Jiang Feng was still very satisfied.

It's good to earn more.

Song Jin sent a few messages to Jiang Feng.

Song Jin: "Pay attention to your body, drink more water, it's getting hotter and hotter." "

Song Jin: "It's nice to have a set of clothes, see if you like it, I'll buy it for you." "

When her colleagues were shopping for clothes, she saw a very good-looking parent-child outfit.

I want to buy it for Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng looked at the photo.

Three white and blue vests and shorts, which look pretty good.

Jiang Feng replied: "Okay, buy it." "

Song Jin: "The store is busy?"

Jiang Feng: "I've just finished busy. "

Song Jin: "Then you can rest, and I'll take a nap too." "

Jiang Feng: "Okay." "

After chatting with Song Jin.

Jiang Feng took his mobile phone and swiped a few videos.

Just make three servings of chicken bean curd and eat it yourself at night, so you don't have to be in such a hurry, you can rest for a while.

After resting for more than twenty minutes, Jiang Feng got up and went out to buy materials for the evening.

The afternoon sun is getting hotter.

There are not many people in the wet market.

Jiang Feng quickly bought his things and went back to the store.

Half past three.

The neighbors came early, put up their awnings, and started playing cards.

The line quickly lined up.

Jiang Feng glanced at it and saw several guests in white shirts and trousers, watching the card table of the uncle and aunt.

In the past few days, there are more and more customers wearing formal clothes outside the store.

And there are a few guests in formal attire who have become regular customers.

It's all for the sake of eating Jiang Feng's cooking, people who moved over from afar!


Not only Rong Lijun, but also a company, to move to find a neighborhood.

Rents are starting to go up in the neighborhood!

Half past four.

Jiang Feng had basically packed up the materials he needed.

There are also more and more customers outside the door.

The queue had already lined up past the lo-mei shop and went directly to the entrance of the community farther away.

The security guards looked calm.

The team at the door of Boss Xiaojiang's shop.

It's normal to get here.

Otherwise, they are on duty today, and they will usually go to the queue at this time.

If you want to eat fairy cooking, it's like this, you have to row it.

Jiang Feng put out two bowls of mung bean paste, and his mood was much better.

When it was time for Yoyo and Rongshuang to go home, he was very happy.

Less than 3 minutes.

Jiang Youyou and Rongshuang pushed the door into the store!

"Daddy, do you miss your little cutie?"

"Husband, we're back!"

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "Of course I miss you." "

"Let's have a bowl of mung bean paste. "

Rong Shuang brought the mung bean paste to the table, and with a little expectation in her beautiful eyes, she asked, "What are the new dishes for the evening?"

"Chicken bean curd. "

Rong Shuangqiao's face showed a bit of chicken: "Do you even know how to do this?"

Jiang Youyou was a little dazed: "What is chicken bean curd?"

Rong Shuang explained: "Make the chicken into a super tender taste like bean curd, and then pair it with chicken broth, it is chicken bean curd." "

Jiang Youyou's eyes lit up: "Dad! Youyou want to eat! What you make must be super delicious!"

In fact, she has never eaten chicken bean curd, so she can't imagine the taste.


Dad's cooking is delicious!

Even if she feeds her a steamed bun, she thinks it's the most fragrant!

Rongshuang is also looking forward to it.

The chicken bean curd made by her fairy husband, she also wants to taste it quickly!

Drink some mung bean paste first to quench your cravings!

The two of them finished drinking the mung bean paste, the heat in their bodies gradually dissipated, and then they cleaned up the store together.

5 points.

Jiang Feng opened his doors.

Guests rushed in and looked at the menu.

"Didn't you have any chicken bean flowers at night?"

"It's a pity, I heard that the thief is delicious, so I came to line up on purpose, but there is glutinous rice chicken, which is also counted. "

"It takes a lot of time to make chicken bean curd, it's normal not to do it, bring me a fish, Boss Xiaojiang. "

"Indeed, I will eat whatever Boss Xiaojiang does, and the glutinous rice chicken is also delicious!"

"15 beef buns, 5 zucchini eggs, 3 bowls of mung bean paste!"

"Bring me 2 bowls of mung bean paste and 5 carrot and egg buns! "

The old customers and neighbors, although they saw that there was no chicken bean curd, were a little disappointed.

However, they tacitly did not urge Jiang Feng.

What Jiang Feng does, what do they eat.

Anyway, Jiang Feng's everything is delicious!

Seeing that the guests were so greedy, Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang glanced at each other, one big and one small, two beauties, their eyes full of expectation.

In the evening, 6:13 p.m.

The things that Jiang Feng prepared for the evening were all sold.

Business is getting better day by day.

Even some guests know that they may not be in line, but they will still line up and give it a try.

It tastes so good that guests are willing to waste a little time.

Jiang Feng was in the raw meat pool, washing the basin with the meat filling, and counted the accounts.

Today, the sales volume in the store did not exceed 60,000.

The price of chicken bean curd is also not expensive.

The main thing is that the amount is not large.

However, Jiang Feng was also quite satisfied.

More than a thousand and less than a thousand, for Jiang Feng, the difference is indeed not big.

