Except for money.

What surprised Jiang Feng even more was the income of the new store, which was also counted as points!

Jiang Feng's points increased by more than 30,000 at noon!

It has risen to 920,000!

When Jiang Feng counted his income, the new store was still open, and although he had passed the meal, he was still increasing his income sporadically.

Jiang Feng smiled, put down his phone, and continued to eat.

To earn more money, of course he is happy.

I was able to buy the store as soon as possible and then buy a house of my own.

In addition to the shop and the house.

The extra money earned, in Jiang Feng's opinion, is not necessary.

It is enough to have this store and its own rules, it is enough for your family and girlfriend to be around, of course it is better to be rich, and it doesn't matter if you can't make too much money.

Concentrate on eating!

Had lunch.

The rain was heavier.

And there was a lot of wind blowing.

The temperature has also dropped a lot.

Jiang Feng is still on the air conditioner, otherwise it would be too trendy.

He sent a message to his mother: "When are you leaving?"

Song Jin: "The high-speed train at 4:15 will arrive at 5 o'clock." "

Jiang Feng: "Then I'll give you a car at about 5:40." "

Song Jin: "Okay." "

Jiang Feng took a comfortable car, which is more expensive than the economical one, but the experience will be better.

When he wasn't divorced, he rarely did that.

After all, Xu Na earns all the money, although it is only a few dozen yuan, and it doesn't feel appropriate to spend more.

It's okay now.

Earn your own money and spend it casually, hard!


As for the better model, he didn't call it, lest Song Jin and Jiang Jianye see it and feel sorry for the money.

The car was arranged.

Jiang Feng lay on the table and took a nap.

In the new store.

There are fewer and fewer customers in the lobby.

After all, it's more than half past one, and the meal has passed.

There were only seven or eight tables of guests, and they were still eating.

The waiters collected the dishes and chopsticks on the other tables and did not rush to mop the floor.

This was also arranged by Jiang Feng.

If there are guests eating, don't rush to mop the floor, do something else first.

Don't make customers feel like they're busy.

Anyway, the store is closed for 3 hours in the afternoon, so there is enough time to clean.

In the back kitchen, Yu Qing and Zhao Zhigang had just finished their work.

Zhao Zhigang was a little excited: "It's still raining today!"

"If it doesn't rain, you'll earn more!"

Yu Qing was also in a good mood: "Let's be worthy of our trust in the master." "

"But don't be too happy, and look at the number of repeat customers. We not only have to learn Master's craftsmanship, but also Master's ingenuity. "

"Yes. Zhao Zhigang thought so deeply and nodded.

"Let's have lunch, after eating, I'll go grocery shopping. "

The employees of the new store began to eat and prepare for their afternoon work.

2 points.

Jiang Feng woke up and looked outside the store.

The rain was a little heavier, and there was a little wind.

He took his umbrella and went into the rain to the vegetable market.

The wind is a bit strong.

He gave the larger umbrella at home to Yoyo, and as soon as the wind blew, half of his body was quickly soaked by the rain.

"It's raining heavily, why don't you run by yourself, give me a call, won't I just send it to you?"

"Your pants are wet, how are we going to live when you're sick?"

The vegetable stall owner saw Jiang Feng holding a small umbrella and complained a few words.

Without Jiang Feng's cooking, they would all be gone.

Jiang Feng smiled: "It's okay, I'm in good health, I can't get sick with this little rain." "

"I'll pull you back directly, otherwise you're holding an umbrella, how can you move the goods?"

"No, I'll do it myself, and I'll take two more trips. "

"What's polite to me? I'll bring you the goods in a raincoat and come back to me after buying meat." "

The stall owner insisted on delivering it.

Jiang Feng's heart warmed slightly, and he agreed.

Buy good stuff.

The stall owner set off first.

Jiang Feng drove the car to the parking lot and charged it.

Rainy days do not affect charging.

As soon as the umbrella was put on, a gust of wind blew and lifted the corner of Jiang Feng's umbrella.

He simply didn't use the umbrella anymore, just a short walk, just wait for the store to scrub it back.

Arrived at the door of the store.

The vegetable stall owner had already moved most of his things to the door of Jiang Feng's shop.

"Why don't you have an umbrella?"

"I was blown off by the wind, and it's fine. "

Anyway, I got drenched.

After moving his things back to the store, Jiang Feng went to the bathroom in the store to wipe it briefly.

Although the bathroom in the store is not large, it is still very convenient at this time.

After cleaning up, Jiang Feng began to boil porridge and process the raw materials.

In addition to making 6 servings of claypot rice in the evening, Jiang Feng also plans to make 40 servings of glutinous rice chicken.


It was half past four.

The rain stopped for a while.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou, taking advantage of the rain to stop, hurriedly trotted back.

"Wow, it feels so safe to go back to the store!"

"Daddy, your little cutie is back!"

"Your girlfriend is back, too!"

When the two of them saw Jiang Feng, they both had happy smiles on their faces.

Jiang Feng smiled: "Do you still want to drink mung bean paste today?"

"I want to drink!"

