"How much can you sell when the store closes?!"

Jiang Youyou only knows a lot!

But she's not good at math.

13+8 doesn't even understand.

Rong Shuangqiao's face was a little surprised: "If it has been sold at the speed just now." "

"There should be more than fifty thousand. "

"Wow, Dad, how much money can we make?!"

Jiang Feng said: "At noon and at night, it's nearly thirty thousand." "

"It's just a new store, plus our current store, there are more than 60,000. "

Earn more than 60,000 yuan a day!

Even if the tax is deducted, what really falls into your hands is more than 55,000 yuan!

"Great!Daddy, don't you have to work so hard?!"

For Jiang Youyou.

The biggest meaning of earning more money is to make Dad not work so hard!

Jiang Feng's heart warmed slightly, and he said with a smile: "It's okay, Dad is doing well now." "

"Then now that you make more money, if you feel tired, you can rest, right?"

Jiang Feng nodded: "Yes, you can." "

With the income of the new store.

If it stabilizes.

Jiang Feng at least didn't have to worry about money.

At this rate of income.

The cost of opening a store can be recouped in less than a month!

It's so fast!

Rong Shuang washed the dishes and chopsticks and looked at Jiang Feng: "Your face is a little red." "


"Let's go, go home, alas. "

Rong Shuangqiao had a little distress on her face.

Her boyfriend is a fool.

It's too much industrious.

I felt sorry for her.

Close the door.

It was raining lightly again.

Today there is hardly anyone walking on the street, and it is much quieter than usual.

However, there were already a few neighbors who brought fruits and vegetables and put them in Jiang Feng's shop.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang each carried half of the fruits and vegetables, as well as the rice they brought to Song Jin.

Jiang Feng originally wanted to carry something, but Rong Shuang directly refused.

What to carry!

Rest well!

Rong Shuang draped Jiang Feng's dirty two clothes onto Jiang Feng's shoulders.

Got to the car.

Turn on the air conditioner.

The clammy feeling gradually disappeared.

"Do you want to take a look at the new store?" Jiang Feng asked.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou shook their heads at the same time: "Don't go, go home quickly." "

"Yes, Dad, your face is really a little red, I feel like you're tired. "

Jiang Feng smiled bitterly: "I shouldn't have set up a flag, I really didn't expect that I would feel uncomfortable in a little rain." "

"Go back quickly, mother-in-law, they have arrived. "

"Good. "

Jiang Feng drove home.

There are a lot of cars on the road today, and there is a slight jam.

However, Jiang Feng was not in a hurry.

When I waited for the red light, I took my mobile phone and looked at the bank card.

It's still rising.

And the growth rate of turnover is basically the same as just now.

It should really rise to more than 50,000.

And at this time.

Xu Xiuli looked at her family's business and was very dissatisfied.

"What's going on? Is there something wrong with what you're doing? Why is business so bad today?"

A few guests turned their heads and whispered.

"It's not a good shop. "

"Indeed, the taste is average, and it is not cheap, and the temper of this boss is too bad. "

"We're still here, let's just say business is bad...... There is no such thing as such a business. "

They sped up and ate.

"After eating, I will leave, and I won't come next time. "

The chef in the store was a little helpless: "I make it according to the recipe every day, and there is no problem with the taste." "

"The taste is a little varied, but not too big. "

It was different from Jiang Feng's request.

In most stores, as long as the taste does not differ much from day to day, it is considered good.

Xu Xiuli is still very angry: "Then why is the business in the store so bad?"

"Do you know how expensive the rent is here? Today, the rent will be lost!"

"It's raining, and there seems to be a store nearby, so I see a few regular customers in the group making an appointment to eat. The chef said.

New store?

Xu Xiuli frowned: "Where did you come from?"

"It's across the street from us, and it also sells steamed buns and fast food. "

Xu Xiuli went out and drove to Jiang Feng's new store.


Through the glass.

She saw that the store was almost full of customers!

There were still a few guests, who should not have found anything, took the packaging bag, walked out, packed it and went back to eat.

The same time.

Two stores in similar locations.

Why is business so bad?!

Xu Xiuli had an evil fire in her heart, and sent a message to Xu Na: "Is the formula given by Jiang Feng good?"

"Our second store has opened a new steamed bun fast food, the business is not good, our second store has few customers today. "

Xu Na was on the phone with someone who wanted to sell the shop.

10 minutes passed.

Xu Na negotiated here.

One of her best-run beauty shops, with all kinds of equipment and employees, sold for 19 million.

saw Xu Xiuli's message.

Xu Na was a little surprised: "In this weather, there are still people who can do business well?"

Today, business at her main store is also a little worse.

However, the takeaway order has increased, and the overall sales are okay.

She also thought that except for Jiang Feng's shop, all the store business would be affected.

Xu Xiuli: "[Picture]"

Xu Xiuli: "See? This business is also very good. "

Xu Na clicked on the picture and saw Jiang Feng's store full of customers.

