

In fact, Jiang Feng was already ready to see a very bleak number.


Jiang Feng was a little shocked when he saw the flowing water.


I swiped my finger down several times, and it all came to an end!

This card is separate from the card Jiang Feng is using now.

Now what Jiang Feng sees is all the sales of the new store!

There's also a figure for today's earnings.

32,415 pieces of 5 cents.

This is the total sales, excluding the cost, about 40%, which is Jiang Feng's net profit.

Other words.

From 10 a.m. to less than half past one now.

Just three hours.

The new store has already earned Jiang Feng more than 13,000 yuan!

That's too much, right?!

Jiang Feng turned on the monitor and took a look.

Until now.

The store is still full!

Business is very good!

Jiang Feng sent a message to Yu Qing: "What's going on, why is the business so good?"

Yu Qing saw the news that it was Jiang Feng, and excitedly replied: "It seems that many of them are white-collar workers who work nearby, and they all come to eat together!"

"And the whole floor came down to eat together!"

Just across the street, there are 6 office buildings.

Jiang Feng's target users are residents in the community.

So he didn't really think much about these social animals at that time.

After all, across the street, it takes more than 10 minutes to walk, and most people who are busy with work are reluctant to walk for more than 20 minutes to have a meal.


The first batch of big passenger flow is these employees on duty!

Jiang Feng calculated.

If the business at night is as good as it is now, his single-day net income today can directly rush to 50,000!

Net income!

After deducting the cost of rent, manpower, raw materials, and utilities, you can still earn so much!

The sales went directly to 80,000!

It's just the first day of the new store!

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