"Give. "

Jiang Feng took two bowls of mung bean paste and came out.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng's hair and clothes, and frowned slightly: "Are you raining?"

Jiang Youyou also found out: "Yes, Dad, your hair is a little messy, and your clothes seem to be a little wet." "

Jiang Feng said indifferently: "I drenched a little when I bought vegetables, it's okay." "

"Wait for me, I'll go back and get you clothes. "

"No, I don't. "

"No, do you know that I feel sorry for you?"

If Rongshuang was in the rain by herself, she wouldn't think it was a big deal.

But Jiang Feng was drenched, and she was really uncomfortable.

Jiang Feng's heart was warm, and he said with a smile: "I have a good physique, it's not a big deal." "

"When it rains again, what should you do if you and Yoyo are also drenched?"

Rong Shuang's beautiful eyes stared at Jiang Feng, and said seriously: "It's okay for me to be drenched, you can't wear dirty clothes." "

"Yoyo don't go, right?"

"No, Mom, I'm with you! Youyo is fine if he gets drenched, let's get sick together, Dad is fine. "

"Alright, let's go. "

Rong Shuang took two umbrellas and took Jiang Youyou home.

Jiang Feng was a little helpless.

He, like Rongshuang and Youyou, is fine when he is drenched, but he will feel distressed when the two of them are drenched.

4:50 a.m.

The two of them trotted back, with two clean clothes and a hair dryer.


It didn't rain until they returned.

"Well, go change it. Rong Shuang put the clothes in Jiang Feng's hands.

"Dad, Yoyo is going to be tired, hurry up and put it on. "

Jiang Feng took his clothes and went to the bathroom to change them.

Clean clothes are indeed much more comfortable.

The clothes that have been drenched in the rain and slowly dried off on the body have a little smell.

Jiang Feng didn't wash his hair.

No time.

He put on his hat and mask and went about business.

"It's open! Give me a sausage claypot rice!"

"I'll have a beef egg!"

"Glutinous rice chicken? Great! Give me a glutinous rice chicken and a bowl of mung bean paste!"

"A steamed fish, a glutinous rice chicken, a bowl of seafood porridge. "

"I want two servings of claypot rice! The three of us eat! Lao Liu, what are you staring at me!"

"The most hateful thing is the old ginger, the old boy fished another claypot rice at noon, and it was still double-pinned!

"I don't have claypot rice, it's okay to have glutinous rice chicken, bring me two glutinous rice chicken!"

Business in Jiang Feng's shop is still very good.

Although it had rained outside, the temperature plummeted and it was a bit wet and cold.

But the people in line have already lined up far outside the Fu Ji steamed bun shop!

Wang Quanfu and the three chefs sat in a row at the door of the store, looking at the queue of Jiang Feng's guests, they were already numb.

He only made 60 takeaway orders today, and the customers who came to the store to buy from the morning to now, there are only 16.

Envy, now it's envy.

And at this time.

The new store is also open.

Just after 5 o'clock, there were more than a dozen guests who pushed the door in!

"The decoration of this store is really good, and it is also very clean. "

"I came to eat at noon, not only the decoration is good, but the taste is also good. "

"This bun is really well done. "

"How do you compare it to Jiang Ji buns?"

"That's still incomparable, Boss Xiaojiang's craftsmanship is at the level of immortals, but the taste here is definitely worth the price!"

They had just finished their meal.

Someone came in from behind.

"It's this shop, it really tastes okay, you can taste it. "

The clerks were a little excited.

Several guests, they all met at noon!

The best has emerged!

Lots of repeat customers!

There are also many new customers.

It's time to get out of school, and the rain has stopped, so there will be more nearby residents coming to the store tomorrow than noon.

Yu Qing and Zhao Zhigang worked hard in the kitchen.

There were more guests than they could have imagined!

It was just 5:10 a.m.

The steamed buns prepared in advance have been sold out!

A few guests are already waiting!

They were fiddling with the stuffing and staring at the pot on the stove.

The movements of the three young chefs next to him were much slower than Jiang Feng's, and the speed of the three of them was about the same as Jiang Feng's alone.

Barely available for the speed at which customers buy.

The new store is going to be open until 9 o'clock at night.

6:10 a.m.

Because of the cloudy sky, it was dark very early today.

All the things in Jiang Feng's store were sold out.

The guests who didn't buy it stared at Jiang Feng's stove with some greed.

There are two casseroles on it, stewed with fish head tofu and radish brisket.

"Boss Xiaojiang, what's in those two casseroles?"

"It smells so good. "

"Doesn't it seem to be claypot rice?"

Jiang Feng smiled: "Let's try it for dinner in the evening to see if it's delicious." "

I heard that it was Boss Xiaojiang's dinner.

The neighbors swallowed their saliva and said, "Forget it." "

"When you study it, you can definitely take it out and sell it, I feel that this thing is also very fragrant!"

"I'll go first, go home and cook somen noodles. "

Gluttony returns to gluttony.

But the neighbors scattered.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou looked at Jiang Feng excitedly.

"Dad, can you eat it?"