She replied: "It should be that the new store is doing promotions, or the advertising is good." "

"Don't worry, after a few days, the business of this store should be relatively normal. "

"In business, you can't just look at one day's revenue, you calm down, Mom. "

Xu Xiuli sighed and replied, "That's right, I'm a little sour when I see that this new store is doing so well." "

Xu Xiuli: "But it's okay, I see that there is another store, which is as good as Jiang Feng's business, and I'm quite cool." "

Xu Xiuli: "It's best that this store can be opened next to Jiang Feng's store and squeeze Jiang Feng to death." "

Since the signing of an agreement to suspend visitation rights.

Xu Xiuli not only looked down on Jiang Feng, but also had a lot of resentment.

Including to Jiang Yuyo.

She felt that Jiang Youyou was her granddaughter and should be filial to her, but she didn't even see them!

White-eyed wolf!

Xu Na: "Unlikely. Alas, Jiang Feng's business is really good. "

In the past two days, Xu Na would occasionally ask her secretary to see how the business in Jiang Feng's store was doing.

Without exception.

As long as it is time to eat, there will inevitably be a long queue outside Jiang Feng's store!

This shop is doing good business though.

But it is not realistic to crush Jiang Feng.

Xu Na: "You go to this store, buy something to eat, and see why their business is so good." "

Xu Xiuli: "I'm not going, isn't this sending money to other people's families?"

Xu Na sighed.

This is too short-sighted!

How much can it cost to eat a few buns?

Look at the level of competitors and don't they use it more than the little money spent?

"If she hadn't provoked trouble, Jiang Feng and I might not have been able to separate. "

Xu Na was also a little dissatisfied with Xu Xiuli, but she didn't bother to argue: "Then see if there are them on the takeaway software and see the price." "

Xu Xiuli: "That's okay. "

Finish the message.

Xu Xiuli opened the takeaway software and found [Wugu Youxiang Bun].

"What a strange name. "

Xu Xiuli complained, opened the takeaway information of Jiang Feng's second store, and looked at it.

Two minutes later.

She sent a message back to Xu Na: "There are six kinds of steamed buns in their house. "

"Basically, everything is one or two dollars cheaper than ours. "

Xu Na was a little clear: "No wonder their business is good now." "

Xu Na: "It's okay, in a few days, the taste in their store is not good, and the customers will still come to us." "

Xu Na: "After all, our recipe was given by Jiang Feng, and the taste must be much better than theirs." "

Xu Xiuli agreed: "Indeed. "

Xu Xiuli: "But don't you think our steamed buns don't taste as good as they used to be?"

Xu Na: "I don't feel anything. "

In fact, Xu Na almost doesn't eat anything in the store.

She felt that with her style, eating steamed buns was too off-limiting.

Unless it's a bun made by Jiang Feng.

Once in a while, I try the steamed buns in the store, and Xu Na also eats a small snack.

She really didn't feel any difference in the taste.

Xu Xiuli: "Maybe it's my delusion. "

7:50 a.m.

Jiang Feng's car drove into the underground parking lot.

A car door.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye are waiting.

The two of them also missed Jiang Feng, and they couldn't stay at home, so they simply came down to stay.


Jiang Youyou stepped forward and hugged Song Jin.

"Brace, grandma, don't hold Yoyo's belly, it's going to vomit. "

Song Jin smiled and asked, "What is delicious?"

"Daddy made a pot, brisket and turnips, and ...... And fish head tofu!"

"Very good. "

"Hello mother-in-law, hello uncle!" Rong Shuang also greeted.

When Song Jin saw his daughter-in-law, he couldn't stop smiling.

"Daughter-in-law, you are good, I haven't seen you for a few days, and you are beautiful again. "

Rong Shuang smiled a little embarrassedly: "Let's go upstairs first, and bring you and your uncle something to eat." "

"Okay. "

Five people went upstairs together.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou tacitly did not mention Jiang Feng's physical discomfort.

The mention of it only made Song Jin and Jiang Jianye worried.

They just need to take care of Jiang Feng.


Rong Shuang said: "Mother-in-law, I'll feed my roommate first, and take a bath by the way, it's raining today, and water is splashed on my clothes." "

"Okay, there you go. Song Jin was smiling at his daughter-in-law.

The more I look at this daughter-in-law, the better!

As soon as she entered the door, she sent a message to Jiang Feng: "You and Youyou should also take a shower first, wash your hair, and be comfortable." "

Jiang Feng changed into slippers, looked at his phone, and replied, "Okay." "

Finish the message.

Jiang Feng looked at Song Jin: "You eat first." "

"When I come to the store tomorrow, I'll make you claypot rice and make two soups. "

Song Jin looked at Jiang Feng and said with some distress: "Let's just eat a little bit." "

"You don't look good, have you been tired lately?"