After washing the kitchen utensils, Jiang Feng took out the chicken and began to whip it.

Different amounts, as well as different chickens, put different amounts of egg white and cornstarch, are different.

1 minute 25 seconds.

The chicken is beaten into a paste, and the ratio and whipping time are still quite perfect.

Jiang Youyou was very curious, and grabbed Jiang Feng's leg: "Dad, let Youyou take a look!"

Jiang Feng held the wall breaker, squatted down, and let her take a look.

"Wow! It's like milk with some cheese!" Jiang Youyou thinks this chicken is very beautiful!

Jiang Feng smiled, put the minced chicken beside him, and boiled the water.

Boiled water and rinse into the minced chicken.

Skim off the foam.

Another pot.

Jiang Feng put in the chicken broth.

This is the chicken soup that was boiled in the morning, and it is not used up, it can be saved, and it has no effect on the taste.

The aroma of chicken begins to spread throughout the store.

Jiang Youyou swallowed his saliva.

She finally got hungry.

This one seems to be better than she thought!


Chicken bean curd is cooked.

The base soup has also been hooked.

Jiang Feng put a few green vegetables in the soup and put a large piece of chicken bean curd on the plate.

If you eat it yourself, you don't need to divide so many portions, just eat a whole piece of chicken bean curd!

After it is done.

Rong Shuang walked over and brought the chicken bean curd to the table.

Jiang Feng took two servings of glutinous rice chicken, fried garlic and oily wheat, and then sat down.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang were already very greedy, but they still waited for Jiang Feng obediently.

"Alright, eat. "

Jiang Youyou hurriedly scooped up a small piece of chicken bean curd and put it on Jiang Feng's plate.

"Daddy eats first!"

"Husband eats first~"

Jiang Feng ate a small piece.

The taste was the same as Jiang Feng imagined.

The chicken broth is fresh.

The chicken bean curd is very tender.

The taste is also very good.

Seeing Jiang Feng eat.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang ate it.

They each scooped a piece of chicken bean curd and put it in their mouths, and then their eyes widened slightly.

"Daddy, this is delicious! Chicken can really make this taste!"

Jiang Youyou likes this taste!

"This is also very good!" Rong Shuang exclaimed.

She didn't eat much chicken bean curd, but she tried it twice, in the hotel, and the chef put it on the menu as a housekeeping dish.

One case costs 298 yuan.

At that time, she tasted it, and felt that it was a relatively valuable dish in the hotel.

After all, ordinary people really rarely can make chicken with that kind of texture.


The chicken bean curd I ate at that time was completely incomparable to what Jiang Feng made!

Jiang Feng's cooking is much more delicious!

Whether it's the texture, or the grasp of the taste!

It's all Jiang Feng far more than the hotel she ate at the beginning!

"Husband, how can you do everything so well?"

"Talent. "

"Woo, it's delicious, I love you!"

The three of them ate a large portion of chicken bean curd together.

Glutinous rice chicken is also eaten separately.

After eating.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang lay on the chair contentedly.

It's also so delicious.

Jiang Feng put away the dishes and chopsticks, and still checked the water, electricity, and gas as usual.

Confirm that there is no problem.


It's the happiest time of the day again!

As soon as you close the store, you don't have to think about anything today, and the rest of the time is free time!

As soon as I went out.

Two neighbors came over to say hello.

"Boss Xiaojiang, take some yogurt cubes, this is my sister's own cooking, eat a piece when you're hungry, it's pretty good." "

"The chicken bean curd you make is really delicious, and it's so insightful. "

Jiang Feng only took a few yogurt cubes and tasted them.


When the neighbors saw Jiang Feng, they were very enthusiastic.

"Boss Xiaojiang, are you going home?

"Have you finished eating that white strawberry last time? Is it delicious? Take some more! The plantation made by one of my comrades-in-arms is very cheap, just take it and eat it!"

"Boss Xiaojiang, this is barley tea that I made myself, if you don't dislike it, take some and drink it." "

Barley tea was given by Uncle Liu.

He really didn't have a lot of money, so after thinking about it, he specially fried some barley for Jiang Feng to soak in water and drink.

Barley is good for the spleen and good for Jiang Feng's body.

Jiang Feng accepted the things given by Uncle Liu and expressed his gratitude: "This is good, soak some water to drink, and your stomach is comfortable." "

Uncle Liu was very happy and very comfortable.

What he gave Jiang Feng, Jiang Feng accepted it, and he was quite happy, he was really happy.

Got to the front of the car.

Jiang Feng was carrying two cantaloupe, a jar of barley, about two catties of white strawberries, and a seedless small watermelon.

In addition to these, there are also cigarettes, wine, and tea to bring to Rong Lijun.

In fact, the neighbors still want to feed it again.

Jiang Feng's popularity is really good.

However, Jiang Feng said that he couldn't take it, so he pushed off some of it.

Pack things up.

The three of them drove home.

The sun is still setting in the sky.

It's a bit hot outside.

The air conditioner was turned on in the car, and a song "Red Ling" was played.

A family of three, all very relaxed.

Soon, Jiang Feng went back to the underground parking lot, parked the car, and took them upstairs.

