seven days ago.

Naruto, who just got the wind-controlling sword, was very satisfied.

However, he could not find anyone in Konoha who could teach him swordsmanship.

Kakashi may be able to, after all, in the original work, during the Fourth Ninja War, he took Zabuza’s decapitating sword and used it well.

Naruto knew that ordinary sword skills might not be suitable for him, so he planned to take a wild approach first…….

Shadow Clone Technique!

No training, just actual combat.

On the training ground, the shadow clones were holding wind-controlling swords. After choosing their opponents, they started to fight each other, and the fight was very exciting.

It doesn’t matter if the shadow clone is injured and dies.

After all, those who are struck by the Wind Royal Sword will either die or be disabled!

Shadow clones kept being destroyed, and his body kept creating new shadow clones. He just relied on actual combat to figure it out…….

In seven days, Naruto’s Beast Style Sword Technique was revealed for the first time.

It is a kind of sword technique formed by opening and closing, being vicious and cunning, and combined with the five Vajra seals – when fighting, it is like a ferocious tailed beast running wild!

For example now——


【Select the system and start!】

【What can you do in the face of the extremely dangerous Orochimaru?……】

[Defeated] Defeated by Orochimaru and escaped successfully (Reward: Chakra Control +100)

[Draw] Fight with Orochimaru, no matter the outcome (Reward: Nin/Physical/Illusion +100)

[Forced to retreat] In this battle, Orochimaru was forced to retreat (reward: Blood Successor +400)

[Kill] Kill Orochimaru (Reward: Illusion +1000)

The reward given by the system shows how powerful Orochimaru is.

Even a simple defeat will result in a 100 point reward.

But this was not what Naruto was pursuing.

There is no need to think about killing.

But if there is a tie or even a forced retreat, you can indeed fight for it!

Once you reach this point, you must go all out.

Facing Orochimaru, Naruto attached the”Vacuum Blade” to the wind-control sword, superimposed enough sharpness on it, and jumped out!

Chakra burst + jumping chop!

Without saying a word, Orochimaru opened his mouth and spit out his sword.

Naruto was in mid-air, unable to turn.

It’s a good opportunity to attack!

The Kusanagi sword stretched out and stabbed Naruto’s vitals…….But he saw the Vajra Blockade pop out of his body and plunge into the ground!

Dig into the ground and hold on tight.

Then he pulled hard as fuck!

Naruto fell to the ground at an extremely fast speed, avoiding the direct thrust of the Kusanagi sword, and then ran like a gecko on the ground, raising the sword.

Straight forward and very fast.

Orochimaru used his experience to predict and avoid in advance. His eyes were sharp and his heart was cruel, and he sneered:”There are too many flaws!”

Then, while retracting the Kusanagi sword, he shot out the kunai with his other hand! Go straight to the vital point of Naruto’s neck!

You little devil, this is your weakness.

A wide-open attack is not suitable for ninjas.

In sage mode, the speed and strength are even better than mine, but the battle of ninjas is not based on the panel…….Am I super?!

Then he saw the second Vajra Seal push out and wrap around his neck.

It directly deflected Orochimaru’s kunai.


Is this how King Kong Blockade is used?

No wonder you kid didn’t use it to lock people up!

Naruto continued to attack fiercely, and the sword and Kusanagi sword fought head-on! The latter is indeed made of the strongest material. Faced with the ridiculous sharpness of the Yufeng Broadsword, it can even give it a good fight.

But the huge power and the weight of the wind-controlling sword.

He can suppress Orochimaru repeatedly.

He doesn’t care what he is trying to do. As long as you dare to take it, you will take the wind-controlling sword, and a slash similar to a vacuum wave will follow!

This forced Orochimaru to muster up his energy and move around.

Fighting a war of attrition?

The most fearless thing in immortal mode is consumption!

Nourished by natural energy, his physical strength was endless. The more Naruto swung his sword, the smoother he became, feeling extremely relaxed.

And what about Orochimaru?

All he felt was a headache!

A single slash on Naruto’s side would reveal a dozen flaws all over his body! But once Orochimaru launched a sneak attack, Naruto would either use King Kong Blockade as armor defense, or use King Kong Blockade to pull his body to change direction…….

It can be retreated or defended, and it is extremely comprehensive.

If Uzumaki Village could use King Kong Blockade so smoothly, why would it be exterminated?

As the body abandoned defense and dodge, its attacks would naturally be greatly enhanced. Under Naruto’s relentless pursuit like a mad dog, Orochimaru was actually forced to retreat…….

This circle lasts only a few minutes

“Latent Shadow Snake Hands!”

Finally seizing the opportunity, Orochimaru used ninjutsu.

Several snakes came out of his sleeves and wrapped around Naruto’s body at extremely fast speeds, trying to imprison his hands…….

You know, this move can even restrain the berserk Jugo.

With the power of this yellow hair, he will definitely not be able to break free – poof!

In the blink of an eye, several long snakes were chopped into several pieces!

This move that Naruto used instinctively was not a ninjutsu.

But a simple wind attribute chakra cutting!

The changes in his nature after nine years of hard training allowed him to erupt from all parts of his body with chakra capable of cutting through steel!

The latent shadow snake that Orochimaru carefully raised was very resistant to pulling, but it succumbed to the sharp cutting.

This scene made Aunt Snake’s eyes wide open.

No, are you sick?

Why do you insist on changing the nature of chakra? If you have this skill, why not learn hundreds more ninjutsu!

Do you think you are a samurai from the Iron Kingdom?

No, even samurai don’t carry one like this!

Resisting the urge to curse, Orochimaru continued to move around to avoid and deflect Naruto’s attacks, while his mind was thinking at high speed…….

This Heavenly Curse Seal, I will plant it for Sasuke no matter what!

If you want to take action against Sasuke, you must get rid of the Nine-Tailed Imp.

So, what method should be used to deal with him?

Orochi Usage Technique, Reincarnation in the Dirty Land, Channeling Ten Thousand Snakes, Yamata no Jutsu……Want to use it? it’s here! Right now!

“I still did my homework.”

Suddenly, Naruto’s voice sounded:”Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, a teammate of Teacher Jiraiya, and a rebellious ninja of Konoha…….”

He smiled and said,”Guess, when did I discover you?”

“Guess again, how long will it take for Konoha’s elite and the Third Hokage to get here?”

As soon as these words came out, Orochimaru’s expression changed.

It was not shock or fear, but……laughing

“You are threatening me, why?”

“There is only one reason, and that is……You are afraid!”

In an instant, Orochimaru caught the flaw in Naruto’s words.

It cannot be denied that he probably reported it to Mr. Sarutobi. After all, this kid’s shadow clone technique is very good…….

But is it necessary to tell yourself?

To intimidate the enemy is to achieve the goal.

He told me this information because he wanted me to……Retreat?

Orochimaru thought about it. He didn’t know Naruto’s system options, so he naturally thought about Naruto’s behavior rationally…….

Is the immortal model defective and unsustainable?

Or is it because of other reasons that you want me to leave quickly?

Either way is fine.

Orochimaru had already scratched his finger, formed a seal during the taijutsu battle, and then slapped it hard on the ground!

Spiritualism·Ten Thousand Snakes!

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