Jiang Feng smiled: "It's a little bit today, I'll go take a shower first." "

"Yoyo, will you go together?

"I'm with my dad!"

Jiang Youyou was still a little uncomfortable.

However, she knew that Jiang Feng was going to wash her hair first, so she came over obediently and went into the bathroom with Jiang Feng.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye arrived at the dining table and opened the lunch box.

10 steamed buns, 2 servings of glutinous rice chicken, and 2 bowls of mung bean paste.

It's definitely not enough.

Jiang Feng deliberately brought more and let them eat it for breakfast.

Song Jin took a beef bun and sighed: "Jiang Feng, this stinky boy seems to be sick." "

Jiang Jianye nodded: "Forget it, the child doesn't want us to worry, don't say it." "

Song Jin nodded: "I see that my daughter-in-law takes good care of him, and I am more relieved." "

Jiang Jianye sighed with emotion: "Anyway, it's much better than Xu Na, this marriage is really right." "

Song Jin took a bite of the bun: "It's so delicious." "

"Definitely. "

I feel sorry for my son, I feel sorry for my son.

Eat and eat!

This bun tastes so good!

20 minutes later.

Jiang Feng and Youyou washed up and went out of the bathroom.

Change into clean clothes and blow dry your hair.

Jiang Feng's whole person was comfortable.

Rong Shuang also washed it, and ran over with wet hair.

"Mother-in-law, I'm coming!"

Song Jin also finished eating, was eating watermelon, and said with a smile: "Let's eat some watermelon." "

"I didn't eat my mother-in-law, I brushed my teeth. "

"Okay, you guys, your uncle and I are tired, go back to the house to rest. "


Song Jin pulled Jiang Jianye back to the house.

"Take the watermelon and eat it in the house. "

Jiang Feng said.

The two of them certainly won't be sleeping now.

It is to make room for Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang.

Song Jin carried half a watermelon and two spoons and entered the house.

After the door is closed.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng: "Are you feeling better?"

"It's ok. "

Jiang Feng was actually a little dizzy.

It's not a big problem, though.

Rong Shuang suddenly stepped forward and put her forehead on Jiang Feng's forehead.

"You're a little hot, do you have a thermometer at home?"

"Yes, in the bedroom drawer. "

"Yoyo go get it!"

Jiang Youyou went to get the thermometer and handed it to Jiang Feng: "Dad, I also want to paste it." "

Jiang Feng smiled and touched her forehead with his forehead: "Okay?"

"Dad, you seem to be a little hot, it can't be a fever, right?"

"Probably not. "

Rong Shuang shook the thermometer and handed it to Jiang Feng.

"Clip it. "

"Okay, Mr. Rong. "

"Hmph, don't tease me!"

"Okay, look at Conan?"

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang agreed.

Jiang Feng handed the phone to Jiang Youyou, and she turned on the projection.

Five minutes passed.

Jiang Feng took out the thermometer.

37 degrees 4.

It's not serious, but it's a bit high.

"Dad, you're sick! Yoyo will pour you water, and get medicine by the way!"

I know that Jiang Feng's disease is not too serious.

Jiang Youyou's skin up.

Here's a great opportunity for revenge!

When she was sick, the medicine Jiang Feng fed her was unpalatable!

Let her little cutie see what medicine is the most bitter at home!

As soon as she got off the sofa, she was directly carried back by Jiang Feng.

"Sit, I don't have to take medicine, and you don't want to be bitter about me. "

"Why do you know what I'm thinking!"

Jiang Feng smiled: "Because you are my precious daughter." "

Rong Shuang blinked her beautiful eyes: "Did you do something similar when you were a child?"

"Ahem, no. Jiang Feng glanced back at Song Jin's door.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou both laughed.

"Take some medicine, and you'll be fine in one night. "

"Don't eat. "


Jiang Youyou whispered: "Dad is afraid of hardship. "

Rong Shuang's beautiful eyes widened slightly, as if she had discovered something interesting.

Her boyfriend is so hardworking, she thought he was not afraid of anything.

I was afraid of bitterness!

Why is her boyfriend so cute!

Jiang Feng said helplessly: "I'll just get some sleep." "

Rong Shuang didn't force him to take medicine: "Then sleep first, wait for tomorrow, if it's not good, then take the medicine obediently, or I'll take you to get an injection." "

Taking medicine is for Jiang Feng's good.

But if Jiang Feng didn't like it, she wouldn't force Jiang Feng to do anything in the name of Jiang Feng's goodness.

There are many ways to solve the problem.

She wants to find the one that Jiang Feng can accept, so that she can be regarded as spoiling him.

Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, I'm fine with the injection, I'm not afraid of pain." "

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng, her face suddenly turned a little red, and said, "I'...... I'm afraid you'll suddenly feel uncomfortable at night. "

"You said I could hold you and sleep with you. "

"Can I stay tonight?"

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