"I'm dying of hunger!"

Jiang Feng smiled: "I have to wait a little longer to clean up the store, it's almost enough." "


Jiang Feng cleaned up the kitchen utensils.

The guests finished eating and left.

"Boss Xiaojiang, see you tomorrow. "

"Today's food is delicious, it's really amazing, in the store I've eaten for so many years, only the taste of your food is so stable!"

"Bye-bye, I'll see you tomorrow for the weekend. "

Jiang Youyou said goodbye to a few familiar neighbors in a milky voice.

"Grandma Li goodbye ~ Grandpa He goodbye ~"

Wait until all the guests are gone.

Lock the door.

Jiang Feng was in a better mood.

That's the end of today's work!

It's free time between now and before you go to bed at night!

"Daddy, quick, let me see the stewed pot!"

"Let your mom hold you and see. "

Jiang Feng still had water on his hands.

Rong Shuang hugged Jiang Youyou, went to the stove, and lifted the casserole lid with a cloth.

A smell of aroma comes to your face!

Add a little fish sauce to the radish brisket.

This thing stinks a little at first, but the more you cook it, the more fragrant it becomes, and the aroma of beef is already quite strong!

in another pot.

The fish head fried until golden brown has already made the whole pot of soup milky white!

The pot is made of brine tofu, which is already quite soft!

The temperature outside is a bit cold.

Look at such a pot.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang turned their heads to look at Jiang Feng, and the mother and daughter both looked pitiful.

"Can you eat? Your girlfriend is going to die of hunger. "

"I'm going to die of hunger with my mother!"

Jiang Feng laughed: "Okay, it's almost, I'll take it." "

Rong Shuang trotted and took a towel on the table.

The temperature of the pot is relatively high, and it is easy to burn the table.

She and Jiang Youyou cherish this store very much.

Jiang Feng put the pot on the towel and turned off the liquefied gas to ensure safety.

"And glutinous rice chicken. "

"I won't fry vegetables today, let's eat two vegetarian buns. "

Jiang Feng was a little tired.

I feel like it's raining, but it still has a little effect on my body.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng a little distressedly and served him a bowl of fish soup.

"Drink something hot. "

"Go home after eating, take a hot bath, and I'll get you some ginger water for you to drink." "

There is no need for Jiang Feng to tell her.

She could see that Jiang Feng was a little uncomfortable now and took care of Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng's heart was warm, and he nodded: "Okay, let's eat first." "

Rong Shuang served Jiang Youyou beef brisket soup.

She also drinks fish soup herself.

Take a sip.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang's eyes widened a little.

"It's delicious, Dad! This beef soup is delicious! Hmm, I don't know what it tastes like, it feels a little sweet? And the smell of beef. "

Jiang Feng touched her head: "This is called umami." "

"Because there is fish sauce in it, and there is a taste of white radish. "

"It's delicious anyway!"

Rong Shuang was also amazed again.

This fish head soup does not taste fishy at all, only the aroma of fish meat, and the smell of tofu stewed until soft.

In fact, she usually doesn't like to eat tofu very much, especially northern tofu, and she always feels a little bitter.

But this one is delicious!

The tofu has been stewed until there is no bitterness, and there will be fish soup oozing out when you bite into it!

"Jiang Feng. "


"If I leave, you'll die. Rong Shuang said very seriously.

Not only because she loves Jiang Feng, but also because the things Jiang Feng makes are so delicious!

Jiang Feng also touched her head: "Then stay by my side." "

"Good!" Rong Shuang smiled sweetly.

Finish the hot soup.

Jiang Feng felt that uncomfortable feeling a lot lighter.

Rong Shuang got up and cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks.

Originally, Jiang Feng wanted to clean it up.

"Sit down. Today we take care of you. Rong Shuang grabbed Jiang Feng's shoulder and said against his face.

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "I just believed it, what Tang Hemei said is true, you seemed to be Miss Gao Leng just now." "

Jiang Youyou's eyes lit up: "Mom, you're just so handsome." "

She learned Rong Shuang's voice and said, "Sit down." "

Rong Shuang's pretty face flushed: "No, I have a good temper." "

If Rong Lijun heard this, he would probably put a big question mark.

When Rong Shuang was in the company, the management was stricter than Rong Lijun.

There were even Rong Lijun's old subordinates looking for him for help.

Jiang Feng picked up his mobile phone: "By the way, our new store is doing very well." "

"It sold more than 30,000 at noon, and I'll see how much it sold at night. "

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou looked surprised.

"Wow! More than 30,000 yuan?!Dad, are we rich?!Can you wholesale 100 ice creams for you?!"

"Is the new store doing so well?!"

Jiang Feng looked at the turnover of the new store so far, and then looked up at the two of them.

"The new store has been open for one and a half hours, and it has already sold more than 20,000 yuan. "

"They'll be driving for another 2 hours or more. "

Jiang Feng was shocked!

In the evening, the sales of the new store will go to more than 50,000!

Jiang Feng can reap a net profit of more than 15,000 again!


It looks like the points will break a million tonight!

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