Wan She, Orochimaru’s contracted psychic beast, is an out-and-out top psychic beast.

What is the top psychic beast?

It has a body that is no less than that of a tailed beast, huge chakra, and extremely powerful strength. Overall, it is equivalent to half a tailed beast.

Such a big purple snake appeared in the Forest of Death, and Naruto’s face was stiff…….

Aunt Snake, you are a human being!

You fucking beat up a 12-year-old child and you still have to channel all kinds of snakes?

I don’t even need to show my face anymore!

“Orochimaru, old rules……”

“Remember to prepare a hundred human sacrifices for me later!”

As soon as the purple giant snake appeared, he made a villainous statement that was absolutely unreasonable!

And Orochimaru smiled and said:”Don’t worry, there will be as many sacrifices as you want in the future.”

This stupid speech is also the best for villains.

It is not difficult to imagine how many people Orochimaru has sacrificed since his debut to appease the psychic beast Wan Shen…….

Look at the battlefield again.

According to the process, after Orochimaru channels all the snakes, the enemy will be intimidated by its huge size and coercion; then, one person and one snake will talk and laugh without taking human life seriously, reflecting his powerful oppression and evil.

However, Naruto did not follow the process.

The moment the two of them finished speaking, the ball that Naruto was secretly rubbing suddenly enlarged and turned into a fucking huge jade rasengan!

From bottom to top, he pressed Wan She’s head hard – looking at the original work, facing the super-large Jade Rasengan, even the Nine-Tails had to use its tail to resist, and did not dare to take it forcefully.

Although Wan Snake is theoretically equivalent to half a tailed beast.

But its target is the shame of tailed beasts like one-tailed and three-tailed.

When this magic came upon him, the latter reacted quickly, quickly raised his head and took out his tail to resist……

Good news, it blocks it!

Bad news, its tail is gone!

The moment the super-large Jade Rasengan was pressed up, the apex predator of Longdi Cave screamed like a little girl…….


The whole snake was pushed hundreds of meters away on the spot by the huge impact!

It was pushed horizontally, smoke and dust were everywhere, and trees collapsed. The blood exploded and spread like a bloody rain.

All the snakes wailed and cursed Orochimaru. Suddenly, it turned into smoke on the spot and returned to Longdi Cave…….

Orochimaru witnessed this scene and was almost speechless.

(Super large jade spiral pill……)

(Jiraiya, you really dare to teach anything!)

He recalled the powerful ninjutsu from before, compared it with this Rasengan, and immediately discovered the similarities between the two.

In other words, the Rasengan developed by that boy Minato Namikaze……

Have you been finished by this demon fox brat?

What a terrible talent.

It’s a pity that it’s a Jinchūriki who denies that this boy named Uzumaki Naruto will also become a candidate for his own immortal reincarnation!

Back to the battlefield, Wan She was seriously injured at the beginning, with a large section of his tail broken off, and he was bleeding profusely…….

Orochimaru looked excited.

Using such a powerful ninjutsu is not an easy task.

You showed your flaw – in the blink of an eye, his body turned into a noodle man, and he walked up to Naruto in an instant with a Kusanagi sword in his hand. He saw sweat on his forehead and was falling freely…….


The Kusanagi sword stretched out and hit Naruto’s body.

It penetrated directly through his chest!

“it’s over.”Orochimaru said with a smile.

The next moment, Naruto exploded.

Aunt Snake’s smiling face immediately stiffened.

Shadow, shadow clone?

Is there any mistake, shadow clone in sage mode?

Can this be done?

Yes. You know, if you want to maintain the sage mode, you need a lot of chakra……In the original book, Naruto could only maintain two sage shadow clones when he was in sage mode.

“Got it!”

A familiar voice sounded.

But in the smoke after the shadow clone exploded, the wind-control sword suddenly transformed into a human form, and then a Rasengan formed instantly, and then covered Orochimaru’s body – blocking the Rasengan!

No. He didn’t want to rub a big one, but in that moment of less than a tenth of a second, he could only rub the most ordinary one…….Senju Rasengan.

Yes, it was the immortal shadow clone who attacked Wan She before.

Naruto’s body turned into a wind-control sword, which was held in the hand by the shadow clone…….The former lures the enemy, and the latter sneaks attacks, perfect coordination.

With one successful blow, Orochimaru fell to the ground like a meteorite.

A few meters in radius turned into a spiral pit.

Orochimaru’s software was also under the influence of the Rasengan, and his whole body almost spun around…….

For more than ninety-nine percent of ninjas, it is a fatal injury.

However, Naruto did not dare to be careless.

He took off the wind-controlling sword from his back and fell from the air. The sword violently chopped Orochimaru into two pieces.——

——not good!

Naruto was not the least bit happy to see that he had succeeded.

Instead, he was so frightened that he took three steps back and swung out more than ten meters away.

Sure enough, Orochimaru, who was divided into two parts, turned into a bunch of snakes.

Snake stand-in? Or a snake clone?

With Sage Sense fully activated, Naruto instantly found his true form——

“Very vigilant. Orochimaru

‘s voice sounded from beside the spiral pit, and then he emerged from the soil:”It’s not easy to achieve the victory. Normal ninjas should be ecstatic, but you don’t like it and retreat.”……”

“Ahem……I don’t know how you developed such a cautious character…….Ahem!”

While speaking, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

No, I could n’t hold it in anymore. I didn’t dodge the Rasengan just now, and my body suffered internal injuries.

Coupled with Sasuke’s explosive punch, it actually had some impact, but I’m just suppressing the injury myself……

After all, the Orochi Style Substitution Technique consumes a lot of chakra.

Ignoring what the other person was saying, Naruto was able to avoid this trap entirely because of his understanding of the original work…….He believed that Orochimaru would not belch so easily in his prime, so he avoided it.

Now the Immortal Sense is fully activated and the body is repositioned.

Then I started to feel confident again!

“Ahem, quick decision……This chakra is wrong!”

Orochimaru’s expression changed as he was about to continue fighting.

He looked into the distance, frowning, and then relaxed:”Unexpectedly, the demon fox kid really didn’t lie…….”

It’s Sarutobi Hiruzen’s chakra!

There is also a group of chakras that are not weak, they should be the ANBU elites.

It’s just that it shouldn’t be.

How long will it take to leave the Forest of Death and go to the Konoha Hokage’s office? Can the shadow clone of the demon fox kid run so fast?

“Kid, you’re lucky”

“The things I want should be stored in Konoha first.”

“After a while, I will come to pick it up!”

Orochimaru bowed while speaking. I don’t know what ninjutsu he used, but his lower body turned into a snake’s tail.

Suddenly, with a sudden flick – he retreated in a straight line at a faster speed than before..Naruto was shocked:”Don’t leave!”

He formed seals, and the Vacuum Jade erupted one after another, but missed.

Under a hail of bullets, Orochimaru quickly retreated.

Naruto thought that this could not be considered a draw.

It should be considered that I defeated you!

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