Rong Shuang still went back to her side first and went to take a shower.

As soon as the door opened.

Tang Hemei rushed out again.

But this time she had a long memory, and when she passed by the coffee table, she deliberately made a detour.

"What's delicious today?!"

"Chicken bean curd, and glutinous rice chicken. "

"Wow!?Chicken bean curd?!Your husband can even do this?!"

Tang Hemei was shocked.

She spent some time in Sichuan and Chongqing and ate local chicken bean curd.

It's all very good.

She tried to do it at the beginning.

But with her level, it's just at the stage of trying.

It's not like that.

Using the tutorial method, one-to-one comparison, the result is chicken bean curd, and what she makes is chicken meatballs.

It's really hard to get a good grasp of this ratio.

"Quick, give me a taste!"

Tang Hemei was very curious about what level Jiang Feng's chicken bean curd was made.

Open the lunch box.

A rich aroma of chicken soup came to the face.

Tang Hemei looked down and exclaimed again: "It's actually done so well!"

From the outside, it is impeccable.

And the taste of this chicken soup is very fragrant as soon as you smell it!

She took a bite.

Took another bite.

It's so delicious that you don't want to talk!

Rong Shuang smiled and said, "You eat slowly, I'll go take a bath first." "



Rongshuang came out of the shower.

Tang Hemei has already eaten the chicken bean curd and a whole serving of glutinous rice chicken.


"Your husband is really, this craft is amazing!"

"How good his talent must be? Everything is so delicious!"

"I really feel like I've gained two pounds again, aren't you fat?"

Rong Shuang smiled and said, "I'm not fat. "

"Tsk, you husband and wife are both bad people, and you make things so delicious, but you don't grow meat after eating, and all the meat grows on us. "

"My husband is not a bad person. "

Tang Hemei was speechless.

The husband is really good.

Rong Shuang herself was said that there was nothing to do.

But as long as Jiang Feng is said, this protector is called a fast!

But that's what the husband looks like.

"Have you made an appointment with your dad to meet?" asked Don Hemei.

"No, he's still busy in meetings. Rong Shuang's expression turned cold again.

When Rong Lijun was mentioned, she was in a very bad mood.

Tang Hemei comforted: "Don't be too nervous, it's a big deal that the time comes." "

Rong Shuang raised her eyebrows: "Are you comforting me?"

"I'm doing psychological construction for you, and that's the worst way to go. "

"Phew. I'll go first. "

"Go ahead, find your little husband. "

Rong Shuang went out and arrived at Jiang Feng's house.

As soon as I saw Jiang Feng and Yoyo on the sofa.

Rong Shuang, who was not in a good mood just now, recovered in an instant.

"Husband, baby girl!"

She sat on the sofa, hugged Youyou, and grabbed Jiang Feng's arm.

"Hey, baby mommy hug!"

Jiang Youyou hugged Rong Shuang with his backhand.

The three of them sat on the couch and watched two episodes of Conan.

8:20 a.m.

Jiang Feng turned on his phone and looked at the situation of the new store.

The number of customers in the store is gradually decreasing.

The kitchen has sold out.

This is when business gets better and better, and things will sell faster and faster.

The final sales amount has basically been decided.

Jiang Feng opened the bank app and took a look.

Today's sales of the new store are 193,544 pieces and 9 cents!

More than you could have imagined!

When Jiang Feng was in the morning, he only had 170,000.

As a result, the business of one day went straight to 190,000!

The new store alone is about to break 200,000 sales!

Jiang Feng's net profit today has also increased a lot.

The new store plus its own store has a total net profit of 110,000 yuan!

Single-day income of 110,000!

At this rate of income, Jiang Feng will need 30 days to buy his current store!

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang looked at Conan intently, and did not ask about specific sales.

They didn't care, either.

Anyway, just follow Jiang Feng, how much money they make, they love Jiang Feng very much.

After Jiang Feng looked at the income, he still carefully checked the hygiene situation, and also looked at the attitude of the clerks when they were about to close.

Chasing customers is a big taboo.

Especially when the store is about to close, the clerks are hungry for a long time and want to eat quickly.

At this time, it is easy for guests to feel driven away.

Basically, the guests who are driven out will not come back a second time.

The employees in the store didn't know that Jiang Feng was looking at them.

Even if there are only a few guests left, they are still chatting.

The clerks were not in a hurry, they cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks next to them first, and did not rush to mop the floor.

Jiang Feng arranged it, and they all did it.

The clerks were very serious about their work before.

Now that they are divided into two shifts, their work intensity has been reduced a bit, and they are naturally more patient.

Not bad.

Jiang Feng was in a good mood.

By this standard, a new store can make money for a long time!

Put down your phone.

Jiang Feng completely relaxed.

Youyou crawled into Jiang Feng's arms.

Rong Shuang took Jiang Feng's arm and stuck to Jiang Feng.

watched less than half an episode.

Jiang Youyou fell asleep in Jiang Feng's arms.

Jiang Feng smiled, carried her back to the room, and put her down.

Rong Shuang lay down, looked at Jiang Feng on her side, and asked, "Husband, can we go and get the certificate?"

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